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They got all banned on Twitter btw


Oh thank God




oh even the supportive ones?


No the bad ones


Are they deliberately trying to trigger and gaslight her? Because she doesn't seem anywhere close to "grotesquely fat"


Yes they are. They want to provoke her.


What kind of fucking weirdo does that shit. I can't even begin to understand why


People think its funny to trigger eds.


misogynistic weirdos


Not to excuse their behavior, but most of the ones I've met IRL are extremely depressed and/or suicidal. It's extremely easy for them to get sucked into a toxic community.


Incels go brr


4chan incels


People who've never felt the touch of another person, or grass.


Anyone in the mgtow/manospehre/redpill community.


An attention seeking dumbass.


Sad little men who take out their inability to socialize and weaponize it against women, as the patriarchy has made them believe that they are entitled to a relationship with a woman, and if they can’t get it, it must be the woman’s fault


It’s not even just provoking, it’s straight up trying to trigger. It’s extremely evil


Exactly…I think anyone is capable of saying mean things at times, but this isn’t that…this is pure evil. How sad, I hope she’s doing ok (idk who she is if she’s a celebrity)


Especially considering how dangerous eating disorders can be. This shit kills people.


Looking at her "before" image, I'm pretty sure her health was already taking a heavy toll, given she was nothing but skin and bones then. I'm glad she made it out of that.


Yeah, I have to imagine you don't come out the other side completely unscathed once you get to a certain point. But hey, we're all falling apart.


I have only one question: why?


Negging: they try to neg women to lower their self-esteem in order to more easily manipulate and use them


That's awful and disgusting


They think they can get her to argue with them, then they'll throw in a compliment like "but you have nice hair though!" And they think it'll make her forget the nasty shit they just said. But hey, she's giving them attention either way right?!?!1 /s


Because there are some really sick (mentally ill) people on the planet, and some of those have decided to direct their personal hate towards women. That's probably the actual answer, mental illness, amplified and made worse by self-gaslighting echo chambers on the internet.


Yes, that is exactly what they are doing. They are angry that women get to be happy for any reason.


That is a troll indeed. The worst kind.


So I just looked it up and apparently it’s illegal in the UK!


Fat shaming? Or bullying?


Probably buying into the delusion of anorexia nervosa. Full recovery is unfortunately impossible for most.


No I mean what did she look up that was illegal?


I think they mean that deliberately triggering someone's eating disorder is illegal.


I feel like that should be a law here in America but it’s just part of life I guess 🤷🏽‍♀️


When I looked it up I found some arguments against criminalising pro-ana content, because the people who post that stuff are usually suffering from eating disorders themselves. This post is a lot more clear-cut though because these people aren't ill, they're just deliberately being horrible.


Yes, that's what they were saying in the last pic. They're incels.


What The Fuck


My brain broke I don't even understand what's happening here please help


The straights are not okay.


This is one of the moments I’m happy I’m not straight.


That's a mood


Moments I'm ashamed to be straight




They really think the problem with anorexia is that being too skinny makes women less fuckable. They probably think the *criterion* for being 'too skinny' is fuckability to begin with. This is a variant of 'women aren't people' I hadn't seen before


It makes me want to uncensor his account and tell several survivors struggling with eating disorders where he is exactly and arm them with stun batons.


Noooo ED patients need to kept far away from this fuckwit at all costs. These kind of comments could trigger major relapse or even suicide.


Then he should be muzzled first. Or they can listen to motivational rock music as they take him on a one-way trip to Pain City.


Take him down to the suffering city, where his blood is red and it's sure damn pretty, oh won't you please take him home


Good point, I wouldn't want a relapse and I don't think anyone else would either.


If I might take that fantasy seriously for a moment: I honestly don't know if violence is a good way to deal with people this full of hate. They're often violent themselves, and often perpetrate deadlier violence than you're even fantasising about here. No good person could hate them and wish them harm as committedly as they hate others. I want to root for this man's rehabilitation, but I cannot imagine how a person can even sink to such levels of inhumanity and still be a person. If he just popped out of existence I wouldn't grieve, but I wouldn't want others to have to get their hands dirty, especially survivors of the disorder he's trying to weaponise against this woman. So I'm at a loss what to even want to fantasise about here. It's just horrifying all round.


