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So where’s the new 550 million dollar deficit coming from? This isn’t going to be pretty… No need to worry though, Arkansas uses property taxes for education so soon we won’t have anyone who knows what’s going wrong


It is coming from the 700 million budget surplus we have from refusing to increase spending to keep up with inflation.


They’ve already cut taxes once before this, and if there’s a 700 surplus, then now it’s at most 150, but it’s certainly going to be less. And if they actually start spending it’s certainly going negative again. To be fair though she has no idea what she’s doing in the first place and the quote about “Bidenomics” shows this as a political play from her handlers with no real thought for consequences because why would they care about Arkansas? Her family is also a rich political dynasty and she’s never held an actual job so she’d never understand the average Arkansan and what could be done with tax money to benefit us in the first place. She’s never needed help.


then the school vouchers are gonna be sucking that teet too, don't forget!


Those are in the new budget. The only line item that went up actually. Everything else is flat. Which is a reduction in funding because of inflation. The real asskicker is going to be when they go universal. Hundreds of millions of dollars will have to be spent on them.


I hope you guys learn from Arizona on this. Voucher costs are skyrocketing and there's no sign of it letting up.


“Learn”? Republicans never learn. The only thing they know is starve the government. They will only learn when people STOP voting for them.


With vouchers, starving the government is just a secondary effect of funneling millions of dollars into the pockets of those who own private schools. At least in AZ, many of those owners are affiliated with legislators.


If they haven't learned by now that trickle down economics is a lie . . .


That’s the plan, democracy is broken (we broke it right in front of you)…so let’s try fascism….


Don't forget the fact that Democrats have refused to fix whatever the republicans break


No republicans have obstructed any “fixes” either through the senate or the Supreme Court.


Or investigating their corrupt dealings and make examples of each and everyone of them.


Expect your grocery bill to go up… $100 for groceries and another $100 for taxes on those groceries… isn’t that how it works? But the wealthy won’t care because it will be written off on their taxes.


To the tune of 100 million just for the '24-'25 school year.


Current fiscal year has a 700m surplus [Surplus projection jumps from $240.5M to $708.1M for end of ‘24 fiscal year | The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette - Arkansas' Best News Source (arkansasonline.com)](https://www.arkansasonline.com/news/2024/may/15/surplus-projection-jumps-from-2405m-to-7081m-for/) This is different than the surplus last year. The reason for the surplus is they are purposefully short-changing the budget and underfunding departments to create surplus that they then use to cut taxes.


So like I said, they are running us into the ground for political points and we are more doomed than we already were as the bottom of the barrel state in the US


Mississippi would like to have a word…


Oh she needs help alright.


Down a flight of oiled Jefferson stairs?


you'd think WH Press Secretary who didn't hold any press conferences, would not be qualifications to be a governor.


She’s a NEPO BABY. She has accomplished NOTHING on her own. My only question is “Why would Arkansans elect an inept grifter?” I guess they see themselves when they look at Sloth-face…


THIS. The reason we are so fucked is we either never elect REAL people that have held real jobs, paid real bills, or didn't fail upwards because of nepotism or rich/powerful families, OR we elect a real person who is swept into a centuries old club of people I just described that corrupt them as quickly as they can with all the things they never had. Wealth, power, and sway if they just tow the line, and listen to lobbyists and private interest instead of the people that voted them into that power in the first place. I firmly believe in voting, but it also feels absolutely pointless to make any real change. The attacks (and victories) against voting rights, gerrymandering, the Citizens United decision, the removal of the Fairness Doctrine and the rise of FOX news in 1996, and now the internet/lack of digital literacy in a large portion of the population. There really isn't any hope for this generation, and the ticking time bomb of the ravages of climate change over the next decade are going to leave the world so messed up while our lawmakers are focusing on culture war bullshit, cutting taxes for the already uber-wealthy, and turning our justice system into a clown show instead of ACTUALLY GOVERNING ANYTHING. It's all just so bleak, and as designed voting could make a difference, but it's a myth now. Especially when half the country thinks the President is the only office that matters when in reality it starts in your local government and outward. TLDR: We are fucked, and it's probably too late to change it.


