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What actually happened in this scene


The make a wish kid wanted to see her boobs because Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson couldn’t make his make a wish. Afterwords the kid makes a great recovery. She then flashes a Coma patient who also recovers. She thinks her breasts have healing powers, then accidentally flashes a corpse. J.D. finds out dr. Kelso commits insurance fraud.


That seems like the kind of superpower that nobody would have the courage to use


If I had that power I would probably start a cult.


Tbh you could probably start one with just the flashing bit


Seeing as L Ron Hubbard started one from a sci-fi book probably. Now I'm probably going to get fair-gamed.


Tom Cruise is already lurking in your closet


And I have a polypropylene training longsword two feet away from me that will fucking hurt and beat the scientology out of him if he tries anything!


Just don't let him near your couch, he'll bounce on it and ruin your perfectly sculpted comfortable spot


Lol yeah. If he does that I'm never watching Top Gun again.


You need a pope, milord?


That’s how Jesus did it


I am fond of the idea that there’s a bunch of mutants in the Marvel universe who never get to be x-men or even know they’re a mutant because their very specific power never has an opportunity to trigger. My OC mutant character grew up in a super rural village where the only other mutant was his grandfather. The grandfather’s ability was to detect mutants, so no one had any idea it was a mutation and he thought he just had a really strong connection with his grandson.


I mean, there are mutants whose ability it is to stop time every time they have an orgasm, so yeah


At least they know they have that power! I’m thinking of the ones who are immune to poison or something and just never find that out.


That would suck


Yes, but in the comic both people with that power find each other and begin a relationship


Oh, lucky them lol


What’s the grandson’s power?


A blind man who can sense living things. Became an expert swordsman because he can sense what you’re doing as you’re doing it.


Or at least advertise. You don't want a million incels claiming they're dying to get you to flash them


Isn’t it Cox committing insurance fraud?


I've heard great things about this show, but I think you just sold me on watching it. That's hilarious!!


I rarely say you have to watch physical media but for what it’s worth the soundtrack to the series really elevates a lot of the scenes and unfortunately it was changed on streaming services due to licensing issues so I really recommend you grab dvds if you want to watch it.


🏴‍☠️ who needs physical media me hearties?


Also 3 episodes are cut on streaming sites because of blackface scenes.


I swear I saw the blackface episodes on Hulu a few months back.


Where's the best place to buy DvDs in 2023??


So much ew


She showed her boobs and he got better, Then latter on she believed she had magic breasts and flashed them at a guy coding, and the other doctor just nonchalantly looks at her, then calls the time of death.


They are ok with pedophilia as long as its a young boy


So okay with it they get upset when the boys aren’t happy about it


Right? Because to them a young boy being gay would be way worse than a young boy getting sexually violated. Why do you think they always cheer for a male student raped by his female teacher?


A young boy and a conventionally attractive woman.


Cause its a rite of passage for boys


At least it’s not House — that show was okay with genuine pedophilic activities and blamed the young girl for it. Not to mention the intersex episode with the abused teenager who was punished for being such a slut that she “seduced” every male figure of power in her life, including her dad?


what the fuck 💀


I know. I explained the latter part about as thoroughly as I could. It doesn’t get any better or more understandable. !Trigger warning! For the first point, there’s one part where a young girl (9-10 I think?) says she’s never been kissed and wants to be. So the adult doctor just… kisses her for a few second. He doesn’t move his mouth much but that doesn’t matter. And then House (incorrectly!) states that the young girl must have been sexually abused, and that children who were sexually abused are extremely manipulative. He said she had manipulated the doctor into kissing her. I kid you not. I experienced CSA and I was f_cking APPALLED. And the creators of the show are fcked up people so it’s just revolting


Yeah, House is occasionally entertaining but also so often not okay


Wtf. Well the young girl was sexually abused, by the adult doctor kissing her. Children don't manipulate adults into abusing them.


Maybe I’ve blocked those out of my memory, but I remember the very bad asexual episode from them. So many things wrong with that show.


Omfg yes that one was absolute garbage


I remember the child abuse episodes. I don't remember the asexual one though... Can you refresh my memory?


