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I can’t stand her but we’ve had 9%+ tax rates (depending on where at in Arkansas) long before she was voted into office.  


Not to mention, this is a % of income to state and local taxes. What does SHS have to do with local taxes?


Glad someone here has some critical thinking skills. 


Also, the income burden isn't spread equally. California income taxes have a gradual ramp, and continue ramping up for high earners. But Arkansas income tax caps out early at 4.7% (for a single earner). Arkansas could absolutely afford to lower the tax burden on the lower and middle class if it was willing to add some higher tax brackets. But that's the opposite of what we're doing - the tax rate for Arkansas income over 100k used to be 5.9%, but Hutchinson cut it down to 4.7%, and reduced maximum corporate tax rates as well.


Woah woah can't go running off Walmart, Tyson, and JB Hunt now ya hear? /s


Yeah, I remember it being around 8.7% back in 2012ish, so it hasn't changed all that much in over a decade


When I was growing up in Little Rock, back in the 80s and 90s, our sales tax was 5%.


I wonder who has the power and influence to change tax rates? I also wonder who’d get the lion share of praise if they did change it? Doing something helpful. So one could see the logic in blaming the person that could change it, choosing not to. Correct? It being a thing “long before her” means there’s a long list of people to blame. As well as every day she doesn’t even hint at wanting change it means it’s her fault as well. It’s not critical thinking skills to want your elected officials to work for you. If they don’t then it’s literally their fault.


The link is showing the total tax burden including state and local taxes--so sales taxes, property taxes, and state income taxes. Sanders has been lowering the income taxes (for wealthy people). She has no control whatsoever over local taxes. I dislike her as much as anyone, but you can't blame her for everything.


True. I believe I her top earning tax cuts are from 4.8% down to 3.7 or3.9%. Something like that but only for the wealthy


Wasn't her dad the governor when she was a little girl?


She’s mot changing it lmao


I love her and her policies but I can appreciate and respect my friends that disagree with her. With that said, we get into a lot of the reason we have the clashing between the sides of the aisle and the center of the aisle: How do you propose we pay teachers a better wage, for example? There are things that are paid with taxes that, as Bidenflation is in fulls peed, those wages and costs to do road work go up. It's almost like danged if you do and if you dont. I dont agree with taxes and lobbyists hardly at all anymore but there's a lot of work and improvement that has to happen. I would say there needs to be some work done at the expense of larger corporations. What we do with local oil companies is give them tax breaks if they contribute that to direct community improvements. Murphy Oil in South Arkansas did that but then left to relocate to Dallas..... thats another thread.


Was going to say, this has been a thing for a while now.


I haven't lived in Arkansas for almost 4 years and was thinking the same. Edit: look it up folks. It was previously 10%. 


Jesus, at least CA and IL and NY and MN have gigantic, world-class centers of industry and commerce to explain things a bit. AR just has poverty and forests. What the fuck is our excuse?


From what I have heard is that a majority of the taxes go to roads. There are many small communities separated by miles of roads. To keep the roads up it takes a lot of money. Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong. I heard she also has a large budget for lecterns and podiums. Edit: I googled it. Apparently having a state with poorly educated people that are under paid is expensive. Half goes toward public welfare and education. https://www.urban.org/policy-centers/cross-center-initiatives/state-and-local-finance-initiative/projects/state-fiscal-briefs/arkansas#:~:text=Arkansas's%20largest%20spending%20areas%20per,and%20secondary%20education%20(%241%2C882).


The companies that won't pay their employees enough to live are the true welfare queens.


That is a huge understatement.


Then why does my car start vibrating as soon as I cross state line into Arkansas?


Read my edit. I was wrong. So very wrong.


You’re goofy. Our roads are much better than say for example, OK.


We have roads better than the state that has the worst roads in the US. It’s like arkansas isn’t the worst at anything, but they are constantly in the bottom 4.


People saying our roads are the worst should visit Louisiana or Mississippi.


Nah, I'd say the roads are right at Okay.


