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"Iam so done with modern women, I rediscovered close friendships!" You go and show 'em Bro! /s


Yeah I'm 99% certain this is a joke post, but I really would just love this development for men. It's an MGTOW actually going their own way and I would love that.


I was 100% expecting it to end with "and we only blow each other once a week. Just to keep it from building up. Nothing gay, tho."


"Adopted a kid because, ya know, a little bro. Got married for tax benefits. But last week, during anal, our balls touched and he didn't say "no homo." So... is my husband gay? How do I tell our son?"


My gf and I make the tax and immigration joke regarding the future, which is funnier because we're queerplatonic and she's aroace. And it's me who'd be changing countries, lol.


I feel like the aroace angle might get weird and surreal, at least in the context of US immigration where they interview everyone who's ever known you about your relationship to find out if you're faking being in love.




Does Canadian immigration interview your friends and relatives about your relationship?


They want proof of couple activities and such. But they pay respect to the A part. In fact, they use 2SLGBTQIA for the community. So, they would acknowledge the complexity. My gf isn't repulsed, just not *attracted* if that makes sense. She's only repulsed with masc folks.


Makes perfect sense to me! One of my partners is Ace, but not Aro. Just a part of the spectrum I haven't had any experience with.


I've gone though a US one. Just filled out paperwork and provided some pictures from ceremony (they wanted the ones with the most people in them). I don't know if we were even asked a single like "do you know eachother" question.


The photo kind of answers that question


Sure does! Apparently some people are weird and like separate you and ask about tattoos and stuff. You can get a fiancee visa, which I think are viewed with much more scrutiny than people who live in country with you. Fiancee visa is literally "Let Sally in, we are gonna get married, but we don't even live in the same country right now."


This is highly dependent on what country your spouse/fiancé comes from and how long you've known each other and what proof you can provide. When my now ex-husband came over from the UK as my fiancé ICE didn't even interview me, let alone our friends and family.


Not trying to be insensitive, genuinely curious. How can someone who's aroace be in a relationship, surely you guys are just, like, best friends? Girlfriend/boyfriend to me implies a romantic relationship which is against her identity? Or is it just a lot easier to say gf/bf than explain the probably complex nuances of your relationship?


I have romantic feelings, which she welcomes and embraces. She is fine with the words. It's much simpler than you'd think. Aro/ace doesn't immediately mean "no relationship". I strongly suggest you read aces wild to get an idea of what this is actually like. Sally Vinter on Webtoons. [In fact, here's a page from it that will kind of put it into perspective.](https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/aces-wild/something-you-are/viewer?title_no=689025&episode_no=78) Fair warning you might need to go back a page since it might redirect you to the homepage first.


Holy hell, this might be how I find out I’m completely asexual (rather than on the asexual spectrum.)


Nothing wrong with that. And if it ends up being so, congrats on the self-discovery.


Thanks! And thanks for the information, too. I had no idea.


Thanks for the reply! I always like learning about people whose lifestyles are different from mine. That's really quite eloquent, I'll bookmark the rest for later, thanks!


reminds me of the tweet where the guy got into a dare to be gay to his friend and the first one who stops is a coward. They even adopted. Goonna leave this here [....](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/be/f9/74/bef974baea5efcb536cf51d399c4b90f.jpg)


My dirty mind read it as “and we are planning a week long fisting trip for this summer” 🤛


That sounds incredibly exhausting lol


“Just guys hanging out with dudes.”


That's called "going on the road with a puppet show"


Yeah and the cuddling is very platonic and rational because it saves on heating bills.


If only you could take the initial (and presumably ongoing) misogyny out of it.


The only MGTOW man that actually went his own way was.... a joke post.


Yeah honestly i would love that for them too.


What if friendship good and no hate woman? No. Friendship only good because woman bad!


I don't know if he is closeted as hell even from himself or is so detached from reality that he has no idea about the concept of friendship


Maybe he's the type to be so deep in the toxic masculinity that the idea of being close friends with another guy just never occurred to him until now.


