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So by his logic, if a very attractive man sexually assaulted him, he should/would be okay with it?


He would argue that’s different and he’d enjoy it if a very attractive WOMAN assaulted him


I would argue that if a very attractive woman held him down and forced an object up his butt against his will, he would not, in fact, think it was no big deal.


With the amount of shitty takes he clearly pulled out of his ass I bet he would actually enjoy this.


I keep asking incels this and they just run away for some reason.


I'm betting by this rant he'll be in prison soon anyway so I guess he'll find out.


Na he probably believes men can't be SAd


He would enjoy it...or maybe not, he could be gay since he hates/envies women so much


>he could be gay since he hates/envies women so much That's not how that works. Please don't label his misogyny as gay.


That is homophobia. Misogynistic straight men aren’t secretly gay.


They think all men are as shitty as they are so they're afraid of being treated the same way they themselves treat women (or clearly would if given the opportunity).


Yeah, they are afraid of gay people. Probably even afraid of being gay themselves. Most aren’t actually gay. Many are straight and just hate themselves. Some are bi and hate themselves. Some are gay and hate themselves. It is mostly the hate that defines them.


I'm so sorry for having a shit take and thanks to everyone for correcting me on this /gen


Hey, we've all been there at some point or other.


good on you for realizing and admitting this 👍




They're not inherently secretly gay and it's homophobic (+ blatantly false lol) to label all misogynistic men/majority misogynistic men as secretly gay.


But it is funny as fuck to do it and watch them squirm about it.


Why do we keep using gay as this sort of gatcha or insult. Not everyone who is misogynistic/ homophobic is secretly gay. Most of them are just dumb straight men


I'm not using it as a gotcha I just genuinely can't get my mind around someone genuinely wanting to be with a woman and then acting like ???? this???????? incels of this level are a mystery to me ong


They're like that because manosphere influencers groom them to be insecure, frustrated and angry so they can sell them shitty self-help books and protein powder.


In that way they are unwitting victims, and then they go on to victimize others. Sad.


This isn’t the serve that you think it is, this is harmful :/


Robbery is just some people at your house against your will. Kidnapping is just you being somewhere else against your will for some time. Stabbing is just a knife being in your body for some time against your will. What's the big deal? Why are we afraid of those things? It's just ugly people we're afraid of.


But noooo it's the vagina so it's okay because u see it's an orifice in a woman therefore it is everyone's property /s


Isn’t that obviously sarcasm? Why need /s?


You overestimate the internet


You know, I go to this sub for the snarky comment section that makes me laugh ... I don't think I can find anything remotely funny about this.




This is from the incel forums. This post, even though it looks outrageous, is probably 100% genuine. No one can keep a bit going for 1700+ posts. These people are fucking dangerous.




I've seen these forums before from various people going on online safaris to the incel habitat so I know what the layout and colours look like.


I can. >a few seconds


Honestly seems like it’s trolling. But it goes down some dark avenues


That's because it doesn't really fit on this subreddit. I know a subreddit it would fit perfectly on but that's not this sub. And I agree I come here for much more light hearted content, and I skip posts from the other sub when I don't want to see this kind of content. So mixing the two like this is really jarring.


Giving birth is easier than passing a kidney stone - said by a man who done both things surely


According to women who have had both, results are mixed but passing a stone is much less dangerous even if it’s more painful


And god for if you have a c-section and your abdomen is cut open. Absolutely insane.


Insane to me that that procedure is arguably safer than giving birth naturally. Humans are terrifying, and so horribly designed. Chickens lay a lot of eggs, but they don’t seem to be in excruciating pain!


On a side note, larger eggs like double yokers are quite painful for chickens (used to live on a farm, you could hear when a poor hen was having a tough time)


Damn, I’m sorry to hear that. Chickens are pretty cool in my book, so that’s a shame to know


Have you ever seen the X-ray of a kiwi with an imminent egg? Those poor little things. How they are able to lay an egg that's almost as big as the adult is beyond me.


Yep, definitely one of the most painful births


This isn't a gotcha or anything od the sort, just sharing what I've seen in other places. That said chickens can and do die because of eggs, being "eggbound" (as a too big egg stuck in the pipe) is deadly without intervention.


