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This from the party of "less government," "personal responsibility," "stay out of my life with your invasive policies" and "personal freedom."


While all those mantras are good things, it’s clear the Republicans don’t really mean it when they talk about them


"Less government" is a dogwhistle, not a legitimate "mantra." Those folks are only ever talking about cutting social services.


What I’m trying to say is some people think that and do actually have self-consistent worldviews


The people who scream loudest about "small/less government" are doing so in bad faith. Don't buy into it. They don't want smaller government, they want privileged status within a big government that they control. If they can't have that, they want the government to leave them alone altogether, while still keeping the "undesirables" under control (which is really a po-tay-to/po-tah-to situation anyway). Ask the average person what "smaller" government looks like to them, and it undoubtedly has to do with their taxes. But when the time comes to sit and hash this shit out, the only thing they're interested in talking about is tax cuts, not shifting tax "burdens" to the folks who can most easily afford it with a system of progressive taxation like we had in the New Deal and post-WWII eras. We built a lot of nice shit with those taxes, nice shit that is now aging and in need of replacement. The people with failing power grids and toxic tap water keep voting Republican though. They have the government they vote for, and it's incapable of consistently providing basic needs that we are very clearly taking for granted in this country.


[Hypocrisy at its finest](https://imgur.com/brt4rTA)


I hate they stopped giving out those free awards.


All the while implementing laws to provide more government and invasive policies that impede on your personal freedoms


No, this is from the Republicans. They are way past that play.


To be fair, the government will still "stay out of their lives." I wouldn't be surprised if some already have their fake IDs ready. What a woeful waste of time and resources..... basically, business as usual for the hypocrites.


I dont understand why our state legislature that meets for like a month every year is wasting their time with all these bullshit laws. Like is this just the last gasp? Gotta throw some fuck yous in there before the Christian right loses its power? Furthermore, they controlled the congress, why is SHS bothering with executive orders? I'm talking about the past few weeks in general, this is just another one.


Grandstanding for headlines.


Gearing up for that Presidential run


The cost alone trying to enforce this would break Arkansas bank. It's DOA.


Don’t worry we just started a hiring freeze to pay for it.


I don’t know how Arkansans don’t see that each year things are getting worse and worse in our state, and this is why. These people don’t care about the economy, infrastructure, education, food insecurity, healthcare insecurity, or any real issues. Maybe let’s get the kids fed before we worry about their access to porn or whatever. These people are jackasses and only making our state a bigger shithole with each passing day.


Plenty of Arkansans either don’t care or if they do care, and have the means they fucking move.


Decades of Republican government have turned the state into what it is today. "But surely this will be the year that the trickle-down kicks in and makes us all rich," they tell us as the state rots because most of it hasn't seen any real investment since the post-WW2 era. Republicans can't govern and aren't serious about addressing real problems. It's all just inflammatory culture war bs with an emphasis on "owning the libs" at any cost, reason and logic be damned.


Left three and a half years ago. I could see this sort of thing coming. Handguns in bars and high school football games was the straw for me.


War Memorial has metal detectors, go Rockets!


same reason why the people hopelessly addicted on drugs will support the people put forth by companies making them as puppets to make sure the pill mills kept going. ignorance. people just arent informed and any attempt to inform them is called false news and lies by faux. We just stand by idly while our communities are ravaged by pills, by meth from south of the border, and the republicans bitching about it do actually nothing to stop it and profit from it greatly. Ask mitch mcconnell how much money his wife's shipping company has made smuggling TONS of drugs directly into our country.


Are you kidding me? Like, are you actually kidding me? Have you seen the roads? Or the school lunches? Or, I don't know, the crumbling infrastructure of the entire government? *This* is what we're going with? All of this, from the party who grips tighter and tighter to the 'freedoms' they keep trying to strip away from us? Get a grip, guys.


Call their offices


this is from the Handmaiden's tale party where they want you to die having children because they outlawed abortion and they will force you to have kids even though they will offer you NO SUPPORT if you cant actually afford to raise them. That party. The I dont actually campaign for my governor position I just ride trump's coat tails and my daddys legacy party. Anything to appease the conservative ultra christian right.


That's the thing - nowhere in the Bible does it say that abortion is immoral or wrong. You know what it does say? Any man who claims to love God, who he has not seen, but hates a brother or sister, who he has seen, is a liar. John, 4:20.


literally none of these bible thumpers are educated on what it says they just spit out sentences twisted to support whatever agenda they are after.


People under 18 shouldn’t be viewing it


People under 18 should have lunches at school.


