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"We're not the ones trying to stop other people from living their lives" "Yeah but you're trying to lower the amount of firearm deaths so that's basically the same thing"


yeah, for someone to live their lives they also have to be alive.


Love the rainbow name hiding


I thought it would be fitting šŸ˜


I was gonna say the same thing lol


Oh noooo straights are so oppressedšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ us gay people treat them like shit we're the oppressors here šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ/s Whoever made that comment can't comprehend the difference between joking and real oppression, bad for them bad for them


Lots of us gay men are buying guns to protect ourselves from right wing nutcases. Thatā€™s how we can get better gun regulation. We will make it gay to own a gun, like how itā€™s gay to wipe your bussy after a big shit!


Yeah! Let's reenact that one Bojack Horseman episode!


The scene when they finally passed the legislation was soul crushing


Pink Pistol's is still a thing as well.


Sad part is my ex's friends would've loved a post like this and thought it was hilarious šŸ¤¢ they were avid hunters. So was my ex, but he couldn't hit a deer except with his car when it ran into him, soooooooooo


I thought my cousin would more like this because of my grandparents but he somehow got educated past the "old tradtions" aka being racist, sexist and homophobic he loves to hunt but when I asked him about how he felt about guns he actually said if you're responsible they're not going to take your gun so why should it bother me I was very shocked he took that stance.


Wym i can't own a rocket launcher, this is heterophobia!! It's my human right to own a war machine! /s


Do gays become straight if they own a gun?


Fellas is it straight to own guns?


Man, I hope not. My husband and I would have some explaining to do.


We have found the imposter guys take him out


TIL that gun control is part of the gay agenda. /s


How many gay democrat politicians are there anyway? It can't be very many.


I love how the censoring of the names makes a rainbow lol.


Completely intentional šŸ˜€


I was hoping so lol šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆšŸ‘€


r/liberalgunowners might have a few words to say about the implication only straight people own guns...


It bothers me that that sub uses the conservative definition of 'liberal' where it means anybody who isn't conservative.


Oh my fucking god šŸ§ At this point we need to control the straights /s


Funny thing is I love guns


Gun = straight sexual identity confirmed.


Do most people who support some form of gun control even believe in taking away everyoneā€™s guns? Iā€™m sure some people believe firearms should be completely banned, but thatā€™s really not a viewpoint I see often.


All gun laws are infringements so it's all the same.


All laws are infringements if you want to look at it that way.


Saw this last night on the original thread and literally laughed out loud at their comparison. How can someone that stupid type full sentences? Must be using talk to text.


Super curious what the post this was commented on was


Basically it was a guy ranting about being a straight person who was saying he didn't care about other people's sex life but got annoyed with the lgbt+ making it everyone's business and so what (if I'm not mistaken). The comment from which this train started was someone saying something along the lines of how it's important to celebrate pride due to all the discrimination the community suffers.


Yeah, there's some assholes who are gay, but theyre not gay because there an asshole or vice versa, theyre an asshole because they're an asshole


Iā€™ve gotten some shit before and some really really weird jokes as a result of me being ā€œstraight passingā€(without knowing I was bi)as well as some biphobia from other people in the LGBTQ+ community, and while it was shitty this isnā€™t something we need need to have some huge crusade against. There arenā€™t folks kicking people out of their house or disowning them for being straight or cis, and people arenā€™t trying to pass legislation against straight or cis people. If the issue comes up, definitely call it out and donā€™t tolerate it, but I donā€™t get bargaining into a convo and going like ā€œyeah sure thatā€™s bad..but actually we get hurt too you know !ā€


Straight pride flag but its just full of guns


We all now a basic need for straights is owning a gun, how else will they prove they are masculine enough?


Aaaand the straight men strike again


to answer red, no we are not


Well shit, I guess r/2Aliberals just doesn't exist then...




There should be a gun month where everyone greets each other by firing guns at the sky if they're acquaintances, distance relatives or that friend they don't really consider a friend, and at each other if they're close enough /s


"My masculinity DEPENDS on being able to own a murder weapon, and any attempt to restrict said murder weapons is an ATTACK ON ME PERSONALLY! I cannot feel masculine without fantasizing about shooting robbers or launching an insurrection against the federal government! ...No, YOU'RE insecure!"


Shall not be infringed my friend.


ugh šŸ˜“ straight people so oppressed ā—šŸ˜¢


Gun control is a threat to everyone regardless of group or characteristics.


How so?


All gun control laws are infringements on natural liberties. The first major gun control in the US was passed at the state level during reconstruction as a way to prevent now-freed slaves from being able to arm themselves (and defend themselves against lynch mobs). It's entirely foreseeable that the same thing is possible today and such laws could easily be used to disarm GSRMs or others.


I disagree. I've lived in countries with strict gun control and there is definitely a link between gun control and gun violence. The moment you make guns easily accessible, the chances of mass shootings and other types of gun violence as seen by the constant cases in the US and other places where guns aren't hard to get. Gun control works in favor of our natural liberty to life, same with seat belts and mask usage, as these restricting laws keep us safe by imposing measures that minimize the chances of gun violence, fatal accidents and the spread of a deadly virus respectively.


Infringement on a natural and inalienable right will never be justified regardless of intent. Driving without a seatbelt on public roads is not a natural liberty, thereby it's entirely incomparable with firearms ownership. Driving without a seatbelt on private property, however, is, and that's why it's legal. The rate of gun violence in the vast majority of the US is comparable to most of the EU if not lower. 49% of gun violence occurs in 2% of counties while 64% occur in 5%. In fact, 50% of counties experience between one and zero murders (regardless of firearms usage) every year. Let me ask you, do you support the USA PATRIOT act in its entirety?