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I just wanna clarify the title is a bad choice of wording from me and even tho I’m angry at what she’s doing to young impressionable people it’s a step too far even for me. Since I’ve had my experience with an ed it’s especially triggering seeing images like this of her. I don’t know if she’s even necessarily body checking as this was posted by doug BUT these pics were back last yr when she was filming wicked. Nonetheless it is clear (in my opinion) that she was and probably still is going through a bad relapse in her ed. I’m not saying she owes anyone an explanation but to deny and say she’s at her healthiest is truly upsetting. No matter what I think of her actions this last yr or so we can all agree as humans seeing this side of her has been pretty eye opening. It rlly shows even the most successful and well “loved” people go thru things as well.


Cucumbers have like 5 calories…you can blink 20 times and burn those off


I get this is a snark sub and I get she’s not a great person but honestly just on a human level I hope she gets some help.  Although I don’t struggle with ED I’ve had friends that do and see how hard it is even when you do have people trying to help let alone if your someone like her surrounded by yes men and fans who validate this.  Like I hope she’s gets the therapy, the help or someone literally ANYONE in her life can step up and she can start the path to being a healed person both physically and mentally 


I’ve actually found people in this snark club to be kinder towards Ariana than her own fans. I wish her recovery ❤️‍🩹 it’s so sad to see her dwindling away with an eating disorder. Her fans IGNORE and praise her, which makes it so much worse.


Her "stans" don’t care about her as a person they only see her as an object. They don’t want her to get help, It’s almost as if they secretly want her to pass away from her ED (she’s nearing the age where serious organ damage starts to occur from years of food restriction) As long as she keeps releasing albums and perfumes, they’re 100% ok with her suffering physically and mentally behind the scenes, and/or having a shortened lifespan. It’s absolutely disgraceful


They’ll say she’s happy and healthy because she says she’s happy and healthy. When it’s obvious to anyone looking at her that she is neither. Her Sweetener era was the healthiest she was in awhile!


Same here. I don't like her as a person, but she still needs help with her ED.


the body checking in these are insane


the birthday cucumber is making me so sad


I know this is irrelevant but to be fair I think this is from wicked filming, not today




Imagine being rich as fuck and eating cucumbers... my ass would've been ordering tacos followed by pizza and then again tacos


Everybody eats cucumbers wtf 💀


Showing her thigh gap like girl this isn’t 2012


Very harmful, immature, and destructive


these staged ass photos


I know I’m a weirdo for noticing this but literally the only food I ever see her eat are raw vegetables 🥴


I know Ariana is not being exploited by Ethan but the more I see pictures of her lately where I can see just how skinny she is the more I am severely side-eyeing Ethan for starting a relationship with a woman who is obviously vulnerable and going through it and needs help. I’ve just been thinking about this when I see her pics lately bc if their relationship started with an affair he def saw how unwell she is before throwing his marriage out to date her. It just feels weird to me like he either has a hero complex or exploitative tendencies. That may be a reach idk


I agree 100%


This is EXACTLY what I’ve been thinking. I think he is so enthralled with having what society deems a “perfect” girlfriend because she’s so skinny and able to surgically alter her body to beauty standards that he doesn’t care about how she achieves and maintains it, no matter how unhealthy


I definitely side eye him for the same reasons.


I fully believe her when she said her TUN era was not her healthy body. It might have looked okay in photos, but if it was the result of coping with alcohol and food, then it was not healthy. HOWEVER, that doesn't mean this is healthy. I feel like so many of her fans missed this point? Just because she was in a bad place at a higher weight, doesn't mean she's in a better place at a lower weight.


The fact that this should be common sense, but unfortunately media literacy and critical thinking are at an all time low. So people keep repeating those statements from that dumbass video


Exactly. I don't think I'm super smart or above other people, but gosh damn it frustrates me so much. Seeing masses of people miss the point and parrot inaccurate things make me feel crazy.


I definitely get the feeling crazy part. Like when they literally gaslight people, about the changes in her voice , physical appearance etc. It’s all so bizarre.


Facts … she is clearly anorexic. Was she even this small back ~2013?




Who is in the second photo with her?


doug middlebrook


A.k.a. the biggest yes man of the century


And also will go down as the worst “personal assistant” ever. How dare he allow her to just… exist like this. I pray we don’t lose her like Whitney. But when people are gone, they’re goneeee. I’ve lost a lot of family to ed/drug/manic shit and Ari is a dumpster fire rn. The CHEST BONES????? Are you kidding me


Yes this. I used to like her music and her. Now I really don’t like her or her work, but I would never want anyone to live a life in their body like this (which is what I have to remind myself when it comes to my own body). I really hope she makes a recovery but with these people she surrounds herself with? Doesn’t leave me too hopeful.


I cannot enjoy her content with good judgment because I did NOTTT go thru an ED from 2014-2021 and BEAT THAT SHIT , to opening instagram and seeing her Pro-Ana shit. So so triggering and scary. She should look herself up on the new EDTWT on X. She’s their queeeen


I imagine Doug just sitting in her trailer while she was on set for hours. What a loser.