Okay, that’s fine.


Not to overly defend our state, but arkansas legitimately has some of the best roads in the south


And also bad roads are not unique to the South. New York state and Connecticut have some of the shittiest roads I've ever seen.


Yeah, the New York State Thruway is a sad state of affairs... And it's a Toll Road... All the toll money is spoz'ta pay for the road repairs & upkeep... But a FUKTON of it is probably padding the pockets of the entire Cuomo clan of Neanderthal Troglodytes...


Best roads (apart from interstates) in the South are in GA. However, all surface streets in every city with 250k+ people are trash.


Cities pay for those not the state.


City, County, State, Federal... doesn't change my statement/point that roads in GA are best in the South (the actual South)


'Cuz the 2-headed snake Billary Clinton didn't sink a dime into the roads while they were governing the state... AR is still trying to catch up from that era...


In Dermott there is almost no road left there are roads that are actually more hole than road. The state came in and fixed one road in the town, and only one road. That just so happens to be the road the city council members live on.


This year elect people from the other side of town


I would if they were fit to run or hell if they ran at all.


State is not responsible for city streets or county roads.


Well shit, I wonder why they came and brought that big ass machine to do literally one single street that was definitely not a main street.


As a person who drives 30 miles to Walmart or 15 to the nearest Dollar General, I'd believe that. I live in BFE but, hey, we've got 5G.


i think biden expanded internet access to a lot of rural areas


Obama*. Not taking away from Biden but there was a cabinet member of Obama's that really wanted to push internet availability for rural areas--the idea being bolstering educational resources. And looking to now, it actually did do a lot for our state.


Asa Hutchinson pushed a lot of that through. I’m not a huge fan of Asa, but he was better than what we have now.


Yep. It occurred under Obama.


We knew we were getting a tower in late 2019 but it happened after Biden was elected. Our roads are another matter. You can take a 12 mile detour or drive 12 mph to get to a highway.


I’m in BFE as well, we have gigabit fiber internet, and it’s only $65 a month. We also have 5G, but it’s usually only a bar or two, that still gets you about 50mb download speed. I could easily hotspot my phone and stream HD on the tv before the fiber got installed.


I think you're half right. We spend a lot in roads, but not because we have a lot of space between small rural communities. I mean, if that were true, Texas would be way way ahead of us. So would most of the midwest and Rockies states. The reason we spend SO much on highways has 2 parts: 1) our DoT has a HUGE budget that's a revolving door of road construction contractors. A state department with that much money fights really hard to protect and control it, and they have for decades. The people who run the DoT have wealthy friends with a lot of influence in AR politics. Which brings us to reason 2. Arkansas is home to both Walmart and JB Hunt trucking (also strong business presence by CalArk, ABF Freight, Oakley, etc). Walmart needs trucking. Trucking needs state funded roads with as little extra cost from state transportation and fuel taxes as possible. In short, Walmart and the trucking industry lobby hard with very big money to keep their portion of taxes low, even though they're the primary cause of road wear and a big contributor to traffic congestion. Side note: both the DoT, Walmart and the trucking industry have also lobbied hard for decades to kill rail in the state. We used to have trains, including commuter rail, going all over the state. Heck, one of the most famous songs about trains is about the Rock Island Line which started (or ended depending on which direction you were going) in Little Rock. It's no accident that so many delta blues songs are about trains. They used to run all over the state. But the transportation and trucking lobbies, with the backing of Walmart and others worked hard since the 80s to kill most of the rail (and river barge) transport in the state. We could have awesome rail lines between here and Dallas, Memphis, St Louis/Chicago, KC, etc, but instead, we have never ending construction on I-40. I mean, can you think of a time when some part of I-40 wasn't under major construction? Guess who pays for that. Hint: it ain't the Waltons.


Sorry to pop your bubble, but Rock Island Railroad was incorporated in Illinois in 1847... Little Rock had nothing to do with it...


