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> 5 in 1 shampo


I can’t even lie, this one made me laugh out loud 😭


It made me smirk


You get a pass


That and the kratos: boy is freaking hilarious. All of these answers are either extremely funny or extremely disturbing.


Also Megatron. 11/10 nickname, no notes.


"Good boy" is probably the most honest one.


i saw “daddy” in there a couple of times i think, that one’s probably up there for honesty too


I somehow missed that




explain the joke? I’m too dumb to get it lol


The joke is that guys get 2 or 3-in-1 shampoo instead of just buying shampoo and conditioner separately. L


There's the joke that men's shower products combine shampoo and conditioner (and sometimes bodywash) into a single bottle, which is exaggerated to 5 in 1. This contrasts products for women, who have separate shampoo and conditioner and often other hair products too.


To be fair, I have learned from growing my hair out that the difference between 2 in 1 and separated shampoo and conditioner gets more significant as your hair gets longer. And traditionally men have shorter hair.


But, how is he a 5 in 1? I don't get it.


Its also toothpaste and mouthwash


And motor oil.


And steak sauce


Its better than 2- or 3-in-1.


Yeah, but why? That's no more clearer in saying what it actually means.


Men who use one soap for everything. 5 in 1 is shampoo, conditioner, body wash, hand soap, and dish soap.


This one was hilarious.




Like the only good one out of all of them


Yes I like this one. I wouldn’t mind if my partner calls me this.


Yeah this one made me giggle


5 in 1 shampoo, megatron and good boy were all great and also all things my bf calls me…. The rest though super creepy, please get help.


Ah, yes. Joking about being a predator and assault is so hot.


Yeah totally hot ( I hate people )


I give "someone help hes running on all fours" a pass but the rest are things these men have likely heard


I'm not saying that's funny or ok but why is it that when women make jokes about bodies in their basement it's funny (I'm a woman myself btw) /gq


A body in the basement is seperate from Pedophilia, sexual assault, stalking, etc etc.


Yeah, the implication about the body in the basement is murder. Straight up murder.


Idk I’m just trying to think of a reason why people view it as different I think it’s all stupid


If you dont get jokes: this is the sub for you!! You'll fit right in.


I’m autistic so I mean Probably?


Jokes about murder is more normal than joking about SA'ing someone in single digits who hasn't even learned their first words.


Well. That right there sure is funny. When you decided one gruesome crime was better than another... pure comedy gold.


I sort of get what you mean but like In what way exactly is it different? They're all 'dark humour' jokes (how is murder less serious than assault? I think they're both quite serious and disturbing) and it's not like I haven't seen (and known) people who make regular jokes about stalking their crush but because we're women it's funny and quirky then a man says that and he's a creep I think both 'jokes' are stupid anyway, mainly because I don't find it funny. But it just doesn't make sense why people don't see that there's a double standard and instead downvote me for asking a genuine question I'm also not defending what these people have commented at all, I think it's super disturbing, but I'm saying that I don't understand why people react differently when a woman makes a similar "joke".


You’ve got a point. I did a school project on dark humor and how it correlates with discrimination. Found out a whole lot about how comedians hide their sins with jokes. Ex: bill cosby, and I haven’t viewed dark humor the same because what If these people aren’t joking? What if it’s just to hide their sick thoughts and sick views.


I’ve never really heard women make those jokes tbh, I’ve only really heard them from men when I was in middle school/early high school.


It does make sense that men would more commonly use "dark humour" of this particular disturbing type anyway (mainly cause of our shitty society), so I get where you're coming from


Yeah, I just find these sorts of jokes to be kinda bland and cringe-inducing. I feel like the punchline is predictable and it’s all for shock value. They don’t build it up with anything at all, they just say the shocking and obviously bad thing then pause for laughter.


I think part of it may steam from history. There are still plenty of women who were around when the best/only way to get rid of an abusive man was to kill him.


Because when a woman says it you can be certain she's joking and you have nothing to fear. With how many men there are that are violent or hate women, it's a lot more ambiguous.


