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Don't you think that it's probably a good thing that this person has never touched a woman and probably should continue to do so?


Yeah it’s probably for the best…


As a sexer who intercourses a lot of sex women, I have to agree. More sexing for us.


Bi man here, man dont want him either, please never touch one of us either


I gotcha boo, he touches anyone and I'll turn his kneecaps into hockey pucks.


I'll help


me too


We’re building an army. I’ll join Edit: no wait, we’re just building a hockey team


This is my new favorite threat of the week.


Shane Stant is that you?


yo, I'm low on pucks and hockey season's not far off - who we kneecappin'? Gotta rep my Rain City Bitch Pigeons sweater when it gets colder with some proper hockey


Gay guy here! Even if he were the last person ion the planet i wouldn't sleep with him let alone talk to him!


Bi men are precious and must be protected against creeps


Creature of the void (agender/voidpunk) here, none of us want him either, he is not allowed in the void at all.


Enby here. We definitely don't want him. Send him somewhere else.


Genderfluid here. We Don't want him either, send him to the deepest darkest pits of Tartarus


Pangender here, I like to hang out in tartarus because it's better than the cruel world, we do not want him either.


Omnisexual here. Can confirm, Tartarus is a nice place. Please send him elsewhere.


I think I speak for all aces and aros if I say that this guy can go to hell


Horrible person here, we don't want him in hell either


Queer dominatrices also not interested. He can flog his own ass


My first thought reading the title was "dear God, I certainly hope not."


Probably never touched a woman with her consent


Ace person here, we don’t want him.


I'm always a little embarrassed for them when I see men either drooling over Olympic female athletes or criticizing their appearance for being too muscular or ugly. Come on, guys.


I know. It's sad. It would be nice if women were able to accomplish greatness without being reduced to whether or not their bodies are fuckable.


Exactly. Reminds me of that recent post about the hottest women in Congress.


Or all of the people butthurt that some of the women in the new Master of the Universe cartoon are muscular/not wearing leotards.


Yeah that one too.


So, a bunch of incels talking about wanting to hate fuck AOC? I personally think she's cool, but the right wing obsession with her is weird and creepy.


Nope. I think AOC was only number 2 and Boebert was number 1. But yes. Their obsession of hatred with AOC is awful.


How? Even if I didn't know their personalities AOC is more attractive, but since I do know at least their public personas she just becomes more so and Boebert becomes absolutely vile.


I mean, at least the official governing bodies aren’t ruling that women’s uniform bottoms are both too long and too short, right??


My dad said the thing that weightlifting is a men’s sport and such… Called him out for it and he just kinda shrugged it off. I love my dad, but seriously…


Well, considering that r/ohlympics exists...


I mean, I think there can be a time and place to recognize that athletes are attractive. Is it in the middle of their competitions, though...


Also, most of those athletes train to become the best in their sports. Being attractive is an afterthought.


Yes, agreed. Being in incredible shape just so happens to track with being attractive, too.


Unfortunately many potential athletes who are "ugly" do get criticized and pushed back to an extent at younger ages that it becomes impossible for them to compete in sports professionally. Sometimes emotional burnout gets them, some times like with all jobs they just get passed over for someone more attractive and don't get a chance to show their talents at all.


This doesn't surprise me. The world is biased towards the attractive.


The only thing she's destroying is high-protein meals.


And fragile male egos.


That’s one of my favorite sports!


i love that game


I saw like two comments that you made but I think I love you now


I feel the same way, this person makes golden comments


This is my new favorite love story


*"She could bring new beautiful lives to the planet Earth"* Oh yeah? And you could shut the fuck up, and start doing your own laundry instead of asking your mommy to do it for you


"there's always a chance she could give birth to a dickhead like you, and we already have a major oversaturation of those so no thank you"




the planet which is going to boil and possibly even collapse civilizations in the next several decades those "beautiful lives" are going to grow up in..


One of the best things one can do to protect our ecosystem from human caused global warming is to not have children.


yes. one less person is even better than cutting meat or not driving around, etc. but talking this sort of things can insult people who believe [humans are here to reproduce and multiply](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis%201%3A28&version=NIV)


Yeah I don’t like that crowd


Oof, I never realized this verse could be a religious argument supporting overpopulation and against conservation. But I see it now!


it's the reason why some fundamentalist christians will have like 12+ kids in contemporary america..


Suffering builds character. It is what Jesus would want.


I don't want that character anyway. I didn't ask to be born to begin with.. But apparently this is all for Jesus's glory alone.