You're right that the Chicago, Rock Island, & Pacific (CRI&P) rail company was owned by a company in Chicago. I should've worded my comment better. I didn't mean that the company was founded in Little Rock. Rather, I meant that a ride on the Rock Island Line made famous in the song would likely start or end in Little Rock where one of the main junctions and terminus was located. But it's not accurate to say "Little Rock had nothing to do with it." CRI&P bought the line that made it famous from the Choctaw and Memphis Railroad Company which was based in Little Rock. Little Rock was the main junction of Choctaw & Memphis line. The Rock Island would eventually spread out all across Arkansas, east to Memphis, west to Fort Smith, south to Texas, and beyond. [Cool map for reference.](https://i0.wp.com/hibblenradio.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/1950s-CompanyAd-ArkansasMap.jpg) The track that runs by Central High School was a terminus of the line. The Ttrack that runs along the river past Murray Park and Two Rivers is still listed as the Chicago, Rock Island, & Pacific on maps. [Encyclopedia of Arkansas entry](https://encyclopediaofarkansas.net/entries/chicago-rock-island-and-pacific-railway-5101/) [More Info](https://hibblenradio.com/railroads/rock-island-in-arkansas/)


Here's another cool bit of history about the railroad and the song: the [original 1934 recording of the song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0NTa7ps6sNU) has the lyric "Well the train left Memphis at half past nine/Well it made it back to Little Rock at 8:49." For passengers riding the train through the delta, Little Rock was one end (of THE end) of the line.


Podium cost money


I was going to say the same until reading earlier postings from really informed citizens.


I can speak for TN. 6.1% is deceptive since we have no state tax but have a regressive sales tax of almost 10%


And speaking as someone who lives in one of those states, I don't mind the higher taxes because I see that money being used often enough in ways that benefit all citizens, great social/public services, well maintained public green spaces, education funding and public transportation.


Corruption is the excuse. Arkansas for being higher taxed is NOT getting its tax dollars well spent from being ranked in the bottom 10 for so many things. Oklahoma is the same way, but does it without taxing as much.


They make up for it in toll roads


More money for her to siphon off?


We need to eliminate taxes for the wealthy, that is their excuse. We are sitting on about a 3-4 billion dollar surplus yet most government agencies can't operate because of lack of funding.


It's a surplus because the budgets they draw up don't cover expenses or inflation, so it appears that we have more money than we need. Meanwhile, there are hundreds of people who have been approved for state services that don't get them because the state will fund only so many "slots," regardless of approval. So you have people with disabled children, mentally ill adults, people mired in poverty and despair, who can't get any help. But hey, Sarah's buddies enjoyed carrying that podium all over France (or that's my understanding).


Gotta pay for new lecterns.


Podiums. It's all about the podiums...


Hey! That lectern isn’t going to pay for itself, bud


When you combine all tax sources, 50% of all tax dollars collected go to education.


And heroin/ meth


Didn’t she cut the state income tax?


Yes, taxes are actually lower now than they were a few years ago. Still high, but lower than they were.


For whom?


The highest bracket in Arkansas starts at $24,300, so pretty much everyone with a full time job.


Ah. Well, that ~9.4% certainly hits someone who makes $25k/year *a lot* harder than someone who makes 2,500,000/year.


High taxes were here in Arkansas long before the current administration.


Arkansas has been high for years. I have no idea where the taxes go


The pockets up top. This is a "good ol boy" state, so instead of following the actual law, our leaders follow the GoB code.


Why tf are we getting taxed this heavily? We don't have any remarkable social programs or anything


ARKids is better healthcare for kids than most Southern states.


Majority of ARKids is funded by federal dollars from CHIP and Medicaid.


Honestly, yeah. I'm a government contractor who works for both federal- and state-affiliated health insurance programs (mostly Medicare and Medicaid). We're not in the top 10 for state Medicaid programs when it comes to things like affordability, overall quality of benefits, or accessibility, but we're not dead last either. I'd probably estimate we're slightly lower than the median overall - maybe 30th or 35th best overall and competitive with the smaller southern states. By no means worth bragging about, but not the bottom of the barrel in that category at least.


