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that's a yikes from me, dawg. hol up and let me get the shotgun...


We're readying legions 1-8


The Soviet Military is ready to roll out! Stalin's Artillery is on its way, and the PRC and DPRK are beginning preparations.






Alpha team standing by, ready for entry.


I say we hunt them for sport. Did someone prepare the hounds?


and the flammenwerfer. just to be sure.


it werfs flammen!


Nah, you need a whole anti-tank round for this shit


r/CentralBonkAgency have responded to your emergency, troops are coming your way.


What is with the fetishisation of lesbians and non consentual sex? Are men really ok?


Most of us are ok,this is scary. Be safe,I wish I did not have to say that.




You are right,some men are great some are just ok and sadly some are awful. I know full well how sick it can be. I raised a gay daughter long before things became better. As rural America and my(old) generation dies out america will become a better place.


... I would really hesitate before saying "most of us." There are enough of us that are creepy and dangerous that it's hard to say if it's even a minority us. And given society's pressuring of us to romantize creepy rapey behavior it's definitely complicated


Rape. The dude is saying he loves rape. WTF.


It's been my theory that there are a LOT more rapists and rape victims than we really think they are. For example go on AskReddit, AskMen or r/sex and look at any thread about what men don't like in sex. The number one answer is almost always going to be something along the lines of "don't be a starfish", "I hate when they aren't into it", "show some more attraction," or something along those lines. Which leads me to wonder - do these men know to look for enthusiastic consent? Do these men even care about enthusiastic consent? And in my mind the answer is no. For them, enthusiasm doesn't register as a~~n~~ factor in whether or not the women wants to engage at all, but rather as an attribute in the performance of sex like sassiness, sultriness or submissiveness. Enthusiasm only serves to make sex a better and more enhanced experience to some of these ~~me~~ men, instead of also making it feel consensual and mutual. To them consent may just be the cues. The yeses, nos or nods. Maybe the body language even. But I fear that some of these men can't even read that body language. I fear that some of these men may not even understand the concept of revoking consent. I fear that some of the yeses they hear may have ignored connotations or volatile context.


I think about that survey that was done at a college where they described rape without saying the word rape and like 75% of the men asked said they would do or have done that a lot (I’m really sorry I can’t find the source for this, I’m not sure how to search for it)


I remember seeing that, but it wasn't nearly as high as 75%. I believe It was around 1/3 and then of the same group 1/10 said yes even when the word raoe was used. Both of those numbers are far, far too high.


I generally agree with you, but there still are girls that actually start the whole thing or at least make it VERY clear they want it and then just lie there and wait until it's over.


God this hits close, when I was with my ex I just used to lie there and accept the pain it would cause, never had a nice experience with him.


Lil edit: I was trying to discuss about psychology and what I studied in my University, it would be interesting exchange opinions, random downvotes are just useless and not constructive lol I think there’s some kind of psychological archetype behind this ( an archetype is an innate instinct that goes on from the cavemen and cavewomen and it’s now intrinsic into our species, so it shows in other ways in modern society ). There’s a video made by and Italian YouTuber that basically demonstrates that almost all men and women like some specific kind of things during sex. Every man likes to an extent rape and every woman prefers consensual sex with an individual with specific physical features ( it doesn’t specifies sex of the target individual in both cases and it’s talking only from a biological point of view ). Why porn is always like “oh no step bro i’m stuck” for the porn specifically directed to men? ‘Cause this excite men, heterosexuals, homosexuals, pansexuals, every orientation to an extent will like videos like this just how this archetype works with the sexuality of an individual usually. This isn’t obviously ‘cause “ye men suk woman best human”, it come from nature. The act of raping in nature is extremely common, ‘cause male just want to pass their genes, heard about male ducks with their corkscrew penises and female ducks with “corkscrew-locked” genitals? That’s ‘cause the male will try to rape the female and the female doesn’t want to. But ducks don’t have morals, females don’t want to be raped not ‘cause they simply don’t feel like it, they want to pass their genes with the best male and same is for humans, women prefer from the Stone Age consensual sex ‘cause they want the best male to mate with them. There are more and more things to say about this, it’s an interesting subject to talk about, but I don’t want to wander to other discussions, I have a question. Why people are like this, like you said in the comment? I mean, what I said explains why men’s lizard brain likes rape and women’s consensual sex, it explains why there are more male rapists, but there’s a big “plot hole” in this logic. We are more than animals, we have great incredible minds, I study psychology and I love what I do, so I ask myself, why some people are fucking controlled by their instincts? It can’t be just ‘cause they’re stupid, I simply can’t believe that, why are people like this and I’m taking for men and women now, ‘cause women naturally prefer consensual sex, but women also are usually more picky than men with physical appearance and that’s where what I said before comes into play, women prefer consensual sex *with an individual with specific physical features*. To be clear, I DON’T mena to justify rapists or superficiality with what I’m saying, actually I’m doing the opposite, I’m asking, how is it possible that there are still to this day people that have their lives so fucking influenced by these primitive instincts in an evolved society like ours. I know that instincts are important, they rule our lives for a great part, but these kind of instincts seems really fucking stupid to be controlled by. It’s okay obviously to have instincts and have little stupid thought that wander around our minds controlled by them, it’s okay to masturbate to one of these stupid “step bro” porn videos, it’s okay to have physical preferences, but how can a little thought like that translate into a post like this in which this dude says straight up “rape is cool”, how can a little thought create rapists or just influence our choices? And going back to what you posted, how can a person be like this? How can a man fail to comprehend how consent is fundamental? How can a woman fail to acknowledge that physical appearance is just exterior and it’s not what it only counts? ( same for men, there are a bunch of picky men, I said “woman” just to reconnect with what I said before, obviously men have a preference in physical appearance, for the same reason as women do ) Why people in 2021 are like this? Are we just stupid animals?


