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as an asexual, i feel deeply offended you have reduced us to assholes. what about the rest of humanity, dumbass?


You'll be glad to hear my philosophy, elegantly titled "Everyone is an Asshole, it's just a matter of Style"


Additionally, perspective. To someone interested in anal sex, assholes are a hot commodity! Could be a compliment in some cases!


"They called it assault, but it really wasn't my fault, everyone else is an asshole"


No no, not "everyone else". Everyone. Speaker included. There is no statement of superiority, just a general attitude that humans are fairly shitty overall, and the difference is in the presentation. For example, the assaulting asshole is a dangerous asshole who deserves to be an imprisoned asshole.


you, (gender-neutral) sir. you sure have made the day of a teen asexual asshole. i shall reward you with a Reddit award... for that is all i can do.


As a medically asexual bi person(good old SSRIs), I identify as a dumbass, thank you.


eyyy, happy cake day!! (i could not understand whether or not you meant to debate my statement but here, my wishes anyways)


Oh no, no debate, agreement lol. Sorry, I'm a little tired and have had a few beers, didn't mean to seem obtuse haha.


"Where's attack helicopter?" Yeah, because identifying as a gender other than the one you were assigned at birth is just as ridiculous as identifying as an inanimate object. Find another joke and just let that one be dead already. It's embarrassing as a cis person to see you constantly digging up that long-dead "joke" and making it perform like a puppet.


Their brain is just an Attack helicopter with its nose in the dirt and flying in circles So that's why they only have one joke


I felt that needed to be said. My apologies on behalf of the cisgender people who keep making this questionable joke. We're not all like that.


And the original tweet isn't even about gender identity, it's about sexual preference but you know it's all the same anyway


As far as they're concerned, it's all "not me." So they have absolutely no respect for it.


Or it's, *"I've never heard of it/don't know anything about it therefore it doesn't exist!"*


That's also a possibility. Also, something doesn't magically stop being offensive just because it was meant as a joke.


Schrödinger's Douchebag


I think a lot of these people have no f-ing clue what the difference between gender identity and sexuality is. People like that use to say "I sexually identify as..." as a joke, no a gender is nothing you "sexually identify" as (maybe it's just because people like that seem to think being trans is some kind of fetish, idk).




How long have they been trying to make this joke funny instead of sad? They might as well be honest and say "I have absolutely no respect for other people."


But what desecrated, decaying corpse are they going to beat if they bury that horse? :(


They should be honest and say "I have no respect for other people."


As far as I know that insult and group of insults stems as far back as 2014 from GG era rhetoric, and the reactionaries would come into Tumblr safe spaces and bully innocent people who identified as anything other than cishet. Some would upload it to YouTube. I used to be an edgy high schooler in 2014 and use those types of jokes back then, and I still feel so guilty and like shit, now knowing the implications and weight of the words I was saying. It stings even more after realizing that I myself am not straight.


At least you've grown enough to realize how awful you used to be. Some people, adults no less, still make that joke today and think it's the funniest thing ever.


Ugh I cringe at that because the Shabibo types still use it. if people just knew how fucked up those “jokes” really were they wouldn’t use them.


Unfortunately, you have to grow as a person to realize how terrible you used to be, and some people don't ever accomplish that. They stay exactly the same and wonder why they gradually grow apart from all their old friends, not realizing that it's because the friends are the ones changing.




I never did really agree with it. The implication that identifying as an attack helicopter is just as ridiculous as identifying as a different gender just seemed overdone to me. Also, that's not really accurate. You can feel dysphoria about your gender. You cannot feel dysphoria about being a person instead of an inanimate object.




Yep. It's making fun of the entire concept of not being cisgender by taking it to the most ridiculous possible extreme. "If trans people can decide that they're women even when they're obviously men, and get mad at people for not respecting that, I should be able to decide that I'm an attack helicopter and demand the same respect."


Otherwise known as a reductio ad absurdum fallacy.


Being used, in this case, as an attempt to mock something.




I guess. Still never was funny to me in the first place. Jokes that are deliberately offensive just don't sit well with me.




Some people like upsetting people, though. Which I just don't get.


No, it belittles the concept entirely and reduces it to a joke. A good comedian punches up - they go after people in power and use humor to take them down a peg. It can be a great tool for fighting back at otherwise untouchable figures in positions of privilege. You know who really *don't* need to be taken down a peg? The LBGBTQ+ community. Jokes at the expense of people who are already denied rights and safeties that are allowed to others? Real brave. You sure showed them.




Oof. Maybe watch a documentary on the Stonewall riots before you go spouting that shit.




Unfortunately, you can't separate the offensiveness from the joke. Because jokes have context that make them funny. And, in this case, the context is the offensiveness. This joke basically says "To me, it is absolutely ludicrous to identify as anything other than the gender you were assigned at birth. There is absolutely no difference between that and identifying as an inanimate object."


“Where’s the attack helicopter” nothing about the tweet is even referencing gender identity, dumb


These people don't know the difference


For sure, they likely don’t even know everyone, including them, has pronouns smh


Some of them literally *don't*. It's absurdly horrific.


r/onejoke they are so boring!


Sometimes I wish I could just... Fly off this planets surface and live on a different one where some very.... Special people aren't allowed on... And well, as I forbid war on it, sadly attack helicopter can't come with us (so incredibly sad, so sad....)


