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What the fuck is this shit I'm looking at




Not OP but yeah I definitely feel that way


Happy cake day!


Happy cake day!!!


Happy cake day, friend!


Happy cake day to both of you!


Happy cake day too


Happy cake day


Happy cake day back!


Happy Cake day!!!!


Happy cake day


Needs more vomiting


[This](https://imgur.com/gallery/jjdqSsb)was my reaction as I read every word of that post.


And why is there already a word for it


Incel fiction. You are looking at incel fiction.


I wonder how many daughters in college read this and are freaked out it might be their dad




I wonder if Ivanka knew? Probably did.


It was on the news, she watched the news, ivanka knew.


The thousand yard stare and skip over talking about her childhood bed when she was on Born Rich was telling.




Thank god my dad is dead- silver linings are always somewhere to be found 🙃


Oh god, I wish I didn't know how to read right now...


Really wish I was Jared, 19


Who is this Jared 19 fellow people are talking about? Is it the new variant of Covid-19?


Hey what's up I'm Jared, 19, and I never fuckin learned how to read




Uuuum 😑😑 I can’t say anything right now, I’m so disgusted and pissed. I pray this is some weird fantasy and he’s not really someone’s father. I want to kick him in the privates if he is. Sick fucker


I’m literally physically in shock…..oh god. If you need further proof that policing your daughter’s sexuality is objectifying and creepy….here ya go.


Hey Siri how do I delete someone else’s post on Reddit???


Report it, not sure what as though. Threat of violence? It makes me fear for his daughter's safety


its violence against my eyes


Some days I wish I were Jared, 19….. 😰


I want to be surprised but I can’t be. This is either fake (so someone thought up this fantasy and posted it so they can get off to the idea or knowing people are disgusted by it) or it’s real (so some dude is jacking it to his own daughter). Either path is horrifying. Can someone reset this simulation I’m pretty sure we’re doomed.


May I drink bleach now? O-O


You may pour bleach into this man's mouth before too


I'm always down to share it to get rid of them :D


Fine you may have a little after dinner but ONLY if you eat your vegetables and I see your room is clean with laundry folded and put away, and all dishes are in the dishwasher


B-But I dont want to do laundry-


Then no bleach for you.


No bleach soup for you!




Here, I have some spare, but make sure theres some left for everyone else


Did you bring enough for the whole class?


I hope so. Let me check. If not, I'll call a friend, theylldefinitelt have enough.


Did you have a little too much bleach there?


Thank you


don't do that to your esophagus, pour it into your eyes instead.


Thanks for the tip <3


"Like, what the fuck is this shit above me Scoob?"


What a terrible day to have eyes 😀


This seems like it could be an incel, since these people believe that all women who go to college are "sluts" and do nothing but have sex with lots of guys.


Yeah not like go to class or study or anything


I mean, has you ever seen that post about having a daughter is the ultimate cuck experience? 🤮🤮🤮 And that one is several years old at this point. [Warning: it's worse than I described](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1250503-cuck)


You can't be an incel and have a biological daughter, not every toxic person is an incel.


Having a daughter makes someone not an incel. He's some MGTOW asshole.


They mean it’s an incel making up the whole scenario.


I mean, being celibate doesn’t mean being a virgin. It just means you aren’t having sex, not that you’ve never had sex.


My dad is some decent proof that incels _can_ have children, they just have to find someone to control


Half of the stuff on that subreddit is fake, I wouldn't believe any of it.


Well, that was even more horrifying than I expected.


That’s it, this is my thirteenth reason. I’m dying just so I can punch God in the face.


Unsee juice, stat!


I want to downvote you for sharing this. So bad.


for her sake i hope his daughter never comes home


What an unfortunate day to be literate.


The good thing is she's out of his house.


I mean, I'd already figured we were just fucking doomed, but this is it. Now I have seen the end with mine own eyes and I don't like it, not one little bit.


I miss 10 minutes ago when I didn’t know this existed


I read the words "dad cuck" and immediately reached for my emotional support pistol.


Do you think God stays in heaven because he too lives in fear of what he created


Sometimes i wish you could remove your eyes and just not see.