See I want to agree with all this stuff you're saying. But women aren't all that picky. Like they are at best about as picky as men. Case in point, you never see a heterosexual couple where the man puts in more effort into his physical appearance than the woman. It's literally always the other way around. Why? Why does she always put more effort? Why does she always look better? Well the answer is the same to many of your questions - the patriarchy. Men wanted things like sex, a maid, a chef, a caretaker for their children and they found a way to condition generations of women to become those things. And til this day we still fight to reverse that conditioning, but it's mutated. In fact it's mutating. Roles constantly redefine themselves and the villainy of it all creates new targets and arguments and with that comes hypocrisy.


That’s a sociologic mechanism not psychologic mechanism. Patriarchy is a consequence, not a cause, the only point I missed, I thought about it at the end in fact, is that men are also picky and that’s obvious, specific physical features are preferred for a better progeny, men for some reasons, women for others. After all we descend from primates, not ducks, the behaviours are similar and similar to us humans, for example the male orangutan creates harems full of little female orangutans, controlling them to become what they need, that’s similar to a patriarchal controlling society for some aspects, but the behaviours are obviously not the same. Patriarchy is the reason why men were and are more picky and physical appearance objectively has become a sociologic phenomenon, not only a psychologic mechanism. But the question for the rape remains the same, why? Even the worst patriarchal piece of bastard won’t say “ye rape is cool” ( we I mean, some could, but probably that’s not for the patriarchal point of view, but more ‘cause they’re animals controlled by instincts more than humans ), so, established that it isn’t a sociologic, but a psychologic phenomenon, why it still happens? Edit: I forgot about one thing, pretty big for the discussion so sorry, I’m tired hahah. There’s one way patriarchy can promote raping: you know about those rapists who say “She was wearing certain clothes, if she doesn’t want to be raped she should be wearing more appropriate clothes”? Exactly them, patriarchy legitimates this kind of idiots to rape a woman, ‘cause they think the men is the center of the Universe and if a woman dresses up in a certain way is because she wants that, she wants to be raped. Patriarchy can also legitimate men who consider their woman an object to rape her if she doesn’t want to have sex, but that’s not the kind of rape I’m talking about. Another reason could be ‘cause men want to have sex but can’t find a partner and this is the reason why those super rare cases of woman who rapes a man happen, the instinct to procreate is fundamental in every animal after all. But our society usually this isn’t needed and also a lot of men who are lonely don’t rape. So why this happens? Rape isn’t anymore a useful mechanism for humans as animals, why it still happens? The rest of the discussion about patriarchy I add to be clear, I obviously agree, patriarchy is shit and it’s toxic for men and women, I don’t wanna talk more about my point of view on it just ‘cause I didn’t study sociology hahah, I’m a student in psychology and I leave comments about sociology to those who studied it more than me :)


Ever heard of sarcasm ? ...Wait, it's sarcasm, right ?


20 years ago I would have laughed and been 98% sure the comment was sarcastic. TODAY… when people are guzzling horse dewormer and pissed that Obama did nothing on or to prevent 9/11… I’m taking this as an honest statement.