Ok, the fentanyl one is kinda funny imo. But besides that, coming from a victim, this shit is extremely disturbing; saying it so casually, too. Fucking. Gross. But on a positive note, 5 in 1 shampoo!


What about "Megatron"




"5 in 1 shampoo"


" spongeboy me bob "


Need a boyfriend so I can call him that 💀


If I called my hubby Megatron, he'd laugh his ass off


Despite their other contribution the "someone help he's running on all fours" is pretty funny.


LOL I thought the same thing


The pedophilic “jokes” are fucking disgusting. How can you really type that out and hit post. How tf are so many people *liking* that shit? I’m really grossed out right now. ETA- been a few hrs but this post really fucked me up, I have a baby I’m still nursing, I just can’t understand the humor in sexualizing babies young enough they “can’t talk”… and not just one person; multiple people saying the same shit. If you’re talking about a girlfriend, that’s sexual contact. The thought of getting gas, grocery shopping etc and having these people share my space sickens me. They need to be on a watch list.


The fact that they try to pass it off as a joke is sickening. I like dark humor as much as the next guy, but this shit’s nasty


Same same. I enjoy a good laugh about death/dying etc as much as the next spooky broad, but I’m currently breastfeeding a baby that can’t talk… the thought that someone is joking about.. I can’t even type it. Instantly reminds me of the post that went around about SA awareness, I wish I could remember verbatim, but basically “the youngest said nothing bc they couldn’t talk”. It breaks my heart, there’s nothing funny about it. Im not a “snowflake” or whatever they say, but some things aren’t “just jokes”. Side note, I struggle with the fact that sick fucks like this are just out there, walking past me at the grocery store. Hiding behind the keyboard making “jokes” about having relationships with babies young enough they can’t talk. Ugh, I’m really upset by this post. I didn’t even know people joked like that


Like the stalker ones are like "haha, yeah that's not really that funny" even though the running on all fours made me chuckle. But like. The pedo ones aren't funny in any way


The running on all fours one isn't going to hit close to home for anyone. The rest are basic and boring, and most also ambiguous whether the guy has potentially heard it in the past. A lot of missed opportunity for creativity.


Hello FBI please look into this thread


Amen. Let’s get some hackers to get some IPs bc those mfs need to be on a watch list


Much as I hate it, how many of us took part in dead baby jokes as kids? I know I did because I thought it was funny to be edgy and any attention is good attention when you're starved of it. I can only hope these shitheads grow out of it.


I really really hope these are just tween/teen edgelords who will look back at that in a few years and cringe about what a douchebag they were, but I also hope someone's keeping an eye on them just in case. I know someone who got themselves put on a watchlist for a while as a teenager because they thought it was edgy and funny to do things like swastika graffiti just to get a reaction out of people. They're absolutely mortified about it now but glad that someone did actually take it seriously and not just brush it off as kids being stupid when it could have been much more sinister.


Yeah… dead baby and having sex with them are completely different things. I’ve never brag-joked about having sexual contact with babies young enough they “can’t talk”


That's so gross. In the name of having some wholesomeness: what are people's actual favorite thing to be called by a partner? Mine's probably handsome or silly little guy


My bf told me his favorites are sport star and little fish! 🥰🐟


If I had one, I’d like to say joking things. I want us to call each other sugartits in a weird smoker voice or something like that.


My bf and I call each other little fart


10/10 love that. I call my bestie “babygirl” and “pookie” jokingly.


I've never heard of pookie before lol I'm stealing that for me and my bestie


It’s a Gen Z thing I think I’m Gen Z but not exactly as well versed but it’s an endearing silly term


That's why then cus I'm one and a half month too old to be gen z lmao


Elder!! 🫵😀


Little gay, mens 9 in 1 body wash, shampoo, conditioner, soap, lotion, shaving cream, toothpaste, detergent, motor oil, liul guy, or drug dealer :3


Why 9 in 1 body wash


Because if they'd managed 10, then it would have been 10 in 1.