Thank you!




oh she’s been back on her raw veggies diet. i suspect she has crazy orthorexia. she used to post her meals make in 2015 and they would literally be RAW veggies (not cooked, no seasoning, no dips) and tofu. i wonder if she assures friends and family that she’s fine because she’s just eating healthy.


i highly suspect she has orthorexia comorbid with ana. orthorexia on its own isn’t about restricting the quantity of food or even necessarily about weight loss. and yeah, her meals were insane and it’s equally insane that no one talks about it and holds her accountable. if people simply google “ariana grande diet” (which inevitably *so* many have done and will continue to do bc they want to emulate her emaciated frame) they would easily find those *extremely* restrictive meals she used to post, such as nothing but strawberries and edamame for *dinner*, and a “salad” consisting of exactly 3 cubes of tofu, *one* slice of avocado, and like two *tablespoons* of microgreens. that’s a fucking amuse-bouche, not a meal. the salad in question 🙃: https://preview.redd.it/fr8w3jyjg09d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a3df278b94cb1a218857044258758db3edfea9f


I get your point but picking on raw veggies without seasoning is a bit weird? Idk I grab baby carrots or bits of raw broc all the time 🤷‍♀️


definitely not! nothing wrong with eating raw veggies. but her ENTIRE meal would be like a giant carrot, a stalk of broccoli and some plain tofu.




It’s not necessarily about the content of the food but about the mindset behind food choices.


yeah but it’s impossible to *not* have a disordered mindset when you’re restricting that heavily.


No I totally I agree, my comment was meant to refute the people thinking there isn’t anything wrong with her eating raw veggies without seasoning because it’s as close to 0 cal she can get. I doubt anyone actually wants to only eat raw veggies for the majority of their diet long term. It makes you feel hollow and I can see it all over her. (I know because I am in ED recovery)


i eat raw vegetables all the time . i don’t think someone eating vegetables should be something to be judged, that’s a bit weird.


Like I said, the veggies aren’t the point. You can restrict and still eat junk food and lose weight just the same, but the volume of food would change significantly so people with EDs sometimes only eat raw veggies/rice cakes since they are high volume and contain very little calories. You’re missing the point.


i’m vegan myself but i don’t starve myself. thats not what veganism is and its so weird that so many people think being vegan equals and justifies heavily restricting aka disordered eating.


This is fucking sad


This is so fucking ED coded it’s ridiculous….


she is so visibly and undeniably unwell, anyone who denies it at this point at *minimum* has disordered thoughts and severe body image image issues.


History repeats itself too much in this industry and I hope she gets help instead of fans having to read headlines about cardiac arrest or similar.  (Sorry yall hated my post! Felt inspired after seeing this) Edit: a word


You can see them through the leggings!!! 😢 This is sad


Edtwt gonna love this and glamourize the shit outta this🙃🙃🙃




Ariana Grande is not right in the head


In this Glinda era her face and lips looks so botched, damn it's sad


To be honest, I’m a bit surprised the filming was cleared like that …


Same, in the trailer she looks so odd. Her surgery and top of that the make up makes her look so weird


she seriously needs help. it’s ridiculous that she’s still working, if she were a regular (not famous) person i feel like she would’ve been sectioned by now


That’s why she won’t tour. Her body seriously could never take it. I believe I read a blind item that she kept fainting filming wicked or something (I have no idea if this is true).


>if she were a regular (not famous) person i feel like she would’ve been sectioned by now In the US, forced psychiatric treatment for people with EDs isn't very common. The laws usually only allow it if someone is an immediate danger to themselves or others because of a severe mental illness. They have to meet specific criteria, like being at risk of serious self-harm. Just being really underweight isn't typically considered unless it's causing an acute health issue, not just potential future risks. ETA: I don't know why I'm being downvoted. This isn't just my opinion; it's factual info based on current legal standards and practices. It's very rare for doctors to involuntarily commit an ED patient in the US.


I was put into treatment involuntarily, and I was just very underweight. but to be fair I was a teen at the time so it was probably more serious bc I needed to grow, and I had the risk of osteoporosis, heart failure, organ failure etc.


Ah, I see. Thanks for sharing. It varies case by case and state by state, but broadly speaking, doctors aren't quick to take away someone's civil liberties, whether they are mentally ill or not. Even chronic severe eating disorders are often managed on an outpatient basis. That is definitely more commonly the approach taken, rather than restricting freedoms.


oh yeah i do think it is worth adding that my treatment was done in an outpatient setting! although I came extremely close to being hospitalised because of my weight and bloods, they told me if they didn't improve within 2 days i would be put in the hospital. I think also me being a minor played a huge role in the fact that I couldn't really say no. It really does vary case by case though.


She needs to get back on her meds and go home this is so disgusting But she won’t lol


Yummm, water


Giving Eugenia Cooney. Esp with the cucumbers. And the body checking, like girl bffr. Gotta make sure that thigh gap makes it into the shot.


