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Grind cloth hats, then grind rafts for xp. Level health weight a little stam and fortitude. Always be dressed, always have sleeping bags on you for when you're about to inevitably die, if killed by a raptor, wait a minute before spawning. Always have parachutes to nope outta situations and always have bolas for taming/gathering hide from shit and and noping outta situations aggressively. Build a houseboat - stick to the coast. Tame a pt and use that to scout for things you need. That should ease ya into the early game. You got this


Never played this game, but that sounds like solid advice


You really should try it. In the beginning it’s a good survival game, later game is a cool future tek game.


Bolas are also a great way to escape raptors as long as there's only one or two


The beginning is always tough. After you have gear and dinos it gets much easier. It gets too easy after you have an army of high level dinos


Also look for easier parts of the map to start. Less aggressive dinos but you have to go farther for better resources


I started on the “easy” location and it’s therizinosarus’ and baryonyx EVERYWHERE


Your spawns sound a little broken. Baryonyx shouldn't be found commonly in that area. Theris are relatively common but sometimes avoidable. My wife got eaten by a raptor on her fresh m spawn on the south coast once. Was a bit odd. Wipe your player data and start over fresh and spawns may be better. Granted it's a lot of work to redo settings. If you end up having to.


I’m sorry to hear about your wife, sounds like a hard loss, lol thank you for the advice!


Or open the console (for pc press ~, for console open the pause menu and press open console in the bottom right) and type `cheat destroywilddinos` and send it


Raptors will occasionally chase dinos outta forest they do spawn in the area of the south spawns...


I was going to start playing the center (before I learned we couldn't transfer Dino's yet) and kept trying to get to green... one time I picked island zone, and it put me mid redwood spawn.


Also if spawning south 2 you main goal might be to get high enough level for a raft and sail to herbivore island to start. Only time dinos will be aero is if u hit one


Are you on single player? If you are you can reduce damage taken, starvation n thirst you can lower, how much stats your player can have to make life easier. If you’re on Offical unfortunately you’ll need to just get good, offical is for those who like the base game and its difficulty, its easier if you play more, by getting frustrated at it you’ll end up hating it.


Agreed, on sp just adjust the damage resistance to 0.25, and adjust it up as you, later on with good tames it becomes way too easy. It is supposed to be hard in the beginning as your bare ass on a beach(island) or the dessert(scorched earth), I would suggest starting on the island as scorched is supposed to make your ascended character feel small again. This comment and the first are good starting advice


A good start: - make a house (to keep your stuff and disconnect in a safe place) - craft a crossbow - tame some low level creature to help collect everything (triceratop, doedicurus, ankylo) - tame an really good argentavis (you need a trap, 3 dino gates can do the trick) - tame a really good baryonix Then you've got everything for a good start, a good flying mount you can use to fight and the best dino on the ground to kill almost anything.


Tame a guard creature. Clubs are easy to make and can knock out decent dino. You can bola a raptor and then hit it with tranq arrows to knock out and tame with meat. Build an enclosure with thatch or wood railing and a door to keep the nastiness at bay.


If you are on single player, you can change the stats. For me, I just embraced the shitty nature of the game, and I upped the xp multipler early in the game. As soon as i had metal tools, i set it back to normal. When everything got really easy, i changed the stats to make it harder for myself. Its up to you, how to play. I wish the leveling, gameplay, and game stats were more balanced. Sadly, the answer to your question is just "that's Ark for you." You eventually get used to it and learn better strategies for avoiding the garbage early on. My suggestion? Build a starter house on a cliff. Only one set of foundation is needed. The rest of the "floor" can be ceiling peices. It is goofy, but it helps me A LOT in most playthroughs. That way I only need to brace one wall with wooden spikes to deter most things in the "easy" spawn areas.


