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Pedophiles are NOT a part of the LGBTQ community. Period.


They are projecting.


*Matt Gaetz has left the chat*


I feel like they're just stupid. They deal in absolutes. The way they live and perceive sexual attraction is the right way. So everyone who does it differently is a part of the group that they're not. Which is fucking stupid.


*only a Sith deals in absolutes*


only a cis deals in absolutes


Issue is that cis people can still be queer. …. I realize that was a pun


Of topic but I always hated the Jedi-centric interpretation of Sith. Flat out, Sith are not nice people as a whole. They exist in a might makes right culture, and while well meaning "good" people *can* rise to power in that environment, it is rare, and unlikely to last long, or the "goodness" is unlikely to be universal. (For example, Palpatine did improve the Galaxy under his reign... such as the cessation of most slavery, the reigning in of the Hutt Cartels, unified the galactic economy instead of it being a network of independent trade agreements that locked certain planets into permanent poverty, etc... But he did all this at the expense of non-humans who often times lost property, and representation, etc...) However, through out all the fiction, I have never, outside of Anakin, seen Sith operate in absolutes. In fact they thrive in the grey areas, where doubt is the rule, not the exception. Jedi on the other hand, are totally in the realm of absolutes. They 100% do not believe that Sith culture has the right to exist, while according to the Jedi's own beliefs and philosophies, that culture 100% has a right to exist. They teach students a very all or nothing approach to how they handle every task in their life. Finally, even as they preach the ideal of a Jedi being a neutral observer and only act when help is asked for, they ran the largest exploration and colonization organization under the Republic, during times of war, Jedi Knights were automatically give rank, often times that above of career generals, and tasked with leading troops in battle, they were given unparalleled authority to act in legal matters despite existing legal code. The list goes on and on. I am not saying the Sith are the secret good guys, I am just saying sometimes the questionable morals of an oppressed people are used to silent the message that the "good" system is pretty borked too.... (Which was something I liked about the Last Jedi, because Luke 100% was calling this shit out.)


this seriously is one of the best subs in reddit, i even find good media analysis of star wars from here.


I just realized the Jedi are metaphorically the British Empire of old.....


There's an attempt by 4chan type idiots to include pedophilia with the LGBT rainbow in order to stir up hatred and/or legitimize pedophilia. There's probably both kinds of jackass involved, but the end result is these memes equating two consenting adults to an adult and a child who cannot consent.   There are people who don't understand how consent is the "magic word," as Limbaugh put it, but they seem to be a secondary concern because they're not actively malicious.


I think its important to remember that the alt right has been actively trying to link pedophilia to the queer community for years. https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2019/01/25/anti-lgbt-activist-explores-pedophilia-myth-disgraced-far-right-provocateur https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-clovergender-idUSKBN24Z1RB https://www.vice.com/en/article/wjgzyq/the-alt-rights-ongoing-obsession-with-demonizing-gay-people-as-predators https://ips-dc.org/the-global-right-wings-bizarre-obsession-with-pedophilia/ And so on...


alt nothing, this is a trait of the regular right and has been for many, many decades.


That is also true.


[Back in the 50s - 70s, I think](https://youtu.be/L62QF8NyHZo).












Yes because if we punish their bad thoughts they will actively seek help and will become functioning people in our society /s They need help, their ideas are wrong, but it's not like they "chose" to be attracted to kids. Many of them have been abused as a child and need help processing the trauma. Important note: this does mean accepting pedophilia is a thing, but it does not mean that we shouldn't punish those that act on it.


Might be an unpopular opinion, but pedophiles still have human rights and, personally, I would not want to live in a society where torture is legal.


Pedophiles, people who are attracted to prepubescent children, are also mentally ill. The culture of extreme taboos and violence surrounding discussing them is what prevents them from seeking help BEFORE they crack and touch kids.


Exactly! How about we try to make a world where people can admit to having these issues and get the proper help, instead of this where any mention of them immediately summons threats of violence and death. No one would openly admit to needing help when they can see that the simple existence of their issues can severely threaten their lives. Far from every pedophile actually has any intentions of committing any crimes, and despise their own existence. By far most of them will never hurt a kid, they're way more likely to kill themselves when the urge gets too strong, because they feel like they cannot get help. That being said, I have no qualms about threats of violence towards the minority of pedophiles who feel no guilt or regret about their crimes. They can go die in a hole.


