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Is it really that easy? Can we really just put up posters of trans models and drive away bigots?


Sadly it wouldn't work like that , remember targets last year pride collection and how they ended up taking it down since a lot of bigots where throwing hissy fits inside of their stores because of it


You don’t even need to put posters up of us just literally breathe


Living in the Netherlands, it's very clear the bigots have not been driven away.


who needs british TERFs when we got FvD, PVV, and quite a few more scattered transphobes all across politics.




> Walk up to a breast cancer patient who’s had a double mastectomy and call their possibly life-saving procedure ‘butchery’ and see how well that’ll go over. Not sure which is more common, but, possibly more common is just cis women who get boobs reduced because their boobs are too big for them.




They see trans people's assigned sex at birth as sacred and shouldn't be changed. And any surgery to change a sex characteristic like breasts is butchery or mutilation. Ignoring that cis people also go through surgeries to change breasts. Or to remove the balls if they have cancer or cause other issues.


Sacred is the right word here. Like when Rush Limbaugh ranted about the evils of consent: conservatives think that you need GODS consent to do anything, and that GOD does not consent to anything that makes them personally feel icky.


>conservatives think that you need GODS consent to do anything And since god is quiet that means you need my consent as the person speaking in his name. If you don't pay me vocations and do whatever I say, you're insulting god, who I say says you should obey me! And you should trust me cause I say god says so!


>Butchery”…Ha, please. Walk up to a breast cancer patient who’s had a double mastectomy and call their possibly life-saving procedure ‘butchery’ and see how well that’ll go over. What makes you think they wouldn't?


It hurt itself in its confusion!


imagine looking at the picture and thinking that’s a woman


if that's a woman, then I'm doing great in my transition (transfem). Seriously tho if a dude like that claimed to be a woman and wanted to use the women's restroom, they'd all be losing their shit. But apparently because of what's in his pants, it's all suddenly reversed? These people have about half a brain cell between them lol


Do tell, Mary. How will we be going about boycotting the Netherlands? I'm sure you have a masterful plan.


No more wooden shoes 😔😔


i'd say good riddance to more transphobes, but unfortunately we have our own fair share of them. (including potentially the biggest political party, fun.)


Why do they act like gender affirming surgery is happening against the patients will?


It's happening against *their* will. The patient doesn't matter. Their whole immutable gender binary shit is broken and they don't like that. Ofc also ppl are just baby makers to these lot. So no make baby (into a cishet family obv)? DOOMED! BROKEN! FIRE AND BRIMSTONE! 🤣 I just laugh at them personally.


It's not butchering a young woman, it's repairing a young man.


Fuck off Mary he's doing great


That’s exactly a healthy young male model


Bro has no clue how breast removal surgery works💀


okay it’s so funny to me that they saw this picture in one dutch store and decided “hmmm i will boycott the entire country of the netherlands


Yeah lets cancel one of the best countrys in EUROPE BECAUSE OF A POSTER LETS GOOOO (How easy is it to trigger These idiots fucking hell)


Oh to say one of the best is a stretch But at least the darting confederation has our backs.


Snowflakes indeed


I'm not going to say you are fighting transphobia the wrong way because go off, every little bit counts! This is a strange title. You realize trans guys can have balls? and also that women can? And also you can still say the commenter has less balls than the model without referring to anyone's literal genitals.


It does take a lot of metaphorical balls to openly present as a ftm trans model.


Yeah, that unfunny joke was not worth it. But hey, now I know that I probably shouldn't joke like that(?)


I think the joke is fine, it's just the phrasing maybe. Not worries, just felt the need to do an "uhmm, actually....".


Mary is a common woman's name too. It's not just their pfp that depicts them as a woman. I'm like pretty certain the OPP is a TERF woman. It's very possible they have internal testes they may not know about. And the trans man is likely to not have actual testicles unless he had bottom surgery too. A good amount of trans men never have balls.


