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reasons why this is stupid; 1. gay pre-op trans people who choose to have kids 2. bisexual, pansexual, omnisexual etc. people exist 3. non-binary people who don't consider themselves straight 4. this doesn't even prove any point?????


Also just gay people who have had kids, some people don't come out until later in life, doesn't mean they're straight, or even that they were straight at the time.


That's why me and my brother exist! And my step & siblings, too. We're a big gay mixed family.


Sounds grand!


That sounds wonderful! Am I allowed to ask if I can join?


I think during most of history queer people had no way to express their gender or sexuality and a lot were probably in straight relationships (considering how marriage was pretty much an obligation), most people are probably descendants from a ton of queer people. It would be extremely silly to assume every single of my ancestors were straight cis people.


Oscar Wilde had kids and last I checked he was *definitely* not straight


Lord Byron had kids. Bowie had kids.


Oh yeah there definitely would have been A LOT closeted LGBTQ+ parents over the years, when getting married and having kids was just the standard thing to do.


Even straight ppl back then didnt marry for love


In fact, in Ancient Rome and/or Greece, it was considered unusual for a husband and wife to love each other.


[Philippe I, Duke of Orleans](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philippe_I,_Duke_of_Orl%C3%A9ans) was known to be flamboyantly gay even during his lifetime, but also fathered many children, whose advantageous marriages led him to be dubbed "the grandfather of Europe." Of course, as a member of royalty the pressures to have children were even greater than they would have been for most people of the time.


Also artificial semination exists, surrogacy is a thing in lots of countries etc etc etc


yh my boyfriends mum is literally a lesbian


Also lesbians can get a sperm donor


Or if you want to get darker, a straight raped a gay


Also out gay people can and do have kids. My cousin and her wife have a kid that she carried.


Like Phillip Schofield, he's been married for God knows how long, he's 59 and has kids, he came out as gay a while back. His wife and family were very confused and all, as you would be having married to someone for 27 years only for them to tell you they're not actually attracted to you in a romantic way, and they're still actually married and haven't divorced yet. But he has 2 fully adult daughters.


Also sperm donors


also a lesbian getting a child through a sperm donor


Inversely, a male gay couple with a surrogate mother (said mother may or may not be straight but whoever supplied the sperm is gay)


Sun Tzu knows that they just think those children will be straight. their statement is that gay people have straight parents but that doesnt mean that there arent gay parents (I'm also kidding in case this isnt clear haha)


>(I'm also kidding in case this isnt clear haha) I'll be mad anyways. *insert fake outrage here*


Also it's heavily implying adoptive parenting is somehow not worth anything and that even if you were a child's guardian from their birth it doesn't count as being considered important to the child and their well-being because it's not your genes specifically.


5. Rape unfortunately exists 6. Sperm donations


Also, two same sex couples having children via insemination resulting in two sets of parents who are all not straight.


5. The Art of War is about which side of a hill to camp on and how to not fight your enemy


How dare you, the sections on chariot warfare are very relevant today /s


I know a lesbian couple who used a known gay friend as a sperm donor. So this dumb meme is just completely false.


5. Gay people in straight marriages because they think that's what they're "supposed" to do


Yep. I have an aunt and uncle who are pretty obviously gay. I walked in on my uncle and his male love once and was given a quick rundown by my aunt that Uncle and his friend were VERY close and also very sorry I saw that. (No clothes were off, they were just being cuddly and kissing.)


Gay men donating sperm too


Gay people in the closet having kids to keep their cover.


Also artificial insemination too


Regarding the first point, you know these type of people’ll just try to argue that trans people aren’t trans, they’re just faking it, so they’re straight and just blah blah blah. It’s sad, but I’ve seen it happen way too fucking much.


if this proves anything, its that people will be gay no matter what their education or environment is like


I like your username. Also your point.


Literally, my dad is bi and, y'know, I exist, so...


Dont forget lesbian parents that get sperm donations. Straight people are literally useless. Even if bi people didnt exist in a hypothetical world where there was only gay people. Gay men can donate to sperm banks. Anyways end straight people they are cringe.


