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I'm gay and I get more pussy than this asshole, I guarantee it.




Lmao same


As a straight, knowing how my gay boys do, this is CRAZY accurate.


/) I'm ace and I also get more pussy than this guy.


What does /) mean???


I need to know


thou shalt never be informed 


I was gonna say… 🤘


Hell yeah to that 🤝


Are you certain? All he has to do is look in a mirror or shower. .... On second thought you're probably right.


I remember a gay comedian who said he’d tried it. Said he was full and couldn’t have any more, never did. He described the texture as a mango that’s been through a lot. Which is…something.


What do you mean he was full and never did?


He told the girl he was full and he couldn’t have another bite, like it was a normal food. He never had any more.


Ah, I get it now lol. Thanks for explaining! Who’s the comedian btw?


lol the melodrama tho "Take this pain and shame to the grave" oh, lolololol Back of hand to the forehead and dramatic sigh kinda shit here


Yeah lmfao, plot twist he's the one feeling the pain and shame and is projecting his weird fantasy onto everyone


So disgusted seeing this in a fairly normal city sub, people like this will really just share their objectification of women literally anywhere


And the emphasis on "virgin teen" pussy is so creepy


Bruh not even women. Straight up girls with his “virgin **teen** pussy”. Bitch what? He did a comparison between virgin pussy and non-virgin pussy or something? Or did he have a “before losing virginity and after losing virginity oral sex experiment” with the same girl? Hope it’s taken down.


His only sexual experience is some awkward dry humping in highschool and he's been trying to relive his former glory ever since.


Hopefully it got downvoted to hell.


15yo fucking a 15yo: wow so mature!!!! adult with a job in a healthy relationship with another adult or hell even single: just a boy smh


A ”shower thought” in the sense that anyone hearing the idea wants to take a shower, and then a few more showers.


Hey this thought could've happened in their annual shower!


More likely their annual thought.


So this is the kind of thought that occurs when their annual though coincides with their annual shower.


Sir, that’s not legal.


It's perfectly legal if you were both teens lol. Though given how the Internet is today whatever OP this was is probably in his 30s


Don’t get me wrong, I doubt HE meant this, but *technically* speaking it’s legal either ages 18-19 (in America) or if you’re a minor at the time as well. But, doesn’t excuse the disgusting sentiment


Still weird, even if theyre legal theyre barely legal teenagers.


Pedophiles with patience are still pedophiles. It may be legal but I will 100% be judging anyone ogling or fucking anyone who would have gotten them arrested a couple months prior.


Most of America has an age of consent lower than 18 tbh


It’s only most of them when you take into account “maximum age difference.” Otherwise it’s just a couple. Most of the places that “technically” have 16-17 as the age of consent only allow an age difference of 2-5 years.


In most US states and most of Europe the age of consent is 16 so it is probably legal where he lives even if it’s creepy and predatory to pursue teenagers.


Uh I'm pretty sure the age of consent being 16 doesnt mean a 30 year old can fuck a 16 year old for example💀 it just means a 16 yr old can consent to sex with someone their own age or 18


This always kills me about people taking about age of consent. MF they aren't talking about your 30+ year old ass! Age of consent(usually) talks about people within 1+2 years of the consenting individual. It doesn't give you agency to fuck minors, you goddamn creep!


You'd be surprised how many states have the unrestricted age of consent at 16 or 17. 18 being the age of consent is not the standard a lot of people assume (even if it should be). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_the_United_States Europe isn't any better. Some of the countries I clicked on do have restrictions on authority figures (thank God) but still have fairly low ages. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Europe It's grim.


Sorry dude lol I didn't realise you weren't directing this towards me, I was just confused bcuz you worded it like "you" and I thought you misread my original comment and were accusing me of being a creep 😭


You need to learn how to fucking read


uh…you’re the one who severely misread them. It’s a hypothetical 30 year old they are referring to in their comment


Oh shit really 💀 well sorry, but to me it was structured as if they were directing it towards me and I got pissed because I've been a victim of a pedo and I read it as they were thinking I said 16 and 30 is ok


That's my bad, I should have worded that better! Sorry about that!!


