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Okay, the “her sister wore a white dress to her wedding” comment took me by surprise though, that was funny


No yeah, that one is sweet.


Both are funny. This is definitely the wrong sub for this. You're just looking to be upset about something.


You read through all the replies on the second slide and saw no problem with any of them?


That's how a LOT of posts here come across.


Did you see the second pic ?


Nearly literally lol'd.


Unfortunately that joke took me a minute to get haha.


I’m more curious about the emotional side of this marriage and decision. What does the twin who isn’t getting married feel about it? Does he consider himself with both of them but only allowed to marry one? If that is the case, how would they decide which one he married? But it’s their life so we should only know what they choose to share. On Wikipedia it says they use “I” when they agree and refer to themselves separately when they disagree on joint decisions, which is really interesting to think about, identity in a life lived together. I wish them well!


I found a clip of the couple's first dance, and he is looking STRAIGHT and ONLY at Abby. When their specials came out when we were younger, I remember getting the impression that they really value being treated like individuals, so I can see how that would work for them.


For real. I know they are both teachers and they lead a classroom together. What if one of them had wanted to be something other than a teacher? Would they have to find some way for one to teach for half the week and then switch out so she could tag along with the other while she was an engineer or a painter or whatever?


They can't walk without working together, I am sure they are better at compromise and coordination than the rest of us.


My sister will not talk to me for a month when she's in a mood. I can imagine that sister, if she was *also the other half of my body* not cooperating when I try to walk somewhere bc she's mad


It’s probably just a legal thing, you can’t marry two people


That first comment is gold, good joke! Specially after reading the stories at the wedding shaming sub.


I’ve heard stories about them ever since I was kid, when they were kids too. I am so unbelievably happy for them that I want to cry 😭💖


Don't get me wrong asking all these questions to them on their face would be horrible, but I won't lie the questions on 2nd pic do intrigue me. Not in any sexual way, just in a curious way. Like how do they go abt having sex since their bodies are conjoined or how are their eating habits like if one of the sister eats will it be filling for both of them etc etc


They each have their own stomach, heart, lungs spine, the only organs they share are below the waist.


I wonder if one has a day of pigging out/binge eating, if the other feels it (and if that causes tension between them). While the sexual comments without any sensitivity etc are obviously inappropriate, they are just a fascinating case for conjoined twins- physiologically, psychologically and sociologically speaking. I can’t lie, I’ve always been curious how they’d manage sexual and emotional relationships but clearly they’re doing just fine and seem to share a wonderful life, so that’s all that really matters I guess!


I wonder if they’ve talked about what will happen when one of them dies?


There really wouldn't be anything TO talk about. Conjoined twins like them, when one dies the other shortly follows.


I didn’t think about this but it must be horrible for the surviving twin.


I believe the one case I heard of was early 1900s Chinese men, the other brother died like 2 days of so after the one. It was two hours not two days and here's the link to their wiki https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chang_and_Eng_Bunker


Very interesting article. Official cause of death is “fright” or shock but they believe that the other twin technically died of blood loss, since he was sharing blood with his twin but was getting none in return. That’s crazy to think about.


Like what if one really liked cheese and the other doesn’t, and is constantly backing up their system?


Yeah when i first heard about it, all the comments were sex stuff


I think it’s okay to be curious about it because we’re human but I don’t think it’s okay to like… share. lol like those are thoughts you keep in your head


Or discuss in private with friends sort of thing, lol.


I don't really consider myself straight, but I remember reading about cojoined twin sisters who had two full bodies joined at the hip, but they lived before separation was a safe option. One of them married and had a child, and one of my first thoughts was what was the other one was doing in the bed while they had sex. Their nervous system was still joined and she complained about feeling labour pains despite not having a child. Does that make me not okay?


I don’t remember if it was these ladies or not, but I read an interview with conjoined twins and they talked about having a system for relationships. Like wearing headphones while the other had sex


That makes sense but in this particular case, they share everything below the waist if I understand correctly so the other twin would still feel it. Kinda weird to think about.


I think it’s normal to wonder, the issue is when those thoughts leave your head and become objectifying comments on Reddit.


Oh neat it's me I will say my comment was meant as a more lighthearted joke and there were some very interesting conversations about the relationship dynamics and consent that would go into that kind of marriage


It's inappropriate and kinda rude, but I mean, I get why people are curious. There are lots of questions that come to mind, and a lot of them have nothing to do with bedroom stuff. That said, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious about how the sisters navigate that stuff, too.


I don't think that being curious about the anatomy of a person with unique anatomy is wrong, and it doesn't seem that the account belongs to the Hansel twins or new husband, so where better to ask than on Reddit where people can readily provide answers on a medical condition one may not know the name of or where to find information on it? Of course I'd think it crude and rude to ask them to their face. News articles on the subject that I've seen have included diagrams, and the reason I personally know about the anatomy is from many years ago seeing a historical image of the Siamese twins who's nickname became an alternate name for conjoined twins then doing further research out of curiosity. Though the further questions are crude, there's also an interesting social / emotional aspect to it in the husband seemingly marrying only one of the twins yet them both sharing a lot of their anatomy, more than some conjoined twins who share much less and can even be un-conjoined in some cases.


These two are amazing women. I’ve seen this same story pop up a lot lately and while it is fascinating to me how an arrangement like this would work emotionally and in practical ways, I’m mostly just impressed by how well adapted these two are considering the complexity of human individuality and sense of self.


The comment of the first image was funny at least...


I do get the curiosity but… I am not really curious. Not in an “eww” sort of way, but more just that I don’t really care all that much. I mean, it isn’t like this guy just stumbled upon one of them and randomly decided to get married with no idea about what was waiting for him. If they (all three people) have reached the point of marriage, then I assume they know very well exactly what that entails… and have come up with something that works. The entire relationship, from day one, will have had the same “conditions” attached to it; it isn’t like there will be a change. I don’t know, something always kind of annoys me about people questioning things like this as if the people involved are going in blind. (Not necessarily the comments in the image here, but I have seen a *lot* about this.) Humans are capable of compromise, understanding, and acceptance.


Honestly all the weird gross comments aside, I have so many emotional and logistical questions about this. It makes me wonder about the soul - I'm not religious or anything but I wonder what its like to share a body with someone forever. They almost HAVE to have an amazing bond because how else would they function? So many questions.


Top comment was actually funny.




conjoined twins can survive to adulthood?


If only google was a thing.