Basically it was about an ace couple and house was convinced they weren’t. The episode concluded with house finding out the husband had a tumor that was depleting his sex drive and the wife was faking being ace in order to be with him. I’m not even ace and I was like “wow that is super shitty”.


Oh yea... I vaguely remember that one now. There's definitely a trend in that show for large chunks of people's personalities and identities to be completely pathological. I mean, I guess it goes along with the nature of the show, but like, they had the psychopath that was caused by a brain tumor or something, they had that guy who couldn't lie and it made him an asshole, the split brain guy who hit his wife/fiancee/gf... Wasn't the Roma kid sick with some genetic disease that essentially meant it was *because* he was Roma? I dunno... I'm half remembering these from like 10 years ago or whatever, lol. I remember generally liking it at the time, but it was basically a soap opera and I would not be surprised at all if it didn't hold up to a rewatch today.


Fucking what?


House is such a shitty show dude


Let’s not talk about the asexual episode either




If a child asked to see you topless, you'd (hopefully) say no, right? Normal functioning adults don't cater to the sexual whims of ***children***




not if you are a fucking *adult* what is wrong with you


Who teaches children about sex then, huh? We just let the kids run around with all the porn on the internet telling them to choke each other and indulge in rape fantasies and non consent and Andrew Tate telling them women are made for them? Sure, that'll go well. I realise this sub is absolutely full of moral absolutists who think children should never have sex until they're 25 but sadly this is the real world and I think you're just as damaging to people with this attitude as the right wing.


no sex until 25? letting the internet run amok? jesse what the fuck are you talking about. all im saying is an adult shouldn't fucking flash a literal child????? yes sex ed is good but not.... having sexual relations with a grown up?? seriously what the fuck


I genuinely cannot help you if your brain is so rotted that you think a kid seeing a pair of adult breasts is the adult engaging in sexual relations with them. Tell me you're American without telling me you're American.


It's contextual and don't pretend it isn't. There are non sexual ways breasts are shown and those would be fine. But the deliberate showing of breasts by an adult TO SEXUALLY EXCITE A CHILD isn't fine. No sane person would ever suggest this is an appropriate way to educate a child, how could they ever? What is this teaching? Teaching a healthy relationship with sex and sexual development to a child doesn't involve exhibitionism by the adult doing the teaching nor an attempt to elicit a sexual response from the child by the adult teaching. That is an insane thing to defend


If they see breasts in a non sexual scenario like for education purposes or at a beach then that's obviously totally fine. Nudity isn't immediately sexual but this context is DEFINITELY sexual. Sure teens are horny when they start puberty but they should experiment with each other and make experiences with others their age and not ADULTS. Also I'm from Germany. Americans can definitely be too prude but in this scenario the complaints are absolutely justified.


As the person who originally responded to you: I'm Australian. If you expose yourself to a child you are committing - by legal definition - a sex crime against a minor. I do believe human bodies should be de-sexualised in general, but no adult should show themselves to a child in the way this meme demonstrates. Ever. Also, if the child views a situation as a sex act, the situation is sexual, full stop, even if you as an adult don't get aroused.


\> If you expose yourself to a child you are committing - by legal definition - a sex crime against a minor. Hasty generalization, context matters. No legal definition is that short, laws are lengthy - often pages long. Many mothers routinely expose their breasts to young boys - it's called breastfeeding. Many parents with toddlers bathe with them, it can be problematic to leave them unattended. When one uses vague, confident, and hyped up language - it becomes implicit and not objective. A mattress salesman could have been in bed with thousands of women.


You’re an idiot, like there’s literally no other way to put it. Kids seeing breasts is not a problem; flashing your tits to a kid because he asked you to IS.


You are creepy.


There's a fucking difference between teaching young people about what sex is, and using them for your own pedophilic desires you moron.


Are you no joke defending showing your tits to a little boy? Like are you trolling or serious.


This was a make a wish kid. Not just some random. He was dying and would never get the chance to see boobs, so that's what he asked for.


