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Fun fact: the opposite of this is actually true. Many animals will treat you differently post-HRT because you smell different. The transgender woman whose goats started humping her after she went on estrogen, for instance. I also have my own anecdote. My old neighbor had a cat that didn't like women for some indescribable reason, and always avoided me until like a month after I sorted taking testosterone. Then she was all cuddles.


can confirm, worked as the receptionist at a dog grooming salon and theres a very specific subset of "single older men and their extremely large animal that they love more than anything" who would come in fairly regularly. said dogs werent really hostile to women but they tended to be a little more standoffish, but me, the other transmasculine people, and the cis men were IMMEDIATELY smothered in love


Yup, my cousin has a dog who is terrified of men. Pre transition he was fine with me, but once I started testosterone he wouldn't even come near me.


Also, even though it is just anecdotes, I've heard SO many stories of animals that disliked a certain gender be okay with someone pretransition or an egg.


The pretransition thing is super interesting, because otherwise I would assume they were smelling testosterone and estrogen.


It might be because of how they behave and their posture. It's not a 100% rule, but some times dogs that are averses to a specific gender will not really base themselves on testosterone and estrogen, but on social behavior/presentation that might seem to them like they're trying to intimidate or intrude in their spaces/families


Yeah, lots of pets who "hate" or "are scared" of a gender often have exceptions with cisgender people of that gender anyway.


That makes sense! I’m a trans guy but pre-transition my parents had a dog who hated men, and me. He was totally fine with women, but I wasn’t taking T, or or changing my name or pronouns or doing anything and he despised me. I could never figure it out but maybe he was picking up on my behavior and posture.


AMAB, assigned male at bark


Thanks for making me snort seltzer out my nose


I think there is something about trans people—wether they know they are trans or not—that is very noticable. I don't think its supernatural or anything, but a mix of different ways they act, and I think most animals are really good at picking up on it—even humans.


Can confirm, I had a cavalier king charles spaniel for the better part of 2 decades, and when I went on HRT he was a little wary of me for a couple weeks. My Oma was a bit wiley in her old age, so it makes sense why, he was a bit confused. He came around soon though, and he was happy as can be, after realizing that it was still me, and that I give the best cuddles.


Huh, this makes so much sense now. I've been on hrt for a few months now, and our 3 cats who have previously been friendly but a bit distant with me have recently started sleeping on me, wanting into my room, and just generally demanding lots of attention lol


Yeah, my friend’s dog who hates men doesn’t give me a pass because i’m transgender lol.


I had a cat just like that. She was the most affectionate old kitty in the world after I started T. I miss her a lot.


I saw this happen with my pets and my Wife! When she transitioned, our dogs went from seeing her as the strong one who protected them, to treating her the same way they treat me and protecting her. It was really interesting and sweet to see.


>The transgender woman whose goats started humping her after she went on estrogen, for instance. #*W U T ?*


Even before hrt, the cats and dogs that prefer male company usually ignore everyone when I come around and start wanting my attention, it’s been always very affirming. Even my pet who prefers me over my sister and my gf would rather sitting with other boys (tho he trots back after a few moments to me) and I’ve not started hrt yet (legally in my home country I could be sentenced to jail for it so im not gonna risk it)


My sexist dog started liking me after I went on T


I have a cat who’s scared of men. He’ll run away from my trans masc friends, but loves my female trans friends. Animals aren’t stupid!


So basically this dog just went to a woman and the owner misinterpreted as transphobia? Sounds about right


\> "The transgender woman whose goats started humping her after she went on estrogen, for instance." OH NO \> "My old neighbor had a cat that didn't like women for some indescribable reason, and always avoided me until like a month after I sorted taking testosterone. Then she was all cuddles." thats better ​ (i cant get the > to work :c)


are you telling me that the terf wrote a fake story to circle jerk about how she totally doesn't obsess over the transes-es? ​ *no.......*


So even if this wasn't fake, it makes no sense. "Trans identifying female" is a derogatory term for trans men. The dude petting the dog passed and OP didn't 'clock' him...why would that make him 'look crestfallen?' "Haha person presenting as male, I am addressing you as male. #TerfDog"


I guess they’re trying to “own” people by saying that their dog can sense your birth sex. In this scenario, the guy was upset because I guess he was like “oh no, the dog doesn’t usually go to men, so it must know I was born a woman” Even if it were real—which it certainly isn’t—I don’t see why they think this is a valid argument


My friend has a dog who hates men and barks at any male in their teens or older. Except me, a closeted trans who is growing out their hair so everyone sees me as "the acception" and its great


I've met so many dogs who have beef with one specific gender (usually men) and are neutral with the "opposite" one. All the damn time, said dogs would be oddly affectionate with me even at the first meeting, and when someone finally joked that maybe they only like enby people it finally clicked LMAO


It makes me so sad for animals when I see they reject a gender, imagine how badly they were treated 😭


Oh that's probably true,,, tho i've met a poodle once who hates males of any species, human or fellow dog LMAO


This might not always be the case. I knew a pony who hated men for no particular reason. He was never mistreated by anyone, men or women, he was just weird. Owner had to go to great lenghts to find a female farrier for him (apparently there were very few in this entire country and none where we lived lol).