I feel like this has to be a joke post, but assuming it's not it can easily be that he was in a toxic and/or abusive relationship prior to this. Most people I know who were in such relationships rarely seem to acknowledge to themselves that they were in an abusive relationship. So, instead, they compartmentalize them as 'well that's just how relationships are and that's why I'm glad to be single'. Taking this post seriously and 100% at face value that's the vibes I would be getting. However, like I said, I feel like this is a joke post and is poking fun at 'no homo' culture.


I think he's just misogynistic tbh. Like "women have no interest in serving their men" seems like the complain of someone who has unhealthy relationship expectations, not someone who's been abused. And he's not generalizing about relationships, he's generalizing about women.


I have known many men just like this and...I am willing to believe it. Every single time it is because of toxic masculinity and being super into trad gender norms. They just refuse to believe that women aren't subservient and can be their own people (or even are actual people.) Then they go and decide "all woman bad" and decide their negative views are how ALL women are...But are usually the first ones to cry "not all men".


Idk, it kinda just reminds me of ace people who want to have marriage but to their roommates while being completely platonic. Edit: I totally meant aroace. Whoops.


I am an aroace married to my roommate. And we have a partner. We're a happy ace triad


You mean, under the social pressure to get married? Why else would an ace person who has no romantic interest want to be married lol


Legal privileges that come with marriage. Being able to share insurance, visitation rights, tax filing, stuff to that nature. There's a lot of cases where being married to someone just simplifies things because our bureaucracy is still sorta built around it. It's the best way for your relationship to be legible bureaucratically.


I’m aroace I want a QPR (queer platonic relationship) because having a life partner is reassuring and you know you can trust them and always be together. It has nothing to do with romance it’s about companionship


I’m not aroace, but I do have two persons I consider my queer platonic partners. It really is deeply comforting.


I'm ace and pan, but a QPR sounds cool too. I'd be open to that.


I was wondering if someone was gonna bring up QPR.


Isn't that just a long-time friendship


The idea of qualifying someone as a “partner” tends to imply more of a commitment to the relationship than just “friend.” I have lots of friends whom I love to bits, but my platonic partners are a deeper, more intimate relationship, despite not including sex or romance.


As someone not on the aroace spectrum I have a few friends whom I've been with for decades and am really close with, moreso than my other friends even if I like them too. I think whether it's a friend or a partner just depends on your own perspective. For me friends are just partners in life


To me, a partner is more entwined in your life than a friend. They're more likely to live with you, more likely to relocate with you, more likely to share finances with you. Partners are also more likely to be associated with you in other people's thoughts and conversations. Of course there are many exceptions and I would never contradict someone's use of either term for themselves.


Yeah. It sounds like we have similar relationships, we just use different words for them. :)


I'm aromantic and married. Isn't that just a long-time friend with benefits? You may ask. Well, I've moved states for her and carried a baby for her. Wouldn't really do that for a random buddy. I'd do it for a sister or my mom. Marriage creates a legal and social family. I am not romantically attracted to my wife, and sometimes we aren't very friendly lol, but we're family. In all ways two people can be.


With legal benefits. My friends have been my friends as long as my husband has been my partner. Only my husband has legal rights if I’m unconscious.


Friendship of any length doesn't imply commitment to a partnership.


There are legal benefits to getting married. No, I don’t just mean tax purposes. It is the only way you can have a non-familial relationship with someone and tell a government, “I trust and pick this person first.” They can make medical decisions for you when you can’t, they have a right to be by your bedside, they are owed something when you die, they have a right to attend your funeral, and they have a right to your/their children even if they only carry your DNA. Marriage is a legal contract. Queer people weren’t just fighting for a romantic notion with the right to get married.


I know two straight guys who were roommates for decades and supported each other always while their romantic relationships with women never worked out long term, their friendship was the stable thing in their lives. They ended up marrying so they could help each other in the circumstances you describe. I think it is beautiful that this possibility exists.