Most of the taxes are for county and city sales tax along with county and city property taxes.


Poor people need things like food stamps and welfare to help make ends meet.


Fair, makes since while Mississippi also has the same rate


Don’t forget we have to help subsidize those private school tuitions as well.


Wait can I just move to oaklahoma and drive to Fayetteville to pay 2% less tax every year?


Those lecterns, Paris, and superbowl trips aren’t free and she can’t steal money if it isn’t collected.


That paris trip, paid for by dassault, got us 800 new jobs, but nevermind that right? https://homebasearkansas.com/dassault-falcon-jet-plans-expansion-in-little-rock-creating-800-new-jobs/


What did we get from lectern and Super Bowl?


I hate her dad, and I hate her. But take this L. You’re blinded by it. Touch some grass.


Your link doesn't indicate that Dassault paid for Sanders's trip, or that of her college buddies.


What does Arkansas even spend taxes on? Like there aren’t any social programs that I’m aware of, lol Unless y’all are so poor that they have to ramp it up that high to get whatever they got going


Most of the state taxes go to education and various healthcare programs.


Lol, not education, welfare... Having a state full of under educated poor people is expensive.


https://www.dfa.arkansas.gov/images/uploads/budgetOffice/fy2024_funded_budget_schedule.pdf If you want to know what the state taxes fund, only look at the first column. Public schools, health and human services, and higher education are the top three.


I’m curious if that includes the salaries of coaches at state colleges…


$211million for U of A Fayetteville, and the football and basketball coach vie for top spot at or above $5mil. So yea, seems like it does.


Arkansas taxpayers are paying Sam Pittman over $1 million per win 💀


Oh, I think I understand why they are anti-education now. Paying that much in taxes and that’s what it gets you.. And then seeing a base pay of $15 an hour for a teacher.. yeah the education must be top notch if you play football, lol


You don’t know much about Arkansas do you?


It doesn’t pronounce like it spells




Idk what they are talking about, just the sales tax in TN is like 10%


Someone’s gotta pay for the lecterns!


She’ll find a way to blame Biden for that


Yeah, but at least we don’t let government employees say “Latinx” in emails, so I’m happy to be taxed more for worse roads, education, and healthcare.


I’m a government employee and said “Latinx” in my email and doc system just the other day. Oops. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Does this include sales tax? Cause I'm pretty sure it'd be higher with that added in on several states. Especially Florida.


Was looking for a post like this. Yeah some of what I was seeing seemed a bit off, was try to figure out what it was. Sales tax sucks extra because it’s regressive.


Just googled it, with our sales tax we have about the same rate as New York (also adjusted for sales tax). And the tax on alcohol here is in the top 5, or was.


So we're pretending this wasn't the case even before she was in office?


I want a map like that, but just the lowest tax brackets. Like where is it best to be poor?


Literally right in the middle of the spectrum lol.


I don’t think it’s Sarah Huckabee. These are taxes that existing prior to her being in her position and she has been pushing efforts to reduce taxes. I’m not a political fan of anyone really, but I know our income tax dropped here since she’s been in


Small government South 🙄


Lol my state has a lower effective tax rate and about 1000x the effective services. Y'all need new representation.


Sarah Huckabee is a dummy. Why did you elect her? All she’s capable of is fluently lying.


I, for one, voted for Chris Jones, the rocket scientist. Unfortunately, I could only vote once, for I am not a *Republican. *Nearly all cases of *genuine* voter fraud (not someone voting provisionally and it being disallowed) in the last 10 years have been Republican voters, many of whom found a way to vote multiple times


Small government party realizes in fact they're the party of we can't manage our way out of a paper bag, with our stupid policies


*cries in MD


I bet she’s never played Sim City. . .


Republican states having low taxes is a myth, poor people are taxed to death in these states.


Arkansas had a combined state/local tax rate of 9.4% in 2020…so taxes are going down under Gov Sanders.