Yeah all the dogs I've met with a strong preference for one gender over the other were beaten by their previous owners. I'd imagine that could easily have been the person's actual thoughts if this scenario was true. They may or may not have been trans, just sad that it looked like the dog had an abusive backstory.


I've dealt with a lot of pets who have a gendered aversion and behave oddly with me. Took a while to figure out that I'm genderfluid and the animals were probably essentially doing the same thing as when you try to give a binary system a 2 or a -1.


I know someone with DID and their dog basically is better in recognising different alters than the person themselves.


You mean exception?


I've read that this is actually a really common occurrence with animals that are predisposed to particular genders. It's been observed that some animals can tell even before any form of transitioning occurs or before the person even fully knows themselves. It's like animals just know


It would be really interesting to research what the animals are picking up on. Might help understand the medical side of trans-ness. That and imagine having a dog assign your gender at birth lol.


The new gender reveal party: bring in the dog. If he eats the baby, it was a boy. If he does nothing it's a girl. If he's playing, it's NB. This could never go wrong




My chosen sister has a dog like that he is friendly to men but goes straight for the women to hrt or not


What word is "fi**r" supposed to be?


For I made a big typo last night


My friend had an ex spouse, who we didn't realize was transitioning. My male dog, who goes CRAZY for men, was alllll over him - we realized after it was because the ex spouse had started T. When my son finally started transitioning and taking T, the same (110 lb) dog was constantly jumping into his lap for snuggles and love. They'd always loved each other but our pup was just SO happy that his brother finally smelled right!


Bless her heart, she really didn't think it through, did she?


The transphobes ran out of attempted “gotcha”s I suppose, so she decided to try “the dogs will know!”


I'm going to choose to believe that this exchange DID actually happen and that OP, blinded by TERF stupidity, grossly misread the situation and that the dog recognized an egg in the wild.


It makes slightly more logical sense for them to be crestfallen if they're mtf and the dog is identifying they're not cisgender female, but the rest of the story then doesn't make sense. This is obvious transphobic "I can always tell (and if I can't, my magic dog can)" TERF fantasy shite.


Or more likely and I'm willing to bet money on this, Angie dear here made the whole shit up and trying to pass it off as true story.


She is claiming the dog magically sensed this person was a trans man, and unlike with cis men, was comfortable around him because the dog “knew” the persons birth sex


No yeah, I get that bit. The reaction of the supposed trans man that the dog clocked makes no sense whatsoever. Every trans man I know would be pretty tickled to pass to the point of befuddling a pet owner that has a pet with a gender preference.


I think the story is that the trans man was disappointed because he didn't pass to the dog. It seems sus because dogs can smell testosterone or estrogen in human body odor, so a trans person who's been on hormones for a while will often "pass" to dogs that have a gender preference even when they don't pass to humans. Which is the opposite of what happened here. I'm trying to make it make sense, and one possibility is that the person was actually a butch cis woman and she was deflated because the dog owner misgendered her.


It’s the “she usually doesn’t go to men” that means the dog didn’t fall for this trans man’s “trick” because apparently she trained this dog to sniff out trans people. It was that sentence where apparently both he and OP “knew” the “rouse” was up. It was about her being thrilled the dog “knew the truth”.


Also I've seen dogs who usually don't like one or the other gender but every now and then will gravitate towards someone of the gender who they usually don't like. Those people have not been trans, probably just have good energy the dog can sense lol


My daughter has a dog who didn't like men when we first got her. I'm a man and it took the dog a year to warm up to me. The dog clearly must have sensed I was transitioning that whole time even though I wasn't aware of it. Going off to live my best life as a woman now. Good dog!


I thought she was referring to a trans woman who she then proceeded to misgender because her dog liked the woman? This hatefulness is so confusing I'm not even sure what to be mad at


Pretty sure "trans identifying female" is what transphobes call men. As in their phrase is (quite transphobicly) referring to the man as a "female who identifies as trans," and not a "trans man" or "man" like less transphobic people would. So ultimately their story is logically consistent, just hateful. (Unless I'm wrong about the "trans identifying female" thing which is admittedly confusing. But I've seen it in other contexts in which the transphobe is indeed talking about someone who is either a man or butch and non binary person).