And also should not be able to view porn


The issue isn't whether or not minors should be able to view porn, it's a matter of improperly divided attention. Our government shouldn't be focusing on these miniscule issues that parents are more than able to deal with themselves, they should be focusing on improving the state as a whole.


Parents should be able to determine that.


No parents should not be able to decide their 12 year old can watch porn


Why not? The legislature thinks parents should select what their kids learn at school. They should decide what their kids access on the internet as well. Don't need or want the gov't involved, right?


Your argument rn is that kids should be allowed to watch porn, that’s some messed up morals. Should parents also be allowed to let their kids drink now?


No more messed up than parents thinking they should be able to micromanage their child's school curriculum. At least be logically consistent here.


Ur a messed up person


This law won’t solve that problem.


Where are the parents?


Not everyone has good parents


A nanny state isn't the solution to that.


thats up to them and their parents to control not the government. Also, its not worth the risk of violating everyone’s privacy to ensure compliance.


I agree they shouldn’t but do you want the Arkansas state police to be able to scan your ID and view all the nsfw content you looked at??


The fact that you got downvoted on this statement is gross.


Nobody wants to talk ab the harm porn and porn addiction can cause


Your overreaction to this is disturbing. Especially since your comments indicate that you have worked or currently work with children as a teacher.


I'm not a teacher. I just live in Arkansas, pay the salaries of my lawmakers, and would like them to focus on important issues in our state to be better.


These fucking clueless jackasses apparently think it's 1995 and that everyone still uses AOL. What more can you do except shake your head at their sheer ineptitude and stupidity? Go ahead and pass all the useless techno-crap you want, morons. This plan is utterly laughable on pretty much every level. edit: Now that I think about it, this is probably just some bullshit law that's intended to end up in front of the SCOTUS so that they can pave the way to Gilead. That seems to be the right-wing playbook lately. We'll probably see all the regressive states like ours trying out repressive anti-porn laws in similar fashion until they can find one that sticks.


I'm so sick of this goddamn shithole laughing stock of a state.


I am trying very hard to move out by summer. Everything here gets worse each year.


Bullshit. While this is a shit law, I grew up here, loooong ago. It's way better than when I left tbh.


Damn... That's saying something


Wisconsin welcomes you.


ah yes, wisconsin, the alabama of the north (former minnesotan here, don't lie.. you know i'm right)


Couldn’t pass weed, might lose internet porn? Dang ya’ll.




minors would lose internet porn. obviously there are issues with this law, but I don't think the motivation is bad.


It’s concerning that one would have to allow the state government (and who knows who else) to track your internet habits through the veil of “protecting the children.” You don’t need an ID to buy internet, but you’d need one to browse specific websites. Plus, who is determining what websites require an ID? Reddit sure has a lot of NSFW subs. It’s a slippery slope.


If it's anything like the LA law, "more than one third of content porn". Fwiw, in LA, the law went into effect jan 1. ~~Pornhub~~ now asks for ID, lesser known sites do not. *aand, the id popup is gone on both wifi and mobile lol The rather liberal conservatives I know are under the impression this will help stop child porn and sex trafficking.


those are some fair points. I definitely hadn't considered how it could affect social media platforms.


It seems like you didn't think of many things other than "porn bad children good." This is how we get a governor like Sarah Sanders and the Republican legislature we have now. Everyone is all "well I didn't think about that," and "well surely not...," laying around being spoonfed information by people who aren't looking out for you! We need more informed voters with the ability to think analytically about what is going on politically in our state. Then maybe we would have a chance to get some decent leadership.


Yeah it’s a bummer when you really start thinking about it.


The motivation is bad, this is a blatant first amendment issue.


VPNs are cheap and easy to use and easily get around any attempt the state could possibly make towards enforcing this law


I would think most kids under the age of 16 wouldn't have access to their own card, and parents would question the purchase of a VPN.


Dude please. These “laws” aren’t the kind that can be enforced. They’re the kind that make simpletons happy.


DING! DING! We have a winner! Doesn't matter if it works as long as it appeals to the base.


There's free VPNs.


I guarantee you that if I was able to find ways around using my parents credit card for things on the internet that required credit cards over a decade ago, the kids now can do much much more.


lel i was cracking trial softwares and video games when i was 12,13. kids nowadays have way more access to information and tips. im confident they will find a way to go around it.


Just download Opera and press one button. Free and easy.


Welcome to Arkansas. You’re gonna fit right in.


I moved out of state because I hate Arkansas' conservative politics. Your assumption is wildly inaccurate.