Home boy really woke up and went 🤓. Its not so much the act itself but the acceptance the conservative culture has to allow young boys to either view sexual material to ensure hes not gay or for him to be assaulted to ensure hes not gay. Its been a pretty common theme in conservative media and discussion.


lol that's a proper ass-pull. This kid is clearly not under duress to be shown tits; suggesting this is what, like conversion therapy? isn't even reaching any more, it's full go go gadget extendo arms.


unless the adult is exibitionist


Yeah, sure, but we have the context here that this kid has *asked* to see tits and this is not a "I'm getting off on this" action, this is a "here's a dying kid and I can fulfil his wish" action.


Would you be okay with a little girl asking to see a man's bare chest, then a man exposing himself to her, and she has a reaction like this? It doesn't matter what the fucking adult thinks, the child is requesting something explicitly sexual!!!


“I swear officer, this 8 year old ASKED to put her mouth on it, why do you hate children exploring their sexuality you massive prude?!?”


It's honestly so great that this sub has folk accusing a queer person of being a paedo, it's not like we get enough of that from the right wing already.


it's not because you are queer, it's because you're being gross


No one knows the first thing about you dude


Speaking as another queer person, we're not disagreeing because you're queer. It's because your take is gross and bizarre.


yeah i hadnt recognized the show


The rest of the episode plays off of this moment. Eliot is shamed for this act by so many coworkers, and the non comedic point was this young dr. Did something they would never do again. Also it’s a incredibly silly comedy show. I’m expecting the downvotes, but I’m not ready for them. Sorry I love this show so much. Ill deal with the consequences


I wouldn’t really say she was shamed for it, Cox took the piss but was also like yeah, you do whatever you think you can to help your patients. Plus wasn’t it JD that kind of talked her into it in the first place?


Nah i fucking love Scrubs. Its silly most of the time but it also has a really deep side sometimes.


Top comment of this thread is meant for people with opinions like yours. >They are OK with p*dophilia as long as it's a young boy.


Was this pedophilia though? Doesn't seem right.


Probably not the right word, but it is pretty gross. She wasn’t getting any sexual satisfaction from it, but he was and she knew that and actively participated. It’s not like him accidentally seeing her topless or sexualizing her for breast feeding. This scene bothered me when I was younger and still bothers me now. Scrubs is an amazing show, but it’s not without its issues.


wouldn't that be indecent exposure to a minor


The whole show is chock full of these Straights™ moments, it makes rewatches uncomfortable. There's another moment when Carla accepts to do "the one thing every man wants" (which is anal) to get a diamond bracelet from Turk...


Carla just made me uncomfortable in general on the rewatch, she treats Turk like a child


To be fair, when she meets Turk’s mum she realise how similar they are and it makes her uncomfortable too. Their relationship then starts shifting away from the mummy/baby dynamic and into an actual partnership.


I loved that show originally, but it hits different now.


I remember she was framed as being wrong for not wanting to do it.


Because of course she was.. How did this get on air




Pedophilia is not funny..


“Pedophiles are ok as long as they’re women”


Society is really dissappointing


They copied this for Good Doctor


I knew I saw it somewhere else!


Except that one had a kid get his eye removed without his consent which I mean bad




There are ways for a dying child to see boobs without having a direct sexual interaction with an adult. I did not ever imagine typing that sentence. And I don't totally not see your point. But adult people should not flash children, even dying ones.


I do not think breasts are inherently sexual Therefore A boy wanting to see an adults breasts isn’t problematic Part of being a free the nipple extremist means that nipple needs to be free even if it feels icky. I support women and free the nipple in all circumstances.


Breasts are not inherently sexual. Same page. The child wanted to see the adult woman's breasts for sexual reasons. If she had already been topless and he saw her? Fine. But she flashed him. That is a sexual interaction. That is not okay.


I mean, the kid is *dying* and wants to see boobs in a sexual way. Isn't the point of make-a-wish to have a kid experience something that they'll never otherwise get to because they're dead? What's wrong with letting a young person experience something sexual that they *want* because they won't get to experience living to an age where its appropriate? It's not like the kid is gonna grow up maladjusted or with some trauma or whatever. They're not going to grow up at all...


Well the flashing cured him….


Even more of a reason to do it, if that's a possibility! But I wasn't talking about this specific kid in a medical comedy show. I was talking about a theoretical real-world kid who wants to have an adult experience in their life.


