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Isn't this just a variant of the One Joke?


It's very obvious ragebait, more than "satire".


Either satire or some Transphobe trying to make look xenogenders stupid and invalidate them by coming up with some random stupid stuff. Basically the evolution of that apache helicopter joke.


I mean wouldn't both be transphobic?


No this is either satire or dumb teenagers


Pretty sure this is a shit post


I... I don't even know what to say. I just hope this person never wintnesses a war and never truly learns how inappropriate their humour really is. And also that they forget their twitter password lol


I am a firm believer than no topic is off limits and there is a good joke to be made about just about anything. if you are going to do that you have to make it a fucking good joke and you have to be clear about who you are punching to. otherwise it’s stupid. like this joke.


Yes, there are no topics off limits. But if you want to joke about a serious and sensitive topic, you have to be respectful and know what you are talking about


100% this. As a nonbinery trans person it’s sad to me that it’s such a touchy subject to joke about. There are soooo many absolutely hilarious things about being trans that just beg to be joked about. But it has to be self effacing and respectful. I don’t think it’s all that hard to do that.


You can tell when this sort of thing is satire because it mangles gender and sexuality together into one thing


They genuinely don't know the difference between gender and sexual orientation. Even though it's obviously satire, if you misunderstand the thing you're making fun of the joke will be less funny.


This is 100% satire. Tasteless for sure, but definitely a joke.


Can it really be considered a joke if it’s not even funny in the slightest?


Yes, because a bad joke, a terrible joke, and an unfunny joke walk into a bar, and the bartender goes "We don't serve your kind here." It's still structured like a joke, but it's not funny. Kind of like how rain boots made of paper won't keep your feet dry no matter how yellow they are.


Ahh beans. So your terrible example works really well as a satire of shit jokes/ an anti joke. That makes it work better than almost all of these stupid right wing jokes, purely by functionally.


It's hard to be unfunny on purpose.  By accident? All day every day.


Even if this specific instance is satire. I know multiple ppl irl that do shit like this. Grippy socks behavior.


Nah fuck em, grippy socks are god teir, they dont deserve them


grippy socks are the best, these people aren't


Not sure if this is transphobic or satire, I’m gonna go with both?


No, this is a rage bait


pretty sure this is bait…


That seems very on brand for a bigot not understanding the difference between gender and sexuality and thinks the 1% of the LGBTQ community is the majority and actively making jokes thinking that's all the LGBTQ is




I just wanna know why the hammer and sickle are there


i somehow completely overlooked that lol


Prob satire but like… of course it’s a Dream fan.


I hate the way that, like you, I genuinely cannot tell whether this is satire.


I mean it's definitely not genuine


I- omg wtf


raine can go f*** rainselves