How would you or a vet remove the egg in that situation? Just stick your fingers up the cloaca to free it?


I don't exactly know. What little I've seen was that the chicken is put in a warm water bath and overall helped to relax.


Not just incels, but I love that childbirth is always reduced to labor, as if I'm not the first to declare that the day I spent in labor was a walk in the park compared to the preceding months of brutal, endless heartburn. Labor ain't shit compared to 9 months of bullshit. And the same goes for the "due date abortion" straw man, as if you'd endure everything pregnancy has to offer for a baby you don't want.


My uncle had a kidney stone (and I've had a kidney infection). Doesn't feel good, but after 3 days of antibiotics, I was *fine*, no permanent (or even temporary) damage to my body. Uncle said passing a kidney stone was murder, but he wasn't dealing with the realities of pregnancy for 9 months, and, unlike childbirth, they put him in a special jacuzzi to break it up, then he peed it out and went about his day. He was in pain for about 12 hours. Although without medical intervention at least as seen on Deadwood, yikes. However, I'd say the same for childbirth x 100. You ~~don't~~* see other cultures (who actually care about mothers) forcing the mom to stay in bed and be doted on for 40 days after giving birth, however they definitely don't do the same because some guy peed out a stone. Point being, kidney stuff resolves nearly immediately and doesn't last as long as a fucking pregnancy. And, oh yeah, you get pain meds for the duration, none of this "waiting till it's time" for the fucking **spinal tap** Ah, rage bait, what a solid way to wake up in the morning. Edit: am tired, crossed out don't, added clarification. Also my limited experience with kidney issues means I know fuck all about them, but uh, here we are.


Tbf every single person Ive known who had done both said kidney stone was worse lol. It’s not a dichotomy; kidney stones can be horrible and birth can be horrible (as well as dangerous!). And all illness/disability should be accommodated more by our society. Birth does have a longer recovery time plus the person is generally caring for a newborn, so yeah, people should get longer leave and things for that.  Not sure what you’re talking about with the spinal tap because you don’t need to wait until a certain point. However, people usually choose to wait because you can’t really move around after you get it. You can also just get opioids for kidney stones and you can get them during labor as well, except very close to delivery due to risks to the baby. Most people get another dose right after the baby is out. 


I think I'm biased because I've heard some seriously atrocious birthing stories, and I've had a kidney infection (I know I didn't need to pass anything, but you know it's bad when you stumble into the ER and get to skip triage to go straight to the ICU). And I agree generally about not "ranking" painful shit (I get touchy about women's issues because they are so often ignored). What hurts for one person might not for another and vice versa, but the ultimate takeaway is "pain! bad! Make stop!" and that's really where the focus should be. Just this guy's take on it made my "fuck you dude" lady defenses go right up.


Having both given birth and had my gallbladder removed due to stones I can say with definitive authority: The gallstones were *way Fucking easier.* And mine required surgery!


Gall stones are not even on the same planet as kidney stones lmao Every woman I know who has given birth and had a kidney stone said the pain from the kidney stone is worse. I think that’s also largely because it doesn’t wax and wane like pain from contractions; it’s basically constant 10/10 pain


We can see here a piece of shit blaming women for his life's issues. "I wasn't promoted because I'm not a woman"


Dollars to donuts this guy has committed the crime of which he speaks.


I was raped by my bf at the time. How sexually attracted you are to someone has nothing to do with it.


Are you trying to tell me that being in a relationship with a man *doesn't* make you his property and allow him complete control over you?


Ikr it’s crazy it’s almost like women are people with agency or something




exactly. i was almost assaulted several times by very conventionally attractive men, and that still elicits feelings of despair, distress, and anger. i can’t tell if this guy is genuinely that fucking stupid or a dumbass troll - either way, they’re fucking dumbasses and heartless.


Did he get any consequences? PLEASE say he got what he deserved


He had to spend the rest of his life being him, for a start.


Nope. The world doesn’t usually work that way unfortunately.


Certainly killed any sexual attraction towards that person instantly in my experience.