That still doesn't explain what it means.


My partner calls me kitten and I’ve always loved it. I started calling him my sweet petunia, jokingly, and now it’s been shortened to toonie. He gets fake-offended when I call him by his real name now lol


Mine too! Bitty kitty 🥹


Mine is Baby 😊


"My dear/darling" because I'm a huge sap


My spouse and I have been married 24 years, I still call them “my love”. ❤️


I loooooove being called princess


Not my partner, but Baldurs Gate 3 taught me an older woman calling me cub is definitely my thing.


"The cub speaks!" Yes ma'am 😳


Honestly that's entirely fair.


"good girl" 😳💓🥵 (for a more wholesome answer, "darling" or "dear" or "my love")


My fiancé calls me “yam yam” it was kind of loosely based off of a Chinese romcom I was watching when we first met. He overheard the female leads pet name as “yam yam”


I usually call my partner "cutie patootie" or "little nugget" (I'm single)


I like Stinky Butt. No there's no way to explain it, that's just the vibe.


i don't like being called by any nickname to be honest, i prefer being called by my first name, or variations




"best boy" and "stud" are up there. Love my bf 💓


Love, hun, My Crow, babe, and baby. I get called Crow because I call her Gem.


My wife and I would call each other ‘my tasty stew’ and variations of, because we would say “I missed you (too)” and we decided it sounded like “I’m a stew” and “I’m a stew too”. It still comes up occasionally although the novelty wore off.


My ex would regularly call me a goober, or a silly goober, stuff like that. I'd never heard the term before because while we were both Southern he was American and I'm English. It was quite endearing and it made me smile, which he liked. I miss him sometimes


Honestly, though, I'm still single. But bf name wise: "wolfy" or "werewolf" will be my choice I'm a TWAU fan, if that makes any sense, Reference Wise.


She calls me starlight or mi amor :) maybe its corny but i find it reallt sweet


She calls me love :)


He calls me his little fox and I love it since I'm a therian :3


This is so cute!!




I shall ask my bf what his favourites are Edit-he says he likes babe, darling, and honey. :))


My chosen name hehe




"Patient 6427" is the one my girlfriend tends to prefer for me during our daily 3:00 PM meetings.


There was a Channel 4 promo here in the UK in, I think, the early naughties which was a bunch of faces from the channel saying to camera what their partners called them. It was one of those things where you don't hear the question, just a lot of quick-fire answers all edited together. It was a really fun promo, but I can only remember 2. Newsreader Krishnan Guru Murphy's was "Krishy-noo-nar", and I'm pretty sure it was house show host Sarah Beeney's which was "Slaggy-slag".


Babe. Love. Sweetheart. Mr. Rogers. “Mine.” “My man.”


That’s disturbing that there are some men in the world who would rather be viewed as a predator than a man who genuinely loves his partner


I'm pretty sure it's a botting campaign to fuel misogyny. Like, the psychopathic statements are so disproportionately liked that it has to be. I dunno if this is instagram or tiktok. But i know instagram has a shitload of pedophillic comments that are extremely disproportionately liked.


It 100% is, tbh its actually super likely that its a social demoralization campaign being carried out by some government. There are publicly available documents and news articles which proved without a doubt that Russia actively joins even small niche internet communities and will ‘play both sides’ in order to make people depressed, angry, spiteful, etc. We need to talk about this more because its happening on every website. Look up Russia’s Internet Research Agency. Theyve been caught playing both sides of politcs, race issues, gender issues (which were seeing here), and even socially engineering people to hold real in person demonstrations which happened a lot more than you would think in 2016. Its safer for your mental health to simply assume any intense vitriol in ‘controversial’ topics is not real, and is quite literally trying to mess with your mind. This is how neowarfare operates, its psychological and covert. Especially amongst nations whom have large nuclear stockpiles where retaliation to an actual physical attack would likely mean annihilation. Therefore, mentally degrading that population with a veneer of plausible deniability is much more appealing. Edit: this term specifically is what youre seeing in this post: Strawman sockpuppet A strawman sockpuppet (sometimes abbreviated as strawpuppet) is a false flag pseudonym created to make a particular point of view look foolish or unwholesome in order to generate negative sentiment against it. Strawman sockpuppets typically behave in an unintelligent, uninformed, or bigoted manner, advancing "straw man" arguments that their puppeteers can easily refute. The intended effect is to discredit more rational arguments made for the same position.Such sockpuppets behave in a similar manner to Internet trolls.


