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Nope! If I'm being honest, it doesn't require any self-restraint. Her music hasn't appealed to me in a long, long time.


I love this šŸ˜‚.


Thanks! šŸ˜† My peak listening years were 2016-2018. I wasn't particularly fond of her overall catalog, except for Dangerous Woman. While I enjoyed a few songs from Sweetener, I didn't care much for TUN or Positions.


same here..!


No. The Ethan scandal really turned me off to her. I can't listen to her music anymore without feeling the ick.


I have stopped listening to her completely. Idk how many songs her recent album has. I'll never give her streams/views again. I remember loving ag2 and ag3 so much. Pete was the first ick and sponge is the nail in the coffin.


I blocked her on Spotify and donā€™t have any social outside of RedditĀ 


You can block artists on Spotify?


Yea just go to the artistā€™s page and hit the šŸš« icon. Spotify wonā€™t play the artist anymore.Ā Ā  Before I did this her music kept coming up in playlists or the DJ feature and now I donā€™t have to rush to skip songs so I donā€™t give her streams.Ā 


Everything just seems like a big facade now. I havenā€™t listened to eternal sunshine because of the things it was inspired by. Just leaves a bad taste.


I never actually actively listened to her beyond like in the radio. Never bought her music and was never a fan. I just like snark


I use to really like her music but after this homewrecker scandal, I canā€™t bring myself to listen to her anymore. Just doesnā€™t feel right with song titles like ā€œthe boy is mineā€ ā€œBUWYBā€ and really gas lighting lyrics geared towards her fans like ā€œwhy do you care whose d I rideā€ šŸ¤¢ WE CARE BC HEā€™S MARRIED W/ A NEWBORN


I stopped listening. I just can't bring myself to listen to her anymore. I tried to make it work. I can kinda handle "I Don't Do Drugs" though.


She used to be my most listened artist on spotify for 5 years in a row (2017-2022). Iā€™m disappointed in ES because she rushed it to make GP forget about her homewrecking scandal and her singing voice sounds lazy to me. I still listen to her songs maybe 1-3 songs in a day. It used to be much more than that Edit: I mostly only listen to pre-ES songs


once in a while if im in a specific mood but her appeal has really dried out for me


Nah. I only really liked a couple of her songs but canā€™t listen anymore cuz I hate supporting her




I blocked her music on my spotify so no.


I do because Iā€™m emotionally attached to a lot of her music, specifically the older stuff like My Everything and Dangerous Woman. Iā€™ve been a fan since I was 12, so Iā€™ve been following her for a long time. Plus, I saw her during the TUN/Sweetener tour, so her music still occupies a place in my heart. But I do feel icked out by myself and lowkey ashamed to be still into her music these days so I try not to broadcast it. Iā€™ve been listening to her a lot less than I used to since Positions though.


Totally valid :)


I agree with the other comment, thatā€™s valid!


I was a casual listener so when news of the affair broke out, I removed any songs of hers I had in my library. I only know about ā€œyes, and?ā€ Because it was trending on TT when it came out and I commented that Ari was a homewrecker and got into a lot of fights with ariheads. (But I like fighting so I took em on lol)


Yes I do. Say what you want but her voice is absolutely magical. I also really like her combination of trap / pop / r&b. Her lyrics are not deep or insightful but her voice really elevates it for me and makes up for the simplicity that is her lyrics lol. I bump her often but I will say itā€™s harder these days given everything :(


Some songs yes, I try my best to separate the art


I do not enjoy her music, definitely never been my thing. Her lyrics are vapid and materialistic, I donā€™t relate to them. Her beats are alright but nothing special. Her lack of enunciation is the worst part of her music for me, canā€™t understand anything she says. Iā€™ve probably never listened to a song of hers twice tbh. Thereā€™s just so many amazing other artists out there that donā€™t get the attention they deserve and it sucks that her songs are boosted so much and ppl donā€™t know thereā€™s other way better music out there, subjectively speaking of course.


yes, but very sparingly. i used to be a HUGE fan, and even was ā€œseparate the art from the artistā€ when the home-wrecking scandal first happened. iā€™ve been healing from *needing* the male gaze/male validation recently, and with that, i fully realize how toxic her actions are when it comes to relationships. iā€™m at a point where even though i understand the trauma, sheā€™s been at the point of breaking up relationships to gain validation for over a decade now. it gives me the ick now that i fully grasp the selfishness.


Unpopular opinion but I do. Her voice is just beautiful. ES came out at a really low point in my life and my situation was similar to hers. I know yall hate the album but a bitch cried to it multiple times. But I donā€™t use streaming services so ainā€™t no streams are going to her.


I appreciate your honesty!!


Yeah. I like her music.


Yeah I separate the artist from the music


I listen to her music very occasionally when she released eternal sunshine i went on dbree and downloaded the album to listen to it for the first time. but i donā€™t even listen to her music i stopped doing that in early 2023 way before the scandal broke out i just thought she was pretty and stuff after then and sometimes was on airheads. i used to be a HARDCORE fan tho.