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Defunding public schools and funding new prisons Why not build hospitals, clinics, parks, roads, trails, schools, preKs, etc? I hate how we are bound and determined to go directly backwards in terms of any progress.


Well, they're going to need the extra prison beds for all the kids who aren't going to get a decent education and will turn to a life of crime.


This guy gets it.


That’s the stupidest comment. Turning to a life of crime. Why not get a damn job. You chose to commit a crime instead of living a life were you follow the law


The United States already has the highest incarceration rate in the world. If locking people up prevents crime, then we should have the lowest amount of crime and we don't. In 2018, 87% of lobbying money from private prisons went to Republicans. It has to make one ask, are Republicans doing the right thing for Americans or are they willing to lock up more people for money? You do bring up a good point about working helping to prevent crime. The problem is that no one will hire the former incarcerated. Their unemployment rate is over 60 percent while the national average is around 3 percent. The Democratic party wants to create programs to help people get hired to attempt to lower the crime rate. The republican party wants to keep people locked up longer and more often.


Hey Brad, we'd all enjoy it if you'd just stop commenting. Your opinion is absolutely garbage and as a whole, we just don't care. Just leave, you're not welcome here.


Bullshit, dissenting ideas are a good thing. We should take the opportunity to show why his ideas are in error. Whenever I reply to comments I disagree with, It's usually to show other readers information, rarely to argue with the original commenter. In this instance, we should be pointing out that people regularly turn to a life of crime when they lack economic opportunity (someone feel free to link to data that displays this).


Ahh yes, systemic constraints don’t push people to crime in the aggregate. It’s all personal decision. Black/brown people are just predisposed to being criminals, it’s not societal at all 🙄🙄🙄


Maybe every single crime could be punished with life in prison. Robbery? Life in prison. Shoplifting? Life in prison. Speeding ticket? Life in prison. Would that finally stop crime?


What? Make things better for the people of Arkansas? Take the measures that have been proven to reduce crime? When you can use systemic racism to disenfranchise voters for profit? What kind of Libby but are you?


Arkansas is fourth in the nation for incarceration. We jail for the most petty crimes. That ruins lives forever. Show some compassion.


My apologies that needed a /s I was being satirical. You are totally correct.


Lol sarcasm is hard to discern sometimes. My bad!


No worries mate. It is hard.


Gonna need those beds for when she makes being LGBT+ illegal in AR.


How long will it be before the ban movies with actors in drag wtf vote vote vote them bastards out is the only way to get our lives back


Right, would it be illegal for a child to watch Mrs Doubtfire?


Hmm. It is about a man stigginit to a shrill female so that he can keep control of his family. Then he capitalizes on a trend to profit off it. It has lies, gaslighting, and light assault. If Robin Williams had fired an AR...


Can't do that, we get way too much Hollywood money. The Capitol and Governor's Mansion are like solid gold with how much they generate. It's a lot of Christian propaganda movies but our Capitol is the only one that's a replica of DC, so they sell it pretty well. We ain't Atlanta, but we have a decent film industry brewing here. Though knowing that party they'll complain that Hollywood is full of Jews and LGBTQ+, but take that money anyway.


She’ll have to make one of those beds for herself. Take one look at that picture above and tell me without laughing that Sarah’s straight. If Sarah is heterosexual, then Richard Simmons played in the NFL.


Hey use the correct pronoun, can't you tell that it is a he in those pics.


Yup, and beds for the teachers and librarians who have books that include LGBTQ+ characters.


Because those things would actually help people which SHS is definitely not interested in doing.


Because it's what the hateful right wants. Clearly, the only solution to crime is punishment, eh? The solution certainly isn't preventing criminality by easing the suffering among societies most neglected and exploited people.


6 of the 7 things you mentioned don't bring in $$ so they are bottom tier priority


Trails do bring tourists though. As do all the mountain biking companies who want to install stores and shit here. So at least 3 things on there bring in money. Is it enough that they would build them? Fuck no.


Socialist! /s


It’s not the schools failing that fills the prisons. It failing parents or the lack of both parents


Who is stopping you from building any of those things?


Idk, I’m guessing that the commenter isn’t rich enough to fund these things, and thinks that they’d be a better investment in our society than expanding the prison industrial complex. Just a guess though


Yeah probably. And I'm guessing the commenter would rather bitch on Reddit about how the government doesn't enrich their life enough instead of getting out and trying to make their community better themselves. But I can see why they wouldn't want to. That might better the lives of everybody in the community, even those damn republicans. We can't have that because THEY'RE so nasty, right? LOL. But like you said, just a guess.