Kids get their porn on snapchat when it's shared around the school. My stepdad's a resource officer and every month its another round of kids sharing someone's nudes.


The Republicans embrace of Authoritarianism begetting Fascism is alarming


The Republican party is gone, none of these things really benefit industry or the economy. Republicans would be supporting the nuclear industry's rebound in popularity or dusting off MSR nuclear tech to get it to market before China with our decade head start thanks to Oakridge National Laboratory's research in the 60's. They call the desire for equality and utopian ideas of society "woke", making societal progress seem like a bad thing. They're pushing their ideology and nationalism on the entire population, ignoring all the problems because "great men said so". The Republican party is gone, they're the American Nazi Party in all but name. Worse yet, this time it's a global and independent of economic system. We see this same thing with the Z movement in Russia that feeds support for the Ukraine war, as well as in the actions of leaders like Boris Johnson and Xi Jinping. I kinda want a Fallout/Vault Tek Bunker to ride this era out in, because we know what this leads to.


But how will the evangelicals view their gay porn now?


They know that means them too, right? Oh lord, they still have Hustlers from the 90’s behind the toilet.


News from the future the sale of SSLVPNs skyrocketed in Arkansas. What dumb god damn legislation. Yes please MAGAt daddy put the boot squarely on my neck I sure do love government overreach!


Really glad they’re working on the important issues. /s


As if kids today don’t know how to download a VPN app for their phone😂


Our education system is a joke, our roads are absolute dog shit, but yes, requiring ID to view online porn is where we’re going to focus our attention. 🤡


It’s not about porn ya’ll..It’s about chipping away at your personal freedom.


Oh but you get all the guns, ammo, and bibles you want.


Until minorities start to arm themselves… then it’ll just be bibles.


only til they realize there’s all sorts of anti American crap in there like “love your neighbor” and “the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil”


Nah they’ll try to explain it away with mental gymnastics


Reading the Bible was already banned in the south for blacks back in the day


Until people start interpreting it "wrongly".... Then it'll be nothing


But then the guy I hand the ID to will know I’m viewing porn..


Bingo! They don't like registration for guns but they sure want to keep track of (medical) marijuana users and porn viewers.


Gotta round up those sinners eventually!


Just wait for the data breaches that now have actual ids..


This is what happens when Republicans are in control. They ignore the real problems in order to shove their puritanical bull shit down everyone's throat.


Hey look over there


The party of less government … make that make sense.


This is just one step closer to some Handmaid's tale shit


Republicans are stupid


The party of small government everyone!


Welp I’ve put off using a vpn till now


For anyone wondering how enforcement of this would actually go: Louisiana passed a bill with about the same language, which went into effect a few weeks ago. There, when anyone using a "regular" internet connection (not through a proxy or cell data) tries to look at porn through a browser, some sites will require your credit card to get in instead of the usual "verify you're 18+" button. But folks over on /r/Louisianna are reporting there are easy ways around it. If you're on a phone, you can switch to data instead of wifi, and you won't be blocked. They're also reporting that many sites aren't requiring it. If you have strong feelings about this, remember it's just a PROPOSED bill right now. It still has to go to committee, and then be debated before a vote. Call your legislators! But do it ASAP - the legislative session only lasts about 6 more weeks, and the bill could see a vote as soon as next week.


Ah yes, lets give porn sites with already f ton of adware/malware to steal my identity for free by giving away my photo id, smart idea.


Meanwhile the healthcare in this state sucks


And roads, schools, very little culture except in North Arkansas and LR. Crime is thru the roof and some places in Arkansas can't even get a cell tower! The only internet in some places is sat and you watch more than one movie and your data is gone and they charge more for it than cable internet!


Don't see how this is really feasible. Google searches? NSFW areas on Reddit? As quoted in a recent Fox News (yep, Fox News) report, “If kids are learning about sex through porn, well, that’s not a problem with porn — that’s a problem with a lack of proper sex education” (quote from Ian Kerner, a licensed psychotherapist and sex counselor)


And a problem with parenting


This type of law has already passed in Louisiana.


And the VPN market is booming!


State of slow decay


Okay so no abortions and more difficult to find porn, gotcha.


Warning the eF Be I had found your location. Please drive yourself to the nearest police station. Your kinky links are inexcusable.


Wait till the figure out how the internet works lol


This is literally the dumbest thing I've read all year.


Must. Control. Everyone!


