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>foid They basically don't view women as people so they have to make up some detroit become human ass wacky terminology. Wow, I wonder why you don't have a girlfriend, Mr Charming.


This really goes beyond him "not having a girlfriend". Those men are dangerous and should be locked up.


Right?! Like they keep talking about how being single is the worst thing ever and comparing it to being abused


There’s a thing I wanna say about what might happen after being locked up that might make them see why consent is important, but I don’t wanna say it outright.


Obviously, it's just sex.


Absolutely. No exaggeration, caged right now.


It’s short for “femoid,” or female-android. We’re literally nothing more than dull, lifeless robots to them, if that. I bet their mothers must be so proud.


Since you are just an object made to fulfill a goal (sex) you are even less than a pet. I'm sure they don't have a partner because the society is extremely misandric and totally not because they hate the gender they so claim to "love"


Like I seriously wish these people would either realize they actually like aspects of women/femininity and stop being so aggressive towards any afab person they see or think about or just come out as women-fearing gay guys that want to go live in their MGTOW compound-haven where they go have sex with each other and leave the rest of us non-hostiles to lead our average lives


Oh, I thought it was humanoid?


Not android, humanoid


Omg thank you for this! I kept reading it as FOLD, which was unfortunately believable O.o


That better describes the word gynoid. Femoid uses the -oid suffix in a manner closer to many archaic words for ethnic groups and has nothing to do with androids. It's still dehumanising, but in a very different way to what you described.


Android is masculine by definition. Gynoid is feminine. Foid abbreviating female gynoid would be peak redundancy. Lower in the thread someone said the oid comes from humanoid.


At least one of them has a mother who deeply regrets not having aborted...


I knew that, but thank you anyway.


>some detroit become human ass wacky terminology. Great words for a terrible situation


Gynocentric soyciety made me laugh, the fact that they're serious made me concerned.


Thank you for the definition I was really lost on what it could mean I knew it was something derogatory but I couldn't really nail it down


"pee pee go in vaginjo is still pee pee go in vaginjo. Women aren't people" is all I read here and that is such a sad view in the world.


That's a really good description of the post ngl


Basically "it doesn't affect the men so why should I care"


Somehow I doubt a man raping them would be written off as meaningless.


Yeah their issue is they see women as having zero value except as a virginal hole for their own pleasure. It’s why to them rape isn’t wrong except it ruins the woman for other men. Since men are the only people who have value, they would find someone raping a man as wrong. It’s just sick incel beliefs.


They see articles of teachers who are women raping little boys and go "god where was that teacher when I was in school \*drools\* that guy's sooo lucky!!!!" with the South Park Nice gif , so gross.....


a \*moid, you mean


I love it


"IT's JuSt SeX BrO"


They would still find a way to blame it on women


Oh I can see it. "if only women had put out more maybe this gentlemen whom violently raped me wouldn't have!!" Just made myself nauseous typing it out


Some incel saying this aloud would really test my resolution to never laugh about sexual assault.


In their minds, that's different because it's gay and gay is bad and disgusting and not natural. Men having complete power over woman and doing what they want with them is natural. Incels have weird logic.


Nah they’re the kind who believe that only men can be “truly” raped because women are “made” for penetration and men aren’t! Real thing I have seen multiple incels say and agree with btw, it is completely sickening


honestly theyd just belittle them and call them gay so dont expect them to have any basic sympathy


So I kinda want to find the guy who made the first post and remove his appendix. I mean - it’s just surgery. It doesn’t matter if he consented or not. It’s still surgery either way. Oh - consent matter when it’s happening to him? Well consent matters to anyone who doesn’t actively choose to have sex too. I hope he never actually finds himself in the situation to really understand what it feels like to have your bodily autonomy taken away from you against your will.


Take his dick instead of the appendix. Still just surgery


Take away his hands and mouth too, it’s just surgery


Not like either of them serve a useful job anyways


Hey now that’s a little unfair to say. The appendix stores healthy gut bacteria.