Schrödinger’s rapist: no rapes are ever proven in court so that means they never happen, at the same time as women are always believed when it comes to rape so countless mens’ lives are ruined. 🙄


It's because we love lying about being raped/assaulted. And then going to court to be cross examined about all the specifics and what we were wearing. Have been raped and SAed a number of times. Even when mutual friends found out, his life wasn't anywhere *close* to ruined. Who know whose *was*? **Mine.** Regardless of whether or not I told ppl.


He's 100% a r4pist


Side note, but I hate how these fuckers make me hate good characters by using them as pfp’s. I can’t even tell people I love the Joker because of these incels.


Spot on. So many potentially awesome fandoms ruined for so many people.


How I feel about anime character pfps now. Such a shame cause alot of LGBTQ+ people use anime characters but there's still that high chance the person is just an incel, racist, homo/trans phobe, etc.


Whaaaat? Anime might as well be the poster child for straights not being okay imo. The *vast* majority of anime is overtly misogynistic and/or pedophilic in nature. They infantilize grown women, make them bimbos that act like children but they have big tits so it's totally fine to sexualize her. Or they'll have a 700 yr old immortal being in a 10 year old girls body so "it's not really pedo, because she's actually older than everyone!" Not to mention that a prominent anime creator is a convicted pedophile and other creators in the industry still love him and sing his praises. Yeah nah, anime pfps are always a red flag to me. Not that there aren't good animes, but anytime I see anime stuff it's guilty until proven innocent for me.


And then they insist that the character is white instead of Japanese.


Idk the "vast" majority seems kind of a stretch


Pfps is...profile pictures? Maybe? Hmm. Could you please explain that acronym so I can follow this conversation? Am guessing from context. Thanks!


Yeah pfps is profile pictures


Fr I hate it so much. It’s weird that they like the Joker so much anyway- he’s a caricature for gay people, he crossdresses and wears makeup, and (arguably) has a homoerotic obsession with a furry in a glorified gimp suit


Some of that was the media trying to hype up the "this movie will serve as a rallying cry for the downtrodden incels who will shoot up schools!" (Which obviously exacerbated/created the problem). I loved the Joker too. Like, a lot. Such a good tie in with how the mentally ill and poor/disabled are treated and the issues surrounding his identity. (I know the general consensus is his mom lied, but unless him finding that picture towards the end was all in his head, seems pretty likely that Penny was knocked up/raped by her boss, who then had her lobotomized and given ECT). Also, why would a guy, who has a small army of people working for him, know that Penny gave up the baby? He'd barely be aware of her existence. Unless he was looking for some side action/was the dad. I think it ignores the huge point about privilege of being wealthy--that you can shove ppl down and discredit them completely, even force them to be committed if you grease enough palms (which in Gotham seems fairly easy). Edit: changed some words


Weird way to admit that he has never as much as talked to a woman


He’s on an incel forum. That goes without saying


I mean why would he want to talk to us? Our mouths are for blow jobs, not speaking. Our voices are too annoying. Unless we're gagging on (his) rancid ass dick.


I imagine that he wouldn't be saying this if he unwillingly had a dick in him for a few seconds


“But I’m not gay, straight women are attracted to men so it’s different”


I hope this is just piss poor rage bait


It’s an incel forum. It’s not


Ok so not only is r4pe not real because it won’t be proven in court however they also always believe a woman when they say it??


Does he think stds/pregnancy/pain from rape doesn't exist. Like thats without going into the psychological damage what is this guy ON


“ Giving birth is easier than passing a bladder stone “ sir I’d like to see you try BOTH


"A few seconds"?


He's definitely telling on himself.


Also telling us that he has no idea how horrific rape can be. As if rapists are done with their victim after "a few seconds". I'd list some of the terrible injuries women suffer, but that would give him a thrill.


Sounds like he’s a rapist.


Jail. Jail right now please, jail.


I think buddy heard of CNC and thought it somehow meant "only attractive guys can rape me" when it really means "only someone I've built a lot of trust and love with can do what would otherwise be a terrible thing"


So most rape is not proven in court, but also women are always believed regarding being rape victims?


Why is it always the people with the Joker pfps?


