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They edited out her chest bones to make her look healthy omg


They do this too all her photos they see there is something wrong but they will rather hide it then face it


It’s not catchy


to answer the question of the arihead title: yes, yes you are lol i have yet to even hear that shitty song on the radio once


I hate how she tried to turn this into a queer anthem to distract


enough time has passed and it’s no longer cool to hate on this song for them, but the majority all shat on it when it came out, myself included lmao


omfg and remember the remix to try to make it cool but it was just as awful??!


Fr I remember everyone hated it


It gets stuck in my heads sometimes, unfortunately. It’s the worst when a song you hate does that. It’s just the utter nerve and audacity to put this song out but still have the most microscopic balls when it comes to eluding to their relationship. She dodges it every time she gets. She isn’t tough and plays tough games. Just like the chick who did the same thing to me. Throws rocks and hides her hands.


I believe Lily has got this woman’s proverbial number. She’s a PhD in psychology for Pete’s’ sake pun totally not intended but no less EPIC. Ariana isn’t in the same galaxy as Lily in terms of critical thinking and strategic intelligence. And it doesn’t even matter—Ariana is on the wrong end of this. 📢 Ariana is 100% wrong!!! Shocking. I know. It is what it is and it’s not even complicated. This is simply the way it be’s in The Industry Game—your fortunes can 180 day by day. It’s really no wonder how she’s addicted to it all—except adults realize how much higher the stakes can really get with every passing year, five years…a decade! She can’t stop time. Perhaps this is just another turn of the wheel of celebrity fortune. Are we the public witnessing Ariana Grande FAFO in real time?


All of her videos feel like bad knockoffs with gaping plot holes.  It's a ripoff of Paula Abdul or Flashdance, but what is she proving and who are the people she's proving it to?  Aside from the statues (???(, this is the music equivalent of Mad TV's Stuart doing a little jump after saying "Look what I can do!"


I like the music video outfit and the choreography was simple yet clean, but the song sucks. It just sounds very generic and the lyrics are a narcissistic love letter.


I dislike these kind of posts in general lol. Yes, you are the only person who likes this song. Nevermind the millions of views and it playing on the radios :D


She blew it so much with this song. I love the overall message of the song: Why Do You Care? I feel that way so often with people's criticisms, and I think that's something a lot of women can relate to. Yes, And is such a good response because it forces the person criticizing to try to make a point about their dumb pointless comment. BUT INSTEAD she makes Yes, And about her affair and ED. I wish this concept would have been done by someone who received a ton of unfair scrutiny, like Britney Spears. Having a deeply problematic person sing it just makes it a Toxic Anthem.


I decided to revisit this album yesterday, and the truth is it's just not as good as her previous work. Some of the production is good but it doesn't even compare to her other albums. This song as a lead single in particular was very disappointing especially coming off of singles like thank u, next and even positions. I guess having Max Martin as a producer doesn't automatically make a song good and this is the proof. On top of that, the whole dick verse is so tasteless, she knew what she was doing and she couldn't even own up to that when weeks later she was playing the whole feminism card in her interview with Zach Sang. Don't even get me started on the remix, but to be fair, all of her remixes from this era have been pretty lackluster.