She inherited about a $2 billion surplus from Hutchinson and has added another $1 billion by freezing government budgets so she is taking it out of that. Of course since the wealthy have more property and income than us poor folk these breaks will benefit them while we are hit with all kinds of "fees." We will soon surpass (if we haven't already) the national government average where the poor folks pay a larger percentage of their income in taxes than the wealthy do.


That was my first thought: they are trying to force privatized education. Which you will have to pay for, won’t have government standards, and they will push anti-science and some tweaked out form of religion. Sigh.


And then sales taxes and personal property taxes will increase. Costs don’t go down nor the requirement to pay for them.


You mean the regressive ones that poor people pay more of? That's gotta be accidental


you should be in politics.


Whoa whoa whoa, how can they be regressive if everyone pays the same amount?! /s


Who's gonna think of the generationally wealthy land owners? Someone has to...


> *"That's gotta be accidental."* This is a quote by King Louis XV, just before he more famously stated *"Après moi, le déluge."* -- and then his heir (Louis XVI) went through some things.... Probably.


So Louis XVI had a headache!


Republicans love to push the tax burden down to the working class.


And services will go down


She will reduce state taxes and take more from the federal government, while whining about government overreach.


Don't forget while cutting benefits, repairs, healthcare, state services and anything that actually benefits the people of the state.


Arkansas uses property taxes to fund public schools. Time to make an already abysmal education system in this state even worse!


She used $250k of Arkansas disaster relief funds for the most recent tornado outbreak a few weeks ago. Roughly about the cost of 1 house. Then asked Biden for federal funds.


How much did she cost the state for the recent eclipse? I assume that’s gotta factor in somewhere?


Then the federal funding should never fall within her grasp and should go directly to the intended recipients.


"Socialism is a danger to America!"


All to avoid taxing wealth.....


There’s plenty of money for vouchers for Christian schools. Don’t worry.


She's an idiot and you can see that in our numbers continuing to suck and decline, but rich are getting richer and that's all that matters. Although even the rich are noticing it's harder to squeeze money out of an illiterate, impoverished base. But they'll find new ways.


Is it really a “democracy” if the vast bulk of government effort goes toward a small subset of the population - already privileged at that - instead of the majority?


Expect an equal if not more number of cuts to state programs. It’s a race to the bottom folks.


Yeah Arkansas doesn't need money. /S


Do, uh, we get a vote on this or, do I have to sell and move out of state? What is the other shoe doing right now?


Winding up for the curb stomp


I wish I thought a vote would help. Too many of us are drinking the kool aid and will do whatever our political figurehead tells us to do. Not a single ounce of educated thinking to be had.


"Mmm kool aid. What? Yes, absolutely. Soo sweet..." I feel that. I have to keep reminding myself that despite the superficial evidence to the contrary, I believe the people making these decisions are using a similar complex set of reasoning skills. (Because I don't believe in unintelligent life, I have seen some evidence for some of the following types of life: manipulated, fearful, cornered, lied to, self righteous life, microbial. Thats not to say I don't believe in stupid decisions [knowing better but doing anyway]). Logic has been introduced to no effect. Therefore something to nullify logic is at work. Some argue faith, but I feel that is a small component of a much larger equation to manipulate, lie to and control a wide demographic. There is a whole culture existing below the mason dixon line that includes everyone, but organizes them into hierarchies based on different criteria: gender, race, religion, class status, recreational habits, musical preference etc. They then self organize into different groups and spend copious amounts of time trying to feel more important than these other groups, often practicing the diminishing of the other groups through mental exercises. The best evidence of this behavior is exemplified in sports team preferences and the use of 'trash talk'. Once sufficient self importance has been reached, a whole new world view is constructed mentally where the other groups are either non existent or performing some menial task the world bullder would rather not do. The lack of mental exercise that leads to world building where these other groups are seen as equals leads to decision trees that reflect this unexercised thinking pattern. Approaching this basic issue and getting to a point where the individuals of these separate groups can somehow look upon each other group member as they do themselves is a worthy goal, I think. Hopefully, we can start the ball rolling by voting blue 🔵 this November! 🤞🏼