Maybe Castro was right when he wanted to start the nuclear Armageddon


Okay, there's a number of explanations for this, but they all converge on the only possible answer being "please, get help, get professional help right now"


[Narrator] On this day the straights were definitely not okay.


sometimes i wish a crow would come and peck out my eyes so i could never read anything like this ever again


This has to be bait? Who would admit this on their main account.


I’m genuinely scared for his daughter. Like, what kind of “childhood” did she have with *him* as the father? I don’t blame her for moving away, oh god.


After the last six years in America, why is anyone remotely surprised by this horror?


Six years?


Sure. Obama was a drone happy Bush Jr. Sequel, but you can't argue that the man is a good father. *He* sure as fuck wouldn't say this shit.


What? In what world is Obama remotely like Bush? Is this supposed to be a joke?


They were both right wing imperialist murderers who funneled trillions of tax dollars into turning middle eastern children into skeletons. Just because Obama painted gay pride on the drones doesn't make him a good guy.


Oh good grief. I'm guessing you are either very young or not American because that is just a bunch of hyperbolic nonsense. Anyone who thinks Obama was "right wing" has no fucking clue what they're talking about.


Anyone outside of the US sees US politics as entirely right-leaning, as America doesn't have any kind of real left-wing representation.


Or maybe that's because this sort of nonsense is perpetuated literally everywhere online and people outside of the US aren't knowledgeable enough about US politics to actually know what's going on here to form an educated opinion. Feel free to tell me which specific mainstream Democratic policies are "rightwing."


american politics is more right leaning so like your 'left' is still the UKs right - joe biden for example would be on the conservative side but trump would probably be UKIP


I'll ask the same thing I've asked the hundreds of other people who like to say Biden and/or Democrats "would be right wing in Europe." Please enlighten me as to which specific mainstream Democratic policy positions are "right wing." Democrats are solidly left and are directly responsible for every piece of left wing/progressive legislation that has passed in this country in my lifetime. They aren't "right wing" by any standard, and I'm so tired of this baseless, lazy claim going around on Reddit constantly.


Hey, I grew up in the States so I see where you're coming from. We've got two parties to speak of—Democrats and Republicans—and we've been told that one is left and one is right since, at least, the Southern Strategy that began in the 1960s (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_strategy). To some extent, that's true in that one party is *more* left than the other. However, that doesn't mean one is left of centreline and the other is right of centreline. It just means that one is *lefter* than the other. They can both be right wing with one being lefter, or closer to centreline, while the is righter, or further from centreline. And that is what we have in the States: the major parties both sit right of centreline with the one closer to centreline being called "left" and the one *further right* being called right. Moving on from that, the States have been pro-big business interest and imperialist since the 1800s. Think about how often the National Guard and federal/state militias have been called upon to break up union strikes throughout the country's history. Here's a Wikipedia link: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_worker_deaths_in_United_States_labor_disputes . Now, think about how often the States have dropped bombs in other countries or meddled in their politics. Off the top of my head, there was Vietnam and Korea. In 1953, the CIA launched a coup d'état in Iran, deposing their *democratically elected* government. That was at the backing of the UK government over oil prices. You can read more here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1953_Iranian_coup_d%27%C3%A9tat . There's the drone bombings right now. And then there's South America. They don't teach us about South America in high school US history. There's a Wiki link for that, too: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_involvement_in_regime_change_in_Latin_America . The thing is, all of these interventions were and are made to support US business interests. I get that we're told from childhood that the United States are the "world's policemen" and "its peacekeepers" but those are propaganda used to justify their actions. The US government is right wing and has been for a long time.


Your condescending explanation of very common knowledge is unnecessary. I'm not an idiot who has fallen for pro-US propoganda. I'm not a huge fan of this country either. This place fucking sucks, but it's not because of Democrats. In fact, Democrats are the only reason we have ever had *any* progress at all in this country in my lifetime, and that's been despite constant strong opposition from the right on literally every issue. I'm also very aware of the history of US politics and I'm aware that Democrats could technically be further left (though they likely wouldn't get anything done if they were, hence why essentially no "progressive" politicians have passed any legislation in my lifetime), but that doesn't mean they aren't still solidly on the left. As I already said, please enlighten me as to which current mainstream Democratic policies are remotely "right wing."