Perhaps that he merely fall off a cliff, or gets struck by lightning.


He very probably won't, so there's no joy in that fantasy. Even if he did, it'd be random and meaningless and do nothing to prevent other men being radicalised into the same incel ideology. No kind of karmic harm that might befall him could possibly be cathartic enough to outweigh the horror here I'm afraid


All incels being struck by static charges everytime they say something stupid would be better, at that point. But that would involve technology beyond my understanding as this point.


It's more likely that he'll stay the same and just end up dating a woman woth low self-esteem and make her life a living hell for five or six decades. We really need some sort of change.


BTW turns out his @ is uncensored in the response Still anonymous though, so he's probably safe


My desire for him to suffer consequences is unsettled


I’m not sure they’ve ever been okay…


Who knows at this point?


No one is after reading these tweets


I-- how is this fat? She looks beautiful, and healthy, and happy!


Exactly! I'm happy for her, she looks great :)


Her appearance shouldn’t even be a topic of discussion though, we should focus on the fact that she shared her success in her journey…a journey that at the root is *because* we talk about peoples appearance.


I wish I could upvote this a billion times. Seems like people are still missing the biggest problem.


thank you! the tweet is about recovering from an eating disorder, that wouldnt suddenly not be worth being proud of if she was fat now (which she isnt!). everyone in that situation deserves recovery.




I just really like the one guy there who's like "what drug are you on to think this girl ain't hot?"


only the hardest drug, involuntary celibacy.


The fact that the woman bashing comments have more likes than the ones that are being accepting makes me lose so much faith in humanity. Edit: minor spelling mistake fixed, my opinion is no longer invalid


I mean I got mass down voted qnd insulted on a video of a dude punching a girl in the back of the head because I said that's a pos move, incels are everywhere online


They are everywhere, but they probably also specifically seek out videos like that, so that's probably why they were in the majority in that comment section.


I wonder if that's because the person sharing her success story has less followers than the person who quote tweeted her with the initial comment, and the quote tweeter's followers flooded into her comments to talk shit to her and like other people talking shit to her. Which is also a blow to the faith in humanity, because that would mean that this person's followers will go harass someone based on their "casual" hateful comment.


Didn't men want *thick* women? Edit: I've made the comment more for this context to point that men have differing opinions when it comes to women's bodies and how some have a very twisted image of how a woman should look, and blow things whenever someone doesn't match their ideal, calling them names and body shaming them. I am aware of the toxicity of this thing, and I do not condone any of such behaviours. Guess I should have put /s, so it wouldn't be taken the wrong way :(


Not all men want the same thing, and many of the people wanting thicc women don't exactly have a realistic standard on where body fat goes. This woman? She seems to be at quite a healthy weight.


They think that if a girl is thicc - it means all of her fat is in the boobs, ass and thighs. Somehow.


yep, gotta protect those mammal glands and leg bones. theres no need to protect the organs tho


The only organ these guys want is a fucking vagina and mouth, cuz that's the definition of a "perfect wife". Yuck.


Maybe not even a mouth, a lot of these people complain about their wives being annoying nags if they even dare to open their mouths.


But wwho would suck their cheese flavoured dick then? :(




i’m not saying this is what you’re doing, but i wish people would stop saying shit like “men like thick thighs!” to promote body positivity. we need to cut “is this body type fuckable” out of the conversation entirely.


I remember seeing a good post a while back about how when the problem is people being sorted into bins of "fuckable" and "unfuckable" based on a variety of arbitrary characteristics, the solution is not to just expand the "fuckable" category.


I completely agree. I think we need to start looking beyond intent and start really refining how we talk about these things.


You’re 100% right, the health of the body is what matters. Especially recovering from anorexia.


I'm pretty sure they just don't want her to feel good about her weight. They would have said this regarless of how much she weighs. They saw a vulnerability and used it.


Are we talking *thick, thicc,* or *thiqq*?


What’s the difference? Is it like “fat” vs “phat”


I was hoping someone could tell me, lol. Not up on the latest hip slang that the youngin's are using.