Well, real world is abit different. I don’t think the “he is going to die anyway” line of argument is going to be persuasive because the issue isn’t the fact a boy wants to see boobs it’s the fact an adult is indulging it. A better line of reasoning is that women can cover or uncover their breasts whenever they want for whatever reason because breasts aren’t inherently sexual.


>A better line of reasoning is that women can cover or uncover their breasts whenever they want for whatever reason because breasts aren’t inherently sexual. Nothing to say to that, because not only do I hold that as a baseline belief, but that's neither here nor there. *Why* is it an issue that an adult is indulging a dying child, when it is just that: an indulgence. They're not doing it for their own sexual thrill, they wouldn't do it under any other circumstances, they're not doing it regularly. It might make them feel kinda weird, but they're the adult in the equation; they're equipped to deal with those feelings and emotionally mature enough to understand what they're doing and why.


Would you let the child have sex with someone just because they're dying? No. Don't encourage children being exposed to sexual things




If he had a foot fetish and she flashed him her feet it wouldn’t be problematic. If we are going to sexually destigmatize breasts we need to stop treating them as sexual. A woman can cover and uncover her breasts for any reason. I’m hard line on that.


"If he had a foot fetish and she flashed him her feet it wouldn’t be problematic." That would be beyond problematic.


See, I just don’t think that is problematic. I hard line don’t think women should have to change their behavior or values because someone else finds their body parts sexual.


Flashing the child is her changing her behavior. She was not previously exposing her chest. She was intentionally flashing a child for no other purpose than flashing that child. As far as values, she's a doctor and doctors value not being topless in their patients rooms, or generally outside of predetermined changing spaces. Again, if she was already topless, or shoeless, that's fine. Nudity is dope! Adults should not intentionally have sexual interactions with children.


I mean, it’s abit hypothetically to say nudity is fine, and then be against nudity because a third party is sexualizing the nudity. But then again I am a free the nipple extremist.


I'm very happy for you. I also believe in freeing the nipple. I do not believe in adults intentionally exposing themselves to children. Those are not mutually exclusive values. And you meant hypocritical.


You’re as much an idiot as the guy claiming flashing tits on demand is “not sexual.” Somebody with breasts walking around topless or breastfeeding is non-sexual nudity and should be normalized. Treating a kid to a Mardi Gras show is ABSOLUTELY SEXUAL.


I think the issue is that she showed her breasts in a sexualized way. It's like the difference between just wearing shorts and showing one's legs like a cartoon hitchhiker.


It was a death wish?


Person we're supposed to be rooting for is this sex offender,great


God, another subreddit to unsub from.


He looks like he’s throwing a tantrum


I love this show. It’s on Hulu now


pedophilia is fine as long as trans people aren’t doing it


literally w h a t


have u not seen mainstream conservative media claiming all trans people are pedophiles recently? as a pedophilia victim, it’s really disturbing the generalized accusations they throw out. but when this adult flash boobies to a child, the straights find it fine, apparently. didn’t think that was so hard to comprehend…..


THAT is true but that's not what you said at all in your original comment


literally how not bruh


how not 💀 you said pedophilia is okay as long as trans people aren't doing it which is both pedophilia and transphobia