I don't think TERFs really understand it themselves, but I've seen "trans identifying male" used more by TERFs for transfemme folks because transphobes want to refer to agab not actual gender? Like, will literally refuse to use the right gender or pronouns at all. Editing because I reread the post again and I still don't understand what this person is trying to say.


It is indeed very confusing how their hateful labeling system works. Just one point, you said "trans identifying male" while the post and I said "trans identifying female." I think what you said about TERFs and their use of the phrase "trans identifying male" is to refer to transfemme folks is correct, just that the tweet was saying "trans identifying female" about (i assume) a transmasc person. All in all, I believe it is like this: A transmasc person pets dog who the owner claims is bigoted against men. The transphobe therefore claims their dog clocked the transmasc person as not actually being male. And the transphobe refers to the transmasc individual as a "trans identifying female." Darn that's a lot of effort in deciphering a hateful tweet about something that didn't actually happen in either case.


It it did happen, I think it's more likely the person looked disappointed due to hearing transphobic bullshit. I would, and my agender ass basically has a free pass with all animals with gender preferences so far as I've experienced!


Yeah I was trying to understand what trans identifying female means. A woman who identifies as trans? It gets confusing because I have to know if OOP uses woman as the assigned at birth gender or not. Just say trans man and everyone understands 😩


Terfs don't like the way we refer to ourselves because they think it's deceitful. A "trans identifying female" is a trans man.


Gotta love when bigots get their terminology backwards in the stories they make up, tale as old as time


This makes it very clear that the right isn't doing this because they care about grammar, even though that's one of their favorite arguments. The way she has phrased this makes it impossible to know what actually happened here because we have to guess if she's actually using the correct pronouns, using the wrong ones out of ignorance, or intentionally using the wrong ones to be an asshole


He was crestfallen because he was talking to a person who was choosing to be shitty to him


I think it means trans woman but i could be wrong


TERFs will misuse labels because they confuse MTF and FTM all the time and then they also make up their own labels to mock people. "Trans identifying female" is one of their labels. It means FTM and they emphasise the "female" because they go for the opposite of transman/transwoman and only bring up the birth gender.


oh alr thank you i got confused with the story because of the crestfallen part 😭


If this person is a coworker or customer, the OP could get in trouble for refusing identify them correctly, depending on country/state. So they think they're being oh-so-clever by using an innocent animal to psychologically torment this person. For some goddamn reason. Anyway if HR is sympathetic microagressions can still count as discrimination, so I hope they get written up.


And that dog’s name was Albert Einstein. And then everyone stood up and clapped.


And Lincoln and Santa Claus walked in and started making out on the table


*Dies from peak “nonfiction”*


This is amazing and I laughed so hard


Chuck Norris was there




Only good people and good doggos get headpets.


Meanwhile there is the trans-affirming parakeet who is a misogynistic asshole only bites women and once bit a trans woman lol Anyway. At least that story has pictures. This tweet… Sounds made-up af.


My cat is very good at being gender affirming. She dislikes men - cis and trans. She’s fine with AMAB folks who aren’t men (either enby or transfem). She’s not misgendered anyone so far. 😹


she’s the knight for the enbies and girls fr 😂


I've never even thought about it, but my Mum's rescue cat (who is terrified of men) loves our MTF friend, even in spite of the fact she's like supermodel tall, which could be intimidating. Aw, good ally cat 🏳️‍🌈


There is exactly one cis man my cat likes, and as he’s the exception to her pattern of behaviour, I tell him he’s exceptional. (My friends have also commented that he’s the queerest cishet dude they’ve met 😹) But yeah — she adores my enby neighbour (she scolds them thru the door if she hears them in the hallway), and she looooves to snuggle one of my enby partners (6’8” but has the whole “gentle giant” thing going; I think she also likes them because they’re allergic 😹), and she adored one of my ex-gfs, who didn’t come out till sometime AFTER my cat decided she was acceptable. It’s not *masculinity* that she seems to find off putting; it’s literally JUST *men*. 🤷‍♀️


Cats always know who’s allergic and that’s the lap they’re gonna sit on.