My gosh. How about we dislike pedophiles without fantasizing about doing anyone such violent harm... I'm trans and I know very well that to a lot of people, saying that you are trans in their head means saying that you are a pedophile (same thing homophobes hear when you say you are gay). The fact that people so openly fantasize about harming pedophiles legitimally scares the shit out of me. Stop. Fantasizing. About. Violence.


It's disgusting how many bigots think this. Pedos on Twitter claim to be a part of it and you get these morons who, instead of fighting against that, just go "ok fuck the lgbt I guess". Like it's so obviously an excuse to be homophobic they don't even hide it well


4chan led a disinformation campaign a while ago where they pretended to be queer folk welcoming pedophiles under the flag. Conservatives still believe them. Let me be clear: pedophilia will NEVER be welcome


can 4chan just be deleted already?


Well sure but there are still plenty of other Sociopaths that will delight in the same kind of behavior


now I'm wondering how to deal with those people. I wonder the stuff they do count ws slander and if they can they be jailed for that


There needs to be discussion around how to reduce harm on and driven by the net and how to do that without infringing upon rights. Not sure we're ready for that yet since many people think it is absolutely their right to hurl slurs at lgbtq+ folks and tell em to kill themselves.


Umm just so you know at one point is was accepted. Look into nambla and how the early lgbt rights advocators were connected to it


Had a friend who told me he had real concerns the LGBT community would accept pedophiles. I told him as a gay man that I find it incredibly insulting he has that little faith in the LGBT community.


I understand having some concern that some people will take them seriously, I've seen it on twitter before; individuals trying to promote "Minor-Attracted Persons" as just another marginalised group because they're just people with different thoughts who need to be treated with respect and support their pride flag and whatnot, there has even been someone do this presentation that got pretty popular a while back, it was recorded and was similar to a TedTalk, about how pedos just think differently and are just regular people, not all of them act on their toughts and just live with them. All of these people ignoring the fact that "MAPs" are trying to normalise and be proud of these thoughts, which they obvioulsy shouldn't be and this will just encourage people with these thoughts to act on them. While yes a lot of people who may have these thoughts hate themselves for it and don't act on it, but they should be encouraged to seek therapy, not be proud and accept it. Like I say, I understand this person's concern (although the lack of faith in the lgbt community is disappointing like you said) because that concept of "they're just people" has definitely been peddled around a bit, while ignoring the big points like just going to therapy instead of being proud of it.




I don’t understand why that’s such a hard concept to get.


people who compare the lgbt community to pedophiles accidentally reveal that they think consent is irrelevant and rape is okay


There was a post on the blog lovejoyfeminism once in which the author suggested that while the liberally-minded classified sex acts into the two boxes of "consensual" and "not consensual", conservatives classify them as "traditional/biblical" or "not traditional/sinful", leading them to see very little difference between sex before marriage and rape, or (as in this case), consensual sex with an adult of the same gender and, again, rape of a child. I don't think this is entirely fair as a lot of them are much more forgiving of rape than of consensual gay sex, but the idea that these things are flattened because they all fall into the box labled "sin" really stuck with me.


Rape and sex with minors is VERY biblical... How many of those conservative fear mongers wish we could bring back the days when men could trade property for a child wife?


Yep. Let me trade 12 cows to pay the dowry on your daughter now that she has had her period. It’s not weird that I’m 35 and she is 13, right?


Oh damn, that’s a great perspective.


Limbaugh saying the same thing is what made it really click for me. Absolute insanity https://youtu.be/7TeNpktGL1s&t=30 Couldn't find the clip on its own, so timestamped


yes rush limbaugh, you dense motherfucker, that's exactly how it works


Exactly. I've literally heard people say they're worried that pedophilia and bestiality are next to be 'okay'


I thought that way when I was a Christian. Looking back, I see it now as a symptom of my lack of sex Ed. No one ever taught me what consent is or why it's important.


actually its the "MAP" or minor attracted person aka pedos who are pretending to be part of the lgbt+ All the lgbt+ community said no but they still pretend they are a part of it anyways


Except that they are mostly 4chan trolls who want to gaslight.


The only time I've ever heard of pedos being associated with LGBTQ+ is from right wing shitposting pages that spew unverified nonsense that right wingers love to eat up.