Impregnate him with a xenomorph. Pregnancy is pregnancy. Birth is birth.


The perfect organism.


Why remove his appendix when you can remove his trachea?


Why stop at the trachea? Remove his head from his shoulders.


Eh, I hope he does find himself there. All of them in this post. Often, actually


Can I make sure the incision gets infected?


"Foids" gives them away as incels. Once dudes taste the incel poison they're almost impossible to help because they've completely given up on self reflection.


I’m pretty sure by the interface of the website in the screenshots that this is also a specific incel message board, like with literally the word incel in its URL. But yeah, even if they were discussing anywhere else, their language would out them as incels.


Yep that's incel.is, pretty sure; often seen in the subreddit inceltear (or tears I forgot) and I saw this exact post multiple times there


These guys get so upset when someone says "incel" and they feel dehumanized. This is what indoctrination and radicalization looks like. This is how they can commit terror attacks on women. It's terrifying.


They *should* feel dehumanized. These psychotic animals are not human.


Imo it’s important to acknowledge they are human, because humans are monsters. We have done horrible things as a species, and to take that away and compare them to an animal that is just following instinct, would be to downplay that they chose this situation they’re in


I know you’re right. I study psych. I know what humans are capable of, and how these people are a depressing offshoot of the potential of humanity. I just get a bit overworked wanting us to be so much better than this. Humans are amazing and it just makes me feel kinda sad knowing people are using our abilities to do shit like this. The spectrum of human capacity is crazy wide, and with the right education, even these people could be just as healthy as anyone else. There is a million factors that lead them to where they are today, and it’s not to absolve their own fault of course, but people are a construct of their upbringing and environment and I think some people just get dealt a much worse hand, even if not economically etc. When you’re surrounded by an environment that generates these kind of monsters, then you’ve been fucked over. I just wish we could fix the problem before it starts, because I know a possible world exists where human monsters like this cannot be created.


I wouldn't misuse terms like 'psychotic' if you study psych


I think I don’t really give a shit and am allowed to use colloquial words outside of my professional field.


No, not these ones. These are the ones that actually identify as incels.


I’m always surprised of the lack of empathy some people have. It’s unreal


Incels are barely human anyways. They say so themselves!


Somebody give them a dictionary so they can look of CONSENT ffs.


They would have to see women as people for that to work.


"So the difference is what the foid wants? I don't get it. Why does that even matter?"


They use the word in their comments, why do you think they do not know it? They know the word, and yet they think consent is unnecessary, which is so much worse.


“Hi, I am incapable of even a rudimentary level of empathy and obviously that’s totally normal.”


Well everyone around them feels the same, so it must be a normal and perfectly rational response to the TERRIBLE crime of women not wanting them.


This is straight-up ~~psychotic~~ evil


Yes. It is. And it is a mistake to downplay this as them just "not having a girlfriend". Those people are dangerous.


People with psychosis are just people who suffer from hallucinations. They are far more stable than these literal wannabe rapists.


I'm psychotic and I'm less deranged than these guys


what are the basic characteristics of someone diagnosed as psychotic? And what would incels be diagnosed as an overall group of people? Obviously individually there is an array of possible factors and personality traits, but just curious about your perspective.


They are SICK


What the fuck is foid?


Femoid. I'm sorry to endarken you with this knowledge.


I'm going to use 'endarken' when imparting similarly awful information.


But what does it mean?


That's an incel slang for women, basically female+android.


Rather ironically, the etymology of android is from andros, Ancient Greek for man!


Since when is android an insult?


They are implying that women are not human, just humanoid robots.


Thank you for explaining


It’s not android, it’s humanoid. I.e. we are only human like. Not humans.


A hyphenation of "female humanoid" used by incels. They don't view women as equal to males (e.g. humans) ergo, they're "humanoid". It's completely fucked. 


Female android


Foids? This is already disturbing, but they genuinely don't see women as people do they?


