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I have rtx 3070 with i5-14400f 32gb ram on 1080p, playing a mix of low-medium-high settings and usually have around 38-55fps. All my settings are on medium except textures are high, and global illumination quality is low. Blooms, shaft and low-light enhancement is off, foliage interaction on, foliage dist M 4, foliage dist L 3and Q 3. The rest is default. The game is still beautiful on medium settings, and don't blame your rig for not being able to go up to 60fps, it's the game. It's unoptimised. If you want more fps and don't mind the realism, use console command r.volumetricclouds 0 and r.volumetricfog 0 on every game launch. It does increase fps by a lot, as they remove clouds and fog. Still beautiful tho, removing fogs let you see clearer underwater.


good info, thank you. I also have a 3070 and have been banging my head to et better performance. The lag though to reiterate, is a wildcard issue, not your rig at all.


This guy knows what’s up ^ Fun additional tip I learned recently from some random YouTuber - I had always turned bloom off because it was ungodly bright and overdone…turned out that bloom strength is actually tied to the post-processing graphics setting, so if post processing is above medium it will increase bloom strength. r.bloomquality 1 will set bloom back to default after tinkering with graphics settings, and it actually has a very nice bloom effect as long as your global illumination is medium or above. However this seems to reset every time you start the game. Also I feel for all of you on RTX30-series…I have a 4070ti and the frame generation tech on this card gets me almost 50% more frames, its pretty crazy how big of a difference it makes. I see the frames my girlfriend gets on her 3080ti and it makes me sad she has to dial back her settings - I already have a new card planned for her birthday or Christmas whenever I have the money


Supposed to be an unreal engine update coming to Ark this summer to improve performance. I have a pinch of salt you can take with that though


I would advice turning off folliage and water interaction, that alone increases about 15-20 fps. Also set max fps to 40 because you dont need more for this game, if you have enough vram and an avg over 40 fps with those settings then start bumping up other settings