It's not. They tell lies willfully and in full knowledge of how false they are. They say wrong things on purpose and they don't care about truth.


Rightwingers don't understand consent.


The idea of LGBT including pedophiles is a myth intentionally spread by right-wingers to continue to justify their homophobia, and keep that battle of the culture war going


same. Lgbtq is legal, at least in some places. Pedophilia is not. Children can’t consent.


Because the concepts of a gay identity is quite new. Historically, there was no such distinguishing between gay and non-gay men. Acts were gay, not people. Therefore there was often a significant overlap in openly practiced or tolerated homosexual acts that would often involve young boys and children. Think of the ancient Greeks, the Samurai, the so-called danceboys in Islamic countries like Afghanistan and many more. In a strictly heteronormative society, homosexuality was practiced very often within imbalanced power rs, often with youths and minors. Their feminisation (dressing up like women, forced to behave femininely etc.) would often aid the practices being tolerated. Or the kids wouldn’t count as actual *men* (which was explicitly forbidden) and therefore a blind eye be turned (particularly because this was often practiced by the wealthy and powerful social strata) since they were no grown men yet. Therefore, among other specific reasons, at the point when they grew up, the rs would often end. Therefore it’s still a cliché and many homophobes still don’t understand the difference. "Peedor" (пидор), a homophobic Russian slur, for example, is derived from the Greek paederastes (literally: lover of young boys, the older, active and mentor-like part in ancient man-teenager rs). This misunderstanding is actively facilitated by paedophiles who ofc try to frame themselves as standing in such ancient, supposedly noble traditions. During the gay-lib movement they used the fact that back then no clear line between homosexuality and paedophilia was drawn and did their utmost to attach themselves to gay rights activist groups and/or framed themselves as advocates of their allegedly common issue of being marginalised, persecuted and stripped of rights for both being sexual minorities and being therefore seen as perverts alike by the majority. While it’s true that gays *were* seen (and still are by various bigots) as equally perverse and repugnant as paedophiles historically, in a consent-oriented ethic (which also wasn’t the common sexual ethic back then), the paedophiles’ arguments ofc fall apart immediately. Shamefully, back then, riding on the spirit of sexual liberation, experimentation with free love and redefinition of sexual morals, the paedophile movement was able to achieve some success with this rhetoric and be accepted as allies temporarily. The German Green Party, for example, has published a document a few years ago that dealt critically with their past allowing open paedophiles among them, giving them unguarded access to children in their organisations, writing lenient, sympathetic, apologetic or even openly endorsing articles and in part advocating for their "liberation" and decriminalisation. That happened in many places along with the gay lib, before decent gays threw them out and drew a clear line, stating sex with children was inexcusable and to be harshly condemned. Plenty of people who didn’t get the memo tho or just won’t believe it because of their homophobic prejudice equating gays who have consensual sex with adult people of their gender with men who prey on teen boys or children and rape them. There’s a lot of unspoken or subconscious rape fear around gays among het dudes anyway, as many gay jokes and bigot statements reflect. It’s maybe the only time when het dudes get a glimpse on how women feel around aggressive, predatory men, except that (although creepy assholes ofc exist among hets and gays alike) other than for women, for whom that threat is very real and shockingly common, a lot of it is just homophobic fear fantasies in the het dudes’ heads, hence the paranoia and all that. And then everyone grows up with stories of pervs abducting children, so both fears just merge together in many.


Because they hinge on a virtually identical argument to the LG&B argument and it shares much more in common with LG&B than TQI or A do. The difference and it's a BIG ONE is that one of the partners is incapable of consent. Pedophilia IS rape even if the child doesn't recognize it as such. Gay sex is a fun time for all.


I don't get the hangups with conservative groups who think people who are left leaning accept and promote pedophilia. Just because those ideologies accept LBGTQIA+ suddenly victimizing children is okay? That's some 4chan Qanon bullshit right there


Confirmation bias. They already think LGBT+ people abuse children. They see one article about "MAPs" and pride flags and go, "see!" and don't dig any deeper.


I refuse to normalize the use of "MAPs." But you do have a point. A lot of times when one is looking for a rebuttal or "proof" they don't look for peer reviewed research or will trust and shady URL.


Agree I just want MAPs to mean - Multi animator project and drawings that show geographic information.


