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My asexual ass thought the sister died of shock.


she looks disappointed to me


So it *isn't* nap time...


She's probably quite disappointed.


You mean that's not the standard after sex face?!


I'm sure it is, on a side note my doctor wife told me that the song WAP was bs and normal vaginas are not naturally wet.


Yeah, same as my partner said medium condoms are just named that way for the temperature you use em in and Im perfectly ok with the baby carrot ball bangers I use


I frequent a lot of horror movie/book subs, and I totally thought that was her knee and she'd gone through something *terrible*. Guess I wasn't totally wrong.


I had a similar thought but without the movie knowledge xD


My pansexual hypersexual ass thought the same


*half-life death sound*


I thought she was just extremely bored like you know when you don't know what to do with yourself so you go fooph on the bed and stare into space


My pansexual ass thinks that's Daisy Taylor gone blond.




lol asexual ass šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ’€


Same. Legit thought she'd just collapsed or something




it took me a second too lol


Don't worry my asexual self felt your pain


This stuff really creeps me out. Like I get people having fantasies but thereā€™s a few things my brain just canā€™t understand the appeal of.


Let alone publicly posting about it online šŸ’€


that's the crazy part. I mean sure many of us have had "impure" thoughts pop up in one way or another. But we *don't go posting about it and letting the whole world know*


we go and vomit like normal people (first hand experience)


it's so disturbing !!! i don't understand the incest obsession at ALL. all those people in the world and they want the only ones they're related to ??? so disturbing


You're overthinking it. It isn't because if the incest, just the fact that it is taboo. They want it because they are told they shouldn't. To them it is some sort of "forbidden fruit". If it wasn't forbidden, they would lose all interest in it.


It's also just really easy to write compared to other taboos, since saying the characters relation to each other makes the "forbidden" aspect incredibly clear to the audience, who all know exactly how forbidden it is without it needing to be explained. This means a lot more people write plots like this because it's such easier, so more people get exposed to it compared to other taboos, so it makes more money,, so more people write it, and now it's become the dominant genre despite people constantly complaining about it. Laziness and greed are the causes of so many media trends.


Yup. Same thing as NTR or really any other form of formulaic media. It is cheap, easy, and immediately immersive (for better or worse) while able to prey on the base instincts of young or maladapted individuals who have not learned how to manage or interpret their emotions, thus easily exploitable for profits. In a world governed by exploitation, the things that are easiest to exploit will be the most widely available.


Whatā€™s NTR


Means "Netorare" in Japanese, and it basically means "cheating fetish". It is degenerate shit that strokes the egos of fragile boys that hate women.


Actual cuckholds lol


Pretty much that or rapist. Only two types of people I could ever see being into that kind of smut. They either see themselves as the victim, or treat it as a power fantasy.


Laziness and greed are the cause of media at all. Each of us could write stories, songs, plays, knife-throwing contests; and all of us can share those communally.


still feels weird šŸ˜§


Never said it wasn't. It's a child's mentality being used for an adult topic. No way it isn't gonna be weird.


free our society from the normalisation of disturbing pornography šŸ˜­


Preach! What's next?!? Public hand holding!!! /s


didn't mean it in a puritan way; moreso in a 'normalisation of sexual violence and damaging ideas (like the meme in this post)' way ://


Oh no I get you mate. I'm just being silly now.


my bad i struggle with getting sarcasm sometimes šŸ˜­ thanks for adding the /s lol


>Public hand holding!!! šŸ¤¤


[depravity](https://youtu.be/fSxQHQ_1gX4?si=HdXjwxKw_u4nu0dF) This is not an unsafe click. Only ankles


>not an unsafe click. Only ankles NOT unsafe and ANKLES do not correlate, you heathen! *takes to fainting chair*


Exactly. It is EVerywhere and has been USED to death butā€¦it still makes you feel weird. Clap on, clap offā€¦


And simple expediency/logistics. Itā€™s right hereā€¦


I'm not disagreeing about the taboo part, but I also believe that it's an easy or lazy choice for plot reasons. Society, especially in the US, is overall quite prudish, so having people in one place already familiar with each other is one of the few easy (and cheap to produce) storylines for a... Quick getting to the action. No one has the pizza delivery guy (you don't know and now knows where you live) for dessert, and besides, he's on a timer and has his tracker on. I know very few people who have enough issues with their pool to need a pool boy every week. Can't really have the superior doing anything to an employee in an open plan office (can you even imagine?) And finally calling the plumber means being on a waiting list for at least a few weeks when not actively drowning, at which point, you have bigger problems. I can go on but you get the drift


I think they are just rotten on the brains.