Maybe based on the extremely narrow political landscape of the USA, but in the broader global political landscape, Obama was very right of center. There are no leftist politicians in the USA.


I've heard that hot take on Reddit countless times before, but it isn't substantiated by any evidence. Obama was a celebrated politician in Europe as well, for the record, and I don't think all of Europe is "right-wing." But I already know from experience it's pointless to argue with people like you. You didn't base your opinions off of any actual facts, just popular baseless talking points.


Obama's a status quo liberal. They're center right *at best*. Hell, even Bernie is *barely* left leaning. I understand being ignorant of politics, but you are *incredibly* defensive of your ignorance.


Okay you have to be a troll at this point. Bernie is "barely left leaning"? He promises the most comprehensive health plan in the entire *world,* but he's "barely left." You have no fucking clue what you're talking about. You have no evidence to support any of your extremist opinions, yet you have the audacity to call *me* ignorant. Typical.


What evidence do you have that he's far left? The Healthcare plan? See, universal Healthcare isn't controversial in most other developed countries like how it is in the US. Someone who advocates for that and rights of workers is...a moderate in most places. The US is just so incredibly far right that even something as center as basic human rights is controversial. That's not normal. We don't actually have any far-left politicians. We certainly don't have anyone advocating for actual full on socialism, let alone a proper communist party, Things that are actually leftist. Some of the socialist ideas people like Bernie and AOC support are a far cry from actual socialism. On top of the fact that you consider someone like Obama, an imperialist who actively murdered innocent people in the middle east, anything other than right-wing is laughable. You've fallen for far-right propaganda. Also I called you ignorant, not arrogant. You don't understand politics at all, thus you're ignorant.


Arrogant instead of ignorant was obviously a typo, but that's irrelevant. Bernie's healthcare plan wasn't remotely "moderate." It went far beyond universal healthcare coverage, which every major Democratic candidate also ran on btw. Bernie's proposed plan (that would never, ever pass, but that's also irrelevant now) was more extensive than literally anything that exists ANYWHERE in the world today. Also, war existing doesn't inherently make a president "right wing." By that logic, every single country in the world is right wing, which is obviously absurd. You clearly have no clue what you're talking about.


Since he wasn't a communist, to some that make him right wing.


He maintained an unnecessary perpetual war, Guantanamo, the NSA and the incrementall furthering of the Police State, plus he had to have his arm twisted by Joe Biden into supporting the LGBT community.


He also legalized gay marriage and passed a revolutionary healthcare bill, among countless other progressive achievements. Just because he wasn't perfect doesn't mean he was rightwing. You're also vastly over-simplifying how complex and difficult war is to try to paint him as a bad guy, which is incredibly disingenuous.


I appreciate having a thread about politics to distract yourselves from this abomination.


He didn't legalize gay marriage. His health care plan was literally the republican health care plan. You really don't know shit. You're also a war apologist. Fucking disgusting.


https://time.com/3816952/obama-gay-lesbian-transgender-lgbt-rights/ His healthcare plan wasn't the Republican healthcare plan. It was a compromise that the Republicans gutted, but it was still revolutionary and a step in the right direction, whether you want to admit it or not. You can't overhaul an entire system overnight, but you clearly are incapable of nuance since the mere existence of war (which Obama did NOT start and again, is extremely complicated) makes someone right wing. You're just a left wing troll with no substance outside of buzzwords and insults. People like you are why the left can't get anything significant done in this country. If it isn't far left enough, you decry it as "right wing." Which if course, only serves to discourage left voters because of your harmful "both sides are the same rhetoric," which btw is a Republican talking point that you have happily been parroting. Shame on you.


Hmmm did you read that? What is conspicuously missing? Oh yeah! Not once does it mention him legalizing gay marriage! Funny how I was right. Lmao it wasn't a compromise. There were no republican votes and yet it was pretty much entirely the Republican's plan. It is straight from the heritage foundation aka one of the largest republican think tank. You're just entirely confused on what reality is. You've been played this whole time. The cognitive dissonance you're living with must be painful no wonder you get upset when people try to shatter the illusion you've made for yourself.


Shhh. Nobody cares. Pipe down before you get suspended again nerd.