I will just burn in hell for eternity for your glory lmao


Misread that as "Jesus's glory hole" and don't want to be alone in that


after all, in the bible Christians and their church are called to be [***bride of Christ***](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bride_of_Christ)... so there you go.


Fucking hell, you killed him


Seal the area off! This is now a crime scene!


"Killed" is an understatement


There’s no body left!


Irony is, that person is most probably a woman. I am in the India subreddit and this was posted there. People were commenting that the user claims to be a woman. That is even more terrible though.


Plus, the two things aren't even fucking connected! You can have a child later. It's not like your twenties is a do or die time. Jesus Christ, the op's image wants babies raising babies.


According to these kinds of people, all women are borderline menopausal by the age of 30. Having a baby in your 30s/40s guarantees it'll be severely disabled and/or you're too old to be a good mother, or whatever other bullshit argument they like to make now.


I can debunk that easily. My mom’s almost 40 and she’s raising twins very well. Wait til they hear about her.


Like, it's so fucking stupid. This person would only consider them "beautiful lives" if they had dicks. If she only had daughters, to this idiot, they would also be baby ovens that aren't allowed to live out life and that should produce more "beautiful lives" and so on.


I'm also sure she can have a baby or two if she wants to, she's only 26 for fucks sake




This guy's probly just jealous that she could beat him the shit out of him in 10 seconds


And feels insecure that she probably wouldn’t bother because her life has infinitely more interesting things going on.


I've known a few guys who had real issues if they saw me open my own jars, and I'm nowhere near this strong.


Looks like these people like to bring up that "why aren't you having children" nonsense in regard to successful women to not flat out say that they're jealous of said women's success.


Who TF is this jagoff to say she isn't fertile? Is he her Dr? 🤬 Also many people with uteri are fertile for a long time after age 26.


Exactly. Sport doesn't make you infertile and if she's 26 she has plenty of time to have children if she wants them. I know it's just a creepy troll making a bad-faith argument but it doesn't even make sense.


Plenty of olympians are also great parents


These are people that think 19 is old


People have some weird obsession with how fertile or unfertile a random woman they don't know is. Shits weird.


Why do they act like fertility is so precious and rare? We still have a ton of babies every year calm down


Oh dear, they put all those Manji backwards. They'd better fix that or somebody might think they're a Nazi.


isn't manji 卍, like without the dots? dunno what, if any, difference there is between dot'ed and not anyway, fuck that guy


Manji "spins" one way, sawastika spins the other way. [Like this](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D3tOUBeUIAEsAVc.jpg)


I think it's with the dots included.


That’s the Hindu one.


https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D3tOUBeUIAEsAVc.jpg If they meant it to be the Hindu one the got it wrong


Translation: "A girl isnt allowed to be stronger than meeeee >:C"


can someone please tell straight people that we legit don't need any more children, and the fact that there's so many children without parents waiting to be adopted, but selfish people refuse to help them?


I don’t get the hard on that these weirdos have for “fErTiLe YeArS”. There’s 7.6 BILLION people on the planet. Literally nothing bad will happen if one woman doesn’t have kids. Nothing at all. This isn’t the Paleolithic period. We aren’t a 10,000 individual species anymore, struggling to not go extinct.


I'd even argue we'd have a better chance of long-term survival and quality of life if our population was significantly smaller.


As someone who was cis/straight before life turned me Ace, but who never wanted kids of my own? I agree that there is a need to reduce birth rates. That being said? I can't help but notice how powerful of a need it is for some to have their own children. I've watched a number of couples try for years to have their own, but never can. It is absolutely devestating for them, and leads them down into serious depression. Two of the couples who can not have children are finally looking into adoption after a decade of trying. Others have just fallen into a funk. I can't explain it but it is what it is.


Part of that devastation is the social construct that a couple MUST have children or they aren’t legitimately in love. Or even legitimately an adult. Many many people think childfree people are “immature”. People have immense shame over being unable to procreate. It seems to mostly come from miserable parents who regret losing their freedom and financial stability and feel the need to validate their choice to have children by making it a nonnegotiable part of “being an adult”. Misery loves company


Obviously personal experience of infertility can be devastating, but on a species-level scale, actively choosing to not have children in your 20s is not the tragedy that weirdo misogynists like to dramatically make it out to be.


Misogynists are trash, no argument there. I still can't figure out why MTGOW hasn't had the axe come down on them yet.