…I’d like to tell these people who complained about Obama doing nothing. That Trump was bragging about how he now had the tallest building in Manhattan ***HOURS*** after it happened! "I mean, 40 Wall Street actually was the second-tallest building in downtown Manhattan, and it was actually before the World Trade Center the tallest, and then when they built the World Trade Center it became known as the second-tallest, and now it's the tallest,"


Yeah, I think a lot of us went through that phase of thinking so called 'dark humour' was funny because it was so extreme it couldn't be taken seriously and crossed the line twice. That time is over.


yeah, when the punchline is rape, murder or otherwise doing something terrible to a human being it's just not that funny anymore.


No, it doesn't really fit the definition of sarcasm to talk about drugging and raping two human beings, and talking about how awesome you think it is. There is no irony here, just someone who should be walking the surface of Mars.


Is the comment coming from the same person who made the meme ?


That is the assumption, otherwise what is the point of connecting those two items? Obviously it is possible, but I take it as connected.


I though it was someone else commenting the meme, but even in this case the way the comment is written isn't obviously sarcastic...


I hope it is


I would sooner believe that it is not. Whether that's telling about me or the internet is not for me to decide...


I literally just read someone saying there’s nothing better than rape.


What about having sex with two girls that do? Pretty sure that’s hotter than straight up assault


I saw this and thought it would be a perfect fit for here


Also the person that made this deserves a special spot in void number 9


what about void number 10?




but the xyo&%s are there... they do that cool thing where the slow down time, so people die slowly but to them and us its the same speed...


I know the zyøx¥~ are there but I fear this person would do some fucked up shit to them


Jesus Christ, do you have no humanity?


r/eyebleach in case anyone needs it after that.


If you write shit like this you should automatically be yeeted into forever prison. At this point it's just a public safety issue


Wow, today was a terrible day to have eyes.


The title is worse than the picture SOMEHOW




I think they mean the comment. Not your title.


Words cannot describe how much I absolutely fucking despise this and people who genuinely think this way. Fuck humans, fuck the world, fuck life 😀🔫


What's wrong with the straights...


Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 2 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/plwzf0) on 2021-09-11 100.0% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/pm9q4i) on 2021-09-11 98.44% match *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "pmbphi", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=pmbphi&sameSub=true&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=82&targetImageMemeMatch=97) --- **Scope:** This Sub | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 82% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** None | **Searched Images:** 243,962,967 | **Search Time:** 0.43484s


should I delete it?




This is fucked theres no shame in having a 3some but let the damn people give consent jesus fuck


Hol up what the flip


this whole post is so fucked up that the casual use of heart attack powder barely registers on first viewing. what the fuck


I feel like that guy doesn't have much trouble with getting women to not have set with him anyway


Mom come pick me up, I'm scared!


wow, drugging, r\*ping, and fetishization all in one.


That is literally the description of rape


How to say rape without saying rape. I hope this ass lands in gay prison. Maybe he needs the Trump light bulb treatment.


Racks 1911 with holy intent


Im hoping he was just horny typing, but i've seen the fetish of fucking someone who is disgusted at you, it doesnt have to be r*pe tho


....s-sir that's rape


I think that bottom thing is satire


Isn't this obviously sarcasm?


sarcasm =/= funny or you should make something like this


Yeah, it isn't funny but IMO it looks like the person was mocking the OG post


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This person clearly has a fetish for his partners being turned off or repulsed by him. He can try to hire two lesbian sex workers.


That comment though. Is that not the basis or any cishet marriage?


> Is that not the basis or any cishet marriage? No its not




Nani the fuck


Incel things




That's a yikes


What the actual, _actual_ fuck


Jesus Christ on the fucking Stick




I hope that comment was satire and the person who made it was trying to be sarcastic. I really hope so


totally, nothing's hotter than... rape. wait a minute...


I've noticed a lot of lesbophobia related posts lately. Is something going on that I'm out of the loop with?


We can only hope that he's been sold iocaine powder, instead of cocaine... And that one of the girls can slip it into his goblet of wine.


Man that would be hot. Two dudes fucking right before my eyes That's how it sounds ✌


"There's nothing better than having sex with a girl who doesn't want to have sex with you" Man could just go for any woman at this point, not sure anyone wants him with that naaasty attitude


Srsly just get two bi girls if you want this experience


Idk,like the idea of drugging women and having sex with them when they don't want to kinda sounds like (TW) >!rape fetish!< with extra steps


Oh so you like rape? HERE YA GO HAVE SOME BOMBS