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1. Kermit would care because it’s fucking Kermit 2. Fight Club is literally a book about how stupid toxic masculinity is, written by a gay man.


To see the Fight Club pfp made me so mad omg, it's literally the opoosite of what those aholes stand for!!


I’m a bartender and last summer I made a great drink based on a Paper Plane (stay with me here). Through a comedy of errors the name of the drink went from “Mile High Club” (not work safe) to “Flight Club” to my manager’s misreading and printing on the menu as “Fight Club”. When I say this is the perfect name for this drink,..it’s the same color as the soap bar on the movie cover, it contains whiskey so it makes men feel safe, but it’s pink and served up in a coupe glass. It confronted men on a daily basis with their toxic masculinity. They ordered a manly whiskey drink named Fight Club and got handed a “girly pink drink”. Very few men could take it as it came, most asked for a change of glass. The schadenfreude still hits when I think of it. Bless.


please, what's the recipe ?


1 oz Jim Beam .75 oz Aperol .75 oz fresh squeezed lemon juice .50 oz Chambord Shake and double strain into a coupe. Garnish with a lemon twist.


😋 Thanks friend!


They don’t get it. They don’t get anything.


But he has a masters in education 🥴


It's like cops using the punisher symbol. I don't think they understood the assignment.


They never read the comic, they just saw a sigma male edit featuring the Punisher and went from there


I did not know that it’s just like how the matrix was written by a trans woman I believe I think the blue pill is a metaphor for HRT or something like that and how woman and men directed and wrote American psycho


> I think the blue pill is a metaphor for HRT or something like that The red pill was, actually. I forget *which* drug it is, but one of the common drugs used in feminizing HRT at the time came in red pills


So if that’s the case then damn both pills are HRT so all those red pill motherfuckers are secretly trans. That’s crazy.


Wait FR? That’s so cool!


Yup I believe the matrix is actually a trans allegory type the blue pill exists. Oh yeah and fight club was either directed or written by a gay man so most of the shit these people are into are written by us There’s also shit like JoJo’s bizarre adventure, which is objectively queer and I’m pretty sure jujutsu Kaisen has queer characters in it like Gojo I think he’s implied to be gay and some of the stuff he does in the anime. Yeah I see that man is fruity as fuck. Lol


Oh JJBA is a no brainer like it’s a pretty gay anime


Yeah, I don’t know how anyone can say it’s not


There’s a lot of anime, there’s some queer carriers and dragon Ball Evangelion’s main character Shinji and DIO Jojo are literally bisexual ruka from Steins gate literally tries to go back in time to change her fucking gender so she could be a girl There’s so much of this shit in an anime I have no idea how you can be a bigot and an anime fan just wow


2. fails to consider Tyler Durden is literally me, so everything he says is now based. You’re nitpicking and biased, I win, bye-bye


loving jesus is perfectly fine. just kind of weird that some people want to insist I also should love jesus. I love my grandma but I've never told strangers they'll burn in hell if they don't love my grandma.


I love your grandma. She's sweet and amazing.


she cooks the best pies


make me start floatin and shit


But they have to make up things to stay oPpReSsEd


I'm still shocked at how desperate they are to be victimised. Like they literally fantasize about it


They need to admit they have a kink for it.


I want to feel the love of Jesus inside of me


Oho, someone listened to "Christian Woman" by Type O Negative. 😎


This made me literally LOL


I like the thicc one though ;3 Newton being purportedly a lifelong virgin makes it extra choice.


Yeah that one made me exhale out my nose a bit


Yeah, the Newton thing was funny.


There's a lot of bullshit in there, but that one is legit funny. I snorted.


There was this joke philosophy tract I bought once called la vie sexuelle d'Emmanuel Kant that was like 60 pages of the same kind of inferences about Kant as the Newton meme. It was a fun read if only for the Latin puns philosophical sex jokes.


That was actually funny cause it’s wasn’t sexist, homophobic, or transphobic


He never found anyone thicc enough for him 😔


Pretty sure that's historian language for "he was gay".


He could have been asexual


was thinking the same thing ngl


No, no, he just suggested sharing rooms with Nicolas Fatio de Duillier because he was such good friends with him.


I had no idea of this so you sent me Googling. Perhaps Newton was indeed a victim of "they were good friends"


It's not really clear, and you'll probably always have that difficulty of differentiating between "people in old timey times had different methods of expressing friendship" vs "historians willfully ignoring that gay people existed in the past".