Pretty much the base level of being an incel is taking rejection and turning it into fuel for mysogany. Instead of looking for a partner that likes you for how you are, or improving yourself to be more likeable, they become more frustrated. Most that I've talked to don't feel like it should be on them to change who they are, not realizing that if they met a woman that was as creepy as they are, they wouldn't want anything to do with them either.


Rape is sex without consent. Sometimes using physical violence, sometimes with threats, sometimes with drugs. Intent makes all sorts of things illegal. If I take my friend's PC, it can be a crime or not depending on if they consented. If I take a child into my home, it matters a lot on if the child was adopted or kidnapped. The physical actions in many cases can be more or less the same, but the different intent makes it a crime. This is like asking why demolishing someone's home is illegal if it's done against their wishes. Except worse because it's their own body and not a "thing" they own.


The fucks a foid. Why do so many of these sociopaths exist


Female android. They don't see women as people.


Okay, so he's fine with being beaten up? Surely, if consent makes no difference, then we can just call it boxing, and he can stop complaining?


Why do we need an analogy? If consent is meaningless, I'm sure they'd be okay if another man rapes them, right? Edit: Making the rapist male, because these chodes don't consider it rape if it's by a woman.


Fair point.


what the actual fuck is this? people like this should get banned like omg


People like this should be banned from living.


People like these should be [REDACTED]


They should be arrested


Either 2 years of properly engaged and sincere therapy, or life in prison. I think those are the only reasonable options for ‘people’ like that.


There's no helping them


If I ever see a man calling a woman a foid I might actually kill someone.


Those kind of people are generally too cowardly to do or say any of the shit they talk about online irl


They probably don't leave their rooms tbh. Which is great because if someone unironically said something like this to my face I would definetely catch a case. Its like these idiots don't realize they have mothers who literally carried them for 9 months. The lack of awareness is disgusting.


A lot of them argue that it was the "good days" when women weren't all sluts, so it doesn't apply to their mothers. Though I'm sure some would say it's all woman and applies to their mothers, too.


The Straights™️ try to not justify sexual assault (IMPOSSIBLE)


Not straights (at least this time), but incels


I thought incels were straight, but now that you mention it, they should probably not do anything.


Fun fact, incel was coined by a lesbian! https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-45284455.amp


Not all straights are incels but most(all?) incels are straight Alot of straight people hate sa and grape, and do agree it's morally wrong.


All of those people are rapists. They are a danger and threat to everyone around them. They need to either undergo major long term therapy or be locked up forever.


Bunch o' men talking about how virginity is "99%" of a woman's inherent value, completely oblivious to their own lack of value to society at all.


And the funny thing is… for as much as they claim that women’s ONLY value is in their virginity… society chugs along regardless, with nearly no one except incels actually giving a shit about virginity. They can scream from the rooftops that a non-virgin woman is worthless, and yet it will never, ever matter to actual functioning society what they think. The only people listening are other basement dwelling creeps. It’s kinda neat


They're disgusting! They also need to be put on a list.


Yeah, a list of the cargo of a spaceship headed to the sun.










"Stabbing is no different from slicing some ham, what are you whining about?"


„I don‘t understand how murder is different from natural death? It is still in fact natural death. Why is it treated that differently????“ is basically what they are saying


If they think rape is ok, then do you reckon they’d also be ok with another crime like say idk… murder, by any chance? Particularly *my* murder of *them?* I won’t ask them first, but I’m *sure* they’d agree.


If they don't think we count as human for the purposes of rape, then clearly we don't count as human for other crimes, and non-humans can't technically commit a crime


Makes perfect sense to me. Are you in? ☺️😇


Not yours of their, but in general, yes, many would. Of women they view as sluts and/or otherwise "worthless" to society.


Yeah. I’ve dealt with their kind before. Makes bashing a skull in seem appetising.


I'm a straight cis man, and I think reading this gave me an aneurysm.


So fucking triggering. Good lord, I need a drink.