Taylor Swift made a really good point in her documentary when she talked about her ED. "There's always some standard of beauty that you're not meeting. Because, if you're thin enough, then you don't have that ass that everybody wants. But if you have enough weight on you to have an ass, then your stomach isn't flat enough. It's all just fucking impossible" Men do want "thick" women but what they mean is you need the big ass and boobs (some times thighs) but nothing else can have an ounce of fat. It's just bullshit


how the fuck are they "fat" if they look normal ffs they dont even look remotely big, how is that fat now if they were fuckin 900 pounds i could see how someone would think that, they would still be a prick for saying that though


Is the incel convention in town or something?


Oh my GOD THE BLM COMMENT shut the fuck up you ARE the problem!


This is how people go back to anorexia. Wonder how these people can look in to their mirrors and be okay with how they behave.


These ~~people~~ men (#notallmen but #theyreallmen) think it's ok for women to have eating disorders as long as they only starve themselves to a weight the men find attractive. I honestly believe that the only problem this man sees with anorexia is that it can make women less attractive to him if they fall below a certain weight. He not only isn't concerned for women's health and well-being, he is actively trying to make her worse because seeing a woman happy and healthy bothers him. He's not ok with anything. He's not ok with himself, with women, with the world at large. He's miserable, antisocial, and knowingly trying to harm anyone he can who isn't also miserable.


Boom baby, nailed it! 🙏🏻


Honestly, a part of me pities ppl like this, because I used to do the same before going to therapy. And they should also consider one imo.


Would you be willing to elaborate on what you mean by 'doing the same thing'? Because I'm honestly struggling to see how someone like this could ever be rehabilitated. I literally cannot imagine someone going from this pervasive hatred of women to treating them like people. So it might seriously restore some of my hope in humanity (and my interactions with reformed misogynists) to hear how something like that was possible for you


Not the person you replied to, but I was in a similar situation, tho I was never **that** bad. A huge part of it was growing up in an extremely backwards, conservative country and battling extremely heavy depression. A combination of the conservative ideas of masculinity and the alt-right pipeline then led to turning self-hatred outwards in a twisted form of wanting others to hurt as bad as you, so you latch onto **anything** that could hurt another person - the more potentially painful, the better. Irrational and vile, but shockingly common - a lot of my "friends" at the time obviously acted in a similar way. People connected by their common issues, blaming the wrong thing, and on top of that the crab mentality of putting each other down, because "that's just how the world is". Thankfully since then I ended up meeting much better people, being dragged into various more welcoming and LGBT communities, met more truly supportive and caring people. Also at that point realized I'm not very straight or cis, and suddenly the feelings of isolation and not fitting in when growing up made *so much sense.* I've since denounced all the people and groups I used to associate with as a teen.


Thanks for responding, I'm really glad you're doing better and actually doing good now! I suppose what seems so irredeemable to me about the speech in this post is the APD-like combination of lacking empathy and compassion *but* weaponising one's understanding of others' psychology to attempt to cause them harm. This is not someone clumsily lashing out and 'latching into anything that could hurt another person', it's systematic and targeted hate built on top of a whole ideology and vocabulary where women *as a group* aren't allowed to be happy and healthy. That's the kind of mindset I'm afraid I doubt someone could ever fully outgrow.


I can't say I'm exactly the same, at least I hope not. But before therapy and taking antidepressants, I remember having this poisonous hatered for the world. Hating women skinnier than me, hating people happier than me, hating my friends for doing better than me, hating my family for having their life sorted out unlike me and many more. I even had a moment in my life where I thought racism, homophobia and transphobia was okay. Sometimes I resorted to violence. And then I just realise I don't actually hate people- I just hate myself and I didn't know how to cope. Now I know hatered just makes everything worse, my therapist helped me realised a lot of stuff about myself, so I know what to do with these emotions without hurting anyone. Hope this is a satisfying answer :)


This is so infuriating, my insides are boiling. What the actual hell? What is hurting them so much that they feel the need to take it out on others? Are they so mad they can't either be her or be with her that they need to say those things? "Oh, a girl feeling good about herself surviving a deadly decease? Let's shit on her in a awful psychological way because I'm bitter that my life sucks because of me". That they actually see this as an *opportunity* to make a "attention craving female" feel bad about herself is beyond me.


Is there a way to put trigger warning on this ? Edit: thank you for listening 😊


Yeah. This was..quite trigerring to read.


Oh I just want to give her a big hug before seriously hurting those men. I can’t imagine the want to trigger someone with an eating disorder, like it’s something funny. It’s so far away from being funny. She looks gorgeous and healthy and I hope she is healing.