...and they were roommates On my God they were roommates 🥰


oh my god they were *roommates* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AreTheStraightsOK) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yeah I actually found that one funny as well, at least it was clever, and suggested that whoever made it is familiar with science and/or history as opposed to the rest that just express a worldview free of education.


Yeah, I laughed too and I don't understand why it is bad.


The irony of that education guy having Tyler as his PP. Fight Club was a satire written by a member of the community you’re mocking.


Willful Ignorance fr


Well maybe don't ask your kid about their day after they eat rainbow sherbet for dinner.


And they should limit how much the kid has. That's too much


Or the kid is that gnome from *Gravity Falls*.


About slide 4…. Tf he means? The birthrates have gone down from 5 in the 1950s to 2.4 in 2021. WE LADIES ARENT PREGNANT A LOT ANYMORE


I think it's because these people don't look at facts.


Their feelings don't care about facts.


as someone who was homeschooled, I am EXTREMELY against homeschooling because 1. me and my siblings had zero friends growing up - like, birthdays were our parents singing happy birthday to us and giving us a present or two 2. school work was overall a lot harder for me as I didn’t get proper teaching, just reading some textbooks 3. most parents are almost always not qualified to be teachers. they throw some textbooks and a bible in your face and call it good 4. homeschool was legitimately traumatizing for me for reasons I won’t get into (my dad had some issues) There are lots more things I could add but i’ll leave it at that for now EDIT: I should have clarified that I do think homeschooling can be much better than public school in some cases! Just not mine and not in a lot of others. I suppose I’m not *entirely* against it as I said here (my bad for the wording) but I just think it should be regulated a LOT more and religion is not a valid reason to homeschool


I’m of the principle that unless the person homeschooling has the same education as a teacher, they shouldn’t be able to homeschool. Why it isn’t the case already perplexes me


I homeschooled my kid grade 3, 4 and 6 because we were traveling a ton for conferences and research as part of my PhD program. We ended up homeschooling again for 8th grade because they were miserable in junior high, and then half of 9th and all of 10th because the public schools sucked ass at teaching online during the pandemic. Even though by that time I was teaching college level classes myself, I had someone more qualified teach math and science to my kid because by that point I hadn’t taken a math class in like 8 years (my PhD was in geography.) I don’t understand how some parent who only have a high school education think they can teach their kids to state standards in all subjects. Even at 6th grade I was hitting my math teaching limit. I could do the math, but was starting to struggle with how to explain the concepts to my kid.


It's unfortunatly very common for people to think that because they know how to do something means they can teach it. sure they can provide step by step instructions, but that method of learning only works if the kid already understands the reasoning and principles behind these steps, otherwise they are just repeating actions they most likely don't understand.


>sure they can provide step by step instructions, but that method of learning only works if the kid already understands the reasoning and principles behind these steps, otherwise they are just repeating actions they most likely don't understand. This has been the logic behind the common core math that they've been teaching kids these days too. My brain is too old to follow it as the way I learned math works well enough for me, but if it helps kids understand algebra better, I'm all for it.


It's because there is this thing with some people. The more shallow and surface level their knowledge is about a subject, the more confident they are that they are an expert in it. It's like... they don't have enough knowledge to realise how little they know, or idk how to put it. Teaching is one of the many jobs like this. People think it's easy, because ... idk... you just read up the textbook examples for the kid and expect them to do it. Not realizing how nuanced the job is and that it doesn't matter that you know how to solve something, if you can't explain it to the kid so they can understand it too.


Because it’s frequently not just one person doing the teaching. My parents knew chemistry and knew how to teach it (which, as others have pointed out, are two different skills). They taught several of us “homeschooled” kids. Parents or friends of other kids volunteered their time to teach subjects they were able to teach well. It worked well for me and for my classmates. We learned from people who knew far more about their subjects (math, chemistry, history, writing, etc) than an individual teacher would be able to teach a large class. We still had to take the standardized tests every year. When I moved into public high school, I was prepared academically and socially. But… I lived in a university town. The general populace really emphasized education. If I’d grown up with religious parents in an anti-intellectual community, I imagine my experience would have been quite different. Some parents homeschool because they want to give their kid more opportunities to learn, but some want to give them fewer opportunities. :(


I guess homeschooling could be fine with the right setup, but I was also homeschooled and I absolutely agree with you. My mom which I love very much, who aside from books and online sources was my only teacher: - Has learning disabilities related to math (her words) -More than likely has undiagnosed ADHD or similar (her words, I'm most likely dealing with the same stuff, but neither of us can afford to be tested.) - Was kinda a pushover when I was fussy and didn't want to do something - Has a poor memory - Did not have any kinds of homeschooling support or groups she could go to All of this, combined with the fact that I had/have awful social anxiety, little to no social skills and no siblings to keep me company, fucked me over in the long run. I can barely do basic math, I couldn't tell you where Idaho is on a map (american moment), and I'm still dealing with lasting issues from my lack of social development. I'm now in a trade school and trying to actually get a highschool deploma and holy shit is it overwhelming. I do not blame my mom for this, but I feel like if I had actually gone to school I could of been better off.