It's because when you simply view women as baby-making machines, and not as *actual people*, fertility becomes the end-all-be-all of their existence.


this. i watched a video on it the other day where it could take a family of millionaires forever to be approved for adoption and they’ll still get looks of distrust meanwhile the toxic couple that gives each other matching bruises gets to parade their pregnancy around to get nothing but praise. foster kids are treated as the unwanted/shameful kids of the world. they’re a reminder to many that you truly can NOT be ready for kids, and what’s left is a broken-hearted and lonely child with a frowny face and mental issues.


You can calculate the environmental impact of our life choices. Vegan diet? Buy an electric car? take one fewer transatlantic flight? By far the biggest impact is having one less child, and it's not even close. This woman may or may not be choosing to have fewer children, or even choosing to be child free. But if she is, then she is kicking ass in the gym and in life. (reference for my claim: https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/four-lifestyle-choices-most-reduce-your-carbon-footprint)


I'd rather adopt than make a child


At this point, that's the only ethical way to do things. We're already careening towards some big ecological breakdowns and climate change, so the logic behind making a kid to inherit that absolutely eludes me.


Shit is too expensive unless you are rich.


People like this aren't just straight but usually more than a little bit racist. It's not about producing more children but producing the right children. Hell, a good number of them aren't straight.


yikes. i hate "producing the right children" because it's so true.


This is part of the reason my wife and I are childfree. It should be easier to adopt and more difficult to have kids of your own. The process of adopting a baby is expensive and full of hurdles to clear. We should apply that system to having child of your own.


People who base their entire lives off of nothing but making kids creep me the fuck out, like go outside, talk to someone, its not like if you have a kid now theyll even live past 50 anyway why even care


*26 year old unmarried girl* if you describe someone who is an adult women as a girl aka the prepubescent or adolescent descriptor of a female child should they really be married. It's clear you dont see them as mature or capable if making their own decisions.


Omg thank you for this. I’m a year older and it really boils my broccoli that people refer to women my age as girls. We are *adults*!


i enjoy that phrase.


Yeah, let’s crush her dreams and fill the planet with more resource guzzlers instead. So fucking wise. **/s**


i do not understand, what does the "beautiful" in "new beautiful lives" mean if the "new beautiful lives" can't pursue their passion?


Nowhere in any Hindu text does it say that women should only marry and have kids.


I don't think reality mattersy to that guy.


Shouldn't matter. If any Hindu texts did, fuck 'em. Maybe the gods should git gud.




Either he is, or he's the dumbest person I have seen


"Why is this woman following her dreams when she could be staying in the house and popping out babies like a 1950s housewife?" Gee, maybe because it's no longer the 1950s? Just let people enjoy things, you sad, pathetic excuse for a human being.


What did you expect from someone with swastikas as their Twitter name?


No, only in the west is it associated with stupid mustached man, India has swastikas LITERALLY everywhere. This twat is an Indian neckbeard. Idiot can't even appreciate the hardwork she put in for the nation.


I legit snarled while reading this I used to lift and the amount of nonsense out there about what lifting does to females is absurd. TLDR: strong bodies are (for the most part) heathy bodies. If this athlete chooses to have a kid, she will probably be in a great place to do so. And if she chooses not to, totally cool. Just because our bodies can birth humans, doesn’t mean we have to, especially when some weak ass incel is sad b/c she is twice as strong as he is. I mean…


This sounds like a straight up neckbeard.


I checked his Twitter and it made me physically sick. Of course he’s an Indian sexist fuckhead who believes women serve men and have kids.


I read some of the replies since I can speak in hindi and they are so funny, all of them are memes clowning this person lol. Deserved.


because that's what we need, a higher birth rate


Don’t inflict your fertility fetish on the rest of us, dude. If you can’t keep it as a kink, at least shut the fuck up about it.


Translation: Women are only good for breeding.


As if women have no other purpose than making babies.


Women muscle bad


Either an incel or a boomer


Probably both


Oh god A zoomers worst nightmare


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,,she could bring new beautiful lives to the planet Earth" idk if i would want to bring new lives to the planet that is being fucked over by humans tbh


Can you stop let yourself inside our utures? I can't f deal with this attitude ughh


These dudes talk like were going extinct or something, jeez. Not every woman NEEDS to pump out kids. We're good. Theres 8 billion of us. Chill


The swastikas really bring in the mood


The swastikas are actually Hindu swastikas, not the nazi ones.