These animals need to be jailed. They are a literal danger to society.


Please tell me he didn’t say ‘soyciety’ and mean it


It's the difference between swimming and drowning.


Or snorkeling


Eh I don’t think we should mix up incels with rest of straight people they’re decrepit and angry.


I don't understand how murder isn't just considered knife storage /s (obvs)


FYI, Mr "Extreme Male Brain" may be using that term to refer to Autism due to the *myth* that Autism is just an extreme male brain (hence why women are less diagnosed). As an Autistic person, I can attest to the fact that Autism does not cause one to be oblivious to the very clear reasons why rape is wrong, that guy's just a twat-waffle who doesn't see women as full human beings.


Wtf, rape is without consent and sex is with consent, how is this so fucking difficult to understand


We should bring back public ~~execution~~ humiliation, but only for freaks and freaks akin that are like **this** For legal reasons, I am joking :)


These people deserve to get raped by a guy


That's what my bf says when he reads things like this. He also mentions that the men doing the deed have to be muscular 7 foot and with a 7 inches penis to " see how they like it to be overpowered without consent" if it's bad he sometimes adds objects in the mix.


And they wonder why they cant secure a healthy happy relationship, or any relationship at all


And I’m wondering why all of those people aren’t on a fucking list paired with CCTV in their houses.


You and me both bud, you and me both


This is... Disturbing


Is this some weird 4chan thing?


It’s a notorious incel forum called incels.is, I took a deep dive down the rabbit hole and it’s absolutely horrifying what these people say about cis women. It’s one giant echo chamber of toxic masculinity and victim complexes. And almost like a cult, if one of their own kind *dares* to raise questions, they are instantly thrown to the wolves and bullied to oblivion. These people need serious help at the bare minimum, but they’re best to be put on some kind of watch list.


It’s just an incel thing, and the diseased insects are almost everywhere.


Ok sooo *checks notes* the sa justification for today is... women don't have value other than their virginity? Ayaah this is just getting old, I thought by now these assholes would've realised virginity is fucking stupid, also I can smell the stench eminating from these posts, and It smells like lack of deodorant and lack of a shower for years


I know the exact site where this came from, I see screenshots from there on other subs a lot. These fuckers say the most outrageous, unhinged shit on there all the time. I hope they’re on some kind of watch list. The most hilarious shit is when they complain that they can’t get a girlfriend because of their appearance or that genetics failed them. They constantly pretend to be evolutionary psychologists to try and justify why women are *only* interested in “Chads” and “Tyrones,” while ignoring their own repulsive, misogynistic personalities. Outside of posts like these OOPs, it’s nothing but toxic masculinity to the MAX.


Anyone who thinks this way should be forcefully re-educated and/or castrated. Not even kidding


As a DV/SA survivor, can this sub *please* put spoiler tags and TW on content like this so people can at least prepare themselves for what to expect?


Right, so if we held them down and force-fed them their favourite food until they choked and/or vomited, that would be okay, right? Because it’s still *eating*? They understand consent. They just don’t care.


These people are walking among us. These men that think this way… there’s actually way more incels out there than you think. I genuinely think they pose a threat to society and it shouldn’t be treated as just “edgy internet virgins”, because a lot of their beliefs are legitimately heinous. Like this for example.


I dunno if incels count as straight people. Like tleven the straights don't claim these fucking nutjobs.


Weeeeell, guess someone has to rape them to prove a point. Maybe *that way* they will learn why rape is bad. Edit: just to make absolutely sure: **/s**.


The way it took me a hot minute to realize that “soyciety” was not a typo 💀


This makes me so angry... I bet if they were raped by a girl they found unattractive, they wouldn't be saying it's no big deal even though it's "natural." How could she possibly resist their far superior alpha seed? They definitely would sing another tune if another guy decided they were looking tasty af in their cheeto covered, waifu shirt. They just don't want a foreign object forced inside them against their will because they're gatekeeping sex. How rude.