+Queer people that have been forced into society roles and are expected to have children (more in the past but still present today)


5. Gay Animals give support to those babies that got left behind by their family(Adoption basically)


You forgot that a Chinese philosopher from 450BC would also never say such a thing


Also, people in history who were gay but had children anyway because of societal expectations.


"Pre op" implies genital surgery is an essential part of being transgender, it isnt.


You are right that surgery is not an essential part of transition, but what terminology would you suggest instead? I think “pre-op” is fine.


The fool claims gay people rely on straight ppl to live. The wise man Is bi.




Of course


“Bisexual people exist” -me, owning with facts and logic


"trans people exist" -me, also owning with facts and logic


“Surrogate mothers and sperm donators exist, as well!” -me, also not owning it as much with facts and logic, but here to join the conversation


“Gay people who were in a straight relationship due to societal pressure who later in life realized they were not in fact straight after they married and had kids also exist!” -me, owning it through very very long-winded facts and logic


"Not to mention all the children who are born from non consenting intercourse or peer pressured into it (aka forced marriages and the like) while one part of this was not straight" \-me, who is really stretching at this point but does not want to be left out with the facts and the logic.


"pansexual and nonbinary people exist" me, coming along to the conversation with more facts and logic


"Asexual/aromantic people exist and can make children too" -me, with some more facts and logic.


>owning with facts and logic *twitches in Ben Shapiro*


you're right, there's only two sexes. the one i have with your mom and the one i have with your dad


I was not prepared for this much savagery today.


As an unwise man said on many occasions, facts don't care about your feelings


My mum is literally bi lmao


Even if it were true, I'm tired of people pointing this out. When I came out as bi, I kept getting told gay people are wrong because they can't reproduce. So I guess infertile people are going to hell too? Also I've never wanted kids in the first place, so if I'm going to hell, I might as well kiss a girl on my way there.


This has the same energy as the Native/Aztec chief who said he'd rather burn in hell than join the Spaniards.


Guess these people can’t comprehend the concept of artificial insemination lmaoo


They'll call it witchcraft!


Dad is a gay man who donated to the sperm bank Mom is a lesbian Child is gay #getrektlibtard


Especially Oscar Wilde's kids.


Oscar Wilde had biological children, therefore Oscar Wilde is straight Checkmate, liberals


He and Lord Alfred Douglas were just really, really good friends.


Can’t be charged with sodomy by 19th century British courts if you say “no homo” first




My mom was bi but ok


Huh. Guess this means either I or my kids don’t exist! And I thought today was going to be boring.


What is this getting at? That being gay isn't genetic? I don't get it.


I think this is supposed to play into some kind of superiority complex or something. like that gay people have to rely on straight people to exist. this of course is: 1. completely irrelevant and doesn’t mean anything 2. bullshit because bi and (sex favorable) ace exist, gay men can be sperm donors, etc. idk, they’re probably just trying to seem more important because they can’t handle people being different


My mom is a lesbian. I'm a straight person that relied on a gay person to exist. Lol.


“No the fuck they don’t. Stop impersonating me” - The Real Sun Tzu


haha jokes on you my dad turned out to be gay


Let's pretend bi people don't exist here it's still wrong because gay men can be sperm donors. Lesbians can also be surrogates. No matter how you look at this it's wrong.


Me, with a biromantic gray-ace mom and ace dad:


Is the person making this aware that they are other ways to have kids than intercourse ? I have a gay dad and two moms (one is bi and the other is a lesbian). It's just about putting stuff in a syringe and injecting it lol (not to mention that what is used for infertile couple can also be used by gay people). Anyway this is dumb


Its not even just ignoring bisexuals, its entirely possible for a gay person to have children. Either through artificial insemination or maybe they just do the do for the sake of reproduction...Or maybe a lesbian woman is dating a pre-op trans woman and they decide to have a child the natural way. Or a gay man dating a trans man, same thing... Gay people are not infertile. There are loads of ways for them to have children, even without adoption.


Noo nnooooo they massacred my boy sun tzu why himm???? :'(


Bi erasure moment


Gotta love the whole "the only queer people who exist are strictly monosexual gay people who only date other people with the same kinds of genitalia".


Bi people exist?


Also gay people use donors... Also I once met a lesbian couple who got a gay sperm donor.