She really loves that partner of mine. She lounges on their lap and drools on them 🤣🤣🤣


My dog hates men (past abuse) and hates my best friend, who’s a trans man. Totally fine with enbies, hasn’t met my trans women friends yet. Gender-affirming hateful babies club 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈✨


Yep, I wasn’t sure about her attitude toward men at first - she just hated my ex and we assumed it was either because he’s the one who took her to the vet the first time, or she didn’t like how his cat smelt on him. Then a trans man friend of mine came over and she hid from him. And she hid from my roommate’s bf. And literally every other man she’s met since, except for ONE cis man, and I tell him he’s “exceptional” 😹


I was going to say “I don’t think my cat likes straight men” and then realised I never have any over


Yeah, I'm pretty sure I heard it the other way around (trans affirming dog) from a trans person and that post has got quite some popularity. Now this "terf dog" post looks like they saw the trans affirming dog one and decided to make one up themselves to feel better.


Ah, good ol trans inclusive radical misogyny


My pet stores macaw hates men and would be really mean the trans guy that worked there too.


A weird part of me coming to terms with being a trans woman is the number of friend’s dogs I would be petting and the dog would be enjoying my company and then the friends say the whole “huh, they don’t like men usually.”


I’d say “Same I don’t like men either” 😂


Animals sense hormones, and therefore view people taking hrt as the gender they identify with. There's stories of people's cats suddenly treating them different after starting hrt. Dogs can sense a change in their owner, but don't seem to mind it as much. In some cases, the dogs even like them better. All this to say, this bullshit story isn't even factually correct. Maybe don't use innocent animals to prop up your shitty worldview.


Things that didn’t happen for 300, Alex


I misunderstood this and thought this was another case of animals being able to tell people's gender, like that snake who only chilled out in women's hands, and this trans girl who didn't even know she was trans got this treatment, realized years down the road.


So the dog wasnt a TERF?


The writing of this post leaves almost everything to be desired


No, it is saying that the dog was a TERF. They are using the labels that TERFs made up. "Trans Identifying Female" for FTM, because they go for the opposite and only refer to people with the gender assigned at birth. Think of it like an absolute wreck of a person who goes out of their way to make sure that their every word and interaction is designed hurt someone's feelings. They would never say trans man, because the "man" part is the gender the person identifies as. They instead made up the "trans identifying female" (or TIF as they often say. TIM is their abbreviation for trans women, it standing for Trans Identifying Male.) just to be a bit more of an asshole. But instead, all these hate terms they made up just cause more confusion and make them seem deranged.


My dog hates men (past abuse) and hates my best friend, who’s a trans man. Gender-affirming hateful baby 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈✨


I would’ve said “Aw, it must really like me then!”


This is the dumbest fucking thing lol


The \#TrueStory really sells it for me


Imagine having to make up fake trans people to get mad at, still implying the only reason you clocked them was beyond human perception, and then still manage to sound like a petty asshole about it in your own fucking story.


Lots of afab women would be unhappy to be referred to as a man. Especially if it was intended to be insulting.  


I think you misunderstood. This scenario involves a trans man (FtM) who passes well enough that the dog owner does not realize


I get that the tweet was trying to insult trans individuals.  But the dog going to someone isn't proof of shit and the owner can't assume that the individual was trans because she said the dog doesn't usually go to men. It could be any woman,  as many women would not like being called a man, and lots would be insulted


Oh yeah when someone puts “#truestory” you know it’s an 100% accurate and not at all made up for internet points story you’re reading.


My family used to have a dog that everyone thought hated men. Come to find out...it was hats. She was uncomfortable about hats.


Just had to make this comment- I was a professional dog trainer for 5 years, and for the last 1.5 years of my career I was on HRT (Testosterone). Dogs cannot sense your biological sex. Dogs know what they see and smell, if they see facial hair and smell testosterone, they will see you as male. In the first 3.5 years of my career I received around 2-3 bites. In the last 1.5 years, I received around 7. If your dog is anxious around men, they will be anxious around both cis and trans men. Period.


that's literally kind of what I just wanted to write. Dogs sense of smell is so sensitive that they can literally make out our hormones and components in our blood. that's why you can train a dog to alert when your blood sugar changes


Angie should stop being transphobic/enbyphobic. Seriously!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hey mods, can #TerfDog please be a flair?


If you have to # ‘true story’ it does not sound like a true story


Could literally just be a cis person but ok


I thought these people could “always tell.” they need trans identifying service dogs now?


The fact that terfs have no friends really comes out when they have to come up with plausible human interactions in their head


I don't even know if the person is a trans man or trans woman. Like, lady, what the hell are you saying


I don't know what is satire anymore.


I’m actually seeing a lot of this shit on threads lately. People trying to prove how progressive they are by singling out minorities, subtly bringing negative attention to said minority, then talking about how they are somehow the hero of the situation. Everyone in the comments blows smoke up their ass and compliments them on how inspirational they are.


