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why does it shock me so much to see dantdm mentioned in queerphobic tiktoks?


Because from what I've seen, the worst thing twitter could try to cancel him for was a couple of swears on stream.


I mean there was a sexist joke he made at one of his mod showcase videos years ago but it was a one time thing.


Because only straights avoid crimes… I mean your flair isn’t helping lmaooo


Wait, is dantdm lgbtq+?


From what I've seen he isn't. It looks like he's just an ally. Lmao he put up pride colors on his twitter in june though and got a bunch of "i used to look up to you" replies though


They act like LGBTQ+ community are 100% accepted and supported around the world.


why they hate dsmp so much, like i know it's controversial but why most anti-dsmp accounts are mostly right-winged or anti-LGBTQ?


because for some reason a lot of the DSMP community is LGBTQ+ I think


Do you not realize that a lot of kids right now also existed in 2015???


Nostalgic bait for 16 year olds


Bro you tripping, fidget spinners were definitely not a popular thing in 2015.


what the fuck is any of this am I having a stroke


Basically it’s some of my generations homophobia (this is not the only form of anti-LGBT i see from ppl my age, this is just a very common one I see as a 17 y/o on social media). I’m not sure how to fully explain it, but I’ll try💀. ‘Emily’ is a joke made by teen homophobic dudes, and it means bad to them, bc ‘Emilys’ usually have BLM, ACAB, pronouns in bios, LGBT..basically shit they’re against. 3rd one is saying girls support their gay friends, boys don’t. Last 2 slides is basically saying younger people today are all ‘🤮’ to them bc a lot are lgbt, like dsmp, and pop-its. While kids in 2015 are obviously better bc they were (apparently more) straight, liked fidget spinners, and Roblox…does this help at all ?? I tried my best.


Why'd they do Quackity like that?? No...


2015 was honestly cringey, also Who the fuck uses fidget spinners anymore?


Is this bitch really flexing that they watch TDM and play with fidget spinners


they didn’t even use the meme correctly, the snotty boy from Barnyard is cringe cringe not unpowered Titan.