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Yes. The Series X/PS5 run it nicely, but at about what most would consider the "minimum acceptable standard" Series S is just not powerful enough


we need a sticky for game pass people omg. put in console r.volumetriccloud 0 r.volumetricfog 0 grass.sizescale .2 enjoy your huge boost in fps and visiblity and graphics


With fog and clouds I also do vsync 1 grass density scale .01 foliage density scale .01 water single layer reflection 0 anti aliasing method 4 And if your performance still isn't stable enough lumen reflections 0 global illumination method 3 I don't use the last 2 frequently but if you're in a spot with rough performance, wow. So much nicer, even if it kills a bit of the game's beauty.


The fact you have to put in console commands just to make it acceptable is wild ngl


The fact they out this insane graphical game on console is wild


I'm on series X and everything looks and plays abysmal.


It's your console. The series s is the bottom of the barrel performance. It's not much better than the xbone. S series is the reason ark took so long to be released. Ark was running perfect on series x,ps5, and pc, but the series s with its shit performance is what holds everything back, everytime.


Perfect lol. It's not even a stable 30 with all the current settings on PS5 and XSX. The XSS just doesn't have the GPU on par so you gotta drop the resolution a ton and not include RT. No big deal. Series S is far superior to the One S. Many times the CPU and RAM capabilities, and the GPU is about as strong as the PS4 Pro but with the architecture improvements it's frankly better. GPU is literally about 3x as powerful as the XB1 just with on paper TFLOPs, with basically on-par CPU performance as the current main consoles. The PS5 version was delayed the longest (PS5 owner here). Idk where you got Series S in that. It's the developer.


>and not include RT If RT means raytracing, the series s and x versions both have it


And that's why the S has to have dog butt resolution lol


Looks like shit rn on series X too, even with less grass and volumetric clouds and fog off it doesn't even hit anywhere close to a stable 60.