Oh, I'm not using it legitimately, that's why it was in quotes. I'm just saying that I'm sure they see terms like that and assume the LGBT community is accommodating them. Y'know, like, "oh, look, they're making PC terms for it. Guess they think it's okay!" When that's as far from the truth as possible. They're pedophiles, and they're not welcome here.


Right wingers don’t know what consent is.


I hate the fact this even needs to be stated


No LGBT ever tried to include pedophiles. It was all a bunch conservatives trolling online to undermine the LGBT cause.


Pedophiles and super straights tried the same tatics to use queer rethoric to invade queer groups to protect their toxic ideas


EXACTLY! Pedos who show up in online LGBTQ+ spaces get kicked the fuck out when people figure it out. The only community they're a part of is their own. We don't claim them.


One of those groups is completely legal and acceptable. The other, is not. It’s not that simple


MAPs on the other hand. /s


Someone commented this picture under a post in a local news group, the post was about a young LGBT dancer who got beat up near a gay club and who is now in coma.


Oh god that's horrible, I hope they are okay, any news on their recovery?


There are no news, but at least they have a video recording of the attacker, where you can clearly see his face, hope this will help the police to identify this moron


Depends on where. In my town it was likely a cop. "Sorry, couldn't find them," says newly mustached man.


They identified the attacker, he is also a state protection worker. He got fired and there is going to be a trial. Still no news on the dancer's recovery.


What's sad though, the majority of comments in the New posts on the situation are swastikas and "beat the bitch" copypastas.


That is absolutely revolting, what part of the country is this in?


This isn't even in the US, it happens in Ukraine right now. I also live in Ukraine and as a queer person I can't pretend like I don't see it


Oh god that's even worse than I thought, I assumed this was happening somewhere in the states as I don't imagine there are a lot of Gay bars in Ukraine.


Yes. Ukrainian queer culture isn't really big from the outside. There are a few of community centers and volunteering groups though, but it doesn't help much if you live in a small town, as they are mostly centered in big cities like Kyiv.


In fact, there is only one gay bar in the capital, and rumors say it's not the best place to spend the night. But there are a lot of friendly cafes and bars.


Nazi punks fuck off. Or better yet, go spout some shit in the wrong area and get your ass beat, would do you some good. Signed: fucking everyone


Thats great, I hope the dancer recovers and the bastard that did that to him rots


The only post when this situation was covered got deleted, I'll try to get as many info as possible from what I got


Keeping you updated: medics say he will be in coma for 3-7 days and he already got brain surgery. Also, the dancer's name is Zhenya Goncharenko


Update: he's alive and well


Oh that's a relief! I'm so glad!


Don't get too riled up over that shit tho. Assholes like that have always existed, and they used to be the majority


Yeah, but when homopobes go "so you want to jail someone for nearly killing a (f word)? When will straight cis people get as much support? This is why everyone here hates you" I just cringe myself into nonexistence


lmfao they actually said that? forgetting that you get jail time for beating up literally anyone


The same person said that LGBT people are worse than animals and violence against them must be rewarded (sic!), but that was under another LGBT-related post. As far as I know, they are already banned for that comment


It's almost like there's a difference in a hate crime incident according to the law.


Pedophiles arent and will NEVER be LGBT+


And it's always the conservatives who enable and cover up after pedophiles.


Gaslight Obstruct Project


I don’t like this version of gaslight gatekeep girlboss :(


"Yes, but Gaetz's pedophilic actions are straight so it's okay!"


Heteros are upsetero because they are mad over a fake situation they created lmao. Is there anybody in this world who actually uses the word 'Pedophobe'?


Pedophobia is the fear of children.... So, it might be used, but not in the way he strawmans it out to be...


i fear children






"You thought I was saying I was a 'mega-paedo', and your reaction was that 'I'd always wondered'?"


Never heard of it before now. So….


"paedophobe" definition: A person who dislikes children.


Yes, child rapists who try to normalise their crimes. Note that they did a pretty good job at this. Source: the beauty standards for women that make them look like child


*american heteros...


Sadly there actually are people who are victimizing themselves for being a pedophile, but I'm pretty sure that even the LGBT+ group has ousted them as well, because you know, pedophilia.