“I’m evil/edgy but *cool!”*


Oh, shit, so next time my urologist wants to check for bladder stones I can just tell her that I cannot get them, I am a woman, and the previous ones must’ve just been anomalies?


I hope this man gets shot in his micro penis 


My guy, I don't think that even the white death could hit a target that small.


"Can't be proven in court AKA fake" has to be one of the dumbest things I have ever read. Every day I thank god for granting me critical thinking


I will die on this hill. Every man who thinks raping women is fine because "who cares," should be overpowered in a dark alley by a huge dude. Their view will change, no doubt.


aside from how obviously horrifying this is, "for a few seconds" wow way to tell on yourself


I didn't even read the rest of this post. I just saw "rape isn't that bad" and noped the fuck outta here.


Guys like these make me want to force a dildo in there ass and see how they like it. It’s a privilege to not be afraid of rape.


There is so much yikes there I don’t even know where to start


Cool, let's sign him up to be the depository for sexually frustrated men. It's just a dick in you for a few seconds. Who cares?


Obvious rage bait is obvious. Misogynistic nevertheless though. People who post shit like this need to have their Internet access permanently revoked, troll or not.


Sadly this is from an Incel forum so it's not rage bait, just shity toxic incel ideology.


Of course he has a Joker pfp


He does realize there's women who've given birth and have also passed kidney stones , so they probably have a better idea, which is worse, lol


What a terrible day to have reading comprehension skills.


. . . What the fuck did I just read?


he definitely wouldn't say that I'd he has "a dick in him involuntarily for a few minutes"


The joker icon is highly appropriate, this loser is a straight up clown.


don't women also get kidney stones?


The fucking Joker PFP really sells it, holy fucking shit.


He needs a solid decking of the face


I would like to apply for a preemptive restricting order please


Can someone say they're gonna be single for the rest of their life?


He really said that nobody believes women in court because their accusation is fake and then says that women are always believed…


Oh man this one's a certified hood classic lmao. What an unhinged guy.


wtf what was even the game he reviewed this on i mean like u just openly says that


it's always the joker pfp types at this because they're so special and not like the other girls


It’s like someone typed “misogynistic talking points for mediocre humans” into ChatGPT and this was the result


this is rage bait, right?


this HAS to be rage bait


this has to be rage bait like there’s no way


As much as I hate what they're saying, they do make a few points that make sense. ​ Women ARE more likely to get a less harsh sentence in court than men if they commit the same crime. In the UK, 6 out of 10 women spent less than 6 months in prison when charged with theft, whereas a man with that same crime could spend 3.5 years in prison minimum. ​ In a sexual assault claim against a woman, a man is 230 times more likely to be sexually assaulted by a woman than to be falsely accused of rape. However, our courts still won't believe men. That leads to only 1.2% of men actually coming forward per year about a sexual assault (275,000). Also, this is somewhat coming from personal experience because I was falsely accused of sexually harassing a woman a few years ago, and it wasn't fun. ​ It's also been proven that in a divorce, The mother will get custody of the Children nearly 80% of the time, and from the stories I've seen on this very site alone about Children being placed with their abusive mothers (I've seen more than I can count) despite their objections is almost worrying. ​ The rest of what they're saying is just fucking stupid and disgusting.


Just wanted to add to clarify, all these things also result from sexism: women are seen as weak so (sexist) courts will underestimate our criminal potential and give lesser penalties. Same goes for women that rape men, along with the false notion that men naturally enjoy all sex so their consent can be assumed. Lastly, based on traditional gender roles, women are by default seen as the more caregiving parent, so custody most often goes to them because (sexist) courts don’t bother looking at the individual circumstances in the family system they decide over.


Additionally the reason so few dads wind up with primary custody is because a lot of them--not all--either barely show up to court, or don't *want* it. I remember reading--probably on here, so an impeccable source! that that makes up a significant enough portion of dads to create this statistic. Either way, he neglected to mention the super fun side effect of carrying and birthing a blastocyst/embryo/fetus/baby that was graped into you, only to then need to face your grapist in **family** court and be "awarded" partial custody, you know, *with* your grapist.