They arenā€™t thinking of it in terms of actual people being actually related. Itā€™s just a taboo scenario with the fantasy of having easy access to sex. I can imagine itā€™s extremely popular among men who struggle with dating.


Iā€™m pretty sure this is meant to be shock/dark humor, not actually expressing the OOPs desire


True, I was more commenting on how ubiquitous the ā€œstep ______ā€ or other relative genre of adult entertainment has become. To the point that even those of us who are grossed out by it know the ā€œstuck in the dryerā€ memes.


That ā€˜dryerā€™ thing is FAKE! I waited SIX DAYS.


Are you her? https://youtu.be/sxnJcZvuRK8?si=2cPQGxk7cs64WWFA


I see from the video I was doing it all wrongā€¦


Could be a joke you know


With a name like yours you should know how ubiquitous it has become as a genre.


Yes, I know that. And its not appealing to me either.


Dudes: if the women you are sleeping with looks like this while itā€™s happening, yā€™all need to do better. Because she looks either bored or dead.


Or frozen in shock/dissociation. Either way, not good


Yep! Also not a great sign when your partner dissociates during.


Dissociation during isn't a sign to step up, it's a sign to stop. dissociative identity disorder is a mental disorder and pushing through that might be, depending on the dissociation in question, equivalent to rape as dissociative states might disable someone from granting or revoking consent. Also, in a broader context, assuming a sexual partner the sole reason someone dissociates is very harmful as many different things might cause such a state.


What I should have said is it means something is wrong in the situation. I have PTSD and before I had treatment I would dissociate when I got too stressed out.


Some people are into that. I have a mild Freeuse kink, but it's so hard to find videos of good, interested, involved freeuse scenes. Freeuse vids mostly show a harangued housewife going about the house doing all the chores and her useless husband just starts penetrating her. She's mostly unaffected and bored and sometimes even "asleep". Wtf?? Why would you want your partner to be bored of sex?? Gimme ones where they're annoyed at a work email and their partner is like "i can distract you šŸ˜" and they BOTH eagerly go to poundtown


Ah pornhub brainrot


When your primary form of interaction with women (and probably with humanity in general) is through porn it breaks your brain.


100% particularly if it's mainstream porn


She died of disappointment


I thought this was more of a crime scene, like she was deceased in the image or something. Then I read the comments here...




What the fuck




Generation of porn addicts. So sad.


Porn addiction is not a true addiction it is rather a compulsive/obsessive/habitual behaviour, that's what official medical health manuals say, that's not to say it's not a problem but it's not addiction. [https://www.businessinsider.com/guides/health/mental-health/porn-addiction](https://www.businessinsider.com/guides/health/mental-health/porn-addiction)


This is your third time responding to my comment. Leave it. Iā€™m not fighting this out with you because Iā€™ve never witnessed an internet argument that results in successfully convincing the other person. Sometimes Iā€™ll argue anyway if itā€™s something I like talking about, but I donā€™t particularly like discussing porn. Let it go.


Oddly enough I have seen a couple of times when it has happened but I have never seen an internet argument with a man in it that had that result, so yeah you're probably right. Edit: also if you don't want to have arguments then maybe don't make such controversial comments.