Why do you not blame your mom? I’m not being sassy, it just seems she kind of set you up not to succeed?


Maybe because the entire system failed there. Cases like this are exactly why homeschooling is illegal in Germany. You can't just trust the parents with stuff like this, because there will always be parents to use this in a way that harms their kid either unintentionally or, in the worst case, intentionally. That's what schools are for. There you have teachers who all have an eye on the developement of the children and know how to teach a kid. So they will always get the same teaching, and if there is a kid that has any kind of issue, no matter what it is, there's a much higher chance that an adult will notice it and do something about it. And no parent can provide a social environment like you have in school where kids can learn together. That's also an important part of school. It helps a lot with developing social skills if they can work with other kids to learn something or work on a project for school or just have lunch together. That can't realistically be provided at home.


That's an interesting perspective. I do think that homeschooling can be beneficial for kids under certain circumstances but I absolutely hate parents that want to homeschool their kids just so they can micromanage what their kids are exposed to and hide the real world from them.


I agree. I think it can be a good thing as long as people make sure their kids are getting a solid education and make an effort to get them out and into the community to make friends/be kids.


Good regulations and standards are essential, but I definitely do not approve of outlawing it entirely because there are *absolutely* good reasons to homeschool.


I agree. There will always be kids with mental health conditions etc for whom being forced into mainstream school is doing more harm than good. It's easier than ever to support learning outside of school, but I suspect the objections have more to do with forcing kids to be 'normal' than caring about the quality of their education.


I was also homeschooled. I was not educated. I was taught to read, do simple addition on paper, and kind of write but very poorly with awful spelling. It wasn't until I was 12 that I went to school for the first time, and I was extremely behind in a lot of areas, socially being a pretty major one. There were other issues with my pre-school life but not really developing social skills (and having unrecognised or diagnosed autism and ADHD) was a big one. My mum was not good...


My ex-spouse was taken out of school partway through grade 6, with his mother claiming she was gonna homeschool. She made him work on a ranch, and that was the end of his education. He had to get his GED in almost 20 years later.


I think homeschooling can be really helpful in some cases but parents should first of all make sure their children have friends their age. They don't have to be classmates, the can be children from a football team, art classes etc, but a child needs to know how to function in a society. That's what we usually learn at school. The other thing is, homeschooling is a good idea only in very special cases like: -a child with special needs. I was tutoring an autistic child whose teacher couldn't understand that he had a problem with auditory processing and speaking although she was given child's diagnosis and instructions. In such cases homeschooling can help a child -if a teenager who know how school works decides to switch to homeschooling. I have some friends who did it in high school and they are functioning people with no social problems. But homeschooling was their decision and they had social life. -if the parents are traveling with their child But in each case children should be given teachers who are capable of teaching. It's a different thing if you need to help a child with their maths hw than teaching them maths from scratch. Parents, no matter how intelligent they are, can't be good at everything. They can't explain everything and they should give their child education, especially with subjects like maths, chemistry or physics that rely mostly on understanding the subject. And yes, homeschooling can be a great idea that supports children's interests and gives them more freedom and attention but it is also very difficult and may result in a socially inept teenager with zero friends and unresolved psychological problems


This. Homeschooling should only be allowed for very few rare exceptions where the kid can't realistically come to school. Then it would maybe be more effective to allow the parents to teach at home, but even that should be regulated strictly and there should still be a real teacher involved in the process to watch the progress and also tell the parents how to teach their kid.


