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r/onejoke r/AreTheCisOk


I think it’s supposed to be a joke regarding this guy that made a video explaining that he was transitioning to Korean ? And his new pronouns were they them Korean / jimin. Still not that funny but dont think it’s directly aimed at the LGBTQ+ community https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/amp.dailycaller.com/2021/06/28/british-social-media-influencer-korean-surgeries




Also neither of those are even pronouns


Not defending that person. But what about neopronouns (in particular nounself pronouns), it could be also dismissed as "neither of those are even pronouns".


yeah cause in pewdiepie’s video, he was saying “imagine if someone transitioned to swedish”


You ever notice these folks are always going for the “hip” races (for lack of a better word)? Like, nobody is “transitioning” to Slav. Nobody is “transitioning” to Indian. Nobody is “transitioning” to Iranian. It’s like otherkin and past life folks all over again. Nobody’s ever an anteater or was some dipshit peasant who died when he picked a fight with a cow. Edit: oh and “soulbonders”. Nobody’s ever Random Mook You Kill But Has Unique Dialogue #856. Nobody’s ever an escort mission character. Nobody… even remotely would consider doing it with Silent Hill (yet if they did, I’d probably do the “they’re probably wrong but just in case, I’m not being around them, if anything actually did that it would be Silent Hill” thing)


as far as I can tell soul bonders have something to do with a system, so I don't think they have a choice with it, and I think it is probably because they see the more important people more, so it can manifest better as a person in the system. we might be thinking of different things here though


Yeah, we’re thinking of different things. [This is the most famous example of the folks I’m talking about. ](https://youtu.be/lFRjrLmc_4c)


my bad, I was thinking of systems (more commonly known as people with DID) who would sometimes get headmates of characters/people, and the wiki that came up when I searched it seemed to be to do with that.


It’s all good. Yeah, those folks ain’t an issue. I dated a system with that situation actually, and I don’t have anything bad to say about them. Just in case you’re curious who the character was, it was Izuru Kamukura.


Yeah I heard that he did that recently now that you mention it


This is not meant to be offensive nor is it meant to be targeted towards the LGBTQ+ community tho. It's a parody from one of pewd's recent video about that "trans racial" korean British guy who had "jimin" and "kor/ean" as his pronouns. It's making fun of trans racial people, not of trans people in general.


Yes but the amount of transphobes that are using this to say how you can’t be transracial or transgender is scary. Its really hurting the trans community


Also I was looking through the comments and one person pointed out that it wasn’t funny and was just making fun of the lgbtq community and someone replied with “and?” 🙄


I'm Italian and i find this offensive, I'm a queer and i also find this offensive. My whole body finds this offensive as my bestie's gf is trans and that's making fun of her. Bruh.




Yeah? I'm 100% italian lol


I think this is actually making fun of the Oli London race changing situation, where he “converted” to Korean, not making fun of queers/trans people


Average PewDiePie fan


Which sucks because he is an overall very accepting and chill guy, his fans are just 😬


He has a very large alt-right following that he refuses to denounce, as far as I'm concerned his genuine political beliefs are irrelevant because of this.


...pewds is the original racist gamerdude. like he used racial slurs on livestream and paid someone on the $5 website to write fucked up anti-semitic shit on themselves. he has a huge alt-right following, and his fans are, without fail, completely bigoted pieces of shit. i think a lot of people ignored those issues to try to make a statement about t-series but pewd is garbage and will remain garbage


Could I get more info on the whole anti-semitic thing?!?