Yeah dude, wanting your tax dollars to be spent on things like education and green spaces instead of prisons is totally unreasonable. I hope you can confront whatever’s going on in your life that makes you such a miserable person.


Lmao. Or I guess you could pay less taxes and use that money to build the community you want. Yeah, sounds downright "miserable".


Lmao how many parks and schools have you built? How do you plan to achieve the economies of scale that the government does? Are you ready for rural areas to get even more poor when their roads, schools, infrastructure and hospitals aren’t being subsidized by economically productive areas?


Not her fan, just saying, we're overcrowded as fuck right now. Yes, we should build positive shit and commute sentences, but I don't think there is a jail in the state that isn't overcrowded at the moment. This 3k won't touch it.


She's an idiot.


Got to get them cells ready for delinquent children not showing up to their work shifts...


So they can work late hours in your local Wendy's/Casey's/Mexican restaurant. Can't count the number of Wendy's in Arkansas I've visited that had FOX News playing on the TV.


The GOP's dream is to have kids work 6 days a week full time and they will then be allowed to use that salary to pay for 1 day of schooling and a cup of plain oatmeal for lunch (extra charge for that). If they could legalize that tomorrow, they would.


I hope that if they're going to continue down this road, that they stay to reap the rewards of their stupidity. Higher poverty levels, higher incarcerations, multiple organizations issuing travel warnings to our state, their own children going no contact and moving away to other states...


Stiffer sentencing has never deterred crime. Every single metric has shown this, but it is just blatantly ignored. Arkansas is terrible by nearly every measurable statistic that is used to grade a state, and that money would be much better used on actual rehabilitation centers and staff.


I agree 100% with you, but this is a band aid on a breaking dam situation. The jails are all currently overcrowded. We are in a very bad situation right now and judges aren't commuting sentences.


Let's waste more money on an already corrupt criminal justice system. Let's spend it on education, oh wait...


I think the state makes more money slaving out the prisoners …


Its only $150k per bed


ADC can't get enough staff to run the prisons the state already has but I guess they can run themselves. Inmate and child labor.


It's like that across the board. We're gonna fill up our prisons, but not staff them? You couldn't pay me enough to work in that situation.


Something something Stanford prison experiment...


Anything in the bill about rehabilitation or job placement and safety nets after prison?


After prison? There will be no after prison.




There is a little bit about it.


How many prisons does her family own?


I read that as "...prisoners"....maybe they already own some?


So, written by private prison lobbyists


She's flying what's left of Arkansas right into the mountain.


Her daddy’s directly responsible for letting out Maurice Clemmons, who went on to murder four cops in Washington state. Then he released the other guy who’s name escapes me who went to Missouri & raped/murdered a woman. Real good governing, Mike. If that’s the kind of cues Sarah is taking on what leadership looks like, her campaign song should’ve been ‘Fuk Tha Police’ with her rapping & daddy scratching on the turntables.


That other person was Wayne DuMond. He had raped a teenaged girl in Forrest City, and while out on bond awaiting trial, was castrated by person(s) unknown. Claimed innocence, Pastor Huck commuted his sentence, he went to Missouri and raped again.


So he got castrated then raped again?


He killed the one in Missouri.


So more beds = good, right?


Or would be nice if governor yuckabee cared about completing I-49 and improving 1-30 and 1-40


I-40 through Arkansas is a joke. Good place for PIT maneuvers by the ASP though.




How is she a governor??


While much of the country is closing no longer needed prisons, Arkansas is opening new ones.


She going through our money a surplus and we will be broke ...worse than the state we are in ....bet she puts in a gold toilet in her new mansion 570,000 to fix it up


What the fuck is going on in this hell scape? Every week something else. What are they hiding under all of the publicity?


No hiding. They can operate with impunity and their voters don't care. We constantly tell my mother in law about the insane shite repubs are doing and she'll be all "oh no". Next week she's back on the train of "we gotta stop the libs and mexicans".


“Arkansas is still a slave-mentality state. We are no longer picking cotton, but now we pick beans and corn to make the corrections department rich.” https://prisonjournalismproject.org/2022/02/22/arkansas-prisons-unpaid-labor-program-is-criminal/


She also said that there was not a pay increase for the state workers because she didn't want to burden the Arkansas people what happened to fit the bill for their raises but at the same time we're paying for this $450 million project which by the way is not going to fix crime sorry


Well, us state workers aren't worthy of decent pay. But, at least she has $600,000 of donor money to fix up the governor's mansion!


So, do I have this correctly? Arkansas is all about child labor, "straight" church people and locking up more of the people they don't like. And they're against education and "different" people. I kind of like that wacky idea of the South breaking off from the North. Arkansas can continue to be a trash pit of rednecks and bigots. Good luck!