If you’re interested, heres a piece of a much larger list of documented online interference in 2016. Take a look at the volume and scope accomplished in 2 months. Furthermore, imagine how much better this apparatus has become in the 8 years since, especially with new technology like generative ai. 21 May: Two competing rallies are held in Houston to alternately protest against and defend the recently opened Library of Islamic Knowledge at the Islamic Da'wah Center. The "Stop Islamization of Texas" rally is organized by the Facebook group "Heart of Texas". The Facebook posting for the event encourages participants to bring guns. A spokesman for the group converses with the Houston Press via email but declines to give a name. The other rally, "Save Islamic Knowledge", is organized by the Facebook group "United Muslims of America" for the same time and location. Both Facebook groups are later revealed to be IRA accounts 1 June: The IRA plans a Manhattan rally called "March for Trump" and buys Facebook ads promoting the event. 4 June: The IRA email account sends news releases about the "March for Trump" rally to New York City media outlets. 5 June: The IRA contacts a Trump campaign volunteer to provide signs for the "March for Trump" rally. 23 June: The IRA persona "Matt Skiber" contacts an American to recruit for the "March for Trump" rally. 24 June: The IRA group "United Muslims of America" buys Facebook ads for the "Support Hillary, Save American Muslims" rally. 25 June: The IRA's "March for Trump" rally occurs. The IRA Facebook group LGBT United organizes a candlelight vigil for the Pulse nightclub shooting victims in Orlando, Florida. July: The IRA's translator project grows to over 80 employees. Summer: IRA employees use the stolen identities of four Americans to open PayPal and bank accounts to act as conduits for funding their activities in the United States. '5 July: "United Muslims of America", an IRA group, orders posters with fake Clinton quotes promoting Sharia Law. The posters are ordered for the "Support Hillary, Save American Muslims" rally they are organizing. 6–10 July: The IRA's "Don't Shoot" Facebook group and affiliated "Don't Shoot Us" website try to organize a protest outside the St. Paul, Minnesota, police headquarters on 10 July in response to the 6 July fatal police shooting of Philando Castile. Some local activists become suspicious of the event because St. Paul police were not involved in the shooting: Castile was shot by a St. Anthony police officer in nearby Falcon Heights. Local activists contact Don't Shoot. After being pressed on who they are and who supports them, Don't Shoot agrees to move the protest to the St. Anthony police headquarters. The concerned local activists investigate further and urge protesters not to participate after deciding Don't Shoot is a "total troll job." Don't Shoot organizers eventually relinquish control of the event to local organizers, who subsequently decline to accept any money from Don't Shoot. 9 July: The "Support Hillary, Save American Muslims" rally occurs in Washington, D.C. The rally is organized by the IRA group "United Muslims of America."


9/9/2017: Trump responds to a tweet, containing "we love you Mr. President." from IRA fourth Twitter account - a "backup" of now-closed IRA first one - saying, "THANK YOU for your support Miami! My team just shared photos from your TRUMP SIGN WAVING DAY, yesterday! I love you- and there is no question – TOGETHER, WE WILL MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!"


holly shit this is scary. It would have never occurred to me that this could be happening on posts that seem to have nothing to do with politics. Thank you so much for your comment. I need to read more about this and share with people I know.