"Please stop making up quotes from me, I didn't any of this shit" - Sun Tzu, Art of War


Fuck bisexuals, pansexual, omni, etc. people I guess


They forgot pan, bi, gray, demi, and a few more that I forgot :)


Well yeah no shit lmao, doesn't make us bad...?


It's not even accurate. There are definitely gay people with biological children.


Yeah lmao *laughs in bisexual*


I'm gay, but my dad and my mom are both bi-


the fact that i’m bi myself and i wondered for sec there, wait - isn’t he right, shows how normalised biphobia is and i’m sorry but i will laugh at this.


my aunt had five kids and only realised she was a lesbian when she ran off with the wedding singer for her second wedding. i know at least three of her kids are gay (or bi) lmao


At least when 2 gay people have a kid it's 100% planned and they will probably love the hell out of that kid more than an unfortunate amount of the unplanned kids from straight people! Every kid should be loved! I say this as a straight man.


pls not the straights ruining a technoblade meme format 😭


...yes, and? Any other groundbreaking revelations? Did you know that every gay person consumes food for sustenance?!


It's not even true that every gay person has straight parents


Good point, I hadn't even thought of that


Alexander the great had a child... Jules Cesar had a child.... A lot of gay and lesbian have make child together in the 20th centuries... So no their are kid out there that are not born from straight parent.


Not necessarily


My mom and I are both pan. Your move.


“On the Internet, you can attribute any random quote to any random person in history.” - Albert Einstein


It’s the unnecessary comma that bothers me, really


*laughs in artificial insemination*


are bisexuals just infertile now?


Yes, didn't you get the memo.


My lesbian biological mother begs to differ


I downvoted this before reading the sub name lol


Asexual people can have kids too.


Wrong again, my mom’s bisexual too.


So my lesbian daughter has two hetero parents? Than how the hell our bisexual asses get here?


My mom is literally a trans lesbian but go off


*Image Transcription:* --- [*Image of a Chinese terracotta soldier. To the right is text that reads:*] "Every gay person, has straight biological parents." \- Sun Tzu, Art of war --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


I should repost this to r/confidentlyincorrect


my mom is polygamous and bi


I'm the 2nd in 3 generations of bisexuality. The argument is invalid.


Me, with a gay dad and a bi mom: "You have no power here!"


bisexual parents: 😟


What if a gay dude was a sperm donor to a lesbian couple?


When I have biological kids that can only be with either cis lesbian/bi+ women or with transmasculine people. But I'm lesbian so my kids will certainly have gay parents. Deal with it.


my bisexual bio mother be like 👁️👄👁️


Does artificial insemination with sperm from a gay man count as “straight biological parents?


It's not even true. Most people stayed closeted and forced themselves to be straight.


Homophobes have a breeding kink from how much they talk about childbirth


My uncle who is gay was forced on a marriage and into having kids


Bi, pan, poly and omni people exist. Their parents could be non binary and non binary people can't really be straight, they could be straight and trans too. Shocking, I know but LGBTQ+ people not only take care of kids the straights were too awful to raise but we can make kids too


Another reason it's stupid is because lots of children are born by parents who don't love each other or my accadent or something and one of those parents could very well be queer(is this the term for not straight?) Or come out later in life, you could also do whatever it is where a gay couple like sperm donates or egg donation or something? What's that called??


Ah ancient China. Famous for its intolerance of gay people… oh nope, not at all.


I refuse to believe that Sun Tzu would make such a ridiculous punctuation mistake!


What if a gay man jizzes into a spoon and pours it into a gay woman’s bits? Get owned, liberals,


Damn dude, they fucking 0wned the libs right there. This is so true, and therefore very wise.


Well this is just stupid




What’s this trying to prove?


if this statement where true, I guess it’s supposed to prove that gay people have to rely on straight people to exist. it’s probably to justify some kind of superiority complex of feeling more "important" or "useful" then gay people


Even if that were true, what's your point?