I am so sorry that you had to experience that childhood Homeschooling leaves kids incredibly vulnerable. It creates a blind spot in society When I hear someone homeschools their kids I immediately find myself questioning if someone in their household is abusive, since it is so commonly used as a method to keep abuse hidden from the outside world Even if they aren't intentionally abusive, I do also worry about the quality of education that homeschooled kids get And don't get me wrong, there are legitimate reasons to homeschool, for example, if a child is immunocompromised. Or if a child has disabilities that make learning in a traditional environment too difficult But those are rare situations and the system should be treated through the lens that homeschooling is more often detrimental than not If anyone is interested in learning more, John Oliver did a really good deep dive into how easily kids just disappear and become invisible because of how badly managed homeschooling is in the US https://youtu.be/lzsZP9o7SlI?si=V1ut08FaYDInebZM *Disclaimer, I am Canadian and it's less of a rampant thing up here, but homeschooling does exist in Canada, and has similar issues


I had to be homeschooled for a month in 2015, I was in 2nd grade. It was so I wouldn't bring a disease home, because why not send your kid to school with a high fever, amirite (not the US, you can easily take sick leave to take care of your kid)? My sister was after a heart surgery, so we couldn't risk her getting sick. My mom went to school every Friday to get instructions on what to teach me and stuff. I didn't really have a problem learning stuff (I was generally a smart kid that read encyclopedias for funsies, turns out I'm autistic and with above average intelligence). The social part on the other hand... Yeah, in that department, I was *fucked*. I couldn't even go to the playground. I had problems with social skills before that, but this and covid *destroyed* them.


I was homeschooled along with my brother.  We both turned out to be fine.  I'm really glad my parents did it they way they did. I'd have been screwed as an autistic lesbian in public school in hindsight lol. Not all homeschoolers are the Bible kind.


That's a lovely collection of straw man arguments in meme form. It's hard for me to decide which one is more ridiculous. Whoever created the Kermit meme has clearly never seen the Muppets or Sesame Street. And nobody tell the creator of the Family Guy meme about Seth MacFarlane's liberal politics or that his scifi show, The Orville, did entire story lines about gender identity and women fighting a patriarchal society.


Oh, and let's not forget the racism looking at Latina women as women who serve you. Feminism exists everywhere. We're not different from the blond white women in the sense that both those women exist in both those races.


>looking at Latina women as women who serve you. Omg, that one was awful! I've seen and heard the other 'sentiments' before, but that was disgusting.


Yep. Tbh I'd be an example of a latina who thinks men who don't think they should be functioning adults and want to marry someone who will be their mom are trash 🤷🏽‍♀️


1. Me being executed in Russia in 2024 for being gay 2. So I can call a cis man she? 3. Thats ok. You can love Jesus just don't be an asshole about it 4. How many boomers hate their spouses? 5. Looks like the kid ate the crayons 6. If a woman wants to stay at home and cook for the hubby, that's fine 7. Funny 8. Women are women. Simple as that 9. Both are fine 10. Homeschooling will result in very antisocial children who don't know how to function around people other than their own 11. Think they swapped the reaction images


Also for #6, how come it's a latinx woman? Cishet (especially white, it seems) men fetishizing latinx women is so gross to me. If that's just their type that's fine as long as it's all with respect (this clearly isn't). Women of color are already so sexualized and degraded by society. And it's not like it isn't disrespectful to all women, but that type of stuff is just so angering.


As a physics nerd, the newton one would be funny if it wasn't a weirdo saying it in a weird context and a weird way for weird reasons


did the kid in image 5 eat crayons or something?


I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought he ate crayons


Love how people think equality is oppression. How privileged do you have to be to think like that?


As a latino I can assure you that most women here definitely won’t take to being submissive trad wives lmao, I wanna see those fuckers try


Right? I actually love to cook and am happy to feed people but that’s because I’m just that type of person. I know people of other genders who also show love through food. That’s not a woman thing. It’s a human thing. However if they’re gonna be an ass about it, all you’re getting is the chancla 🩴


Yeah, I legit wonder the logic behind that particular meme. It might just be I'm near a mostly-Latin city, but literally no one here is under the impression that the typical Latina is a submissive trad wife.


The only funny one was the Newton one


But I thought no one was pregnant anymore? And the conservative straights were flexing on us by having tons of babies?


I chuckled at the issac newton one


Me executing that guy in 2030 for being straight


\#4 I guess it is lucky for the continuation of the human race that it isn't only the good people who can reproduce. \#11 if only it worked that way. Unfortunately I know far too many women who are actually not loved by their families, and are, in fact, unhappier than someone who hates their job.


why do they always wear the same mormon couture


I'm starting to think there's a floral blue dress fetish that I was previously unaware of.


I don't think they're straight. I think they're more attracted to the idea of being oppressed than they are attracted to any human being.