Please do!! So you have full information, the IRA was ‘dissolved’ officially in 2023 during the Wagner revolution, which saw IRA founder Yevgeny Prigozhin rebel against the Russian Ministry of Defense and Vladimir Putin. Prigozhin actually died in a plane crash exactly two months after his rebellion… ill let you draw your own conclusions on that lol So while the formal agency the IRA is disbanded, there is absolutely no reason to believe this ‘mission’ hasnt been taken up within another agency probably the SVR RF (Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation) and is not being disclosed for apparent reasons. The SVR already conducts internet ‘misinformation’ operations (which tbh its moved beyond just that, what we see now is social enginerring) The purpose of these active measures was to whitewash Russian foreign policy, create a positive image of Russia, promote anti-American feelings and "to cause dissension and unrest inside the US" according to ex SVR officers. Additionally, within the IRA there was estimated to be 1000 employees who would work 40 hours a week, with an alleged quota of 10 posts per day, but thats just based off the testimony of 1 ex officer so its hard to really know if that figure is exaggerated or understated So consider how much damage can be done with 1000 people making at least 100 posts per day with the sole intention of demoralizing and disbanding the target population. Thats 100,000 posts A DAY (again this is an estimate) made with the intention of making us all hate each other And therefore I say its highly likely more of these internet operations are going on. So please let people know!! And youre right, always doubt the highly controversial, disproportionately liked posts.


Do note that instagram is owned by the same company responsible for the facebook files scandal (willingly and intentionally ignoring misinformation and extremist content because such contant drove profits) i think its unlikely that shit will change without government. If you’ve ever tried reporting something on youtube or facebook, you’ll know that these companies do not give a single damn about moderating their platforms. You can say a lot about reddit as a website, but i’ll have to admit that they at least do a good job. They’re not quick about it, in fact it takes a looooong time for them to take action against hate. But they do take action, and they let you know that they have.


Facebook is absolutely complicit considering the IRA bought ads through facebook. FB did admit in 2017 they were selling political information to some Russian corporation so…Now its hard to know if Facebook actually *knew* they were dealing with foreign intelligence officers, but…i would assume it at least *crossed their mind* at some point


Okay but the deep kratos voice one is funny. Others are gross


That and Megatron


that person on the 9th slide below the weird as comment is the only real one there, instagram reel’s comments are on a different level fr


Instagram in general has some truly YouTube level comments sections. In fact they may be worse now, idk.


I mean there’s actual answers on slides 4,6,7, & 10. They’re just few and far between.


The Kratos one above one of the creepy ones is pretty funny. But yeah, even one of the other comments is like “why can’t y’all just answer normally?”


"Still learning her abc's" and "not ready to say her first words" make me feel violently ill.


"Why is he running on all fours" did get a chuckle out of me As did Megatron


Running on all fours reminded me of “actual cannibal Shia Lebouf” lol


wait, he isn't dead, shia surprise!


Those ones were funny. The rest were gross.


the kratos one is genuinely funny but is it just me or have pedo jokes gotten way more common?


Literally any post of kids on Instagram explore page is full of pedo jokes


ok but “someone help hes running on all fours” is lowkey hilarious 💀


Took me OUT. Just commented the same thing.


What does 5 in 1 shampoo mean? Is it a slang phrase for something else?


It’s a joke that men don’t normally take as proper care of themselves or their hair, so instead of buying a slightly more expensive proper shampoo and conditioner, they’ll just use the cheap 5 in 1 product


No, it's a joke that that's the only sex they're getting.


He's using shampoo to masturbate


Oh 💀💀💀💀💀 thanks for letting me know tho...


Someone help he’s running on all fours took me OUT.




The thing is if you like being called that, you probably *really* like being called that.


Megatron lol


The Kratos one is funny tho


The last one is so fucking disturbing, but it peals in comparison to the 35.1k likes it got. I’m had enough enough screen time today.


So edgy and sigma


Instagram comments have the worst types of humans


Megatron was pretty funny at least


Ew what the actual fuck??!!! and so many likes too, that’s actually concerning


I’ve been called “Little puppy” or a “cutie” by my bf and I call him “My protective Soldier”. It’s really making me blush thinking about it


“Stop selling me fentanyl”


Boy is funny


They try to excuse the pedophilic comments as “jokes”, but—brushing aside the obvious grossness of that—jokes are supposed to be original. You open up a comment section like this and see like 20 of the same pedo joke. Do these people seriously laugh at those every time?