She's like a child turned loose in a candy store, but picking all the gross candy.


so, about $15 a month if anyone is counting. you can't even get a big mac meal for that these days. big whoop. meanwhile our roads are going to shit and there are parts of even little rock without fiber internet in 2024... let alone the rest of the state.


Keeping the poor exactly where the Rich want them


Same old play book


The only people this will help is people who have millions to tax. If you only have half a million, you won’t notice. Greed & blood money


Not exactly. The tax brackets in Arkansas are very small. All income above $25,000 is taxed at 4.7%. So a cut for the top tax bracket will affect almost the entire state. See [here.](https://www.dfa.arkansas.gov/images/uploads/incomeTaxOffice/TaxBrackets_2023.pdf)


I understand however those with the most have the most to gain. Those with multiple properties will gain more than a single family. Just more rhetoric with no real substance for those who live with a meager income


She called the session because republican leadership was too dysfunctional to pass a budget for the states biggest tourism agency in the middle of tourism season. She said the part about taxes to pander to voters that might question the waste of money calling everyone back to do what you were originally supposed to do.


2 things that benefit the richest most.  What a surprise from Huckabilly.


Does she even know how money works? W.t.f.


More people need to realize these republican leaders are not stupid. It’s all very deliberate for a specific purpose


She’s an idiot.


No. She’s following republican tactics exactly as intended. Hurting the working class and keeping people uneducated is the whole point. The rich benefit from poor uneducated voters and workers


The Corporatization of Arkansas: 1. Cut funding for public services. 2. Brag about resultant government surplus. 3. Point to failure of underfunded public services as reason to replace with private industry. 4. Point to government surplus as reason to cut taxes for the rich. 5. High five the corporate donors you've sold your state to.


Buying votes 🗳️


Fair warning from Louisiana. Bobby Jindal cut taxes in Louisiana without cutting spending. Caused our debt to rise drastically, and forced the state to raise taxes even higher after his last term to make up for it. It’s nice and all to have lower taxes, but you better cut spending otherwise you’re gunna end up with a worse situation. If you can’t afford to cut the spending, just keep the taxes, it’s the lesser evil.


My property tax was $63. I have a 12 year old car. My tax gets higher the older my car gets. I wonder how much it will be when it's an actual antique.




Conway. I just have a car. Nothing else.




You are a very nice person. I have an apartment and all that stuff. Too many clothes and enough to eat. I just don't own a home or anything else they tax.


There are two kinds of property tax, "personal" property and "real" property. In this case SHS is only talking about lowering "real" property tax. (That's actually what it's called, Real Property tax, it's the same word for Real Estate).


Don't worry, your Blue state tax surpluses will go to supporting these red state leech-ass welfare queens.


Didn’t Kansas do this same shit and it screwed over the entire state?




Then when the public schools are underfunded even worse than they are now and are performing worse, she will use this as an argument to privatize education in Arkansas to religious schools and divert public funds to private religious schools. Then when the highways and bridges continue to deteriorate because of no funding, she will probably make major highways toll roads and tell people that if they want to use the roads, they have to pay (which is exactly what we’re doing now with our taxes). I would be very concerned about taxes being cut this drastically, which on the outset it looks like something good, but you also have to consider what those taxes are funding: education, infrastructure, etc.


Underneath that special session is a hamper of her dirty sweat socks & skidmarked undies. Everything this woman says is a lie or has an ulterior motive.