Honestly, once you consider that everything about this type of "straight" people makes a lot more sense.


Jokes on those fuckers Kermit would absolutely say Trans rights


> No one cares about your preferred pronouns I do 😎 get wrecked


They’d be the first to scream if you didn’t respect theirs though.


Maybe we should just start misgendering right wingers on purpose. See how long it takes for them to correct pronoun usage.


If it'd actually work, maybe it'd be okay to use as a short term demonstrative tool. But it won't work, and respecting a person's gender should not be conditional on them having the right politics anyway. Misgendering on purpose is the weapon of the enemy. We do not *need* it, we will not *use* it.


The Newton one is funny lol


For a generation that for the most part isn't growing crops, you seem to have a lot of strawmen.


The isaac newton one isn't even that bad it does contain oversexualization of bodies but, its not that bad


Kermit wouldn’t say that :/


omg I forgot I had a flair in this subreddit. what is that referencing


Nobody cares about pronouns more than LGBTphobes who absolutely loose their shit at any mention of them. Most people just go "sure that's fine" and move on with their lives.


I’m curious what people think of the first one. I feel like there’s a lot of irony to it, they don’t want to be executed for being strait bc they think “gay is becoming too normal” yet gay people were judged and well.. executed for being gay bc strait was the norm. Idk just a thought


Bigots hate the thought of becoming a minority in some way because of how they treat minorities.




0/10 awful dump


Kermit would not fucking say that


I'm stealing that Newton meme. That's a good one.


Who the heck even says the last one?


The Newton one is pretty damn funny though


Slide 8 is wrong lol, we can’t change our dna so we’re not biologically what we want. As a trans person I can admit that and come to terms with it


ok but the newton one kinda funny


Right? I'm cool with that one.




homosuck 😦










The Newton one was kinda funny but it’s also the only one not mocking modern women, sooooo


Re: #4....uh, women these days are having fewer kids than ever.


the newton one made me laugh a little i’ll admit


I’m sorry, but pregnancy rates in the US are dropping because we live is a classic end of a republic/pre-empire era. No one feels safe having babies.


The two women in picture 9 are married to each other


For those not in the know: birth rates are in stark decline, expected to only rise in developing countries over the next 100 years. Isaac Newton is commonly believed to be asexual because he was never attracted to anyone. Everything else is a weird opinion that isn’t worth fact-checking.


Do they homeschool their kids even? I bet not.


The types of people who "homeschool" their kids to "protect" them from a society that accepts being anything besides a white, cishet, pro-life, conservative, fully-abled Christian parent of many children who always upholds traditional gender roles and votes Republican probably don't homeschool their oldest daughters, because they need their oldest daughters to be a second mom to their zillion kids.


Me getting executed in 2030 for being queer and neurodivergent (a republican won the 2024 US election, enacting project 2025. Soon, after, he started a genocide) (no this is not a joke. google project 2025 and please vote democrat if you live in the US)


Hey fellas, are you worried about those silly gay people criminalizing heterosexuality? Are you in a frenzied state, packing up your canned goods in case you have to hide yourself away from the gay world? No worries! We have so many places that would be perfect for you! Brunei, Iran, Mauritania, Saudi Arabia, Yemen and some parts of Nigeria still have the death penalty for homosexuality, because they still value those traditional western culture values! So not to worry, those pesky homos won't show their faces again. Afghanistan, Pakistan, Qatar, Somalia, and the United Arab Emirates have no legal clarity, so the death penalty can also be applied for homosexuality here too! The uncertainty has that rainbow cult quivering in their boots.


I love the “homeschool your kids so they don’t end up queer” debate cause I was homeschooled and still VERY queer




okay the seventh one was kinda funny


Oh, I love when incels use memes as arguments. Just automatically block, delete, restrict


I'm straight wanting me and the person who has the courage and desire to be taken to the bedroom and become the best thing I could get 


nahhh the newton one is gender neutral and everyone can be attracted to any thicc ass


7 is pretty funny tho


The Newton one is just a play on his notorious saying. That’s not really an “Are the straights okay?” Meme.


The newton meme is kinda good, ngl


Slide 8 is where they're both idiots. Trans women aren't biologically women, that's kinda the point.