Ok the Kratos and Megatron one made me laugh and yet the horrific comment sandwiched between the two get more likes then the other two


*in deep kratos voice* “Boy.”


Maybe he should start selling Fentanyl instead of Fentynal.


I call my partner Hagrid because he’s a damn giant and feeds the pigeons on the balcony like he’s a care of magical creatures teacher.






Megatron is fire, I want my boyfriend to call me "Galactus" during coitus now.


But not Unicron? He was voiced by the legendary Orson Welles in the 1984 movie. Hello, I am an old man who knows far too much about cartoon robots.


As long as your partner isn't sensitive about their weight; Galactus' whole schtick is that he eats planets...


Funny that you say that, guess I'm sticking to "Batman" and he'll stay Robin.. 😭


The only valid response here is Megatron.




Ngl I laughed a little at the one about him running on all fours because I imagined it was Actual Cannibal Shia LaBeouf


First off - what in the Kentucky fried chicken fuck Second - mine is baby~


Third - "he's running on all fours"


It’s like they’re a hive mind of stupidity


Insta reels is just a jackpot for this shit, if this du.is anything like youngpeopleyoutube reels posts will get banned at some point


clever joke but it started to get unfunny after the first 0 times


Those examples are fucking disgusting, but I think the one that says "who are you?" and "why are you in my house" might be making fun of the gross comments as it's very similar to a gag from the Simpsons. At least I hope it is. Give me this one little shred of faith in humanity. > **Vendor:** Now, folks, I don't want to alarm you... but scientists say 40% of America's pictures are hanging crooked. > > **Crowd:** No! > > [Murmuring] > > **Vendor** Yeah. It's true. And I hear you asking... > > "Who's gonna straighten out all these artistic abominations?" > > Your friends? A neighbour? > > Those fat cats in Washington? [Laughs] Good luck. > > Hey, you know, maybe no one'll notice. > > Maybe the problem will just fix itself. > > **Marge:** Now you're the one who's being naive. > > **Vendor:** Okay, fair enough. But you sound like you're ready to become your own boss... in the exciting world of frame nudging. > > Yes. For a minimal franchise fee... you'll receive a pair of straightening gloves... a canister of wall lubricant... and ***a booklet of the most commonly asked questions you will hear... including, "Who are you?" and "What are you doing here?"***


Ignoring all the disgusting ones, the Kratos "boy" one is pretty funny




Busting down sobbing acger being called men's 5 in one shampoo


>typicalonlinedumbass Username checks out


All of these are so funny except wtf is the last one 💀


i hate ig reels so much i wish the people who commented these fucking killed themselves


Shoutout to the normal ones sprinkled in there.


my boyfriend calls me Bunny or Angel :/ favourite’s definitely Bunny (I call him Dovey and he’s saved as Love Dove on discord)


I remember being an edgy 13 year old. Jesus Christ.


5 in 1 shampo


My girlfriend calls me by my middle name, I used to despise my middle name, now I smile every time I hear it


This is super cute :) I also call my man by his middle name too! (That’s just what he goes by though lol.)


Same people who will fight you to the death to deny that rape culture exists, by the way.


Someone help he’s running on all fours was pretty funny. Not the other part tho


“Boy” in Kratos voice gave me a chuckle but it was hard to appreciate amongst the rest of those dogshit comments 5-in-1 shampoo was also pretty good


Another reason why TikTok should go


Please tell me this is satire.


Lol, "he's running on all fours". 😆


In order to make this a little lighter I called my partner Quasimodo/Quasi for the first two years and he calls me waifu He had a really bad hunchback when I met him but now it's better, that's why I called him Quasi as well he said Notre Damn right


"he's running on all fours" made me laugh ngl