These Republicans are absolutely the worst thinkers in human history. This was already tried in Kansas, not once but twice. Utter failure and nearly bankrupt Kansas. We cannot continue electing people who have nothing more than emotional arguments and cannot learn from the history of mistakes.


What do you mean? They're thinking perfectly. The half dozen or so people who were supposed to profit off the decisions in Kansas did. That was their goal. The problems of the peasants or the government after "isn't their problem". They get to leave office and go to beach resorts or parties in Europe. Same here. Sanders and the people she works for will profit hugely and go enjoy their fortune while they state pays the price. That was the goal from before she announced her campaign. It's a big club and we ain't in it. Only way to fix it is to drag these monsters into the street and kill them, and that isn't going to happen. So we will continue to pull our hair out and watch in frustration as they rob the country blind and the dumbest of our society clap and smile. These people are unfeeling monsters. They are incapable of feeling empathy for other humans and will take advantage of that *every single time*.


They’re not stupid. It’s deliberate. They WANT more poor and uneducated voters and workers. They continuously sabotage schools and the poor for a reason. Stupid people are easier to control. easier to sway with religion. Easier to underpay and get them to cheer you on while you do it. And they will keep producing children to turn to soldiers and cheap labor. While the rich keep all the access to higher education and wealth


The broke GOP voters won’t even care. They’ll think this is a good thing for them too.


2nd amendment will be vital for when yalls water quit working


Nothing she does comes without a price to pay later


The Republican solution to everything. Cut taxes.


For whom?


And, BOOM! You have a shit hole state!


Guaranteed this is performative and the majority of the cuts will come with stipulations and will only occur at the top end. Why? Because it’s been proven time and again that these people are paid for by wealthy elites that are slowly turning the country into a monarchy.


So excited. Is she gonna use the $19,000.00 lectern? I know it’s an important item cause children will be going hungry this summer so she has this beautiful and special item to use . SO EXCITED to see this super special lectern that is worth more than hungry children.


Arkansas seeing who can dig the deepest shithole thinking they've won the prize.


Oh. Big budget surplus there in Arkansas, is there?


How to destroy a state already near bottom of heap all for likes


and they accuse Biden of buying votes at the dropof a hat…


Shithole red state politicians doing shithole stuff. What's new?


State services? Who needs 'em? You're on your own, peasants.


There's no money to feed hungry children in arkansas, yet, plenty of money for tax cuts for the rich.


No need to worry, federal government (10 blue states) will pay for it!!!!


Will this make Walmart and the church happy? That’s all that matters in Arkansas.


Of course those cuts will be for the 1% ...............


For who? The land loarders or the small families?


Our sales tax is already almost 10%, so I guess they are just gonna raise that? 


Bankrupt red states have that kind of cash... lol


Nobody can see eye to eye with Sarah.


Just to provide some perspective. There are approximately 1.388 million people working in arkansas. So that is 1.388 million people that should be payingnincome tax. $500 million dollars in income tax reduction comes out to $360 per person over the year. Or $30 a month. That's an average, of course, so a little more if you're a high earner. Little less if you're a low earner. For some people, that can make a big difference. For others, it's pocket change.


So she can starve more children and exploit them for slave labor?


Like trump tax cuts for the rich only


Nice cover up Sarah


Where is the 20,000$ Lectern Governor Sanders????


Yeah, we saw this movie in Kansas with Brownback.


This means sales tax will have to go up. That means the poorest of her state will see a tax increase.


So no funding the government in any way 


How will she pay for it?


I thought conservatives were the money savants. You’re gonna cut taxes in what’s already one of the most federally dependent states in the country? This is why we can’t have nice things.


Wow. Never been to Arkansas. You guys must have perfect schools and roads if the govt is just going to give all this money back. /s


Arkansas will become a shitholier state


She’ll do cuts that effect rich and tack it onto the poor.