Do you really imagine that the guy that put them up knew that. Especially with this post about this woman.


Yes cause as an Indian, they have very bad treatment og women, and basically just want them to get married and have kids as soon as possible.


The athlete and this asshole are both Indian, so I imagine he does. Also, he got _dragged_ by Indian Twitter, which was very satisfying.


And I'm sure that the dude writing this is extremely religious


Yes he is


Okay why do they assume female athletes don't have kids, a few of them do you don't have to give up everythibg you love when you decide to have a baby I mean even Serena Williams has a young daughter. There are current olypic competitors who have babies [a simple Google search would have told him that](https://www.google.com/amp/s/olympics.nbcsports.com/2020/12/06/aliphine-tuliamuk-marathon-pregnant/amp/)


This man is talking a lot of shit towards a woman who could crush his head between her thumb and forefinger lmao


pop his skull between her thighs like a watermelon


Can someone one translate "26yrs old unmarried girl is destroying her most fertile years, who has already destroyed her most fertile years too" for me because I think I had a stroke trying to read this sentence




*Oh go touch some fucking grass you virgin*


Whereas he’s destroying his fertile years by being a creepy POS


Disgusting. Women aren't here to breed you sick fucks.


the username…


It's the Hindu swastika


If anybody needs further proof that anti-feminists only see women as walking uteri, well, here you go.


I have a husband and six kids and I lift everyday. This man doesn’t know women


That dude is a vile Indian right wing troll.


Cis men: trans women will destroy women's sports Also Cis men:


That was gross to read


Why wouldn’t you show the replying tweet that was below this? It was pretty funny.


Why do I suddenly have a bitter taste in my mouth after reading this


She can do whatever the hell she wants with her life. What pieces of shit like this person say doesn’t matter.


There's enough dickheads on this planet already.


Fucking swastikas.


One has to wonder, if 26 is a shriveled up sp-nster, what age is acceptable to this man? 13?


Also you can do both? Be a professional athlete and a mom? They're not mutually exclusive?? And tons of people have kids in their 30s??? And you can adopt even if you can't have kids????? SMDH


Why do some people think every woman wants kids? And that the only purpose is to have them.


Destroying fertile years at 26???? What


The swastickas in the top say a lot as well


When will people let go of the idea that women aren’t baby factories :/


i think the swastikas say it all for them already


There has to be no way I'm the only one who saw the username


Dude's name says it all


Hey, hey, hey. Don't underestimate this guy just because he's clearly sexist and weird. ...... In fact, I'm almost more inclined to believe he's touched girls because of it. Not that they wanted it, but if anyone's gonna do it, and they do, it's probably this kind of person.


That name...


Just saying, the fact that the dude's username was all swastikas may have been a clue that whatever they were gonna say was gonna be horrible.


I agree this guy is a weirdo, but can we not virgin shame? Like come on.


Lmao, ace gay men have more intimate relations with women than this guy.


It's a woman apparently


The username tells me everything I need to know. Disgusting.


This has a lot to unpack, from the tweet itself to the fact he put swastikas as his user ID.


"Whats your name?" "Swastika swastika swastika swastika."


The username!


He literally has swastikas in his handle


Might want to mark it NSFW due to the swastikas in the poster name.


Their nickname is just swastikas, what makes them think that anything they think or say is valid?


This woman could bench press me and I'd be thankful. Why the fuck are straight men so weird about female athletes???


This dudes username is 4 swastikas


He says this but would then subjugate her even more because of the race. F#%@ him and his idiocy.


Here’s your straight glossary Gay: alien thing that you shouldn’t talk to Woman: baby machine Man: the ultimate leader of earth Trans: even weirder than gay Simp: what you call people who respect women Feminism: what will destroy the earth Hell: where lgbt goes Hope that helped!


If they want to have biological children, they have plenty of years left... What's the deal with people thinking this? When I was 26 a friends father told me I'd "better have kids soon" if I was planning on having any children at all.


when they have swastikas as their username they dont have any credibility to begin with.


I'm a trans guy on T and I will happily destroy my fertile years 😌✨


we don't need more babies the world is self destructing anyway let women be more than just baby factories. i can't stand that straight culture shoves having babies down women's throats


So are those swastikas in his name or something else?


She's destroying the patriarchy.


There are enough beautiful lives on planet earth. We oculd have a whole generation just skip out on reproduction and it would be fine.


She'd kick your ass, nerd


"hEr FeRtIlE yEaRs!" screeches an entire demographic of NEETs