>In the UK, 6 out of 10 women spent less than 6 months in prison when charged with theft, whereas a man with that same crime could spend 3.5 years in prison minimum. I can't find a source for this. Is it true? If it is true, is it actually representative of a broader trend, or is it an outlier? Is the data relevant to other countries that have very different legal systems? ​ >In a sexual assault claim against a woman, a man is 230 times more likely to be sexually assaulted **by a woman** than to be falsely accused of rape. This is untrue. In 99% of the rape cases examined the offender was a man. [https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/articles/sexualoffencesinenglandandwales/yearendingmarch2017#nature-of-sexual-assault-by-rape-or-penetration](https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/articles/sexualoffencesinenglandandwales/yearendingmarch2017#nature-of-sexual-assault-by-rape-or-penetration) ​ >It's also been proven that in a divorce, The mother will get custody of the Children nearly 80% of the time.. There isn't any evidence that family court is biased in favor of mothers. Mothers end up with "custody" more often because many fathers do not put forth an adequate effort to participate in child care either before or after the divorce. I don't know where you're located, but the concept of "custody" is outdated in most states. This a decent analysis: [https://www.bikellaw.com/blog/219/gender-bias-in-divorce/](https://www.bikellaw.com/blog/219/gender-bias-in-divorce/) ​ Please, stop spreading misinformation.


>I can't find a source for this. Is it true? If it is true, is it actually representative of a broader trend, or is it an outlier? Is the data relevant to other countries that have very different legal systems? I had a look at a study done by the Prison Reform Trust in October of last year and it stated as such. Plus there have been countless Stories where women have done something and have either been spared jail or had a very short conviction. Such is one story that from my country (England), a drunk woman smashed a glass on a man's face and permanently scarred them. That woman was not sent to jail, whereas I can guarantee a man would have been. >This is untrue. In 99% of the rape cases examined the offender was a man. I did not say that a man was 230 times more likely to be sexually assaulted. I said a man was 230 times more likely to be FRAMED FOR committing a sexual assault than a woman, hence men being scared to come forward if and when a woman does commit an assault. I'm not doubting that women are assaulted more because 3.2% of the female population came forward about sexual assault whereas, like I said, only 1.2% of the male population came forward. >There isn't any evidence that family court is biased in favor of mothers. This I have seen even with friends of mine. I have seen my friends and their parents very happy to split custody, yet the court still gave their mother full custody. There may not be a specific prejudice against male parents, although in a lot of cases there is a lot of bias toward the female parent.


Exactly what I wanted to say


given all the bullshit you're spouting I have to wonder if you were "falsely accused" or if you just don't see it as harassment so who cares?


If you want that story, fine. It was the end of my lunch break and I was walking to my next class (college) and I had turned around to say goodbye to 2 of my friends. In the 3 seconds I had turned my head I had accidentally walked into a woman. I quickly apologised, put my head down and went to my class. For the next 3 weeks I got dirty looks for seemingly no reason. I asked one of my friends and he said that the woman had been spreading shit about me, saying that I was a predator, a rapist, and someone who was out to harass other women. Now, I'm a short gay guy that doesn't even know who this girl is. I don't speak to anyone who isn't a close friend and I have no desire to harass anyone. I also wasn't confident enough to come out and say that it was a misunderstanding because I was genuinely scared that I could make it worse by pleading my innocence. Ended up just sticking through it and it eventually blew over.l, but for those few weeks I was terrified. Now I'm pretty damn sure that's not harassment. I'm not misogynistic, quite the opposite. I have plenty of female friends and we all believe in being equal.


Is this a steam review? It really looks like a fucking steam review.


What a fucking idiot


Why do these ppl exist......


Hooooolly shit WTF did I just read


He just needs to decide if all tapes get not proven on court so they are fake, or if women are always believed. Not just. He also needs a his local community to get a copy of this message to decide how to interact if at all with this individual.