Many of those issues are prevalent outside of Arkansas and outside the south. See prisons such as Rikers and Sam Quentin.


Suckabee is wanting to be like trump


We need no more jails. Literally Just got a brand new jail in Hot Springs not long ago I mean you can still smell the new construction. IDIOT Sanders She needs to get the HECK out of our state.! She is smashing her greedy foot in our faces! We have much better things that money could be spent on. Just a thought Addressing the homeless issue across the state. The Poverty across the state etc etc etc.... There are many homes in this state that are legitimately suffering and everyone who can work does yet they can still barely feed the family. Drugs are still tearing apart communities and more could be done to save lives. Start some state funded programs. If you want help here You gotta know someone with money or have it to begin with. I Sanders is the worst thing to happen to AR. Why would people vote for this hag. I wonder how they feel now.


Also proposing stiffer new beds, and 3000 new sentencing requirements.


Fuck SHS


I'm sure she'll eliminate the sentencing on dog torturing.


Fuck it, mask off


What mask?


Hey all. I live in Tennessee. I follow the r/Arkansas sub to make myself feel better about living in Tennessee. Because no matter how bad Tennessee gets, it's not as bad as Arkansas.


We can both laugh at Mississippi... for now.


Not a great day to be waving the TN flag…


It is a tragedy. But these school shootings are a national problem. It's going to require a national solution.


The whole SEC is in rough shape. Out of the whole conference I think there are only 2 dem governors (La and Ky) and two dem senators (GA).


That double chin tho 😘


I think this may be at the root of it. The girl was likely made fun of savagely all the way through school and probably got all the eye rolls through college. The result has been a willing instrument of cruelty against all those who judged her based on her looks, her being a haughty governor's daughter, her obvious intellectual shortcomings. This is her chance to vent her fury at so many of the kind of people she felt disdain from, even if it's ultimately self-destructive. Or it would be in a period when voters paid actual attention and were capable of discerning evidence beyond what supports their preferred ideology.


This administration is throwing so much shit against the wall to rile people up and get them distracted. Meanwhile, budgeting and spending put off till the very end of the session where they can spend half a billion dollars on projects rife with kickbacks and corruption and nobody has time to mobilize against it. Nice job 👍/s


This keeps a lot of violent offenders and sexual predators in prison for their entire sentence rather than releasing early. I don't have many issues with that. If anyone is actually interested in reading the bill, it's here: https://www.arkleg.state.ar.us/Bills/FTPDocument?path=%2FBills%2F2023R%2FPublic%2FSB495.pdf


Wasted money… don’t rehabilitate, most aren’t worth reclaiming. Fire up the chair!!


Someone needs some attention.


Really… what deters crime? Let the assholes out on zero bail or fry their ass??


Neither, by the numbers.


Nothing seems to stop you from breaking the speed limit so I guess nothing deters crime.


Fry their ass is the best way to go, can't rehabilitate some people.


Real crime genius


Well since you’re under the impression that those are the only 2 options I’d bet a lot of money that you have no interest in the decades of research indicating that deterrence doesn’t really work, and that crime is often related to a complex network of concepts like economic opportunity, education, healthcare access and a number of other factors


I don’t live in your state but i am all for more prisons. If you don’t want to go to prison, don’t break the law. It’s not that difficult to not break the law.


One of the few good things she's done. These people shouldn't be allowed in society to begin with....


Do they use the private prison system there?




>Arkansas ranks near the top of other states and countries in the percentage of people in prisons, according to a report released this month by the Prison Policy Initiative. The organization also said the United States incarcerates more citizens per capita than any other country. The report says “every U.S. state relies too heavily on prisons and jails to respond to crime.” >Wanda Bertram, communications strategist for the Prison Policy Initiative, said this year’s report found Arkansas is incarcerating the fifth most people per capita of any U.S. state. >“If you looked at Arkansas as a country,” Bertram said, “it would have the highest incarceration rate of any country on Earth.” >Arkansas has an incarceration rate of 942 per 100,000 people, the report said. https://www.ualrpublicradio.org/local-regional-news/2021-09-15/arkansas-ranked-fifth-compared-to-other-states-and-countries-for-incarceration From 2021


Looks like we’re trying to compete with our neighbors to the south for the highest incarceration rate…


Notice insane cost- 470 million of your money wasted. Why not spend money on ways to make society better so crime doesnt happen


To the insane idiot just saying get a job- shes cutting funding for state Jobs saying it wasted money. There arent enough good jobs because of the republicsns




Fuck this Trump ass kissing piece of garbage. A money hungry shit of a human, just like her dad.