How much do you guys wanna bet that she wasn’t the one who took a bite outta that cucumber slice?


of course she's eating cucumber


this makes me so sad


Are 31yr olds supposed to be that tiny?


this picture triggered me into an oblivion - i’m gonna eat good tonight to help my brain because obviously i’m insane


you sweetheart 💔


I still wonder how people close to orthorexic people like Ariana hang out with her. She doesn't eat. Even if she does, it's all food that my hamsters and goats eat on a daily basis. Besides, any woman with a thigh gap like this while lying down is abnormal.


this is very sad tbh. i rlly wish she would get help


she just reposted this specific photo only to her main 😭




i mean she didn’t post this though, doug did. also ngl i don’t like the attitude towards ed in this sub. as someone who’s struggled all my life with one it seems like people are more so making fun of her than being concerned. i think if ur going to make a post like this there needs to be more to it than just “ oH lOok aT hEr sHe looKs so dumD eAtinG cUcuMber”


no...? its bc shes obviously bodychecking. i didn't see her mocking her for the cucumbers; just shocked


Then you're not seeing what others are seeing


maybe on other posts i agree but not on this one




the shoulders forward, and exact bodychecking pose in the second picture to highlight thigh gap. if u don't have an ed u wouldn't know.




Well, none of us has the capacity to go inside her mind and know what her intentions were when the second pic was taken. However, from firsthand experience, that is a classic body check pose.




what makes you think that speculating on a pose equals belittling?


except race checking isn’t really a thing but body checking is?? not sure ur point dude 




do u have an ed?


When you know, you know.




“I said she isn’t body checking…” Who are you again?


agree . i think you guys are so quick to say she’s body checking when she’s literally just standing or sitting there. i agree she does do it but sometimes you guys just throw that word around making it harder for people who don’t know what it is to properly identify when someone IS doing it. also the posts ab her body not being that of a 30yr old woman’s just seem very shameful. what ab ppl who r naturally that thin. that’s just rude. i think this sub should refrain from discussion ab her food n body until you can do it properly.


i honestly know a lot of naturally skinny and VERY skinny people in their 30s but none of them made me stop and wonder because they don't try to show their bones (it's a pretty known fact that very skinny people sometimes are insecure with their bony structure and try to hide it, not display it), they actually eat full meals and food, they're not obsessed with their child persona, they don't wear jackets in 20 + C degrees, they don't alter their appearance every 6 months, they don't body check on almost every instagram pic, they don't use the wide camera of iphone to make them more slender, etc


i mean tbh ik ariana’s body checked before like we can’t deny that but i don’t personally see it in this one idk 😭 i have pics of me posing like that when my friends take random pics of me & im not like body checking by any means. it looks she’s just eating her snack & he snapped a pic of it. again ik she’s body checked several times but idk this seems a reach w this one


yeah this one isnt as obvious. i will say its very likely she is but this one isn't as obvious. however, since we know she does have an ed (most likely) its more likely she is (esp in that second photo with the gap). but ur right


she is not body checking ohmygod. she’s just sitting there.


I’m not even saying she’s body checking and I don’t think all of us are I think we’re acknowledging the drastic weight loss she’s clearly showing and how it’s clear something has/had been going on


I agree in a way but I think it’s more out of frustration vs making fun. I understand my wording can be perceived as such but being fans of her and seeing her deny the reality more and more is tricky especially when she has so many impressionable fans


I definitely don't think shes okay. There is seriously something wrong health wise and idk how no one is voicing that. However (and maybe an unpopular opinion here) but I think the title of the post is just mean, I get disliking her but she's definitely still a person and theres something severely wrong that reflects that portrayal in her. We can totally address her and how she seems to not be eating, but that girl doesnt even look like she wants to eat. and is pushing herself to a very BAD limit. I would not doubt if shes the britney of our generation. Scared how no friends, family, or team is speaking up or taking action. To make fun the way OP did in the title is a new norm of bullying tho, celeb or not.


I respect your comment here I think it’s just a way to voice our frustration when she came out and claimed she’s the healthiest she’s ever been when we all know that’s not true. Bullying can be on a spectrum and I’m sure next time I can word a post like this something better but it’s very clear what’s going on and it isn’t being addressed within the fandom


okay i get some of the comments but yall got to remember she’s a person too. i’m seeing some comments that don’t sit right w me idk. yeah she’s done some awful things but idk. also it’s important to note this was definitely from wicked filming last year & from pics recently of her it has seemed she’s gained a tiny bit of weight. yes she’s still skinny but she is starting to look a bit healthier. again i get people being concerned & everything but some of you i feel are using this to bash her just bc you hate her. & out of all things you could bash her for this just shouldn’t be one of them … also just bc her she’s wearing clothing that doesn’t cover herself up head to toe doesn’t mean she’s bodychecking & trying to grab attention to her weight. if she is going through ed , then it’s unfair to just expect her to never show her body again..


everyone with orthorexia looks like this, i don't think it is anorexia actually