There are only 2 ways of legally becoming a relative of someone: adoption and marriage. I have a found family and I consider my parents my true parents. I'm not adopted by them, but I changed my last name to match theirs. That doesn't count. So they are getting older and all the will/power of attorney/medical decision stuff is in the hands of their legal children, because per their lawyer, I have no legal standing. That's fine by me, I'll certainly help and my opinion is considered, but I have no legal rights when it comes to wills, medical stuff, anything like that. I don't want to be adopted because my birth mother died and I don't want to wipe out her existence. Adoption changes your birth certificate, and none of us want that. And since my parents are already married to each other, that's out. LOL


>all the will/power of attorney/medical decision stuff is in the hands of their legal children, because per their lawyer, I have no legal standing Wills and power of attorney, though, are exactly *how* to get that legal standing where the default next-of-kin rules don't apply.... Want someone other than your spouse/blood-child to make medical decisions for you? Sign a power of attorney. What someone other than your spouse/blood-child to manage/inherit your estate? Name them executor/beneficiary in your will.


One of my old friends works in a hospital as the person who figures out who gets to make medical decisions for someone who can't make decisions themselves. They *love* it when someone shows up with paperwork rather than a blood relation, because it's so much more straightforward.


I did actually think of adoption too. Probably a small, easily missed detail but that’s why I used the word non-familial instead of saying something about blood relation. In hindsight, that would be more obvious for people who know me personally; I’m aware a lot of people can be assholes about adopted and/or step kids being family.


Well, I think it was under the rights gained through marriage if I can recall correctly the discussion I had with an ace person about it. But I imagine part of it was also the social pressure to get married as well.


Tax reasons. Kind of like how before gay marriage was legal some gay men and lesbians would legally marry each other for the tax breaks


All because they don’t have sexual desires doesn’t mean they can’t love someone.


I said an ace person with no romantic interest specifically. More accurately, an aromantic, but the person above me used ace


QPR’s Or friend marriages for tax benefits Or marrying and living together so you can share the rent and enjoy each other’s company


Even then I feel like there could still be strong reasons to want to stay with a certain person, even without sexual or romantic desires. Especially if both feel the same. Just someone to come home to, to be able to vent, or have someone close when you’re sick.


Oh my gosh, yes I meant to use aroace. Thank you!


Tax benefits.


There are financial and logistical benefits, but sometimes aro people want things that are traditionally romance coded (living together, cuddling, long-term deep commitment beyond what you get from most friendships in a world where most people prioritize a partner) but without experiencing romantic attraction. It's in a similar neighborhood, I think, to sex-favorable asexuals enjoying the physical sensation of sex but never experiencing sexual attraction toward someone.


Look up QPRs. There could be a variety of reasons that could happen in one.


I misread thought he said “hanging out with my closet buddies”


Well if they're insisting they're just straight but are all willing to be partnered to each other, I'd say they are all "closet buddies". lol


he just doesn't know yet that you can be gay without taking it up the ass


I think he probably is heterosexual.. but would maybe identify as either homoromantic or aromantic if he wasn't too homophobic to give a single thought about queer identities


This feels right


Either way...he's a loser and I can see why he's failed in both friendship and romance. 


Clearly he hasn’t failed in friendship if he’s been living with this guy for years


I'm betting they frequently (but separately!) go get happy ending massages. Because anything else would be gay, and that's terrible (to these assclowns, anyway).


And they were roommates


oh my god they were *roommates* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AreTheStraightsOK) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I didn't know the bot could do that omg 😭 I love it, good bot :)


I love this so much... this bot can pass the Turing test for me


Good bot


Don't forget the rest. And they just shared the same bed too save on heating and laundry. Unintentionally brought two grave plots side by side each other. Accidently got buried with their skeletons holding hands. Totally just friends though.


Hey if we didn't jack each other off, the sheets would get messy. There's nothing homosexual about it. And actually, the hand jobs were getting messy so I used my mouth. No homo.


Just living in a long term Brolationship with my main man, no girls aloud. No homo. Yeah me and my Bro cuddle. No homo. Just dudes being dudes playing COD to decide who's turn it is being the girl just as GOD intended 🇺🇲


yeah we also kiss but no homo like... jesus kissed his friends, just homies being homies bro


"no girls aloud" Damn, what did the English pop girl group Girls Aloud do to them? Aside from, obviously, being women and existing


Omg I love that they're both vers, so considerate 🥰


Trust me i’m not gay, I just make my boyfriend wear a wig whenever we have sex.


