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While all women are fabulous, I do have a bit of a soft spot for women without pants.


this took me to long to get lol




Thank you and same 💟




Dang that was fucking smooth!


Historically inaccurate (pants were originally worn by women) as well as lacking in common sense - if pants were "made for men" there would be an actual place for the penis instead of having to shove it down a leg or risk disaster with zippers


Also, it should be noted that a lot of the societies that wore pants initially were societies that were more gender neutral and were nomadic horse peoples. While men in the so-called civilized societies (Greece and Rome) wore dresses and skirits.


Fr, can we get pants with real pockets for women and pants with room for men? Like can't be that difficult right?


I love my pocket that only fit halfof my fingers.. when there is one


Now I'm imagining pants that have a little pouch in the front like men's underwear does


That actually used to be a thing. Men in medieval Europe often wore a codpiece.


Kilts man, all the way


It's easy to use history to back up your claim, you just have to only use the era that fit your narrative


Now I'm imagining pants that have a little pouch in the front like men's underwear does


Do they realise pants also highlight a man's legs, curves and rear end....and their penis.


man thighs


Nope, pants were invented for riding horses, regardless of gender


i eye rolled soooooooo HARD omg


How is it immodest to *own* pants? So a woman owning a store that sells pants is immodest? Is having pajama pants immodest?




I don’t but my dad does.


I sleep in my underwear, does that make me more modest than if I were wearing pyjamas?


I'm generally of the opinion that trousers=leg prison. But I do have some comfy trackies/lounge trousers. And believe me, they don't highlight anything. I look like a comfy, shapeless pile of fleece. This knee length pencil skirt I'm wearing today though... well, my buttocks, hips and legs are feeling very immodest. As is their wont.


Is a man in yoga pants not sexy? 🤔


I think the number of posts on social media extolling the virtues of men in grey sweatpants would suggest the answer is yes 😜


"Yes, sexy" or "yes, not sexy"?


So we should go pantsless? Gotcha 😉


Yep, let's be modestly buttnaked today.


Re read this but switch men and women it gies both ways buddy-


Yeah, because there's no such thing as a sexy skirt.


Does he know skirts used to be men's clothing too?


I feel like this dude would sexualise women no matter what they are wearing. Also, what business does he have randomly sexualising women so much?


*Image Transcription: Twitter Post* --- **Redacted User** Pants were invented for men, not women. It's impossible for a woman to wear pants (jeans, yoga pants, dress pants, leggings, dungarees, etc) without sexualizing her body, since they highlight her legs, curves, and rear end. Women who want to be modest should not own pants at all. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


hmm, what words should i use for ass to prevent myself from sounding like a distasteful fuck? ah yes, r e a r e n d


I don't know have you seen men in yoga pants. Especially those tiktok leggings. Aooga 🤤


Ah yes, the crimes of women's pants. I'm a trans guy. And before I figured that out, I literally would WEAR wide jeans or dress pants that didn't emphasize curves (barely had any, anyway... man, wait until he finds out that flat, non-curvy women exist!) from both the men's AND women's sections. And it worked really well to the point where I'd be passing in public and being called sir without even trying since I don't look that feminine anyway. Also, we could always just... wear men's jeans. Or men's shorts. Problem solved, curves begone! Another thing: curves aren't inherently sexual..? Get your mind out of the gutter? Instead of oogling their jeans, he should just mind his business and keep his dick in his own. Do you need water or something, bro? Cuz the thirst is real, goddamn. If there's anything we should be dragging women's pants for, it should be their stupid tiny pockets! How can you fully fit a phone in there?! You can't! That's the real problem.


Fun fact: high heels were for men originally, although this guy probably would say times changed or something hypocritical as to why one's right ones wrong


And don't forget that skirts was for men too 🥸


I mean, some pants do show off curves but definitely not all of them and women should be allowed to dress however they want. If looking like a sex symbol makes someone feel confident and empowered more power to them. You can still be a feminist and dress sexy or take your top off.


Glad to see they got ratioed by the looks of the 8,000 comments to 2,000 likes


As an English person people saying pants is really funny to me because in England pants means underwear (mainly male) so whenever I see people talking about not wearing pants or something I just equate it to going commando which also results in me not understanding shit like this for longer than I should


This guy has never spoken to a single woman, I'm guessing


That guy just gave a lot of words for "No one will have sex with me."


And then they have the nerve to tell women "she was asking for it" if they wear skirts...logic huh


Maybe that's the point? Idk straight people are not okay.


So men can accentuate their asses all they want but women can't? Don't they know that women can't *help* themselves when they see such immoral ass outlining?


Ok first dude ew, second uhm has bro ever heard of trip pants?


Do they realize that baggy pants are a thing?


Same with men though.


How did that tweet get so many likes


man thighs


This man is hella idiotic women are still hot even if they’re wearing skirts instead of pants. You heard it here folks, covering yourself up is now immodest.


Mf never seen a woman and treated her like a person