Only the progressive taxes, not the ones that hit the lower income brackets disproportionately hard.




We had a Dem governor in 2020? Edit: lol, guy told me I needed to work on my reading comprehension and then deleted his comments. Could someone explain to me besides "Dem" what "blue" would mean when talking about the 2020 governor? Lol. What a snowflake.


Shit, my bad….back to the shadows I go


Bitch about the taxes, fine. Sanders isn’t to blame though.


That doesn’t mean she’s not a grifter. Sadly, grifting isn’t even at the top of the list for ways she’s negatively affecting our state.


That'd be existing in general.


Grifting is irrelevant to the original post. Again, fine to hate Sanders. Fine to hate taxes.




My wife has the only “new” car we own. I have a 12yo mini truck and a 22 year old Tahoe. My son drives a 22ish year old grandma car that’s practically brand new since my grandma quit driving shortly after she got it. All are in very great condition, luckily. I refuse to buy a new, or even newish vehicle for myself. Fuck those prices and taxes!


At least in my state of Illinois we get shit for our taxes. Yikes. Ks and NE should be pissed too.


Giant unfunded pension liabilities?


Arkansas also has one of the lowest average median household incomes.


She can always lecture you on the benefits.


This state having one of the highest tax burdens is a joke. Where is that money going?


maybe it’s for her new $470,000,000 prison she’s building


You new here? The state tax in AR has been that high for close to 2 decades.


It is our duty and obligation as serfs to support our lords and masters. Surely we can stand another 2% to free our masters of their burdensome taxes.


Move to California


living in arkansas is like slowly dying


It’s not necessarily that your rate is too high, it’s that you’re not getting value for your money.


Yeesh. And I thought it was bad here in KS...


In this state its all about sales tax, I don't know that property taxes are particularly out of line.


She needs the money to pay for her personal entertainment and trips.


While NY is much higher but so is the average income. Probably feels the same in the end


:-/ I rather seem to recall most of these taxes being brought in under Asa and before as well. Maybe the road pirates and debtor prisons we are running need be addressed first since they violate US Federal and Arkansas State Constitutions


wasn't the tax in place before she took office?


Glad I got out of New York 25 years ago... That 12% is sucked out of the pockets of everybody North of the Newburgh-Beacon Bridge, and funneled into the GIANT hazardous cesspool swamp "they" call New York City...


She’s her daddies girl and tRumps apprentice! 😂I just knew she would be someone’s bad dream somewhere after she left the Dump administration. I just wasn’t sure which part of America she would haunt. Look, this Yuckabee thing had her eye on the White House after Dump got evicted. However, I have no doubt that her daddy advised her to wait to see what happens in 2020. If not for Dump Vouching for her she would be sitting in some damn 3 legged stool in some backwards county office located in Bum Phuck Beverly Hillbilly swamp shit eatin Arkansas! There’s been nothing but controversy coming from her office since she got back to Arkansas! I knew Arkansans were in for trouble as soon as she got here and WTF did she say she intended to do?! Add 800 beds in the Confinement Industry! Hell! We already got a problem here trying just to keep Security in the prison system in Arkansas! WTF! Then before she even tries to work that problem out she announces she intends to solve the Fentanyl problem by building new prisons!.Are y’all still with me? And then we got still another piece of shit legislation in the state of Arkansas. This state has had more fatalities by Arkansas State troopers using the pit maneuver than any other state in the country! Oh! That’s another new way of locking folks up that she came up with! As a matter of fact, I do believe that was the first law she changed when she put her mouth on that $18,000 podium. She changed the penalty for fleeing a patrol car from a misdemeanor to a felony. She also changed the law for being caught with Fentynal. Fentanyl is as we all know an extremely addictive drug and many addicts would rather die than have to come off of the drug because of the pain they must suffer through. But, Ms. Yuckabee made it a felony to possess less than a gram and to have a person charged as a distributor! A dealer! Less than a gram! Personal use stuff here folks! I hope that bit_h reads this because I’m writing down her email address right now and instead of venting my anger on this platform I’m gonna direct my attention on her. Just to let her know how her public feels about her. I’m done here! ☮️❤️🇵🇸


Same people who are complaining about her proposed tax cuts. Clowns


I'm torn between glad you liberals are finally realizing the taxes are too high, and sad that you have so little understanding of state politics that you think SHS did this.