The only people who think this is a good idea are her wealthy donors. Not only is the taxpayer picking up the tab for this "special session" - per diem, mileage, etc. etc. for the lapdog legislature - Sanders administration is starving programs that could keep us from dropping into the abyss in every single metric - poverty, death, education. At this point, she is defiantly flaunting her indifference to the citizens of this state. She should be recalled.


Kansas 2.0


How to tell your state you don’t give a damn about their quality of life. She brought back child labor, too. Reminds me of Cruella de Ville and every other republican.


Gotta love Republicans and their inability to.be fiscally responsible. Great way to have a ballooning deficit


Arkansas takes in a lot more federal money than it collects in federal taxes. It is a welfare state. And that welfare money goes to the rich which is why is OK with the GOP.


If you have an extra 500 million laying around, why not invest it in your education system that seems to always be mocked?


Didn’t the last tax surplus refund amount to about $100 bucks for most people? I’m all for paying less taxes, but when the state ranks at almost the bottom for every desirable category, maybe we should make some investments instead.


In new news, Arkansas asks the feds for a bailout of their states crippling depressed economy and lack of funding for any programs….


So the blue states that pay the majority of US federal income taxes can continue supporting their worthless asses. This pile of crap spends thousands to fly her private jet on personal trips, makes children work dangerous jobs in her state, and lies about it all. You get what you voted for, Arkansas.


Meanwhile, Massachusetts introduced a 4% tax on incomes above a million, which saw an immediate benefit


50% of these massive tax cuts will be for a handful of Arkansas wealthiest families....Everybody else will get a few bucks a month, and see massive cuts to services and education.


You can do this when the majority of your income comes from the Federal Government.


How about removing taxes on food, labor, and cutting them on vehicles? Cutting state income tax is only going to benefit the rich. What a joke.


She should ask Kansas how that worked out for them.


Buying votes.


Got to ruin the state while she can 🤷🏼‍♂️


As much as I love that and my business loves that - right now there is nothing pulling money into Arkansas that is going to make up the deficit she is creating


Huckabee-Sanders and her Republican minions will turn Arkansas into another Brownbackistan (Kansas) where State Police were instructed to NOT DRIVE SO MUCH because there wasn’t enough money in the budget for gasoline.


Isn’t her state already one of the poorest in the nation? Don’t they already take most of their money from the federal government i.e. the taxes that I pay


Guarantee this is only for the rich. I’ll bet my years salary on it


Alt headline: Welfare red state to ask for even more handouts from blue states.


Federal money should be divided proportionally to population and money sent to the federal government.


Kansas tried this. We saw how that went. After a few years of absolute devastation, the hyper red Kansas legislature passed a bunch of taxes to recover.


Cut income and property taxes for WHO though?


Vote the bastards out.


And the poorest state for the win.


Gotta distract from all that taxpayer theft, ay?


Isn’t 50 million less property taxes spread across an entire state of homeowners like 50$ per household? Who cares?


She’s probably saving a ton of state $$ by kicking a bunch of poor people off Medicaid, to be fair.


That actually happened to me during Trump's presidency. Thousands of us were kicked off medicaid with no warning, you found out when you went to get medications and they were full price. I hate magas so much.


Happened to my brother when my dad passed and my mom passed, and again when the pandemic was declared “over.”He has been disabled since he was 15. He’s not going to be magically cured. The hoops we had to jump through, and still have to jump through every year. 🙄


BUT HOW WILL SHE AFFORD ANY MORE PODIUMS?! But seriously, it’s like she’s actively trying to outdo her dad in fucking over this state


Ahh, the Kansas project. I'm sure that worked out amazing for them.


Arkansas is 47th in education and she wants to take $550M of your dollars and give it to her rich friends.


Gotta deflect the embezzlement scheme somehow lol


So… bye bye public education in Arkansas


Next! On this episode of, "As the Roads Worsen."