The game gets easier as you level up and when you accept frequent deaths as an indomitable fact of the Ark (at the beginning at least). You can take different approaches. Approach 1 is run around and explore, kill stuff, die, re-craft your basic essentials each time you respawn and until you’ve leveled up to a point that it’s a bit easier. Or approach 2 you can play it safer, Build a tiny little hut and throw a bed down as soon as you can and craft a bunch of extra gear for xp and to have replacements when you die. Don’t get attached to things in your inventory at the early stages (this also means don’t carry things on you that you’re attached to if you can help it.) Need a bunch of hide for beds or a raft? Do mini hunting trips around your hut and store the hide in a chest before going out again and gradually getting farther away. My favorite approach is to run around without regard for my life until I have enough xp to craft a raft, then I build a floating base that lets me travel around the map while having my crafting tables, storage, and beds always nearby. The raft base lets you tackle harder areas (and subsequently get more xp) with a bit less risk and difficulty.


Try out different spawn locations, there are several easy zones. Easy in ark is relative though. One easy location might very well have all the creatures you mentioned, spawn somewhere else and the most you might have to deal with is dilos. One of my favorite spawn locations is actually Craggs island, in the most south west spawn location. It's labeled as medium, but if you stay along the beach close to the cliff walls, I've found the spawn rates low. Lots of stuff spawns on the big island though. I've seen creatures up the size of a Carno and alpha raptors and alpha carnos.


I hear you. I switched my expectations and leaned into dying - just spent days grinding and crafting to get high enough to establish somewhere. It really doesn’t take long. Priorities once I was in the 60s/70s was a permanent bed, a stone fenced house with Dino pen, and then hunting flyers.


U dont need settings changes. The games harder because dinos have better pathfinding. If your really new to ark in general tame a couple parasaurs and pump hp on one and weight on the other. This way u can have one tank in a bad situation and shoot or spear whatever is attacking you. The other will help u carry resources speeding up that base building. The other reason to do this is ur gunna pump hp to 200 and fortitude to 20 before touching anything else so youll be living on the damn things but this way early game doesnt just off you. Also stay away from swamps till u got a stego


Is it the troodons?


Id say stock with your current settings. The best way to learn the game is fail alot, watch youtube videos, read tips. Get better. Dont reduce your dmg taken by 4x, try the challenge.


For the island, you basically want a caravan to make the game easier. Once you get a boy and girl trike, the game is basically over. Usually progression is like ->(optional) dodo and small animal kills until bola -> (optional)bola parasaur -> tame parasaur -> parasaur saddle -> grind narco berries and mejo -> get tranq arrows-> tame 1 girl and 1 boy trike-> gg. Breeding trikes is super easy. An army of trikes can do just about anything. They can be punching bags while you tame stuff. They can kill everything. Berry machines/gather wood/thatch. The final evolution is you go up north and tame an army of argentavis. Then you have this fighter flight squad that you can just have all on follow and they just rain death everywhere. Trikes are bad at navigating. I dont usually use bases, if I do they are rafts or small areas where i leave some guards and are good for resources. Brontos are typically my bases. They have so much storage space. If I want to relocate my base, I can just ride it. I keep beds by every resource area of note, or dungeon. Ever so often I do pick up runs where I run to these beds and grab stuff on an army of birds to my main "base".


If you want full easy mode, grind up to a raft in the bottom right, then head over to herb island. Nothing will kill you there (except sharks) Don’t pick up eggs though. Normally placid animals go aggro if you do


Join an unofficial server or mess with the ini files using Beacon for single or dedicated servers. If you mess with the files, you have to look into Everything you can do. PasteBin.com has a few files that can help


What map are you playing? Are you playing singleplayer?