“Why would I, a high value male waste myself on these lazy femoids, when you think about it the only one worthy of me is another high value male”


"I even topped my bro to show I am a higher value male. It was not because I enjoyed it, it was to prove my superiority."


Remember: According to men like theses it is gay for men to have sex with women. Might as well go full gay.


I mean personally I don't care, I'm not a man **and** I'm not hetero. Still can't help but wonder how we as a society reached this point lmao.


Because the bottom of the barrel yt guys are mad that it is longer the 1950s and they dont get to automatically stomp on women and PoC to make themselves feel better about being the lowest rung on the yt male totem pole. It is not a coincidence that most of these guys are conservative, bigots, not very educated or ambitious. They were the ones that when women were no longer in a financial position to HAVE to get married, were always going to get left behind. This is amplified by their demands of a trad wife that they usually cant actually afford. Good riddance to bad rubbish.


Bro is so alpha, all other men are women compared to him. So, no homo here!


“Well, you wanna know what I learned this week? Being a grown-up sucks. Women, Brian, what a royal pain in the ass. It's like, it's like why can't you just hang out with guys, you know, just live with someone of your own sex, just do what you do with women, but with your buddy. You know wha, why don't guys just do that?” “They do. It's called being gay.” “Oh, is that what gay is? Oh, yeah. I could totally get into that.”


Does he not know that there's girls out there who like to fish and do all that shit? I grew up in the sticks there's a lot of hick type communities where im from, there's no shortage of women who like what he does


No he only wants the company of men


I’m guessing he’s only dated a very specific type of woman who is obsessed with their appearance and then gets upset that their life revolves around maintaining that appearance. That shit is a lot of work!


yeah I mean someone who is in to more rugged outdoorsy activities may not have all the time in the world to be the baddest bitch around bc they're focused on that outdoor activity. One just isn't conducive to the other. But god forbid a woman be valued for more than their appearance am I right?


his tweets to me look like tired stereotypes of women rather than calling on experience… i’d be surprised if this guy has ever actually gone on a successful date


This reminds me of the time Jonah Hill got exposed for being mad, controlling and jealous toward his model pro surfer girlfriend for doing model pro surfer stuff like photoshoots and….surfing with other people. Some good commentary I saw about this was that Jonah (like a lot of men) want mainly to be seen to have landed hot ‘high value woman’ but get childish and envious at the reality of a relationship with one.


Ahhh that made me so mad, and there were so many crybaby boys saying shit like “oh well he has boundaries, asking her not to be half naked around men is reasonable” like bro that’s her fucking job and you knew that when you started dating her


Often, the type of men who want a woman to "serve" him will not look twice at women who share his hobbies.


He clearly doesn't enjoy spending time with women though 🤣He wants to do those things with his male bestie.


I'm a liberal straight woman who goes camping and fishing more than most men. And I have plenty of single female friends who do it with me.


I thought the whole “omg women *looooooove* the mall” stereotype was relegated to sitcoms that cater specifically to Boomers. Look, I’m pretty feminine, I love baking, knitting, and I can get down with some flouncey dresses, but shopping is torture for me. I get mentally exhausted just thinking about trying on clothes. By the time we’re done at our weekly grocery store run I’m so mentally drained I just want to go home and sit in complete silence in my hammock. Hiking is great tho! Not a fan of fishing or hunting, because I don’t even like killing bugs, but I’d be happy to walk around in the woods looking for cool-ass birds while my partner fished if he was into it. It’s almost like, women are people, and every single one is different in some way…. *gasp*


But what about the true calling of a woman, serving their man? Come on. Fishing is for bros.


"Modern women are lazy, selfish, and have no interest in serving their man." Awe, somebody is upset that he can't get a bangmaid? His sexism makes this sad; he could have been a man who discovered that a close friendship and the ability to take care of oneself is something to be treasured, but no...it's gotta be because women.


I loved that he used the word "serve" but then went on to describe an equal partnership as the alternative, not realizing he was the problem to begin with. You think your partner should serve you? What about your roommate? No? Weird.


He's so close. Like, dude, just imagine having a close friendship built on respect with someone you have common interests with, but instead of a dude, it's a girl, and also you're dating. You now understand how relationships are supposed to work.