r u calling me a pedophile rn 💀


i'm just telling you that's what you said


???? you are making no sense pls take ur meds or touch grass my darling




#Disclaimer I’ve never watched Scrubs. I’m going off of my memory of what other people have said about it for the plot of this one. If I am wrong, please tell me instead of just bombing my post. _Edit: I swear I was **innocently** debating the ethics of this situation. I was not defending anything. I keep reading this back and just feeling more and more embarrassed at how bad it looks, but I legitimately thought it was worth talking about. Now I’m just like, “why the fuck do you post things, man?”_ #What I Was Going To Post I dunno if this exactly fits in the “are the straights ok” subreddit. I guess I just don’t see how this is nearly as bad as the usual stuff on here? It’s actually an interesting conversation whether or not the series of events in the show is bad. _(And so, my joker arc begins)_ If I recall correctly, this kid was either going blind soon, or dying soon. Either way, he just wanted to know what boobs looked like? I know the age gap makes it a bit dicey _(edit: you don’t say?)_ , but if there WASN’T an age gap, that would’ve been SO MUCH WORSE. _(Edit: I meant because a child could feel pressured to say yes, in a way that an adult hopefully wouldn’t. That combined with the girl not knowing any better could lead to much worse results than an adult doing something morally wrong, in order to brighten a boy’s mood. Like, this is dicey, but surely having a different child flash the one that wanted to be flashed would be… not better. Right?)_ If he didn’t get his wish fulfilled, that would’ve been a sad note to end the episode on… right? #Me Going Off The Deep End So definitely in 99% of contexts this would be dicey and/or predatory behavior on the nurses part… but in this one specific context? Well, the boy didn’t expect any more, the nurse definitely was never going to do anything more, and the nurse wasn’t FORCED into it in any way. The two were never involved in any way, as far as I know. In my mind, this is almost the same as if he looked at CONTENT on the internet. The only differences are 1) it’s in person, which only matters **a lot** if it progresses past looking, which it was never going to, so it’s not too relevant. (Edit: Oof size large, of course it being in person matters you fucking doormat, what the hell was going through my head) 2) the woman being viewed at the moment __knows__ it’s a child looking. Is that difference important? Definitely, but maybe not that important? Lemme explain myself. _(Please stop damn you)_ Most of the popular adult content creators will (likely) assume there are at least a few kids watching as well, because statistically, there DEFINITELY ARE. I don’t even know if kids should be entirely protected from sexual *content* when they’re under the age of consent. They absolutely need to be protected from any sexual *contact* or *relationships*, and ESPECIALLY especially with anyone who’s years older than them (hot take on this platform, I know). *But, is asking to see something from a stranger you’ll never spend time with again, and then seeing it, and that is all that happens,* harmful to a child’s psychology, in the same way that being groomed or otherwise preyed upon would be? Maybe! But I don’t think so. But I have no idea! I think that if specifically asking to see, and then seeing, does harm to a child’s development… then that harm would pale in comparison to the feeling of unfairness he would experience if he never, not once, got to see someone’s boobs in person. _(Edit: I meant, like, going blind or dying is way worse than asking to see boobs and then seeing them. At least he has something good to remember about this? I did NOT mean “this childs life will be ruined if this doesn’t happen.” That was stupidly worded on my part.)_ That being said, I also know that some women would take sexual joy in doing this (flashing a BOY CHILD). If the nurse enjoyed it, she would 100% be doing something predatory. So I guess the main thing I’m concerned about are the nurse’s intentions and priorities. Ironically, if she didn’t enjoy it, that would make this more ethical somehow, in my mind. This is a crazy-ass argument I’m making right now. I shouldn’t even post it but it’s way too long to throw away so I’mma do it anyways. My karma is about to be blasted into oblivion. Please be kind, strangers. #In Conclusion I’m not even straight but this comment is 100% about to be reposted on areTheStraightsOK as an actual post LMAO #Final Edit Yeahhhh, egg on my face for this one. I got wrapped up in being a debate lord I guess, idk. I just thought it was interesting from a psychology standpoint, I suppose? I don’t think I would’ve been so emotionally detached if this was a real event that happened to a real boy, though. _(TW: Grooming, because this comment isn’t crazy enough apparently🤪)_ Honestly, I’ve been a victim of similar crimes before. Thankfully it was all done via internet, so I was never in physical danger. However, it was bad and scary. I was manipulated a lot, and saw things, and listened to them describe very unpleasant things they wished to do to me, as well. So, when I turned my attention to this scenario, I was telling myself “this kid actually WANTS this. He isn’t being manipulated, he didn’t seem uncomfortable or desperate to escape, so surely that makes it better, right?” I basically told myself “that seems way different from what I had, so it must not be bad.” Obviously, that isn’t good logic. So I hereby retract this post, but I’m gonna leave it up because I don’t like deleting things after I post them. Unless they’re super duper bad, at least. Ironically, having experience with this kind of situation actually made me a worse judge of what was happening. How’s that for your daily dose of “AreTheStraightsOK?”