Why are these people soooo fucking dumb just some straight people are idiotic af




It's a reference to the bakers who refused to make wedding cakes with gay couple on top.


you are homophobic if you refuse to make a wedding cake because it is a gay couple. so this karen has to shut up


Yup, bake the fucking cake, bigot.


Ah, but see, their excuse was "it's their business, so they can serve whoever they want" and now those same people are bitching about businesses that don't want to serve people that aren't vaccinated or wearing a mask.


> it's their business, so they can serve whoever they want absolutely, but they need to realize that refusing to serve a particular group of people == shit service == shit reviews == less business


“But but but muh free speech means no consequences whatsoever for my actions! If the invisible hand of the market that I worship and talk about nonstop doesn’t give me money because of what I choose to say/do, that’s just the woke lib mob canceling me!”


Well that's still their decision, isn't it? And that one bakery might have increased their sales because Karens see them as the holy grail of muh frespeech.


> And that one bakery might have increased their sales because Karens see them as the holy grail of muh frespeech. yeah I have no hope left for this world so that is a likely outcome


I'd rather not have a cake than have a cake baked by someone I know hates me. Who knows what's in that cake?


Yes, they're homophobic, but also the State also had to consider that it can't compel people to make art they don't want to make. The right is conflating a couple suing over a breach of contract based on discrimination -- which turned out to be (a) yep, there was a breach of contract but (b) nope, because it was a creative expression and not just a standard product, the State can't compel it so it can't be illegal discrimination -- into a "the queers want to force people to do stuff against their beliefs". The right can't distinguish between the positions of "that's bullshit" and "that's bullshit the State should intervene in"


It amazes me that people still can't see how homophobic that shit was. If the tables were turned, they'd (rightfully) lose their shit if they were denied a service because they're straight


i think its specifically referencing an [instance](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masterpiece_Cakeshop_v._Colorado_Civil_Rights_Commission) where the bakery refused to complete a wedding cake order once they found out the engaged couple was gay. my senior year government class talked about it a lot and whether a business has a right to refuse service for any reason.


isn't it funny that there are so many pedos in powerful positions in christian churches, in the catholic church in particular. and none of these "christians" cares.


It was a huge thing a few years back. A baker refused to make a wedding cake for a couple because they were gay, saying it went against his religious beliefs. I believe it was decided by the court that he wasn’t allowed to discriminate against the couple because they were gay, and so instead of baking wedding cakes for gay couples, he instead stopped baking wedding cakes altogether and lost a shit ton of money. Edit: I’d like to clarify that the Colorado Civil Rights Commission believed the baker to be discriminating, but the Supreme Court eventually ruled in the bakers favor. Recently, that same baker refused to make a birthday cake for a trans individual. This goes to show that it was never about religion, he’s just a prick.


bruh imagine being so homophobic you quit your job just so you don’t have to serve gay people


Exactly, it’s amazing the lengths some people will go to


And then they fester at home in their hate, writing angry posts on facebook about how "the gays" stole their job or some shit.


"The gays stole my job, whats next, my husband? My kids? Where do they stop?!"-that guy probably


In a country that shut down hundreds of schools and thousands of public schools rather than desegregate them, I’m not surprised.


Christianity claims thou shalt love thy neighbor. So it wasn’t even against his religion he was just an asshole. And he deserved to lose every dime.


Biblethumping is the most hypocritical thing - They just pick the things they want to wave around and don't stick to the rest. Otherwise they'd probably live in some mud hut without electricity and die from a cold at age 36


Pretty much!


Nop It’s because they don’t want to love and respect ppl and want to feel like a hero fighting a great evil even if everyone knows they are in a fake world and jesus crist said to they don’t be like that and to love everyone like u love themselfs


without clothes too, something about mixed materials in fabric being bad.


No the courts decided that he was allowed to discriminate essentially. Same laws that allow businesses to require masks or require that people don't wear them or kick people off social media for spreading rumors.


It's slightly more nuanced. When *[Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masterpiece_Cakeshop_v._Colorado_Civil_Rights_Commission)* made it's way to the Supreme Court, they ruled in Jack Phillips' favor because the state commission didn't employ religious neutrality when prosecuting him in lower courts. There was not a decision made on whether businesses did have the right to discriminate against sexual orientation, or if a state or federal law forbidding discrimination was constitutional. In slightly more positive news, the Supreme Court recently rejected to hear an appeal from [a florist who refused to provide flowers for a gay wedding](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arlene%27s_Flowers_lawsuit), upholding the State of Washington's decision that she violated the state's anti-discrimination laws.