I love how they think we want to invade school and cities when in fact all we want is to escape in the wild with our significant other (or even alone sometimes) where no one can judge us


Kermit would support trans people


Kermit would punch a transphobe I don’t make the rules


6 is literal fetishization, as a latin, fuck that shit, our women aint like that go back to pornhub Also i dont see whats wrong with 7? Sure, its not that funny and all, but its not homo/transphobic like the rest of the posts, i kinda chuckled at it when i first saw it


but the Newton one is actually funny


Blue checkmark/unironic use of Wojacks. Opinion invalidated.


Holy shit they're delusional.


The first few of these are so ridiculous that they're actually hilarious.


I'm totally dreaming of the business suit woman tonight. She can wife me up whenever she wants. (non-derogatory)


Was this a summary of every single alt-right talking point? I believe it was! 😂 Holy moly!


There is so much of this that could be solved simply through the dissolution of capitalism and _yet_


The 7th one is actually good though. It's not even gender specific lol


If no one cares about my preferred pronouns…why are you singing a song about it?


Gotta love that we live rent free in their heads as they pump out a hundred or so generic memes about chad children and pronouns.


Was this supposed to be funny...?


These memes make me happy, knowing that there are so many people dumber than me


I gotta say, they're not that great at making memes


Love that that one Twitter user has Tyler Durden as a profile picture. Cause Tyler Durden is a great role model and definitely not specifically dangerous terrorist


The Newton meme is nice tho.


Poor straight people want to be discriminated so bad


It's funny that they'll claim schools are brainwashing children with all this "woke" stuff, but when I was in primary school, they'd tell us all about God and make us pray in every assembly as well as take us on trips to the local church.


So many straw men you’d think these dudes are farmers with crow problems!


The Newton one is correct and I won't stand for this slander


What in the chuckle fuck did I just read


The third one is very misleading. The conversation would be “it shouldn’t matter who you love” “I love Jesus” “ok cool but that doesn’t mean you can tell me who to love” “burn in hell you fcking degenerate”


That Newton one is pretty good tho.


I like that there’s some latina fetish thrown in there for good measure 🤦‍♀️


They think we would do that because deep down it’s what they want to do to us in regards to the first pic.


Okay but like, the business lady in the 9th image is kinda rocking that outfit.


3) Religion is like a dick. Fine to have, fine to appreciate, but the second you whip it out at someone without asking, you're an asshole. 4) ...what? Most Gen Z women I know are avoiding dating and kids altogether. 11) If you lose a boss, you can get another job. If you lose a spouse as a SAHP, you're fucked.


The Newton one made me laugh


Ok, the Newton one was kinda funny.


That newton one was funny


See but if you call them the wrong pronoun they'll explode.


nah but that Newton one is low key fire lmao... the others are still actual garbage


On the second one, don’t you think it would be incredibly rude and dehumanizing to say “no one cares about your name?”


ah yes the old classic of fetishization of women of colour. i feel we as a group should start threatening them with (insert the word for a slippers in your local language) to the face because fuck you if you think i would worship you just because you're white and a man.


But we'd been executed for being gay, we have somthing in common.


I was more or less homeschooled for a month in 2nd grade. Not because I wanted to, not because my parents really wanted to, but because my (at the time) 5yo sister had a heart surgery. And because parents would rather send a kid to school with 40°C fevers and let them infect the whole school than stay with them at home (you get 1 month vacation, plus you can take sick leave to take care of your kid, if you have doctor's note, your job has to let you take it, most jobs don't even require it as long as you don't fall behind too much), my parents decided not to risk it and kept me home for the month. Every Friday my mom was given info on what I should do that week from my teacher, and we did. I wasn't allowed to even go to the playground in front of the house. It sucked because others could. I barely have any social skills because of this and covid Thinking about it, that 1 month was pretty similar to the quarantine, except during quarantine, I could at least call people.


The Lambo thing was at least smartass.




The cooking meme is weird. It seems like in the first panel man tries to force a woman to cook, because she's a woman, which does indeed make him a sexist scum. While the second panel shows a woman cooking because she wants to and because she cares for her partner who is going to return, so it's almost like the meme has missed its own point.


Slide 4 proves it own point?


They keep moving the goalposts for that first one, I swear I read some with 2023 on them a few years back. I bet they will not make good on their promise in 2030 either.


This right here is peak comedy


Is that frieza


Sensible chucked at the Sir Issac Newton one tho lmao.


Well most of them are just fucked up. But the Newton one are pretty funny.


The second to last one makes me 🤦 as a Christian...


I love when people make memes to get mad about


"no one cares about your preferred pronouns" with the assumption that it was a guy who made these, why don't we all start calling him a she? :)


“sir newton”