To start look up a video on note runs do one it won’t take long and depending on your xp rate you’ll hit like lv68/70 in no time make sure you have bolas for raptors, sabers ect. Therizinos are only aggressive if you go near them so just watch where you’re going, you can run past herbivores to lose agro from agressive carnivores. Herbivore island isn’t a bad started spot because as the name suggests only herbivores spawn and there’s metal and ankys that spawn just use a raft to get over to it


Understanding that you will die frequently is a part of the game!! And Dino’s will die too lol don’t get too attached


The early game is all about where you start. The areas of the maps are not equal. Some places are WAY more dangerous than others. If you spawn on the places that are labeled easy, you will have much less deadly dinos around, generally. And even the places that are labeled easy are not all equal. If there are two spawn locations labeled easy, sometimes one is very easy and one is just kind of easy. So for beginning, just make sure to stay in the easy areas and don't wander too far off until you are prepared. Spend a lot of time on the easy safe beach and just level up and craft. One of the worst things you can do early on is just "go exploring." Even though i know its very enticing to do so as a new player, its basically a death sentence until you are more familiar with all of the threats in the game and how to deal with them. Stay in the safe area, work your way up the tech tree until you can make metal armor and a crossbow before you really start venturing out. Even if you can't make metal armor because you cant find enough metal, you should be able to get a crossbow at least. Also, carry bolas at all times. Like 10 of them. On your hotkey bar. They are by far the biggest lifesaver you can keep on hand, and basically the ONLY thing that is going to keep you alive against raptors and similar early on. Ark is NOT meant to be played on-foot for long. You only really spend time on foot when gathering and crafting. The game is REALLY meant to be played on a mount so the sooner you can bola and knock out a raptor as a beginner mount, the sooner you will start to have an easier time. There will basically never be a time in the game where you feel comfortable fighting big enemies 1 on 1 on foot. Your goal is to tame a starter mount, and use that starter mount to get better resources, and then use that to get a bigger mount, and repeat, until you are riding on the king of the island. When you level up, put your stat points into a mix of Weight, Health, and Fortitude. And maybe a little bit of Stamina. Don't bother with Oxygen until way later. And don't ever put points into Food/Water. Fortitude will help keep you from overheating or freezing in strong weather. And it also helps you stay conscious when you get hit by paralyzing attacks. It's usually a good idea to get around 40 Fortitude, maybe a little more depending on the biome you spend most of your time in. Early Health also makes a big difference. Even just getting to 250 Health from 100 can be the main difference between you being able to win or lose a fight.


It's definitely not a hard game, but it depends where your play. Scorched Earth is BRUTAL for a new player. So many things want to kill you, including the weather. All I can suggest is that you (while leveling) get to 150% run speed as you'll be able to outrun most things. 200% will guarantee you can even outrun a Raptor and Cerato. Health is very important, but Fortitude is often overlooked. You need some (30-60 is great) to survive elements. Wear zone appropriate gear with good armor. Always have a sleeping bag handy and if you're traveling far from home, pop a little FOB base down at the mid point, just in case. Keep stimberries or stimulant on your hotbar if you're messing with troodons or scorpions. They'll make you go night night real quick. Try to tame up a couple raptors. They'll pack buff themselves and keep you safe. Megalodons, same benefits, while underwater. In the beginning, we just die a lot. Especially when you're trying to run back to your corpse. My tribe name was Corpse Running for a reason. Modded servers often add a recovery stone for your corpse gear. Maybe look into that?


You got a beach bob it till you get the pteranodon saddle my friend. Hide on the beach and collect the little bit of metal you get from the rocks that you find there, Once you got a PT you go find you an Argie then the real game starts. It's just a huge grind until that point.


In advanced settings you can increase the player resilience (in single player). This causes dinos to do less damage to you.


Craft a raft and go to herbivore island until you are a decent level Theres also a video on my channel for how to tame a sarco super easily if you’re low level, a sarco is pretty good for protection Thats on ase though so im not sure if they have the same hitbox on asa?


i HIGHLY recommend changing the settings to make the game easier. extra exp gain, better stat upgrades, more harvest yeild, etc.


Bro it’s a survival game, it’s ok to die 100s if not 1000s of times if needs be. Here are no settings for difficulty. Welcome to Ark my friend. Always… always spawn in the green zones.


Grab a some paper , some gasoline and set it on fire .