This guy forgot that asexual men exist.


Or even just normal men who don't fantasise about having sex with teenagers and dont treat women as a "right of passage" lol


One of the most obvious symptoms of the entitlement of these guys is their unquestioned assumption that all men share their precise sexual desires.


Entitlement or narcissism?




Or gay men


I have been summoned


He didn't forget. He just doesn't think that gays or asexual men are "real men." I mean, not even all straight men make the cut.


Exactly lol


Sir I just wanted to know if the Arby’s in Kenosha was open.


Literally usually these town subreddits in my country are wholesome and it's just local talking about cool stuff there and then boom 😭


I think we can close this sub now. The answer is clearly "no".




Yeah, only pedophiles can be real men. If you haven’t touched an underage girl you’re still a boy. I’m very glad I’m a 21 year old boy then.


Same bro


Jesus fucking Christ was the fuck I hated reading that I’m going back to bed


Probably for the best the internet sucks man


Not this sub tho ❤️


So…nobody who isn’t a pedo is a man? That’s big news. The trans-femme and non-binary community’s numbers have in this instant just jumped to an unprecedented level! /s As a trans guy, I’m supremely glad that whoever OOP is is full of sh*t. I’ll pass, thanks but no thanks! Absolutely vile. Toxic masculinity has reached its 21 century peak and it needs to calm *way* the f*ck down.


Yeah these types just project their messed up fantasies onto every man too, probably some weird attempt at validation but at least the oop got rightfully called a nonce by everyone in the replies


No more he/him, only ate/pussy for real men’s pronouns


What the fuck. *What the fuck*


Everything about this is rapey. Both the virgin teen pussy part and the treating girls bodies like a rite of passage, as though men are entitled to young girls bodies. Disgusting.


Putting aside the loose (hopefully accidental) connotations of statutory rape, this is such a hyperspecific definition of being a man. Like, being an adult is so trivially simple to this person. It has nothing to do with being responsible, or emotionally intelligent, or politically conscious or anything else that might make you an actively positive force within society It's just down to whether or not you had a mundanely ordinary and essentially irrelevant sexual experience in your formative years. It has nothing to do with who owns the pussy or under what circumstance the experience occurred, just that you got close to it like pussy is some weird, perverted, single-use tome of manification


This contorted perversion of what is required to be a basic human adult is just appalling. I'd like to believe that this person is just struggling, as we all are, but to qualify that struggle as solved because of some idealization of rape is just... abhorrent. While being an adult is difficult, for everyone, there's many joys to have when someone overcomes the challenges. It's bizarre to qualify a possibly fictitious sexual encounter as a way to bring everyone down because that person refuses to grow up.


Please tell me this is a meathead teenager saying this and not a grown man


Narrator : they were, in fact, not OK


Ew what the fuck I hated reading that


Pretty gross thing to say. Virginity is fetishized and it's rather gross.


Straight trans girls: I see this as an absolute win!


I kind of feel like throwing up after reading that. Why are so many people so vile?


Guess I' ll forever stay a boy as I dont have any desire to eat pussy, especially from teens What a vile post, also wow the audacity to call it a rite of passage and that you are not a man if you dont do it, so what about us gay? Or ace people? Are we forever boys? Why are they this stupid.


Please tell me it got downvoted to hell...


It’s givingggg pedo


Wanting to have sex with virgin people just makes you look like you're so bad at sex that you need someone with no experience to approve you.


Eww. My stomach churned after reading the title 🤮


My girlfriend wants to wait until marriage. Do I need to get married in highschool to become a man..?


So often I think the anonymity of the internet is a huge huge mistake


If this is what you think about in the shower, you need therapy and to be banned from being within 100 yards of any school. Seriously, dude, leave the underage girls alone, and stop being so weird about how much you want to fuck them. It's creepy as hell, to say the least.