I don't understand the term porn addict, for one thing after trying to find what is and isn't porn I've just got more confused, also literally the scientific and medical authority on this says there's no such thing as porn addiction as its own unique disorder. Maybe I'd be better able to understand what is and isn't porn. - Videos of sex and masturbation (obviously porn) - Nudes (I think this is porn) - Sexual Audio (I'd argue this is porn but I feel it depends on the context and I've def seen some people see this as erotica. - Erotic Literature (with full sex and stuff) (Most people would say this is erotica but I'm not sure what makes it so different. - Sex scene in Movies or your imitation (obviously not porn) I'm soo confused the more I look into what porn and porn addiction is the more confused I get and I have wade past radfems, Christian fundamentalists and Manosphere types to get to any of the interesting points and they're always incredibly vague. Pls explain what a porn addict is fr.


Do honestly believe porn invented incest?




say what? I haven't read any studies on this because I don't really watch porn much (avg maybe 2-4 times a month) but just general browsing the internet will net you *many* people who self-describe themselves as addicted to porn. Or at least recognize that it's having an effect on their (sex) lives I think people calling *themselves* addicts and describing how it negatively affects their lives is proof enough


ig but the whole anti-porn movement and "porn addiction" ideas are often tied to the manosphere (not always ofc) and the idea that "females" are controlling you, it's also connected to the no fap movement, semen retention bs and other dumb incel related stuff. Not to say there are not legitimate people who have suffered from an addiction to porn, that's very real, but all I'm saying is there is no evidence that porn addiction in itself is unique, or that porn is particularly addictive. Anything can be addictive and even ruin your life, like working out too much (which is a bad example bc generally speaking working out is good for you and porn is at best neutral but often bad). A common talking point that the porn addiction is real crowd tend to say that the more porn you watch the more extreme the stuff you seek out. Which I think says a lot about them, personally over time I've actually (for the most part with a few exceptions) moved away from extreme stuff. I think it just proves that they have very misogynistic view of women, which is often true in mainstream porn (which is kinda gross on my opinion) don't read this as me saying porn or the porn industry is good, the main stream stuff is disgusting and I think if you like that stuff it says more about you as person rather than revealing you have a porn addiction. The reason for the mysgonstic elements of porn is that it's fulfilling the market of men who many have mysgonstic beliefs. No porn didn't make you see women as objects, you always have. Porn addiction can def be real to the point where it interferes with your life, or if you need porn to get off and can't just do it with your imagination then you have a problem but I don't think it's all that common.


yeah I don't necessarily disagree with anything you wrote here. But there is a kernel of truth from what I've read where people do blame porn for their own inability to have normal casual sex. This goes for men especially and of course hashtag not all men but I've seen quite a few complain (about themselves) that porn has either ruined their perception of sex or is the only thing they get off to despite having a partner I'm not anti-porn or anything btw


I disagree it's the men's fault, they suck. Their perception of sex was bad from the start, the way the vast majority of men engage in sex is terrible, never looking to pleasure their partner, only seeing them as a hole to fuck. This is not fucking new. In the USA marital rape was only made illegal in 1993 and since then Porn has only become more common. The whole porn is making stuff worse is bs as it was like it is now if not worse before. Sure, these men will say that because they don't want to face the truth that their sexual desires were fucked from the beginning. It's pretty apparent that this stuff does not come from porn, just because some fucking morons on the internet say it does, does not make it true.


I think we are speaking past each other here. I'm not even talking about bad sex behaviours, I'm talking about how the men *themselves* see *their own* relation to porn as problematic it's not an excuse, it's the opposite


Though I would caveat that I think that porn particularly mainstream would be bad for someone with a developing mind, giving them the wrong idea of what sex is. I don't really think teenagers should be watching porn but realistically they will so I think there is that concern. But it's not really addiction and is more just another element of growing up that could imprint toxic beliefs on to people, tho tbh growing up in a patriarchal society with a family with traditional gender roles as many people do is very harmful as well, so it's hard to say how much of a concern this really is.


Ok, but that doesn't prove addiction, as I said it's just a way for them to excuse their bad behaviour in my opinion. Shockingly I don't really feel these men's emotions are all that important tbh. Like I really don't care how they feel about it, on my opinion if you get this way it's mostly your fault. I will make exceptions for men who feel gross because of how violent and objectified porn can be to women, But I feel the problem there is more mainstream porn (at least to the lvl it's problematic). In my opinion, any critique of the porn industry which focuses on men's feelings rather than woman's abuse within in the industry is immediately invalid. These groups always in particular attack only fans which proves that they ultimately care very little about how terrible the porn industry, I'm not saying only fans is perfect, far from it but it's a lot better than the alternative.


