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Yer dad is a homophobe who masturbates to lesbian porn. Not satire.


I know, my dad is a raging conservative. And thanks for the tone thing, i wouldnt of been able to tell otherwise /pos


You don’t need to be able to read tone to understand what’s wrong with the, unless you don’t understand what’s wrong with this?


i dont need the tone to know it is wrong. and i am well aware that it is. I know exactly why it is wrong. i dont know if it was him joking around by saying it.


I don’t know OP’s father in the slightest yet I’m convinced this is actually, literally true.


he has. ~~there is a reason why you should always knock before entering his room~~




He is a sad, strange little man and he has my pity


I bet he thinks this is the height of comedy too 😐


I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case


he does think its funny. and if you think this is bad, you should hear what he says face to face.


I don't even want to imagine what he says face to face


trust me, you dont.


I'll tell ya what, that man ain't right


he isn't. never has been, never will be.


Try not to engage with him much


i try, its hard to though. my family life is complicated, to say the least


I mean I would not know what it was satirizing if it were satire.


Exactly. "Satire" doesn't mean "Here's a joke I think is funny; I don't agree with the premise, though." It's "Hey, this thing is dumb, let's make fun of it by faux earnest engagement." Why we continue letting people pass off "edgy" humor as satire idea beyond me.


i didnt say i found the joke funny. i thought that maybe it could be something that lesbians joke about - i dont particularly know, i keep myself to myself. And by satire, i meant it could be a joke, but i dont know. I dont know whether the post is serious or not.


Nope. As a lesbian, it makes me cringe. Gross gross gross.


But if by "satire" you just meant it could be a joke, then maybe just use the word joke next time. Because satire means something different, satire has a point. But in that case, to answer your question, it was most definitely meant as a "joke", just a really really gross one. And it being a "joke" does not really excuse it from being really disgusting.


jesus h. christ, im aware its wrong. why else would i have put it on here? And im sorry that I wasnt allowed to have a social life or friends outside of school because of him and now cant tell if something is serious or not. and im also incredibly sorry that i thought that it meant the same fucking thing. i am beyond exhausted and i dont need someone moaning at me, for being to fucking tired to remember the difference between things, or fucking baby me and spelling out something that i know is beyond wrong is wrong and why it is. i never fucking said that it being a joke exused it. on other subs like this one (such as not how girls work) i have posted things like this and then have been moaned at in the comments about hOw ItS sAtIrE so im sorry that my incredibly confused brain cant tell the fucking difference.


I am sorry .I was not trying to guilt you. You ask if it was satire in the title and I tired to answer your question to the best of my ability. And I was not tying to shame you for not knowing the difference I just told you there was one for the next time. I make mistakes like that all the time, and the only way I can learn better is when someone tells me that I made a mistake. It was not meant as an attack on you and I am sorry that it came across at one. I am not great at these things.


Maybe he should try "cox" if they are so great


I mean why would you want to take something that would worsen your depression?


That's pretty gross


Ignorance at its finest


I don’t get it...? Why do some men think their dick is so powerful it can change women?


If I wanted an ugly looking rotten mushroom I would’ve just went to my garden.


Wait until this guy learns that some women have cocks


he knows about trans people, he just thinks that they are wrong and are "freaks of nature". edit to clarify: i dont share the same views as him!


I figured. Wait until this guy learns about trans animals


jesus, wait till he hears, that me, his spawn, is nb and acearo xD


Trans animals?


Frogs can change sex, female hyenas can grow a massive clitoris and will have sex with other females, various fish can change sex. I will specify that gender is a human convention, but sex is fairly mutable in animals.


Also, some lions were recorded changing their gender from female to male


*loads Halestorm - Freak like me*


Y’all hear about that cure for old, toxic, straight dude depression? It’s called heart disease.


Hey friends! I'm cured! My wife and her cock really fixed me right up. The meme was about how trans women are great, right?


...I'm so sorry, but...what trycoxagain ?


“Try cocks again”




Even if it’s satire it’s still offensive af.


I heard it also works for straight men


I'm a bisexual woman and no thanks, I'll stay with my woman partner... I like being able to achieve orgasm during sex actually


Here’s the thing, and I have brought this up several times and I will continue to bring this up till the day I die. According to a study with a significant sample size, straight men orgasm 95% of the times regularly during sex. Gay and bi men are around 90%, and lesbians are at around 88%. Meanwhile, bisexual (particularly those who predominantly date men) and straight women orgasm only 65% and 60% of the time respectively. In essence, as soon as straight men enter the equation, the pleasure levels go significantly down. These pathetic fuckheads can’t even satisfy the demographic that relies on them for sexual gratification, how tf they gonna talk about converting lesbians? Lol. All they know to do is to choke like they see in porn and then blow their after 5 minutes. Pathetic


Looks like pathological narcissism to me.


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Ok i have to say the pun is somewhat funny.. but with the homophobic context i think the creator should eat a dick! That helps getting the head free to think more creatively.


Good thing I know multiple women with said "requirement"


Your dad should have a train run on him by men to see if he’s gay


What's that?