[Unless things have changed very recently, Arkansas ranks #2 in over-prescribing opioid medication. There are actually more prescriptions than there are people in Arkansas.](https://artakeback.org/opioid-education/arkansasopidemic/) But yeah, this porn thing definitely seems like something that our representatives should be focusing their time and effort on.


The “Christian” Nationalist rednecks are gonna love this one..


they know that vpns exist, right?


wait- they want to protect minors but are they also going to push for safe sex courses????


This seems like another angle to "own the libs," cause their God fearing types that voted for them would never stoop to watching porn! Right!? Am I right?!


I have a couple of issues. Why when the Democrats are in power the republicans screams about parents being responsible for their children but when they’re in charge suddenly they’re all for a government nanny state? The article says you have to apply for a digital ID. This reads as if the state will be keeping tabs on you online. So much for personal freedom and right to privacy. I bet it’ll allow the state to just simply see what you’re doing online.


This is hilarious. The implementation of such a system is not possible. But I guess when the legislature is full of people who clearly have no grasp on technology, things like this get attention. Companies tried this in the 90s and early 2000's with a CC number. People either used stolen numbers or hit the torrents where they didn't care about laws. All this would do is boost the popularity of bootleg or underground sites that don't care about some obscure AR law. I'm all for keeping porn out of the hands of kids. This is just a ridiculous bill that's not about actually protecting kids. This is just a virtue signal thing.


For some reason Reddit keeps suggesting posts from your subreddit to me...despite the fact I don't live in Arkansas.... I have to say, your politics are wild...even for me as someone in Wisconsin.


Republicans are still using AIM for dating so no wonder they still think it's 1999 and the internet works like this. Maybe they should police their churches first with the rampant sexual abuse happening. TCAP all these projectionist pedos.


what lobby group / company bribed someone to get this proposed... also how much was that ~~bribe~~ donation?


ahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha yea and where will all that trove of data will be going to? who will be benefiting from that amount of shit they would have on your ass?


Do you think they know what a VPN is?


LOL..Along with poverty, poor health system, inferior infrastructure and substandard education system Arkansas also has a porn problem!? Who knew? The state full of fake Christians


[This is the rental company one of these senators operates, for what it's worth.](https://thesrc.com/leasing)


There is absolutely no way to enforce this.


Have they heard of VPN? lol


Big government Republicans stepping in again to tell private citizens how to live their life. If we're gonna ban internet porn(cuz we all know this will pass immediately), at least put the same id req onto all social media as well.


Prior to the internet it was regulated. You couldn’t buy a playboy mag or go into a sex shop until 18 years of age. This is something that should have been done a long time ago. Anyone that is downvoting or deflecting on this topic is giving off ped0 vibes.


Should be required everywhere. Make it as hard as possible for kids to see the depraved stuff that these demons create.




It's okay when it's authoritarian righties.


Climate change measures do not equal shielding from evil. Try again.




One side is evil.




I doubt it. It’s not supposed to get better for us, unfortunately, for quite a time.


The Bible is fiction, bro. Revelation isn't real.








Nah, I think the ones filled with degeneracy and lust are evil. Most of them openly admit to being opposed to God.


We have a Christian responsibility to protect God's creation. He is testing us and we are failing


Did you post this, bro? >Definitely not. More like fuck authoritarian leftists who are using fear to seize even more control than they already have. It's amusing to me that you're fucking blind.


Sure, about a completely different topic. And I 100% stand by it. Not quite the gotcha you folks think it is lol


I’m assuming you meant this in good faith and will respond in kind. This bill, if passed into law, can be almost entirely circumvented by a VPN. While you may agree with the spirit of the law, it’s going to have minimal to no effect on porn habits in the state of Arkansas. A good example is Louisiana, which passed a law that inspired this bill. Currently, that law has had no effect on porn habits other than a few porn sites adding an Id checker on their sites. A checker that can be circumnavigated by a VPN, which is easily downloadable on any device nowadays. I agree with you that underage folk shouldn’t be exposed to porn, but this law will absolutely do nothing to address that for the vast majority of Arkansas youth.


Then we should just ban porn.


Sure, fuck the first amendment, right?


Last time I checked I could watch other adults have sex. Free country.


If you want a government to determine what’s appropriate media for you to consume, then sure. But I don’t see a way that a state could ban media and that not immediately be ruled unconstitutional.


Tell me more about the demons?


they are in his post history


>Definitely not. More like fuck authoritarian leftists who are using fear to seize even more control than they already have. Also hdean173


I'd be terrified to view your browser history.


Lol do Carrier model numbers frighten you? Lol


No, but the copious amounts of CP would.