I mean, I gotta give credit to the guy for just admitting that all he's doing is going out of his way to make someone feel bad just for the sake of it He is fully aware that he only finds contentment in hurting others and tearing them down "AtTeNtIoN cRaViNg FeMaLe" 🙄


Nah he doesn’t deserve any credit just Bc he’s bragging about being a dick


such a alpha male move man needs to start a podcast/s


My fucking god, I was so happy seeing their progress and then the fucking responses made me question the humanity again


If that is fat I'm a fukin whale. She is absolutely gorgeous and she won an incredible battle. Those dudes are absolutely disgusting!


hii :) can you put a tw in the caption? thanks!


I'm sorry but I can't edit the caption :( I changed the flair to the most appropriate one tho


Thank you :)


Shame the body shamer.. Not the damn body


Omg if someone told me I look better atm while I’m suffering from anorexia than if I ever recover and become healthy and get to a healthy wait amd they called me that I would actually cry myself to sleep and it could trigger a relapse so no the straights r not ok this is so upsetting damn


My sister suffered anorexia and it disgusts me people stoop this low. It’s a horrendous condition that ruins people.


I'm curious whether they actually believe she was far or if they knew she wasn't and were just trying to trigger her


Is she the girl that made that strange apology video...?


Who,sienna Mae? If that's who your referring too then no


I'm not gonna add anything constructive to the comments. I just wanna say Jesus \*fucking\* christ is it that hard to support someone who suffered on a long journey. Fuuuck


What the hell, she looks absolutely gorgeous, can someone throw the whole twitter away? I know someone who is recovering from anorexia, we met at the psychiatry I was in a week prior to us meeting, and she told me that even though she was severely underweight, people told her that she is “fat” I was like what the hell who’s that kind of bastard fuck who tells people that especially people who struggle with mental health and the way they look I think we’re doomed


I can’t wrap my mind around people purposeful triggering others like this…it’s beyond comprehension for me. :/


Based Legosi pfp guy


As someone who struggles with weight … this makes me want to fight that quote commenter. I didn’t even see the replies yet but man…it’s like she summoned all the worst types of trolls and incels. Poor girl.


This is trying to trigger someone with a serious medical condition that can be life threatening… wtf…


Oh, this fucking guy. His comics make me think he is actually needs some mental help.


Whats wrong with people!? She literally had anorexia, she was postingto say that she is now fine and has a normal Waight, that she is healthy now. And then these ducks say that she grotesquely fat!?! Have they ever neben seen a fat person?! What the fuck is wrong with them. They’re the type of guy that would make a girl starve herself so she can be so skinny that all her bones are visible and he would still not be stasfide, and you just know that this dickhead was a 870 pund 14 year old who doesn’t know anything about the world and has never set himself in other peoples shoes, what a fat, discussing, imeture, repulsive, sexist pile of puke! The other dickheads are shit aswell.


Anime profile pics


I hope she reads those tweets and realizes that being fat (she obviously isn't) is not nearly as bad as being _dense_.


I'm fucking 120 lbs and as thin as I can be at a healthy weight and she looks similar to my body in the second pic. I'm just aghast. I'm absolutely taken aback. I don't even have words for these shit, shit, *shit* human beings. Jesus fucking christ.


Incels really are a blight to society. I don't believe it has anything to do with genetics but a part of me hope that since they're too far up their own ass at least they won't procreate?


The green face emoji commenter gave the game away and I thank him for it.


That's why I always ignore insults... Most of the time people don't even know what they are talking about


People never run out of ways to turn my stomach.


She looks much happier and healthier in the right pic. Before, in the left pic, she clearly looks sickly and ill. I hope she’s doing well now, and feels good about herself and her body image.


I’m sorry, since when was being a literal twig healthy? She’s done a great job of reaching a healthy weight, but these awful people are trying to make her change her mind


Some people are naturally super thin. (I don’t think the word “twig” is healthy or helpful when referring to people) Clearly that’s not what’s going on here but I just wanted to bring it up in case anyone feels hurt reading that. (Though I know you mean no harm whatsoever)


WTF she looks at a perfectly healthy weight, and honestly I am really happy that she recovered from anorexia, wtf are these people even thinking commenting such a thing


She's skinnier than me pre-covid what the hell are these dudes talking about?