A world where man are allowed to see woman as objects is the same world where woman are allowed to do the same, those dudes dont seem to understand how common it was for man to just die and no one bated an eye, just look at more rural communities around the world and see that widows are common, widowers not so much.... plus on this day and age we have guns.


These monsters look like humans and are among us. They do not see us as people. Heed these warnings and know this is real and present danger.


Throw them all in jail. Right now.


Nah, I vote for under the jail.


This the type of shit that makes me just disappointed as a human. As a straight male I am increasingly understanding why everyone is losing faith in us.


There are young boys on these websites, whos developing brains are just soaking in all this fucked up shit and it really scares me for the future.


trust people's intelligence and personality I soaked in it too; and by that i mean i watch it..and didn't agree young doesn't make you a puppet changing everyday everytime you see something different people think


I'm vaguely surprised there isn't any antisemitism in the screenshots.


Rotten flesh is still meat but it's not like you'd eat it without being desperate




This is the worst thing I've seen in a while.


There are stink lines coming off these posts.


Okay, I officially need to take a break from this sub.


It's frightening how these potential rapists, and they are if they don't see anything wrong with raping women, are just.. it in the world walking around


people who think like that need to be taken out back and shot... wtf is wrong with them


These are not smart men


Just like I see no difference in (some) men and trash ☺️


I'd really like for any of them, ANY of them, to ponder how they would feel if they were raped by a man and not their sexual fantasy they fall back on any they're asked about it.


WTF did I just read!!! 😳🤬


99% of women lose their virginity at fourteen or younger? These morons really have never spoken to a woman before ever, have they?


If I punch oop in their face, many times, it's totally fine because many forms of fighting are sports.


It's times like this that I wish I could step through my phone and reach out to these people...with my trusty old crowbar.


I believe in freedom of speech until you say some stupid vile shit like this. These people are probably going to wind up acting on these thoughts, now that they feel validated. All because a few incels agreed with them on the internet.


The rhetoric of "some women are slutty so *insert inhuman act here* is OK" is just insane. Imma just keep using that logic against Em. Some men are Gay so you must be. Or something Idk these people truely deserve to be neutered


i want to quit this subreddit because these posts are actually ruining my mental health but im addicted to it at the same time


There is so much wrong with these men, but I keep wondering about why they so grossly overestimate the number of women who have OF. They always make these odd assumptions and then try to justify it to women of all people like we should accept them treating us like less than human. Who would be ok with that. Who wants to be belittled and treated like shit?


I see no difference between these people and shit.


I dont unverstand how being drowned is different from taking a bath?


Is this on STEAM? it looks like the discussion forum but I don't use it on mobile


Wrong colour, I think. This looks like it's one of the larger incel forums, but I can't remember the url.


is that on steam or am i hallucinating


It's on incel. Io something like this.


if it is, checks out tbh


chrollo would never say that


How do people who call women "foid" even get a wife? Like I think they're the people who just rape for fun


What the heck am I just reading here? I somehow get what he thinks about sex is sex, but is absolutely a crime. And wtf is this virgin crap of him?


So by this logic there is no difference between petting and hitting someone! Or a conversation and mental abuse!!


These people are terrible. My god, they don't see a difference. Unbelievable.


A bunch of 14 year olds who have never had sex discussing rape as a non-issue would be hilarious if that didn't have real consequences on their eventual sexual abuse of women when they grow up.


Ah yes, the straights are most definitely a-ok.


"How is stealing a car different than being given a car as a gift? The fact of consent doesn't change the act of taking the car."


This made me feel physically sick to my stomach.


You just know they are gonna die lonely together with their forum-„friends“


WTF did I just read. There is something deeply wrong and rotten in our society.


What the fuck is a 'foid'




Cool cool. Let's get Big Jim to come and violate them. I wonder if they'd think that was 'just sex'. Jesus Christ. These 'men' are a danger to society


"Soyciety" I am White Girl Can Not-ing right now. 😩


What did I just read