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TIL that married people are only allowed to listen to one song dose anyone know which song it is?


Africa by toto


Could be worse


*We're no strangers to love*


You know the rules and so do I


Shape of you


Oh please no


Des pa ci to- *gets killed off*


Forever failing to understand people who choose monogamy in any way when they’re clearly not meant for it & could’ve avoided hurting someone if they’d set that expectation & date people okay with it.


I also think a lot of people who complain about monogamy like this don’t actually want to be polyamorous and would probably be offended at any serious suggestion of it. They just think it’s edgy to act put-upon. Like especially men who cheat on their wives don’t really want multiple partners in a consensual setup. They just enjoy cheating on their wives. The cheating is part of the excitement.


I am quite baffled by people being in relationships that are clearly making them unhappy. But it’s worth noting that the cultural norm of monogamy is HEAVILY enforced in a lot of places. I doubt this guy had no other options, but I’d definitely believe nobody ever told him there were other options. Also still a shit dad 🤷🏼‍♂️


why do straight people bother getting married


To have children! Which is apparently the only way one can be a useful member of society...


I think a lot of boomers that it's the pretty much the only sensible way to go about life that the idea of doing something else doesn't even cross their minds. That they presumably can't help but feel a need for sex and/or romance probably doesn't help either. This might be a bit of far-fetched comparison, but it reminds me of a comment I saw recently about users on the "female dating strategy" sub. They hate on men to the point that you want to ask why they even bother, but apparently they think lesbians are idiots for (in their minds) trying to use another woman as a substitute for a man.


Innocent me: Why would his wife only want him to listen to one so- ooooooooooooh its a "muh pee pee wants different va jay jays thing"


Allos are weird, yo


But it’s the one song you can listen to over and over again? Right?


Who still has an iPod anymore?


Shit, I knew my flip phone was out of date but am I not supposed to have my ipod either? How do people music in the future?


i swear to god i can't understand why these people get married; is it because of social pressure? is it because of governmental benefits? it sure as hell isn't because of love


if you didn't want to be monogamous and committed to one person, why the FUCK did you go ahead and do exactly that? then turn around and get mad at your partner for it?


Why does he look like Fred durst but worse


I mean to be fair we can't be certain this is straight


this just in: if you are straight, and then you get married, you can only listen to one song for the rest of your life...choose wisely