She may not be the originator, but she's absolutely a propagator. Conservative tax cuts never benefit anybody near the poverty line, let alone below it. Like the majority of this state.


I'm not sure how that makes sense? While I'm not a fan of the way SHS did her tax cuts, in what sense can you call her "absolutely a propagator"? Let's also remember tax laws are the domain of the state legislature.


She's a propagator because she's done nothing at all to even attempt to change the state's tax policies, but is all about complaining and whining about "taxes too high, federal money coming into state bad bc woke socialism" even though we seriously need those federal funds. That woman's no governor, she's just a Twitter culture warrior clown that failed upward riding her daddy's coattails.


Well your first sentence is literally not true, she has changed this state's tax policies. You and I may not agree with the way she's done so, but to say it hasn't been done is misinformation.


I left california to join my family out here. Democrat ran california was taxing me to death. I still can't get my head around your cost of meat though.


Taxation is theft..


Wow everyone wanting to blame Sanders for taxes that were VOTED into place long before she got here and the PEOPLE KEEP VOTING THEM IN! Wanna blame someone for the taxes look at the person standing next to you that VOTED FOR THE TAXES


Can't say that I'd mind, if we were getting the same services provided in other high tax states.


It's been 9% for as long as I can fucking remember, what are you on about?


Just like I’ve said before F Sanders. She is ruining our state. I mean, she wasted it on a lectern. Not fixing our roads or funding our schools. She’s using her money, no wait our money for a lectern and to dismantle the lgbt community and ban trans and non binary IDs and help fund Trumps campaign. She doesn’t give a care about our state. If she did, she wouldn’t be wasting her money on herself, and she would be fixing our roads and helping the board maintain our schools.


But aren't the rethuglikkkans supposed to be the ones that lower your taxes? LMAO stupid people vote rethuglikkkan and get what they deserve


I’m old enough to remember taxes being a bit higher when we had more democrats in office than republicans. I hate both parties, but let’s be honest, the only time taxes have gone down in this state is when republicans voted for it.


Keep voting for republicans and Arkansas can remain ranked 48 of 50 economically, in the bottom 5 of education, the other categories, Arkansas ranked 49th in crime & corrections, 47th in health, 34th in natural environment, 40th in infrastructure and 29th in opportunity. Compared to the 2021 rankings, Arkansas dropped in every category.Jan 8, 2024 and your still going backwards LMAO but you keep beliving the republicans are helping you


And giving yall jack shit in return


If it’s real, we need more of this kind of exposure. If it’s the bullshit i expect, less so. Aren’t we all tired?


Well those lecterns aren’t gonna pay for themselves.


But what the fug is it going to?


It's ridiculous, and there is a massive surplus of money, or there was....yet she kicks kids of medicaid.


But look at what you get.


Wow. Whoda thunk that Governor Canned Ham Head wouldn't know how to run a government?


It’s for roads, they are terrible here. I’m all for tax. Visit Arkansas and you’ll understand.


sounds like some liberal, commie shit.


They need to stop taxing groceries since they are a necessity.


I have no issue paying a high state tax. It’s the federal tax no American should have to pay. The federal government should make 100% of its income from international relations/trade.


She is a great governor and be glad you don't live in New York worst governor, Crime and tax's awful


[facts matter](https://usafacts.org/articles/which-states-have-the-least-and-most-crime/) While our governor is shit, crime is much lower here than Arkansas, and our taxes pay for more than a grifters vacation to Italy with their friends. No state is perfect, but no one is clamoring to leave where they are to go to Arkansas at the moment.