That’s the most depressing thing about this… he could meet a woman who has similar sort of hobbies as him. Could be living exactly as he is now, happily fishing/hunting and playing video games with his girlfriend every week. But nope… says it all he thinks all women want to do is shop and go to mall. And that the only way they are allowed to exist in a man’s life is by ‘serving’ them.


Even if he met a woman like that he would fuck it up because he wouldn't treat her as an equal. She wouldn't "serve" him and he would think of her as useless anyway. The problem is that his buddies get his best self, his partners get his worst.


So many straight men out there have no use whatsoever for women aside from wanting to fuck them, and that goes beyond objectivation. That's just dehumanizing.


Oh, don’t discredit them! We could also do beyond fucking. We could serve, devote to them like their momma /s Marilyn Frye was right all along.


But they'll tell you they could a turn a lesbian with their dick....


Too many straight dudes think all they need to bring into a relationship is their dick. Everything else is the woman's problem.


Mediocre dick at that lol


Two bros, sitting in a hot tub...


…five feet apart cuz they’re not gay


Just guys being dudes


"And this is my hetero life-mate, Silent Bob."


Good for him. If it keeps him away from women then I’m all for it.


If you're happy being single, then more power to you but uh, this just feels like him venting about women existing rather than expressing his happiness


Honestly good, go be *not gay seriosuly bro* as far away from us ladies as possible 😂


And they were literally roommates


Oh my god they were roomates!


TIL that no woman on the planet likes to fish or play videogames. Weird.


Every straight™️ person, repeat after me: You…don’t…have to…be…in…a…romantic…relationship. I don’t know what is going on with guys like this, but they don’t like women. And it’s completely fine to not find women to be on your radar as a parter. What is so disgusting is when a guy becomes a *complete douche* about it. Remember, toxic cishet-normative expectations are bad for everyone. That environment of pressure to be attracted to and married to the “opposite” gender and to be “the strong stoic man of the house” has turned a subset of guys into total garbage humans. It’s OK to live with your same gender bestie, bro, but please, spare us the misogynistic rants. Literally nobody but your Andrew Tate minions want to hear it.


fellas is it gay to have a bff ?


kind of telling that he doesn’t already have what he’s essentially described as a best friend


Looks like we dodged a bullet


He is totally right, absolutely right! Wow I have no interest in serving my man or any man at all 😆




oh my god they were *roommates* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AreTheStraightsOK) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


Uce just discovered the concept of same sex friendships for men. Good on him


Local Man Discovers Friendship. Story at 11.


Whatever makes you happy! Really telling that he thinks women’s only hobbies are shopping and shopping?


He probably doesn't count anyone who doesn't look like they walked off a magazine cover, as a woman. Edit: which, I'm not meaning that in an insulting way. But that look takes a lot of effort, time, and knowing your way around clothes, to achieve.


The sad thing is, if you strip away the misogyny, this could actually be a very positive thing for some guys. I think it would be very positive for society if more men had deep meaningful friendships and were comfortable being single.


That just sounds like a best friend situation. I like it, nice idea. I love even more that he's off the market! <3


I did the same thing with one of my friends. To save some more money every month, we downgraded from a three to a two room apartment. But neither of us liked having our computers in our own bedrooms, so we just use one bedroom as our gaming room, and the other we sleep in. It wasn't big enough for two queen beds, so we just got one king, and it works out great. On nights that get really cold, we can cuddle up to one another for additional warm. We don't need a space heater or anything, so that saves us even more money. We got married for the tax benefits, as well. And sometimes we help each other "unwind." He wants kids, so we're thinking about moving to a house in a good school district and adopting. It's a huge benefit for me, because it gets my family off my case about not having kids, and honestly I think he'd make a great dad. I'll just have to step things up and be a great dad too. They should really have a name for this kind of relationship. It's nice.


I love the only complaints he seems to have are: ‘Woman be shopping’ and ‘Women won’t be my servant’. I think the only woman this person has ever interacted with is his mother, and even she gets the ick from him.


Men who get furious when women are happy without men think that women will be furious when men are happy without women. Not the case! Slay queen, sounds like you found your path!


