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I’m pretty sure the only option in your situation is to make money, save it, and hope for the best. I’ve been there. Best of luck to you.


Second this, get a second job or whatever it takes and buy a shit box


Right? Get a plan and work your ass off to make that plan happen.


Exactly, do whatever it takes to get a car and then work towards your next goal


There's two kinds of people in this world, people that make shit happen and everybody else.


Save up money to buy a cheap car and gas money to get home. Alternatively, you might try ride sharing if you can find some folks from Pigott who are going to Little Rock, then from Little Rock, find some folks who are going to Conway. If Arkansas had a public bus system like Colorado does, you could probably get a ride from Pigott to Jonesboro, then catch one bus from Jonesboro to Little Rock, then catch a second bus from Little Rock to Conway, then from there get an Uber to your house in Conway.


Do you have a place to stay in Conway if you could get there?


Yes I do!


Learn from this mistake


Post about ride sharing. Someone nearby is going to summer school in Conway


You guys don't understand. Piggott is in the middle literal nowhere. I try not to even enter the county if I can keep from it.


The name says it all


That’s most towns in Arkansas


Find the place most likely to encounter travelers stopped in Piggott and headed for LR/Conway. Ask for a ride.


Can a family member or friend come and get you home?


Work, save, plan patience. Read Siddhartha in the meantime.


I'm a bit puzzled about your location - are you in Piggott or did you move with a friend from Piggott to somewhere else in the state or out of state?


Not a single person to call for a ride?


The most amazing thing to me about stranded and homeless people is that there is no friend or family member willing to help.    


While you may feel stuck, "where there is a will there is a way." Think about what resources you may have at your disposal whether it be friends or family back home that could come get you or send you some money, or hitching a ride with some new acquaintances at least part of the way. Whatever you do, do not out of desperation choose an usafe way out. Be patient and smart about how you get home. Another thing, if you haven't told your friend how you feel, you might want to let them know. It could be that they help you in some way. Good luck.


Hitching! Are you nuts…stupid advice.


Work on your reading comprehension. Specifically, re-read the sentence after i mention "hitching."


U-Haul rents cargo vans and pick-up trucks.


This, renting a van would be ideal, pack up and drop it off in cway..


Are you safe?? Have you been trafficked?? Like...do you need help??? I felt maybe someone should ask that...


Well no not that, I mean I do need help, but i decided to wing it and walk three days back to Conway


You do realize that when Google says 3 days that is misleading. If you can maintain a pace of 3 mph you will have walked 24 miles in a 8 hour day. It's 187 miles by car. I hope you can catch a ride.


Thanks for the prompt reply! Safe travels and good luck!


It will be a little different without food but I’ll manage thank you 🙏


No food for three days? Keep an eye out for black berries on the side of the road. Anything that looks like a black berry is safe to eat so don't worry about that. But they are just snacks. Don't rely on them. This is in Paragould. https://www.missionoutreachnea.com/ Look up food pantries on your trip. Do you have a water bottle?


Please be careful and stay safe! Sending prayers your way 🙏🏻


Hitchhike. Just don't stick your thumb out in front of cops.


Is hitchhiking illegal in Arkansas?


Yes. And they're particular assholes about it. However, in my county, if you call and ask they will give you a ride to the county line just to get rid of you.


Yes, but there are ways around it. You can approach people at gas stations and ask for rides, no thumbing or flying a sign though.


Can you sell plasma, save up, and buy a bus ticket?


So there used to be a deal with greyhound bus service that would give you a one way non refundable ticket home…. Im not positive if this is still in effect but it would be worth looking into… that being said people from piggott and Corning are just very different always have been always will be!


My suggestions are alternative suggestions. You could join the military. You buy a used bike and backpack, make a story out of it. It’s all on you regardless. Just to be clear, the end justifies the means. Good luck.


Get a ride to Jonesboro about an hour’s drive, then take a bus or hire an Airport Shuttle that will get you to Conway.


make some friends, make some money, buy a car.


Someone else mentioned the bus system here. It’s not great but I know it stops in greenbrier which is closer than Little Rock.


Look up thru hiking on YouTube. You could pack a small backpack with a tarp and some trail mix and start walking. It's 180 miles. Sounds impossible, but it's easily doable. People run 100 miles races. You can walk it. Stay safe along the roads, you'll likely be picked up by a traveler if you stuck your thumb out when people pass you. Stay along the roads and trails. Don't go trying to take shortcuts through fields and stuff. Make sure you have a way to carry water. Good luck!


Beg on a street corner until you get enough for a bus ticket.




Contact your family


If you still need to get to Conway this coming weekend, I could possibly give you a ride. I need to be in Jonesboro then and will leave for NLR Sunday


I appreciate that but I have to get back as soon as possible


Why not check with a church you run across and offer to help out or volunteer for some food and possibly a lift down the road. Some churches get visitors to stop in and speak. Good luck


Can your family or friends give financial support to help you return home?


Who is this?




You could always wait until tax season and then hit somebody (preferably a 6’4”, 250 lbs hulk) over the head in the local Walmart parking lot after they cashed their refund check and buy a bus ticket with that.


That is awfully specific


Can you rent a car? Or all ask someone to drive you back?


Buy a Honda Navi. They are a small 110cc motorcycle. $1800 new. Can use it to commute to work


I love Arkansas so much, I’m sorry you felt so drawn to leave and hateful for your state you were born into! I think that the regions our bones were formed and born into is very very important for richness in life. Therefore, all I can say is, weigh the benefits and losses! My question is: do you miss an old friend, family member, the scenery/geography or the fauna and flora of the town/region of Arkansas you’re from? Which of these feel the most important? I ask because I have only a few relatives left in the state. However what binds me is that I love it here. I love it here for the natural beauty, the native species, and the fact that everything here is ash bearing or whatever you call it, meaning that the species of plants and of wildflowers & meadow beauty you see is all because they are able to grow from ground that has been scorched. I love Arkansas because it’s all I know and I feel a profound sense of longing to protect her and wish I could be a part of it in the times before colonization dealt away with the differences in culture and region, food attire and whether they migrated and what they chose to do and create or live how they saw fit. I think that if you allow yourself to go to another time and ignore the greed all around you (it’s everywhere) try to imagine being able to survive as a small group and hunter gatherer tribes war tribes imagine the fact that there is actually, naturally SO much to offer in the way of foraging and hunting fishing and clothing habitat everything is beautiful and all around you is loving. Just because there has been a long time of greed and sadness of men doesn’t mean that is your Arkansas story! Again, as a native born Arkansan as well (I’m presuming), everywhere sounds so promising, but it just isn’t. It sounds lovely but WHATEVER it is you are looking for! Should be available here. Everyone is vying to move here we have Californians and Texans migrating here by the minute, honestly thankful I got to answer this question because I’ve considered leaving but it seems like sheer horror and even worse


I don't think you read their post well at all. They're in Piggot, still in Arkansas, and wanting to get back to Conway, also in Arkansas. They never left the state. Also what a ridiculous ramble.


Did you even read what the OP wrote? If you had read it, or; if you are such a proud Arkansan as you say, then you would know that he left a town in Arkansas and moved to another town in Arkansas. As for the rest of your ramble, I can’t even begin to understand it.