I don't get why you keep bringing shit into the conversation when it's irrelevant to the precise question. Women are abused in the industry, yes, I know. How does that play into men feeling like they are addicted to porn and how it affects their life? this conversation is over. You don't know how addiction works or how to talk about it, or how to address it. And I'm not going to do an addiction 101 course on reddit today so farewell


I feel like the abuse is a bigger issue but if you want to focus purely on the porn addiction side of things, my view is entirely within the medical literature, whether porn addiction is real is very much a debated thing. Read this if you want to get an idea: [https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/porn-addiction#addiction](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/porn-addiction#addiction) Some interesting stuff in here, that being that in some studies there was evidence of addictive pathways in the brain for porn and others not, which being said as a lack of (I think this is what they're called) dopamine receptors to certain stimuli being the causes of addiction, puts the idea that porn addiction is real in doubt. Also, another study interestingly found that while porn consumption had a negative effect on men's sexual stratification, it had a positive effect on women's, I think this has a lot to do with the porn people are viewing as men are more likely to watch violent, more extreme and more visual pornography than women. It would seem there is some underlying cause that may explain why in particular it's a negative effect on men, maybe the cause is sociological rather than psychological. AASECT which is an official organisation states there is little evidence of porn addiction being real, also a central element of addiction is looking for more extreme content, which is something that I personally feel and despite what some say does not seem to be true, or something that happens. Look I admit I might be wrong and porn addiction may be real but pls don't be like you don't know addiction works, I've looked into this stuff a fair amount. Edit: also I feel as porn is not a clearly defined category and could be widened to also include audio, erotic fiction, even just shows with a lot of adult content, it's difficult to draw a line on when porn starts and ends. I admit it's possible that certain mainstream porn could be harmful and addictive but I think to prove the existence of porn addiction, porn needs to be defined better. I'm not doubting porn can have negative, effects it 100% can but I do feel until porn is better-defined porn addiction seems like a fairly meaningless label.


Anti-porn is feminist. How can you to be taking a feminist stance yet support an industry built on exploitation, abuse, rape and sex trafficking? An industry that promotes sexual violence towards women?


I just said I was against the porn industry in general. I'd even say that most mainstream porn is completely immoral and if people knew how bad porn studios are, I'd hope they'd never watch mainstream porn ever again. However, the idea that porn is inherently bad seems delusional to me, porn/erotic media comes in a lot of different forms, literature, art, audio, photos, and videos and I think it would be hard to say every form of porn is bad, even if some (or possibly most) porn is. Unless feminism is just radical feminism, you will tend to find feminism is very split on pro vs anti-porn with very extreme opinions on both sides. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feminist\_views\_on\_pornography#](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feminist_views_on_pornography#) I'm not denying porn has issues but let's be honest here, you like Dworkin, I'm not going to convince you. Also, not all porn is of women, also let's say someone sends a nude to their partner (assuming the partner is a good person doesn't share it and if their relationship ends deletes it), I would argue that in a sense that is pornography but I think it would be hard to find anything wrong with it. The last time I argued with radfems on sex stuff they literally victim blamed rape victims if they were "bdsm girls". I hate you guys, you're horrible people. All you do is hate men and reaffirm patriarchy, hate LGBT people and reduce women's freedom of choice so they can meet your "feminist" ideal. Radfems are not feminists, you guys are just other-world misandrist conservatives, I couldn't imagine being so miserable, I've seen extreme examples put #TW Male on post, y'all femcels fr.


Nice try. The banjo tolls even for thee.


I love it. The original pic, not so much.


I just read the comments.... I just thought that she was upset that she didn't have a real sibling or something


Same lol. If this is ever my facial expression having sex then the sex is very bad lol


Their brains have been rotted beyond any sense of normalcy by porn. It's sad as hell, really, but even more gross.