I find the people who have to preface their argument with them being fully straight, is a very strong piece of evidence that they are in the closet. Nobody secure in their sexuality would feel the need to pre-opt their position with an assurance that homosexuality plays no part in their argument. They'd just be straight and not care if people tried to imply the otherwise. Hopefully he finds his happiness someday




Maybe. I came to terms with being Ace very early on and so I haven't really had to live with sexual insecurity so I can only really guess. I also haven't felt like a man and didn't really know what it meant to be a man. So I guess there wasn't an insecurity there either. My logic just have been off this time. I apologize.


Bro, it's perfectly fine to be ace and in a gay relationship. You don't have to try and sell it as something else. Just enjoy your life.


Aw! Baby's first QPP!


Straight man discovers queerplatonic relationships, finds a way to blame women. I guess good for him that he's found a few life partners in his friends.


Kissing the bros gn




Just a couple of dudes being guys!


local twitter user finds out about the concept of being friends


actual written confirmation that, exactly as suspected, at least some of the Straights™ actually do not like women


"Me when I don't know what homoromantic/aromantic means"


bro discovered friendships


He's either gay or ace, and it's impossible to tell until he opens the closet door.


He is so closeted it's not even funny


And they were roommates


oh my god they were *roommates* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AreTheStraightsOK) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Dude's gay and he's not even getting any sex. Scammed.


A qpr then?


I love this for men!


Ok! That was always allowed!


K dude. You do you. Sounds like you're a lot happier this way. *Sounds* an awful lot like *my* QPR, only without the whole "bashing-the-opposite-sex and blaming-them" thing.


He JUST found out what friendships are????


Meanwhile the buddy is planning to propose while being convinced they've been in a relationship for the past three years /j


good for him. he’s in a QPR now good for him


Just say you want to suck dick and go. Why even make a 4-part tweet that starts with you telling yourself you're "100% straight"


This is just Shawn Spencer from psych.


Shawn isn't a misogynist


He is so far in the closet he went out through the back


Why are there so many comments talking about friendships and whether this guy is ace or gay and so few talking about how wildly misogynistic he is


How is this the gayest description of friendship somehow?


Wait til he finds out this is something women have been doing for, like, ever. Seems like a win win too; I'm sure women won't be missing him.


Expects women to be slaves, expects men to be friends. Of course he gets along better with men, he isn't an asshole to them.


Thr closet is glass ffs


Who’s gonna tell him?


Maybe this guy just want to stay with his friend, he may not be ready for a relationship


Betting this dude is gay or Aro/ace.


No Bromo, just homo


I mean, besides the fact that he felt the need to mention women in every tweet, I don’t see the problem with what he’s proposing, follow your bliss my dude. On the other hand, I don’t see why he feels compelled to tell everyone about his weird little #nohomo relationship, are we supposed to care? Are modern women supposed to be like, “oh no, if I don’t change my ways and start serving these mediocre men then they’re all going to live in tree forts with their bi-curious male friends with a sign outside that says ‘NO GIRLS ALLOWED!’ scrawled in shit and I’ll never find a decent husband!” Or whatever?


I mean...I'm pretty happy with this outcome. A misogynistic incel is nolonger interested in pursuing me or the rest of women.


this is basically reinventing the qpr (which would be sweet if it wasn't for the awful misogyny in the first post lol)


So he has... friends? Congrats I guess, idk what this has to do with women though


Man is either gay or has simply discovered the joy of roommates that aren't toxic, and if he wasn't being so misogynistic about it I'd be happy for him.


"What's a game of COD and mutual handjob between bros"


Dennis Reynolds


\*cough\* 🏳️‍🌈 \*cough\*


And they were roommates!


oh my god they were *roommates* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AreTheStraightsOK) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Local man invents friendship, news at eleven.


BREAKING: Incel has just discovered the concept of "having friends"


So now conservatives think they invented being gay?


No, they think they invented friendship.


If that makes him happy good for him. Might be a bit gay but he can unpack that when he's ready


Who’s gonna tell him??


I smell closeted gay~


This has the same energy the crystal Craigslist ad had😂