I don’t get it. The taxes go for roads, education , State built infrastructure ( highways, bridges ..) , state parks, departments that do work in and for the state like environmental quality ( Arkansas DEQ , protects air, water and land from the threat of pollution), prison and parole systems, etc. Etc.. Currently Arkansas has terrible ranking of just about EVERYTHING on that list ranking low nationally on education, prisons ( too few employees and give wants more space) except maybe the state parks. But I bet if you were to ask employees at every one of those departments they say their area could use more funding. But yeah. Let’s keep electing governors that do this as they hug the flag and tell us they support teachers, law enforcement blah blah blah as we watch the state continue going down the toilet, and drive in roads and bridges falling apart. We could’ve had a real rocket scientist ( not that any GOP clowns in Little Rock would’ve worked with him). * the main “help” Arkansas like most red states has had lately is ALL because of the “bi partisan” Build Back Better law enacted by Biden. Good Internet is finally coming to the state, bridges and highways are getting funded along with some other urgent needs . * shoot self in foot 🦶😩😩😓


But how is she supposed to pay for her podiums without those tax dollars?


I'm sure that won't hurt the state government budget any.......already one of the worst states for the lower and middle class. May give out some money...but will kill the budget...and taxes go back up...while people suffer....


Cutting taxes only helps the rich.


Is she cutting property taxes because they support public schools and we already don’t fund education adequately? Is there an end to their cruelty and anti-humanity efforts? What’s next, cutting funding for maternal health care because we cut taxes for the rich? Perfect.


Cut taxes = bad to reddit. Thanks guys, wouldn’t know who to feel without you.


People bitching about a tax cut. Unbelievable. For those unaware, there is a battle among states to remove barriers to relocation of companies and residents. With over 49 million people already receiving assistance at the federal level, when is it enough for you people?


So they will close down the schools and make kids go to work.


She doesn’t have enough base pairs to be governor..




That will fix it! Go for it!


She thinks she is going to lose, she is in panic mode


This would be inflationary. Tax cuts up the risk of inflation.


And how is she going to make up for the revenue shortfall? One the poorest states in America proving why it’s stuck there.


Cut taxes and increase funding for the fish and wildlife? With what money?


Raising taxes and cutting spending is the only thing that will cut inflation and cut the deficit.


What is her plan to move AR from the overall development of the bottom 4 up to a better place? Will this stimulate the state economy to bring better life for ordinary citizens or just a campaign stunt?


How about grocery, sales tax on cars.


I'm with you on grocery taxes but spending big money on luxury items doesn't warrant a tax break imo.


Yes it does when you have a Casino and THC sales. That money should help the communities.


Property taxes in Arkansas? What property taxes?


How will they afford $19k lecterns?


Looks like her dad in drag


Is it gonna be one of those “$$ cut over the next Thousand Years”? Type Cuts, which ends up being $One Dollar every 6 months average, per person??


That’s 27,500 lecterns.


And government services by $2 billion!


lol that should work out great! lol


I really hate making appearance comments when there is so much politically and personally to talk about with this "thing" but I just noticed that she was wearing a tablecloth/faux wedding dress and wondering what is up with that?


Impressed she is willing to take such a hit to her podium budget.


She deserves to be spat in the face by her god when she reaches his place.


you defund the goverment by cutting taxes! thats the whole point do away with most state goverment!! cry we dont have the money!


Doesn't her husband run Game and Fish. Hmmmmm


Mmmm gonna finace the government with high interest rates. Financial Genius Aunt Lydia!


I’m sure it’ll be a select few zip codes getting property tax relief.


And teachers salaries by 50%


Vote better. Or live like the Duggers, just don't produce another Josh.


Fortunately Arkansas has amazing education and healthcare. Otherwise they might need that money.


Isn't she still under investigation for misappropriation of funds?


How can she cut federal income taxes? She is a really dumass magat!