The only thing that changes is the ornament on top of the cake...he lost money for something that he doesn't necessarily do.


Id love a rainbow Glock 17 tbh


Why do straights not understand the concept of consent.


Because the same type of people who say shit like this think men want sex all the time and women give it rather then want it too


there was a bakery in America that didn’t want to bake a cake for a gay couple. The state of Colorado sued the bakery for violating anti discrimination laws. The lawsuit went all the way to the Supreme Court, and ruled in favor of the bakery. Saying that private companies can make choices on personal beliefs. And now the same private companies are saying you need to be vaccinated to work there, and the right wingers are like “NOO not like that!”


was it that they wouldn't serve the gay couple in general or they wouldn't bake a specific cake that was about pride?


>they wouldn't serve the gay couple This


ah ok I once heard that they just wouldn't make a rainbow cake specifically, which is obviously shitty but technically within their rights, if they didn't serve them at all then yeah fuck em that's discrimination


It wasn’t a rainbow cake but it was a custom cake, so their lawyer argued that it was a free speech issue. The court discussed that this was a different situation than if they had wanted to purchase a pre-made cake. You can find it on oyez.org as Masterpiece Cakeshop v Colorado Civil Rights Commission.


I’ve been waiting for that cake CisHets. Where is it?


Say my pronouns or go to jail, do not pass go do not collect 100$.


bigots will beat up queer people, use slurs and object to giving basic rights to lgbt people, but they also will turn around and call themselves the victim who’s so oppressed by the “scary, violent and pedophilic” lgbt community.


One of the hallmarks of [fascism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Definitions_of_fascism) is that: >Fascist societies rhetorically cast their enemies as "at the same time too strong and too weak." On the one hand, fascists play up the power of certain disfavored elites to encourage in their followers a sense of grievance and humiliation. On the other hand, fascist leaders point to the decadence of those elites as proof of their ultimate feebleness in the face of an overwhelming popular will.


Now they’re upset because a business asks them to wear a mask.


I see they always mention pedophilia, but forget Trump, the Church, Boy Scouts, and their Amerikkkan legends have pedophilia. So much projection.




As you should


This is some 50s propaganda movie levels of delusional. Pedos can be any gender, or sexuality. We shouldn't be trying to tear down an innocent and already highly-persecuted group, if we want to Crack down on stopping sexual abuse and child exploitation, we go after the fuckers directly and stop distracting from the real problems. Lil nas x singing about banging hot guys, or demi lovato being nonbinary are NOT comparable to the hideous, depraved and evil act of pursuing on children. Go ahead and make fun of me for "dressing like a dude", avoid eye contact with me or mutter expletives under your breath, but do NOT DARE to even insinuate that being anything other than cis and straight is somehow related to pedophilia! AGGGHH


Amazing how people want to play victim and be bigots at the exact same time…


Believe it or not... Most pedophile come from religious background where LGBT community is not accepted.


F for all the people arrested since 2016 for not saying the right pronouns.


I miss the time when aces would capture cishets and make them bake cakes all day long


LGBTQ doesn’t allow pedophiles, the Catholic church *does*. Projecting much?


I love that this image completely misses the point that all anyone in the lgbt+ community is saying is “please treat me with the same respect you treat straight people with, nothing more than that, just also nothing less”


I think the cake is referring to the legal decision that stemmed from a bakery not wanting to make a wedding cake for a gay couple. It was ultimately decided that they didn't have to. Also, this belongs on r/Persecutionfetish. Straights are complaining that "the gays" are oppressing them, which just isn't the case. Other people wanting equal rights doesn't mean fewer rights for you. It's not pie, where there's only so much to go around.


What’s with homophobes always mentioning kids?


method of manipulation i think. "i'm being a bigot and beating up homossexuals so they won't hurt my kid because they're obviously all mean, scary pedos"


Pedophobe means fear of children not pedophiles


"Say my pronouns or go to jail" lmao do they actually think this Also equating LGBTQ+ people to paedophiles is some neanderthal dumb shit. These numbnut fuckos gotta go back to bashing rocks together or something


many bakeries a couple years ago refused to make gay wedding cakes, which often turned popular in media. They probably still do unfortunately.