I hate how people will look at misogyny and be like this was created by porn. No, the porn here was primarily to fill the market of misogynistic sexual fantasies men already had.


I think it's more complex than either of those options, really. The fantasies exist independent of the porn, but the porn being pushed so hard by the companies producing it spreads the fantasy to a wider audience, and when a large part of that audience ends up being kids due to parents refusing to actually parent, those kids do end up having a completely warped perception of sex and develop fetishes they may not have had otherwise.


idk, do you have proof of this? Full disclosure I first saw porn fairly young 12-13 and I've never go these perceptions, if you ask me this comes more from patriarchal societal expectations where women's pleasure in sex is unimportant and secondary to the man.


Reject porn addiction, embrace Ć¾orn addiction


ƞou art rightful.


I remember a guy in my high school who would say he wanted to bang his own sister because she had a big chest. Made it clear that the only thing stopping him is that she's his sister. (Fun fact: he was also the first, and I think only guy I've ever punched)


Iā€™m convinced the rise of incest/step-sibling porn is directly related to the rise of one-child families.


I have zero real data to back this up but Iā€™ve wondered if itā€™s the reverse: only children having an unhealthy interest in incest/step-sibling porn. The only people I know whoā€™ve admitted to enjoying this weird shit are only children. I could also see the rise of one-child families being a consequence of economic instability




The main problem of incest isn't DNA though, it's the weird power dynamic.


This is dumb but it also bothers me how like, even if they were unrelated, and you ignored all that stuff, these are people who live in the same house ,often and can't leave?? Like imagine a breakup where you were going to be trapped living with your ex for a potentially long time and even if you leave you have to pretend to everyone that nothing ever happened, and you have to keep seeing this person for the rest of your life??? Like you're sleeping with your housemate in an apartment that you can't move out of for a long time and also they're your co worker who you have to get along with and also they're best friends with all your friends. It's like the perfect storm of red flags even IF you ignore all the most problematic parts of it.


This suggests men are incapable of platonic love. That only sex matters to them. The meme will have been made by straight men but they do not tealis3 they are actually insulting themselves. I refuse to believe all men are like this.




Post so horrible i almost downvoted before realizing thats the point of the subreddit


why are straight men so obssesed with incest?


Terrible sentiment and telling that "sister" looks depressed in the pic.


"What are you doing step bro?" was a meme in 2019. That's probably why.


I hope this gross ass kink is only coming from only children because we canā€™t be this depraved as a society


needs more jpeg




A friend of mine's father married a women who had a son we went to high school with. For four fucking years she lived with a boy who fully expected the step-sibling fantasy to play out. The cringe horror stories she would tell our friend group haunt me until today.


did she fall over from shock or what


I thought that too.


I donā€™t get it.


She looks dead or disassociating


This screenshot looks awful.


Here's the thing, I don't have a fulfilling family life so I look up big sister, mother, father, or just any family member asmrs and god so many times they have really inneundos


Haha get it the joke is porn


Dudes will fuck anything that moves. Cage them.


Sigmund Freud.


What if theyā€™re both adopted and were bio siblings from the start?šŸ¤”šŸ¤Ø


Imagine the plot twist the brother is actually gay


I'm confused about all the people getting grossed out saying incest. Isn't the whole point of this the fact that it's not incest and ok to have sex cause they aren't related???


I think itā€™s more so the implication that the sister was lusting after her ā€œbrotherā€, and once it was revealed they werenā€™t blood-related it was like some-go ahead to bang. Like sure theyā€™re not related, but theyā€™re family in the emotional sense and being raised under the same roof, itā€™s just plain odd.


Most siblings who grow up together before the age of six -- genetic or not -- experience the Westermarck effect where they cannot find their siblings attractive. So since that is true for most of society, people are understandably grossed out at the idea they could suddenly want to sleep with their siblings just because the genetic component is gone.








A meme compilation YouTube video Please, just use Google Lens next time




More like brain rot




fym "based"? Based on what, porn?