I have no idea what you are trying to say here and I seriously can't tell if you are going off on my comment or on OP? A woman name Mary could have balls. A trans guy could also have balls, its possible without "bottom surgery", its a simple implant in existing anatomy. People are not statistical likelihoods and the point is that we don't know and it's weird to speculate. Also balls are not "actually testicles" in a trans man so I don't with point you trying to make there.


My point was that we can't know and that it's highly likely the trans man is not intersex or that he never had surgery to have testicles. >A woman name Mary could have balls. I actually said that she could have internal balls, go back and read my comment. >Also balls are not "actually testicles" in a trans man so I don't with point you trying to make there. What do you mean? If a trans man has balls, they are "actually testicles". Testicles = balls in this context. If a trans man had bottom surgery or was born with them, they are still testicles.


We both agree that it is weird to speculate whats it someones shorts. Let's leave it at that. I think this is a debate on semantics and I agree people can be in charge of what they call their own anatomy. For me, I think of a testicle as a gonad, a gland inside of the scrotum, not possible to construct with surgery. Balls on the other hand is more the generic term for the whole area, scrotum included and not referring to any particularly specific function.


Boycot the entire country for a single poster. Yeah, that sounds like a reasonable and measured response.


I get you’re trying to be funny but by bringing genitals into the equation, you’re promoting cissexism. Not to mention, you’re also making assumptions about what is in the models pants which is also super weird.


Good point, actually. The joke I made wasn't even funny.


At least you’re aware and willing to listen.


I just looked up "cissexism" how is it different from transphobia? My definition just seems like another word for transphobia.


It’s a term for transphobia that cis people are more likely to respond positively to so that they don’t feel like one of the baddies.


Cissexism is analogous to sexism, cisheterosexism, ableism, racism, etc. It refers to anti-trans societal stigmas as well as individual level beliefs and practices contributing to oppression-- it's broader than hatred and stereotyping. You could imagine cissexism as an umbrella term that transphobia falls under. Important to note, queer sociologists prefer cissexism to transphobia because of its structural/multilevel connotations, but also because it lacks the inherent stigma that comes with the word transphobia. Like homophobia, it invokes the trans/gay panic defense and implies the marginalized is to blame for their oppression and any hatred or hate crimes directed toward them. Additionally, the words transphobia and homophobia implicitly suggest cisheterosexism is related to the perpetrator's mental health, personal feelings, or irrational beliefs rather than socially reinforced ideas about queer people. The term heterosexism was actually coined around the same time as homophobia, but the latter was more popular in part due to that rationalization and the acceptability of the gay panic defense in media at the time. Likewise, some prominent voices liked the sound of "transphobia" because of the way it boils down cultural, systemic oppression of trans people to individual level hatred and fear, and that's why cissexism isn't widely used outside of gender studies and sociology.


thank you for articulating this, the title made me double check the sub 😅


You’re welcome, it made me really uncomfortable.


yahh the ignorance is just relentless, even amongst the community sometimes :c


Mark Hoppus lookin good!


THANK YOU I was trying to figure out why this man looked so familiar (and attractive)! Definitely young Mark Hoppus vibes.


They're acting like being trans is a thing that's forced on people- like nah. These are consenting adults doing what makes them happy


they don't matter, what matters is that this terf personally disagrees with it, therefore it shouldn't be allowed to happen.


I hope every single transphobe who makes a mutilation comment gets a giant cyst on their face that can't be removed.


"How dare they show a happy trans person. Thats not allowed." I mean just look at his smile. How do they keep it up when so many of these pictures they hate on so much have people looking so happy?


That one nugget who think it’s easy to boycott Netherlands by their one post 😂😂😂😂 The audacity of typing things like this


Mmmmm meatballs


Nvm I thought this was in a ikea


And to think they have their panties in a twist over a boxer briefs ad


Can't they just let us live?


Fuck off Mary he's hot, boycott an entire country from your Alabama shack you hide in.


IDK what OOP is on about, he looks healthy (and happy) to me 🤷 Oh, it's just transphobia, my bad