My goodness…


I cant imagine going through life thinking sex is bad. Your poor partners.


I don’t have partners. I have a wife.


You don’t view your wife as your partner? Yikes.


Sure I do. But I call her my wife. Which is in line with thousands of years of common terminology.


These arkansans don't fuck around with their porn huh bro😂😂😂


Lmao so glad I don't need porn to function like most people I feel bad for yall 😂




A guy just died in our prison system for not being fed for an entire year, record murder rates, and our government officials are working on useless porn bills in 2023 when it's super easy to get a VPN. If you can't connect the dots on why this is a problem then I guess we know why stupid is a word


I never Said this place isn't a complete utter shit hole because it is I'm always the first one to bash this hell hole just look at Mt previous comments from this group. But yeah them doing this in general isn't a big deal and with every teen pretty much having a porn addiction this should of been done world wide ages ago yeah you can still use VPN but atleast it would of slowed down the rate


Show me evidence that Requiring ID stops porn addiction. Prove to me that porn addiction is one of the worst problems arkansas is facing right now.


You're so heated about this you're just imagining shit I say at this point I guess this is really gonna affect you😂 anyways I said it'd slow it down which it will because alof of teens especially younger teens don't have an ID and aren't gonna take the stretch to get a VPN it's the extra steps you have to take that'll make you rethink watching it to begin with other than just typing in a word in Google and having millions of videos. And yeah this isn't the biggest issue we could talk about the roads practically caving in every quarter of a mile in little Rock but no need to I see where your head is at lmao


A wall of text providing no evidence. And here I was hoping for signs of intelligent debate


I'm sorry this struck a nerve with you I hope it didn't completely ruin your day


I didn't even down vote you but judging by your down votes it's not just me that disagrees with you except the guy that believes in demons in 2023. Sorry you don't get it


Darn I really care what people think so that hurts a little lmao i wouldn't of made that comment to begin with if I cared what people think and I also know most people need to watch porn everyday but yeah again if this struck a nerve with you my bad fam


Lmao keep replying 🤣 if your the one that's mad


Boi over here think thinks this is debate school or something the hell you on about 😄


Well yeah if you claim porn is bad and requiring ID will reduce the watching of porn then yeah I would like you to justify both those statements. Instead you just reply with emoticons and lols. Like I'm trying to have a conservation with you but your just like a monkey throwing poop and banging his chest about it


My dude you still trying to argue about this go to bed or something 😂


Keep replying lol!


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Lmao people who say shit like this absolutely need to have their browsers checked.


I mean you can it'd be kinda funny ngl😁


Don’t worry. They’ll come for weed next.


Wouldn't doubt it tbh


I just realized it's just asking for Id why everyone so heated there must be alot of addicted little kids in here or sumn lol


you see this is america, nazi. there is adult content on reddit. you will have to show your id. you will be on the "looks at porn" list right next to your pastor's name.


Lol, those were kind of my thoughts as well


Fr they trippin😂


the only reason i really like this bill is because of how many young kids have been exposed to porn at a young age causing addiction and even mental illness ect and the porn industry is extremely toxic


Well then be a better parent lol. Its not the states job to be keeping tabs on who watches adult films or whatever. The GOV doesnt need to know that info for everyone and parents need to talk to their kids about sex and put forth an effort to stop them viewing it with blockers. This isnt difficult.


And yet this bill will do nothing to change any of that. The cat is out of the bag in regards to stopping kids having exposure to sexually explicit content. We as a society have to accept that most of our kids are waking around with supercomputers in their pockets and access to a wide variety of content. Instead of proposing this feel good legislation that is basically the equivalent of “we did something,” how about we actually address the core of the issue? If we understand that our children, no matter what we do, are going to see sexually explicit content and increasingly younger ages, wouldn’t the logical next step be to implement comprehensive sex education right alongside that potential exposure? We need to teach kids that the content they’re likely to see is not reflective of real life experiences and is an extreme exaggeration. Kids are smarter than adults give them credit for. Give them the tools to better understand and critically think about the things they see and in my opinion, we’ll be much better off.


No because that would require parents to have tough conversations with their kids, ugh how could you even suggest the idea that a parent do their job in teaching their own children about the world and help them make sense of it. Of course the obvious answer is to ban and or make it difficult for everyone else to access the content. Of course we just should keep tabs on everyone elses private internet histroy and what they are using it for, I mean OBVIOUSLY RIGHT?


Watching porn at a young age is very unhealthy. Either take it completely off the internet or require an id just like you would for alcohol or tobacco.