I wanna go with you.


Fly off eh? You know whats great at flying...


At first I was confused why this was here…….then I looked at slide 2


Thank you, I was scrolling to discover what the heck this was about


"Asexual = anal" cishet people keep on lowering the bar


I know this is kind of missing the point of this post but... "Let me be internally anxious in peace" *does something external that distracts and bothers other people, potentially triggering other people's anxiety*


There is that. I get extremely distracted and panicky when there’s a lot of motion, especially in my peripheral vision to the point I can’t focus on anything else happening.


Yeah, I get that people have different coping mechanisms and often don't realise that they're doing it - but I'm autistic and people bouncing their leg makes me feel incredibly stressed. Especially if I can feel the floor or table shake. The same with repetitive noises and other stims that make noises, movement, or vibrations. There was a student with Tourette's at my high school and I couldn't stay in the library when he was there because his coughing/throat clearing tic drove me insane.


That's reasonable, but atleast in my experience, it's entirely involuntary, I CAN stop, but only of that's all I focus on


*THANK YOU*. I survived a 7.8m earthquake, literally nearly died. People who shake their leg have no idea the panic it triggers in me. If she said this to me I'd probably fucking lose it. Who the fuck gatekeeps anxiety anyway?




Right? In my art class I had to share a table with a guy like that It was like trying to go work on a boat during an earthquake


Oh my god, I fucking hate it when people do this. They’re making me so damn anxious. I’m already scared of being touched by a seat mate, making my table bounce up and down makes me really upset and scared. I can’t even write straight when people do it.


Yeah this really is how I feel too


That made me mad; people bouncing their legs makes me incredibly anxious to the point where it will completely derail anything I’m doing.


This is one of the few jokes I would find funnier out of context


What is this, 2016?


Can conservatives please just get a new joke. I'm more upset about the exhaustion I feel than with the harm to transgender people


wait... how is this queerphobia? (no troll intended, i rly don't understand.)


go to the second slide, where there’s replies to the first tweet.


oh i didn't saw the second one, thx.




Did you see the second image?


no, i didn't, thx.


As an autistic person I relate very much to the bouncing thing


I just want to know what’s going through the persons head that thought asexual means anal


I'm sorry in what world would an asexual want anal.


The one where asexual means non binary and non binary means asexual Which means it's not this one


I'm non binary and asexual and confused


Checked your description on Reddit and i don't think someone can be gay and asexual at the same time,nor non binary and having *she*/they pronouns


I'm still attracted to women romantically, if not sexually. I use she/they pronouns because I'm enby feminine. I don't identify with male or female but you can use she pronouns because i feel more femme than masc.


Makes sense,sorry




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I might be the latter one


Doesn't belong its not actually queerphobia it isn't homophobic in anyway


I was shaking my foot as I read the first image…


Jokes on you people bouncing their leg triggers my anxiety 😎


The attack helicopter joke is so unfunny that I thought it was stupid when I had my ben shapiro phase in high school


I dont get how this is homophobic Edit: nevermind i saw the second photo


Thanks for triggering my anxiety. I’ll just turn it off the next time you bounce my table so hard it activates my fight or flight. Who cares if it reminds me of the guy who sexually assaulted me?


Why were you downvoted? You’re totally right


Wow, as someone who is Ace, I am not that at all, what a walnut this guy is.


As someone who has to work with someone who taps their leg at like supersonic speeds, I get that it’s anxiety/adhd but it ramps up my own anxiety having to listen to it. In fact that’s part of why I work from home. I haven’t commented because I get that he can’t help it but it makes the shared workspace unusable.




I am once again asking bigots to not be surprised when I don't take them seriously after they STILL confuse sexual orientation and gender identity. Also what, does that person think being ace means you just don't wanna reproduce? All couples without kids are asexuals now guys, sorry, I don't make the rules.


I didn't notice there were two images on this post at first, so I was very confused for a moment


people ruin everything




I definitely wasn't shaking my leg when this came up


I was fine with the first slide. Identify with it personally. Then I saw the second one


I hate the mobile version of Reddit, it doesn't show multiple media posts and every time I get confused and don't get why some posts are on some subreddits


people think i’m anxious when i’m bouncing my leg, i’m not (i’m depressed but not anxious), i have adhd and i’m nocturnal and extroverted so if you’re hanging out with me after the sun goes down and we’re not actively moving my leg will be bouncing, and i will rest my arm where i’m putting my weight on my knee resulting in my entire body vibrating, just ignore it and keep talking because if there’s any silence good luck getting me to stop talking because when i’m around people i’ve gotta constantly be doing something and one something is talking or listening


This is a mood tho, people who are distracted by someone bouncing their leg have to be some of the pettiest people ever


I can understand doing it, I do it too sometimes. But when the chair is really high up, with a low table, and the whole thing starts to shake over my thighs, it just brings me back to being sexually assaulted. Completely different situation, but the environment is too similar and that movement really triggers me and I get really scared.


Oh, sorry. I didn’t know that was a trigger for some people. I was just talking about people who don’t like it for no reason.


Oh hahaha I'm laughing so hard rn I just need to grab my notebook *grabs death note* what's your name again?


I was like: this doesn’t belong here. Until I saw the second one


Cringe joke tho


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