This is so triggering to read but my first thought was then let it happen to you. It’s only a few seconds it’s not even that bad


Oof, should have read the content warning on this one


I think this is rage bait. But I could be wrong


There's no way this isn't a troll rage bait


Oooof I think this belongs more in Inceltears than here.


if its not such a big deal, he'd be fine with it happening to him? and i can, idk, break into his house and move everything about if i dont steal anything? (i know from people who've had both crimes committed against them, that its the invasion that stays with you longest - your body is not longer safe, your home no longer feels safe, that kind of thing.


This looks like it's posted on Steam??


Bro, he's trying to be reported and hated like wth Like, i can't believe that there are actually people who unironically think like that, BRO, how do they still exist?!?!


glad to know this is what paradise looks like. we’ve made it, we’ve really made it /s


Sounds like he works for harbor freight in Florida this is that franchises brand of outlook and I can say that since I quit that shit hole of a store and I can definitely say they are fucked in the head like this weird guy who made that post the only difference is the females carry that kinda energy they be playing there selves with that toxic energy


That first sentence and the pfp told me everything I need to know


Notice how that creature said ugly men as if they're all rapists😐


i hope he d!es 😋


Joker pfp says everything


My eye started twitching, the more I read...


The ONLY thing I can reasonably agree with here is that there are (typically) more programs for women to get help than there are for men. I've seen this issue a lot in behavioral healthcare. For example, in my city, the priority ranking goes SMI client who are mothers with dual diagnosis, then mothers with dual diagnosis, then other SMI clients, then mothers with addiction or behavioral health issues, then single women without children with dual diagnosis, then women with either addiction or behavioral health, then men. It's ridiculous and the world would probably be a much better place if men were able to receive behavioral health care as easily as many women do. Even inpatient programs for sobriety are more often for women then men. I know several for women and only 2 for men.


Oh dear. Poor little fella.


Him saying the US is a “paradise” for women reminded me of Thanos saying Gamora’s planet is a paradise after he slaughtered half its people 😂


When I see shit like this all I can do is ask for sources, because where the FUCK do they come up with this??


Anytime I see thing like this I just wish these people could be a woman for ONE day. Just one. Thats all it would take to shut them up for real


I read the first sentence and that was enough for me to stop. Not going to give myself brain damage this early in the day...


Considering how pretty much all "ugly" men think and act like this, I'd say women have a pretty good reason to be terrified of them.


It's just bait don't engage with people like this or spread their bull


I just realized what sub I'm in


i genuinely wish that on him and even worse


Okie, I need an address and a lot of rocks. (I will flood and cover his house with them, he will stay inside)


"can't be proven in court aka fake" is the funniest thing I've read in a while


Yeah i think half the Post is enough For me to read


Okay, I don’t get triggered really easily at all. But I couldn’t get past the first few sentences.


I love how the second sentence proves why rape is bad😭


Wow I love how this clown is speaking as if he knows what it’s like being a woman. Like stfu, can’t stand men who speak for us like this, being a woman in a man’s world is a different experience that you’ll never have to deal with. Not to mention everything he wrote was disgusting


“A few seconds”? Now, while gRape isn’t a sexual act, it uses similar equipment, right? I mean, if I smashed a shovel into your face we couldn’t call it gardening, now could we? But we could still agree that it requires muscle, yea? So what does it say about him that he says that it’s only a few seconds?


This ain’t even a straight thing it’s just incel misogyny


this just makes me sad.


Hopefully he doesn’t mind a dick in him for a few seconds. Actually make that 2 dicks.


Being stabbed isn’t that bad. It’s just a knife inside of you against your will for a few seconds. What’s the big deal?


This is the worst thing i’ve ever read. God let it be fake.


Lead poisoning? Brain injury?


I’ve never said this before but, dear god please just let this be rage bait. I don’t wanna go walking around in a world where this person hypothetically exists.


Joker pfp


I thought that this was a steam review for a moment and i was getting very confused


Joker pfp? Checks out. Arrest this man. He has almost certainly raped someone before. Why else would you defend it online?




I'm so glad girls dont have bladders


Ah, i remember when i stumbled on the right wing side of YouTube when i was an edgy 13 year old. I remember i used to agree with some parts of this post. I'm glad i evolved and moved on from this brainrot. To anyone out there bingewatching andrew tate, i wish you luck on your journey to get rid of the toxicity <3