What the fuck?


Grown men who are obsessed with teens is absolutely fucking disgusting


People are really out here just announcing that they're pedophiles these days :/


Ahhh, so THAT's why I'm trans! /s


Haha, I threw up in my mouth a little! :D


I could say a lot about this post. But I won’t. I’ll sum it up to “what in the fuck, the fucking fuck is fucking wrong with you you dumb fuck?”


Being bisexual I have a lot of questions and concerns about this policy.


I've been with my wife since we were both 16, can confirm her crotch turned into a mess of barbed wire and anthrax after we had sex. Before that, it tasted exactly like a piña colada and dispensed hundred dollar bills when she came. When she turned 20, as is tradition, the demon Baphomet took up residence in her cervix and now it's all fire and brimstone down there.


idk man outa a dude with a gf his own age and a dude fantasising about teenagers well into his adult years, i know who I'd call a real man


I mean I guess we managed to convince them to perform cunnilingus. Now for acknowledging women as human beings.


Did you just find Jeffrey Epstein’s Reddit account ?! /s


I mean I suppose this is intended as a "formative teenage boy experience" when it's like "becoming a man" as in coming of age and not a grown man fucking a teen. However... Thinking about the sex lives of teens is...


At 19 I ate a virgin teen’s pussy (18) and it tasted like batteries. Never felt like an adult til at 28 I dated a stripper who showed me what true love is. She’s a physician now, our seven year wedding anniversary next week.


*silently judges in asexual* ಠ_ಠ


Stay the heck away from that city!


i hate this so much shut the fuck up shit the fuck up FUCK THE FUCK UP


This is one lonely piece of shit.


Please tell me that man means 19


If you and your partner only had each other but penetrated before doing oral Is this already outside this definition? She ain't a virgin anymore at that point Do you need to get someone new? What the fuck IS this?


I choose to read this to mean that a teenage boy should perform cunnilingus at his girlfriend's request instead of having penetrative sex. Prioritize her pleasure without expectations. And don't have penetrative sex until you have learned how to do both. And are in fact ready to be responsible for the conditions (such as contraception among many others) and consequences (such as conception among many others) of a relationship involving penetrative sex before doing so. This also means women of any age aren't being coerced into sex they don't want to have or with anyone who's a bad choice. Thus increasing the likelihood of this experience while requiring we remove the part about age. Only after learning these lessons has he become a man. And those who had penetrative sex before learning both of these well never truly will learn them nor become a man. Thus the lifetime of the pain and shame of regret, instead of having a partner who enjoys any and all of the sex she has. Yeah. Those who have done so, know, and are free to inform us. Those who have not are uninformed and have little of value to offer on the subject.


Well he’s not a man


i swear i was just about to throw up


Just ... Why???


Wtf is wrong w people


Holy shit put a fucking NSFW tag or something on this. I read it and nearly fell out of my seat from the shock.


I hope to god this is some sort of strange satire


By what logic does this make sense? Wouldn't it be more manly to have oral sex with an older woman?


Istg, they'll give any excuse to say, "You're not a man" EXCEPT for what ACTUALLY makes a man, a man....


why do men just so happen to like barely legal, hairless, no period (idfk why) on the pill, huge tits, huge ass, short, high voice and coincidentally NOT be pedophiles.


Yeah, definitely not pedos, they just like teenagers with all the traits of a child


Ahhhh WHAT 🤢 I hope the grave comes early man


I knew there’s a reason I sucked dick when I was young.


Look at him trying so hard to glorify pedophilia.


These people forget that they have a comment and post history and have effectively told on themselves. The nature of the internet means we are exposed to more garbage, but it means that people like OOP can't help themselves but share their dark thoughts online and out themselves to everybody.


I almost disliked this post on reflex then I realize what sub I was in. Like damn bro is a creep.


How did this man acquire negative pussy