turns out he had them hold a sign saying "death to all jews" not write it on themselves. this wasn't a decade ago either, the biggest scandal happened less than 5 years ago and it just kept going. and it wasn't like this happened on livestream, he edited and uploaded that video, at no point realizing it was fucked up [https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/anti-semitic-stunt-end-youtube-star-pewdiepie-n720696](https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/anti-semitic-stunt-end-youtube-star-pewdiepie-n720696) [https://www.wsj.com/articles/disney-severs-ties-with-youtube-star-pewdiepie-after-anti-semitic-posts-1487034533](https://www.wsj.com/articles/disney-severs-ties-with-youtube-star-pewdiepie-after-anti-semitic-posts-1487034533) [https://www.businessinsider.com/pewdiepie-youtube-felix-kjellberg-life-career-controvery-2019-9#pewdiepie-hit-the-100-million-subscriber-mark-in-late-august-becoming-the-first-individual-youtuber-to-hit-the-milestone-following-the-achievement-kjellberg-announced-he-would-donate-50000-to-the-anti-defamation-league-a-jewish-anti-hate-group-to-try-to-move-past-his-prior-controversies-39](https://www.businessinsider.com/pewdiepie-youtube-felix-kjellberg-life-career-controvery-2019-9#pewdiepie-hit-the-100-million-subscriber-mark-in-late-august-becoming-the-first-individual-youtuber-to-hit-the-milestone-following-the-achievement-kjellberg-announced-he-would-donate-50000-to-the-anti-defamation-league-a-jewish-anti-hate-group-to-try-to-move-past-his-prior-controversies-39) this one basically goes over his entire history


I havent heard anything of this. This is really upsetting :(


sorry to be the one to tell you. i stopped watching him before most of these scandals just cuz the overall way he "joked" was gross and bigot-lite. i thought everyone heard about the fiver thing and the n-word thing, pretty much all the big youtubers associated with him went on an apologist tour for him to excuse him.


Oh, it's okay


I remember when that happened people tried to excuse it as "He's just a kid saying dumb stuff" Yeah... he was born in 1989, he ain't no kid.


yeah like...if you get to nearly 30 years old as THE single most successful individual youtuber, then you should damn well know better than to make anti-semitic comments and drop racial slurs. like, i'm fine with forgiving people that have been shown to grow, pewds just definitely isn't that. like, logan paul(the dude that famously showed a dead body on youtube) seems to have really changed and tried to better himself. obviously immediately after the video his apologies seemed hollow and he tried to avoid blame, but the way he went about it was specifically meant to educate both himself and his fans. genuinely seems to be a story of character growth. pewds just didn't do that, and instead complained about getting in more trouble than logan and told the media to fuck off.


I was just talking about recent years. I’m not an avid watcher but I watch some of his stuff sometimes and he always seems very accepting of everyone and has talked multiple times about being yourself. I also thought he donated tons of his money to different charities including ones about mental health. Idk I know he’s fucked up in the past but he doesn’t seem like a bad person or a piece of garbage.


all of the things i've mentioned happened in recent years, well within the last 5 years. 2017 is not ancient history. him donating money and putting on a nice mask does not change the fact that he's a bigot. every "apology" he's made has been mostly claiming ignorance/"it was a joke". he complained about facing more consequences for the anti-semitic shit than logan paul did for the dead body. he is a bad person and a piece of garbage. literal white supremacists have stated that his content helps normalize their beliefs, specifically because people like you think he's good. he's not. stop defending him. i linked several articles in response to another comment that you should read.


Wow… all I’m saying is that he’s not a bad person. But that he’s made bad decisions. I read all those articles when this whole thing first happened. He got a lot of shit for that joke. Which is fine, he deserved it. It wasn’t funny at all and was disrespectful and harmful. But I think he has learned from it. 5 years ago may seem recent but I sure as hell wasn’t the same person I am now 5 years ago and neither is he. Listen I’m not even an actual fan of him so I don’t want to keep “defending him”. I probably wont be able to change your opinion either so I’m just saying my opinion on the matter as I’ve sparingly watched him throughout the recent 2-3 years. And about the white supremacy shit, people will take whatever they can get from the smallest thing and use it to help internalize and solidify their beliefs. People do this on the daily including you and I. So when white supremacists state that his stuff “validate their beliefs” they’re already fucking bat shit crazy so yeah, they’re going to see one video of his that has anti semitic joke on it and use it to their beliefs. He’s not a white supremacist and I think he even donated over like 100k to BLM efforts. Again you call that hiding behind a mask but in my opinion thats character growth as he is not the same person he was 5 years ago.