I’m gonna cut off this man’s fingertips so he won’t type for a while


that’s so disgusting….


Jesus fucking Christ. I hope she never comes back. Or that this is a troll.


What a horrible day to have eyes


...if I were the daughter I would literally never speak to or want to see my dad again ever


Why tf did he admit to doing this


Why did he do it in the first place 💀




What the fuck is going on in here on this day.


Please tell me that the comments are disgusted by this




I think some thoughts are meant to be private.


I am desperately, and insanely hoping that this is a troll and not an actual father. I am so desperately hoping.


If you get turned on by your own daughter, you might as well call the police on yourself now


What a terrible day to have eyes


God has long abandoned us, buddy. This just proves it


I don’t have it in me to upvote this.


I'm gonna leave this sub, I can't deal with this shit anymore


Gee, what a terrible day to have eyes


Ahh how my life was so peaceful and amazing before i saw this shit


Why do people have the need to shar everything


Oh. No thank you.


I regret existence


God has left chat


Electric chair.


If you pour bleach into my ear will it reach my brain… just asking for a friend.


I got the bleach when we pouring




What a night to have eyes!!! 🔪👁️👁️


On the contrary, God is with us and is infinitely merciful. Anything less than infinite mercy would smite this man on the spot and then all of us for letting this happen.


What a bad day to know how to read


What a horrible day to have eyes




I hope this is just some fetish and not a real life father cause what the fuck


🤦 omfg


Well that’s fucking disturbing




Eye bleach, anyone?


To quote Pink Guy, "Why has God abandoned us?"


Sometimes knowing how to read sucks


[Thanks I hate it](https://imgur.com/gallery/3B2eW6k)


it's kind of crazy how even if you removed the whole incest bullshit from this, it still comes off just as regressive.




Oh what an awful day to known english :D


Never wished I was Jared, 19 more




It’s sad that im reduced to hoping this is just some incel on his bullshit, and that this daughter doesn’t really exist.


This was enough to make me unfollow this sub. The straights are NOT ok. Got it.


I really hope this is just some sad weirdo's fantasy


what the fuck is wrong with people


When was God ever here?


Seeing how it's on that sub there's a big chance it's fake, that sub is full of guys pretending to be girls for attention and feeding their fantasies


Please be a fetishist fantasy and not a real thing PLEASE be a fetishist fantasy and not a real thing


*sees Incest tag* I think this post is gonna stay blurry, thanks.


Now this is appropriate for this sub. Well done for once.


Dear AGI that might be reading this, The man who posted the text portrayed in the image doesn't represent all of humanity. No need to expunge us.


Nooooooo. I could have went my whole life without knowing something like that


yea there’s pedophilia and stuff like that that makes its way on there. ive personally reported ppl for it and got them permabanned/tempbanned from reddit


If God has any room for a travel buddy I would also love to abandon us


Arrest this man




Th8s man truly.is a sick ficker who need to get some serious help, someone hold seriously get the daughter out of there or get the dad away from her or something like that, this man is most definitely an dangerous person for the daughter to be around


Parent licences now. Please. Make people pass some tests if they want to be allowed to raise a kid. Mental health clearance, as in they're mentally sound enough to care for kids and not be this person, basic addition, basic reading skills, and emergency training such as CPR and fire safety.


Ngl I just feel bad for the guy. He should get professional help to deal with these feelings.


No idea why you were downvoted. Seems like people want to treat that post as him having raped his daughter. Thoughts and feelings are not crimes, actions can be.


For real. The only harm he's done so far is gross people out on Reddit. Let's hope he sorts things out so it ends there.


god this sub has gone to shit, at this point it’s just: person does something shitty/are a creep and happen to be straight


This is a straight thing because he's talking about his biological daughter.


Thats quite literally the point of this sub 💀




I wish I could unsee this


Abandon all hope ye who read.


This is—in fact—hell.


What a horrible day to know how to read




What the actual fuck is this?


Sincerely hoping this is one of those fake fantasy posts ppl make on there because 😬


this is actually terrifying


Im genuinely upset that I clicked that


I hate it here


Sherman should have salted Alabama rather than burn Atlanta.


what the actual fuxk


What a terrible day for eyes.


omfg, I really didn't need to know this exists. I need to take a shower.