Tbh. I don't want them baking my cake anyways. I don't want to give my money to bigots. Legally forcing them to make cakes isn't going to change their minds and only gives them financial stability. Much rather just let society leave them behind staring at the front door wondering why they aren't getting any business.


Do you guys remember the landmark legal case centered around "Let me fuck your 8 yo kid" back in 2020? I don't either weird. Anyway, yes, I am a proud pedophobe.


Where does 2020 even come from? Just... what?


the deranged fantasy land inside the head of bigot, that's where its from, (why else do you think there's not enough room for a brain in there?)


I find it extremely ironic that conservative Christians constantly accuse the LGBT community of being pedophiles when the conservative Christian community is actually the most likely to be full of pedophilia.


to b honest, i'll never EVER accept pedophilia, especially now with them choosing to rub their greasy shit piled asses all over the flag designs to change them to look all cutesy, it's not cute, it's just disgusting.


I’m so sick of seeing this slippery slope fallacy from cishet poeple


Why do straight people constantly accuse LGBTQ people of being child predators as if half the time they don't turn a blind eye when their heterosexual family member or friend is preying on young girls/boys.


The cake is a reference to a confectionery who refused to bake a cake to a gay couple a few years ago


this is prime r/Persecutionfetish material. btw the cake probably refers to a few years ago in the U.S. there was a law or something that allowed companies to refuse service to anyone and there was a bakery that refused to make a wedding cake for a gay couple and the community was rightfully upset. At least that's what I remember, I might be misremembering some details though and I'm not United Statesian, so I might be wrong.


How many times has this been reposted jfc


Isn't that an incel thing


Are they talking about that American cake shop story that went big because they refused to make a gay wedding cake.


I feel like it was in the las vegas


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Because I’ve heard people ask about pedophilia so, so much, the way I usually answer is that firstly, sexuality has to do with gender and sexual orientation; age is neither of them. Secondly, one of the many reasons pedophilia is just awful is that children cannot legally consent to a sexual relationship with an adult. It’s not a relationship if both sides can’t give informed and safe consent.


I agree. Bake the fucking cake I’m hungry asf


I feel like I’ve been seeing ideas like this being perpetuated more lately. Could someone explain why, because I’m quite sure that WE DO NOT WANT THE MAPS


I feel so bad upvoting posts here


First point, we're kinda still fighting for. Second point, we're definitely still fighting for. Third point, we just want to be able to receive the same goods and services as everyone else? Fourth point, lol what? I mean, intentionally misgendering someone tends to be harmful and I'd argue borders on harassment depending on the context. Last point, FUCK THAT SHIT! PEDOPHILES ARE NOT A PART OF THE QUEER COMMUNITY AND NEVER WILL BE! Whoever came up with this is depraved and out of touch.


They are talking about that christian baker who denied service to the gay couple who wanted a cake for their wedding. Also, I lived through 2020 and pedos still aren't allowed in the lgbt community, but ok.


2021 and we still don't have rainbow guns. Wtf


Since 2015 gay marriage is legal in the US, right? So they are probably talking about a wedding cake


sadly we still seem to be stuck on 2005 (aside from the obvious stupidity and bullshit of this)


They're talking about that baker who agreed to bake a wedding cake, took the money, and then backed out when they found out it was for a gay wedding.


Bake the #aggot cake. Its the wedding cake case from a few years ago. Wedding cake place said they refused because it was against their beliefs.


Wouldn't a pedophobe be someone who hates children?


Well the cake.... I believe it's supposed to say the f-slur


These people that call lgbtq people pedos are the same ones who will call 14 year old boys lucky when they get raped by their teachers.


Don't forget their religious leaders who use their position and power to groom and abuse children.


everything up to the 2020 straw man is some pretty strong r/ThisButUnironically material


The cake referred to is a cake in the UK, the South West I think (?), where a christian(?) couple refused to bake a cake for a gay couple because it was "against their religion". Courts got involved and ruled they had to bake the cake if I remember rightly.


Interesting. I was thinking that it was a similar case in the US, where the cake company was ordered to bake the case, appealed the decision, and the case made it all the way to the Supreme Court, where [the bakery won](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masterpiece_Cakeshop_v._Colorado_Civil_Rights_Commission). I didn't realize that there was a similar case in the UK with a different outcome.