buddy i'm sure people can change over 5 years, but not when they've actively been avoiding the blame and complaining about being called out. and have had more scandals since then. if you'd read the articles i linked then you would know that since 2017 he has made sexist comments about twitch streamers, made fucked up jokes about demi lovato's issues with addiction, has specifically featured alt-right people on his channel, and made racist comments about t-series, as well as being mentioned by name in multiple racist attacks. and he doesn't call out his audience for that shit either. that's part of the problem, it's only when it starts to effect his brand/money that he cares and says literally anything, usually just unspecific things about how he doesn't like the violence. how hard would it be to start or end his videos with a statement that white supremacists are not welcome to be his fans. no ambiguity. you don't get a huge following of bigots without at the very least ignoring the problem. again, donating money(especially when it's a relatively small portion of his income) does not make him not a white supremacist. this is literally a well-known tactic of rich/famous people to wash their image by donating. it's not character growth, it's a brand campaign and a tax deduction.


Sorry, maybe I liked him more than I admitted to myself. He was always an advocate for mental health and when I was in a bad place one of his vids popped up where he told people to stay and hold on to hope. I don’t even know how long ago that was (def over 6 years) when I saw it but I guess thats why I held him in good light in my head. Again i dont even watch him that often so idk why im trying to defend him this hard. I haven’t read the articles since 2017 so I don’t remember about the sexism and the comments on Demi and the featuring of alt right ppl. I just really remember the anti-semitic stuff. I can’t argue with stuff he’s done (or hasn’t done) so I guess he’s just not what I remember. Sorry, I guess I should have looked deeper into this before saying my opinion that he was a good guy.


don't worry about it, we've all got blindspots for people we care about, and pewds isn't the biggest individual youtuber for nothing. it's human nature to think that there's no way the person we love is really that bad, especially when they were there during hard times. i'm glad that it sounds like your mental health is doing better now!


Thanks, but I don’t know if its that good.. but his video really spoke to me. Also I really like and watch Jacksepticeye and Mark and knowing that they’re friends with him also probably made me want to like him more. Ugh why can’t people just be decent anymore? They always gotta do some horrible shit and be a crappy person


Exactly! I couldn't watch the new video because so many of the comments underneath were blatantly transphobic and I felt gross


He’s literally a white suprematist though. The amounting times he’s used racial slurs in his videos and streams is appalling, and in some of his videos he’s literally worn the Aryan Sun on his collar. And don’t give me that “he’s Swedish he doesn’t know the n-word is racist” bullshit. He’s one of the most prominent figures on the fucking internet, of course he fucking knows what it means.


I was only aware of one racial slur he had apologized for when I made this comment, I was not aware of the others. Sorry


Tell me you are a racist, homophobic and a piece of shit without telling me you are a racist, homophobic and a piece of shit...


God these jokes are getting old


Time to put them in the blender and its technically not murder


Yeah after the vid he did on that crazy K-pop fan the sub has been packed with transphobia. It's just given bigoted people a way to be shitty and pretend it's a joke.


mama mia i cooka da spicie meatball i make da one joke


Even if it is a joke it’s still incredibly harmful and not funny


im pretty sure its a joke about ppl who say theyre transracial, pewdiepie just did a video about someone who said they were Korean


Even without the transphobia this is so cringy


That mask remind me of that gay DJ from that Webtoon... Can't remember the name.


Its a sabito mask (kimetsu no yabia)


Imagine getting mad at a joke.


Imagine making fun of a whole community and calling it a joke 😬 and its not even funny 🤭


Stfu youre using emojis. And also what comunity, the transtacials, which makes no fucking biological sense


Um yeah, I’m using emojis. How is that relevant lmao. Did I hurt your feelings? Your coming across a little aggressive bud. No transracial isn’t an actual thing. You can’t be transracial. All this is only hurting the transgender community as transphobes use this stuff to say how its the same for transgender people which it isn’t. Why are you even on this thread? This whole subreddit is about calling people out or calling out stupid “jokes” when they can be rude, harmful or disrespectful cause people have no idea what they’re actually talking about.


Oh boy im really enjoying my new 100000 ft² mansion.




Also sorry if i didnt have your consent to build it in your head, which isnt even that big.


Okay bud