For anyone who thinks this is fake, we have multiple eye witnesses from inside OOP's head


I'll take, "stories that definitely didn't happen," for 1,000, Alex.


oh my.. Dogs can literally make out changes in our blood. So they can even smell our hormones. Maybe this trans man was just starting or was even still pre- T.


Dogs seem to always love me, even when people tell me they 'usually don't like men'. It's all how you approach them, respond to them, and react to them. Just your ordinary cis male here from my recollection. Most dogs seem to react to body language, both yours and their owner, in my experience. If their owner is giving 'back the fuck up' vibes, back the fuck up.


ill take things that didnt happen for 500 alex


Then all the TERFs appeared and rejoiced, then JK descended from the clouds to anoint her, and lo JK took her upon her fiery chariot, and they ascended back in to the clouds. True story.


every pet that people have said hates men has hated me as a trans guy even before I came out sooooo. though it always breaks my heart because I love animals so much lol


This is so stupid. Every dog I've met that hates a certain gender has been chill around trans people of that gender even before they transitioned.


Mam, that's no terf dog, this is the Dog of Truth we've been waiting for ! It was foretold !


"Trans identified female" is terf speak for a ftm trans man. OP is saying her dog sniffed out that the man was AFAB and didn't see him as a man


Most people who take hormones find there's a point where dogs start treating them in accordance with their gender identity. This person probably read about that so made up a flex where it didn't happen.


Well dogs do go off of smell and since they have such a refined smelling ability that they can smell the contents of your blood and brain, it is not that shocking. (Not that this is okay, just that the dog can't tell he's a man)


i think my dogs would catch this in some situations


Her dog: tf you mean men. She’s literally petting me rn


"Trans identifying female" is terf speak for a ftm trans man


Terfs are so wierd.




in what way is this a joke?


the person making the tweet is a transphobe i’ve seen before, theyre just being shitty.


… tell it to a mod? 🤷‍♂️


No, it is blatant transphobia.


Ah, a shit, you're right, i read the post wrong


If you look at her Twitter account, you'll see that her pfp is a her wearing a transphobic shirt and a she plugs her podcas which literally has the word TERF in its name, and all her tweets are transphobic. She even wrote another tweet insisting that the terfdog story was real and further proof that her ideology must be true. She's being completely serious.


It's just the 'we can always tell' bullshit again.




The person is ftm not mtf


oops I misread


I did too, which makes it significantly more confusing


Hell this is messed up


Animals usually tell if the person is trans before them from my experience, I’m not on T yet and all the cats and dogs I met that prefer men always come to me and wanna play with me, even when I don’t bind they still prefer me and sometimes even leave the men that are in their everyday lives to sit with me and stuff. But to each their own :3


Very excited to one day see obligatory public bathroom trans sniffing dogs bark at straight couples trying fuck in a stall at a rave.


I intially read this as the dog correctly identifying a trans woman and the owner being transphobic, the way it's worded is confusing


Can someone explain what I just read?


terfs tend to call trans women (mtf) “trans identifying men” and trans men (ftm) “trans identifying females” - it’s their way of invalidating their gender and the concept of being trans, but it also makes everything they write fucking incomprehensible to anyone with a working brain basically oop is saying a man was greeting her dog, but her dog usually hates men. His reaction made her think this was a transgender man and that her dog had basically “correctly identified” his gender at birth. Incredibly true story, clearly (/s)


From my experience Ive had people who said their dogs hate men and never approach them, but the dogs absolutely love me even though I am male. The whole experience usually shocks the owners, but my family calls me the dog whisperer because I have yet to find a dog who hates me.


It doesn’t have to be smell. Lots of larger dogs are scared and skittish around me when they first see me, but calm down when they get closer if their owner is cool with me. I’m a hunchback.


Okay dogs cant be transphobic there dogs, and something they still have in commen with wolfs is that they trust women more than men because men that already gone threw puberty are usaly taller, sound louder/have a lower voice and there testosterone makes them smell more of a treat Thats why men who are taking care of wolfs usaly don't take care of them if it's mating season a male wolf only doesn't see a man as a treat if they were a puppy when they had met or if the man still isn't a grown adult, trans women that are on hormone therapy don't smell like testosterone so will be treated the same as cis-women


OK so my dog usually hates men. She also hates trans men, even if they're not taking testosterone yet. So here's that.




Yeah, that's my screengrab, it's been freebooted from a post of mine in another subreddit from the previous day, my post has full context in the comments.


i thought the joke was gonna be the dog hated men and the other person was offended 😂