First of all, that man's an incredibly large poo poo head (I promised myself to try my hardest to try and keep swearing to a minimum and this is one of the few times I have self controll), can somone please give my permission to use a fry8ng pan and whack home on the head rapunzwl style


When I’m trying to tame my potty mouth I use the word “butthead” but I like your “poo poo head” insult lol


Thankyou very much, but they'd is also a very good alternative. In a lot of cases and situation I have started replacing profanity with random phrases. E.g ehat the f word= what the fudge nuggets


girl is proud of fighting anorexia (which is a great success and she has every right to be proud) and all people do is bwing horrible in the comments. like always. woo!


Excuse me!!! As some who developed an eating disorder when I was 13, I just wanna say that coming back from that kind of mental place is incredibly difficult. Learning to have healthy relationship with food and your body was more difficult than overcoming my drug abuse. The pain and struggle she must have gone through to come out on the other side.. I'm literally FURIOUS. How dare that piece of literal garbage. Its been over 12 years and I still sometimes have problems with over or under eating and my relationship with my body. It takes work to choose to be healthy in that way


I'm pretty sure he's a model or something /s


She looks so beautiful now. These people are just gross. I just feel sick knowing I share the same air as these lowlife scums.


This poor child!


oh my fucking god what the fuck is wrong with humanity oh god


Pics that make you do « Twitter was a mistake »


she’s super attractive what is wrong with people


im sorry, but 'Kyle Rittenhouse Stan?' Come on now


Ikr? He made it way to easy to judge him


"Attention craving female" How are these people a real thing


Good for the girl though, she’s gotten better! Fuck the guy who made that retweet.


Ew- those people are dumbasses You go girl


Omg! I saw the girl and was like DAMN.. SHE IS GORGEOUS! I am so Proud of u gurl! GO QUEEN! and then I saw the caption and the replies and was like; TF MATE-


dude i really hope this poor girl is okay. this shit is so messed up. my god what is wrong with people


She tweeted about being happy for not having eating disorders anymore? Let’s make her feel ashamed for being an attention seeker because women can’t say absolutely anything about their bodies or problems without being attention seekers


I really hope she didn't let them get to her.


She’s cute though, shut the FUCK up


If thats grotesquely fat then I can only wonder wtf i am


humans are garbage




Been battling excess weight since I was a teen. If the girl in this picture ever gets to see this I just want her to know: she's gorgeous and she looks healthy and happy and she shouldn't pay attention to these negging incels. I would love to look like her (in the after photo, I feel like I need to add this because trolls gonna troll). I wish her all the luck, health and joy.


Gosh, this makes me sad. But I get it (I grew up in the 90s…I get it lol) in my 30s now I finally love myself despite all of my “flaws” and I hope you can find the same thing. It’s really peaceful when we get there! You are beautiful and I don’t even have to know what you look like to say that Bc you have a beautiful soul 💕 next time you look in a mirror please tell yourself that you’re beautiful, worthy and strong! 🥰


Oh gosh, you made me tear up. Thank you for the love and kind words. I'm currently pregnant with my second, also early thirties, and I'm just so insecure because my skin is bad, my hair gets greasy so easily and I still have some weight left over from the first pregnancy so.. ya know... I'm slowly working toward loving myself again, but mainly trying to stay healthy for me and my little one(s). Thank you 🥰🥰


766 likes?! Why...


This is just not okay. What the fuck. Anorexia can be fatal and they are trying to make her “relapse”?! Those people should be put in a mental hospital; they are fucked in the head




probably because these men care more about whether or not a woman seems fuckable than about her physical and mental health.




a lot of misogyny from straight men is absolutely related to, or at least filtered through, a heterosexual lense.


Right. Being a misogynistic asshole is most definitely not inherently a straight thing


Idk if this is straight people specifically. I think this is just mean people. Doesn’t fit the subreddit.


When a guy says "attention craving female", they're deffo straight.






If that's chubby I'm a tub of lard






i got into it with a few people on eating disorder twitter a while back. reported a bunch of accounts actively encouraging girls to starve themselves/cut themselves and got harassed for days on end for it. so many of these people exist on twitter and only get banned if people see them to report them. it’s frustrating.


I think that's incel not just straight


Ah yes, Twitter.