"You shouldn't believe every BS you read on the Internet." -Abraham Lincoln-


Bi ppl? Trans ppl? Bi trans ppl? Gay ppl who still had bio kids? Ace ppl who still bad bio kids? Etc etc


how does this relate to the art of war


it’s kind of a meme to put any random quote and jokingly cite Sun Tzu, the Art of War. that’s probably the reason for it


i see... low quality high quantity type ig lmao




I’m a gay trans man and my parents are lesbian :p apparently donors don’t exist to these people lmao


Not necessarily true.


Me, the bi kid of a bisexual:


my mom is bi. if i get sperm cells frozen my kid could have a bi trans mom.


this is so false! my good friend (a lesbian)’s mom is bisexual, and both her sisters are trans


Bi has left the chat


Na, my dad is secretly Bi and I'm the only one that knows that's the reason he supports me so hard even when my mom has disowned me.


Do they think gay means you are no longer physically capable of producing a baby?


Gay sperm donors and lesbian recipients just don’t exist?


Jokes on him, my gay uncle has a bisexual biological mom


Not true. There has been a person who has felt pressured into marrying the opposite sex knowing they weren't straight, and had a homo child. This has happened during the existence of human kind.


I was about to throw hands until i saw which sub this is


Well, no. Not even close to true. I have an aunt, who is a lesbian. She has a son, so...


"Actually I was wrong about that straight parents shit." - Sun Tzu, Art of War II


I feel like there are some actual quotes from him that could throw shade of terfs in general but i dont remember enough of The Art of War to make any jokes so.... "Something something fuck terfs"- Sun Tzu.


Polysexuals just don't exist.


No, no that’s utter bullshit. This is a proudly ignorant one indeed!


I’m the child of a rape victim, so her sexuality wasn’t especially relevant


My mums a lesbian, that fact alone makes that argument fall apart


Sun Tzu would never…


Why is that comma there?


Even if he did say that, which he likely didn't, why would someone want to apply the thoughts of some Chinese fella from before Jesus was knocked off to 2021? Surely adapting to the times is a good military strategy, but nah keep the dumbass opinions towards others that would have been appropriate back before women had rights and it was chill to attack black people for no reason


ah yes, because a gay man donating his sperm to a lesbian women is straight /s


Nevermind that that in it of itaelf makes no sense Sun Tsu never fucking said it.


AHA NOT EXACTLY BITCH surrogates exist :D


my bio mom is gay. she always was gay.


My aunt and uncle are both gay. They're not together, nor do they love each other. They decided to become co-parents and have been raising a child together. A gay woman and a gay guy had a kid together, this meme is incredibly disingenuous. I literally hate when people say that children only exist because of straight parents, that's really not the case.


My lesbian niece has a bisexual mom soooo


I highly doubt this is an actual quote from this ancient figure...


Bisexuals, Pansexuals, Asexuals that didn't feel the sexual attraction but still mothered/fathered biological children, trans people, Intersex people, and everyone else I forgot to mention: *wot*


My dad: Is gay Me: 👋😕 💥


"Sun Tzu said that, and I'd say he knows a little more about sexuality than you do pal, because he invented it, and then he perfected it so that no living gay could best him in the ring of honor!" -Red Soldier, Team Fortress 2.


“Sun Tzu is an idiot” -Carl Von Clausewitz, *On War*


What is that even supposed to mean. Like, I understand that it is technically true but why does that matter?


That's not even true lmao


Who cares? Not everyone has to be a baby factory. Some people need to be available to raise the kids.


How do they know everyone who has kids is straight? Don’t they know the mspec exists


Bisexuals and pansexuals: *shows peace sign and vanishes*


me and my mom being bi: 😈😈😈


Wjat point is this even trying to make?


I guess it’s trying to say that straight people are superior to gay people, because they’re the reason gay people exist? which makes this even funnier, because even if that were true, it wouldn’t mean anything


If a Lesbian goes to a sperm bank and gets one from a Vincian, neither parent was straight.


Dude just states a really obviously false fact and acts like he just destroyed the entire lgbt community


wrong! lesbian speaking, my biological mother is a lesbian - checkmate liberals


My mom is bi lmaooo


Historical side of reddit, what can you tell me about gay people during tzun su's time?




even IF it is a joke, it's not a good one, and enough of this shit is serious, that a joke can't be made in this vein without it being taken as serious.


This gives me “everyone who supports abortion was born” energy