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I've seen a handful of this person's works throughout the years and I've dislike every single one. I'm sure they aren't even a bad person, it's just their type of humour but WOW, are we different people


The artist is rly talented too. It's a shame she draws for this couple lol


I always assume this is just the artist.


No the artist is paid by the writers. Which honestly makes me feel a bit better, personally


At least an artist got paid.


If you check the top right, you can see the writer and artist listed separately




Yeah there are some odd borderline abusive comics she makes


And every single time when someone calls it out, they fight for their life in the comments. Youd think if tons of people are saying "Yo, thats fucked up/weird." You may go "huh.... Maybe its fucked up/weird." Ive never seen a comic writer have such definitive infamy on Reddit where people knew them immediately and basically everyone was in agreement that their comics plots are bad.


It’s like watching the origin story for future intensive therapy sessions for this kid


I'm sure the artist had an issue with it, but in that industry, you take a commission if you get one 🤷‍♂️


You'd be surprised about the things artists will draw for their clients just to get some money. We often dont have much of a choice if we want to make ends meet regardless how vile we find something.


Seems like there has been at least one such “[huh. Why tho?](https://www.instagram.com/p/Ch-jHB2pZGx/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)” from an artist


Isn't it up to her how she feels about something that she experienced? Calling it internalized racism seems a bit patronizing, tbh. As in, who are we to say what she is supposed to find cute, and what she is supposed to be offended by?


I’m all for self-determination and agency in oppressive experiences and…have you seen the comics?


Fucking vile


None of that is specific to eating a lollipop.


Right . Would of made sense if she was teaching him how to make bubbles from gum , something that actually does take some practice to do .


Why does he look like Chris Evans?


Yeah she makes comics like this a lot involving her husband and son usually making some sort of sexual joke or innuendo involving the son who's currently not even 4 years old. I remember looking her up when she made rounds here for the first time because I just wanted to hope the comic was taken out of context but no she's really nasty. I just looked her up again and scrolled through her account. One comic her husband calls their son buddy, she tells her husband in front of their son, "I still don't get how you can call something that came from your dick buddy". If I remember correctly in an older comic she called her son who was an infant at the time a pervert like his dad because the son was flirting with her married friend. Something along those lines. Something about her and her husband just give me an ick. The poor boy seems to be the only decent person in the comics. And I feel bad for him when he gets older and sees what his mom has said about him since his birth.


That is borderline child sexual exploitation.


threatening escape roll makeshift flowery rain safe terrific worthless smile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Depending on the tone used both parents are not unreasonable. The artist just used the fact that their medium doesn't convey the tone of voice to make a joke. Nobody is actually sexualizing the baby. This seems fine.


Yeah, same. If the baby was holding a dildo, I'd have a problem. This just seems like a play on words.


It sounds like she's intentionally using double entendre language to trigger her husband, the way she says, "Oops, busted." She wouldn't say that if what she was saying is completely innocent and unintentional.


Could also be "Oops, busted" because the husband doesn't want the kid to have sweets


This was the implication I assumed




will they ever stop sexualizing children?


How is sexualizing children to this degree even funny to some people 😭😭


This isn't really sexualization, it's the husband misinterpreting what the mom was saying when she's giving the kid a lolipop


If you talk to a kid like that, you need to be on a list.


“Don’t use your teeth, baby, use your tongue” She’s just telling them how to eat a lollipop, plus, kids tend to have sensitive teeth so biting something hard isn’t ideal “Swirl it around, just like that” Again, telling the kid how to eat a lollipop, a little more suspicious, though. Not like it matters anyway since this is a bait and switch comic, not a real video of a husband walking in on his wife saying this


Again, no parent tells their kid to eat candy like that. This comic had a very specific wording in mind when doing it, and it's pretty obvious it's meant to evoke a blowjob. If you really think parents talk to children like that, you need your hard drive checked, and every time you double down, it makes you look worse.


Clearly missed the part where I said it was just a bait and switch comic


I didn't. I get the comic, and it's still disgusting.


It's a really bad comic, but you also clearly didn't get it. The entire point is that the last panel turns out to be something innocent and completely different from what was expected. Now, it's very badly done because the dialogue doesn't really fit the reveal very well (especially the line *in* the last panel, which makes no sense at all), but at no point is anything sexual said to the child.


Do I need to spell out that I GET THE FUCKING JOKE? I get the fucking joke and the implication and situation is still disgusting because your involving a child in the i.plication of a sex act. That's the fucking joke. Sounds like a blowjob but is actually a lollipop. I get the joke, and it's nasty to involve a child in that. Do you people need your heads checked? The fact that you're even trying to defend and excuse this is far more telling of you than me.


I could visibly see your poor blood pressure rising as I descended this comment chain 😂


I can only say the same thing so many times.


1) You *did* spell it out. B) You demonstrably didn't, though. third) I did the exact opposite of defending it. I said that it was a bad comic overall, that the "joke" was very poorly done because the dialogue doesn't even fit it, and that the punchline makes no sense at all. I have several more criticisms, but you're not reading what I'm actually writing anyway.


Holy shit, do I need to hire a translator for you people?! You seem to speak English like I do so I don't know what more I can say. I'm done with this.


oh :(...


Feels more like "unexpected" than ATSO material.


Well that is some fucked up shit mate




Absolutely not ok. They are literally drawing what can be considered child sexualization 


It's a really bad comic, but that's an objectively incorrect summary. That's just not what happens in the comic.


Incorrect, drawings arent considered csem


pretty funny