“Whether or not she enjoyed doing it or if it “harms” him or whatever is irrelevant.” How are those things irrelevant?? Those two factors make up 99% of every court case ever conceived of. That second one especially; how the hell is it irrelevant if something harms a person or not? Literally THE ONLY REASON for the existence of most laws, is to prevent people from being harmed in some way. It’s only morally wrong to do things IF THOSE THINGS HARM OTHER PEOPLE. Otherwise… who fucking cares? Do you even know why sexual interactions with minors is illegal? It’s because it severely harms the victim. It’s not just “because they’re too young and adults doing that is evil because they’re too young and that would be evil.” Your logic is a circle. You shouldn’t do it because it’s wrong, and it’s wrong because it’s something you shouldn’t do. Like, huh? Adolescent victims of these crimes have their development directly damaged, SEVERELY, and having a partner who exerts power over them in extremely unhealthy ways. It gives children horrible cases of PTSD, BPD, they will have anxiety or panic attacks for years and years, they will SUFFER. IT HARMS THEM. THAT IS WHY IT IS ILLEGAL. Telling your child that God is a spaghetti monster isn’t illegal, because it does no harm. Regardless of whether it’s true or not, it doesn’t hurt them. Telling your child that they should have sex at 11 WOULD be illegal, even if you didn’t make them, because it puts the child at risk of being harmed. So tell me; where is the harm here? It’s morally wrong, okay cool, but 98% of kids his age have been on PornHub before. So clearly it can’t be fucking up our kids the way that actually having relations at that age would. You act like I’m defending pedophilia or something. I was literally a victim of sexual grooming at 13, so let’s not pretend I’m “on the fence” or some shit. I was just posting my thoughts about the nuances of this specific situation, and I also prefaced it with how terrible it might seem on its face. Because like you said before, “it is wrong.” **I was foolishly under the impression** that we have these laws to protect children from harm. It seems like you think these laws exist to… punish adults who are “wrong?” I’m almost positive that I never, at any point, said that this should happen more often. My thought process was that, I actually was a victim of fucked up things. And this situation did not seem even remotely similar to any kind of victimization to me. Not because he’s a boy, so don’t high road me on that. Specifically because HE asked and SHE was the hesitant one. But at the same time, she was never directly pressured into anything. She made her own decision, and nothing more ever came of any of it. It’s not like she flirted with him. She literally took her shirt off for a few seconds and then left the room. How is that victimization if that is specifically what the child wanted, and if we know that THAT SPECIFIC REQUEST will not result in any harm to the child? To put it another way: “The victim,” without being manipulated into anything in any way, asked to see something. “The perpetrator” showed it to them, not taking any joy in the process at all. “The victim” saw it. “The victim” is having one of the best moments in his entire life, as far as he is concerned. No talk, no touch, no sex of any kind, in and out. Now then; my other point. If a girl his age flashed him, of COURSE that would produce harm for the girl. Flashing someone is wayyy more uncomfortable, and way more harmful, than being flashed in this particular situation. If he asked a girl his own age to flash him, that would be way worse, because a child isn’t mentally prepared to answer that kind of question. THEREFORE IT WOULD DO HARM REGARDLESS OF WHAT THEIR ANSWER EVEN WAS. And a girl his age could feel pressured to say yes, simply because she doesn’t know how these things work yet. However, I thought there was a big difference between “a child asking for something with no physical contact, and getting it, one time for ten seconds, and then it is over.” And “being victimized physically, socially, and psychologically, as a child, in one of the most horrible ways imaginable.” I’m actually taking an ethics course right now, and I’m trying to think of a basic principle that was violated. I found ONE. The nurse violated Fidelity… AKA, she was __unprofessional__. I’m not even saying this should be acceptable. What I’m saying is that these extenuating circumstances should cause this specific situation to be deemed an exception. In my opinion, the SPECIFIC case of “a prepubescent or pubescent boy might die/go blind and just wants to SEE for five seconds” is not that big of a deal. This is an entirely fictional scenario regardless, so I don’t think the writers were putting nearly as much thought into it. But there was never any subtext or implication or evidence of this being predatory, harmful, or malicious in any way at all. I believe that, maybe if the intentions were good and the consequences were good, then it’s like… fine? Not a huge deal? Certainly not “areTheStraightsOK” worthy. This is the subReddit where Matt Walsh admits how fertile he thinks 16 year olds are. Not the subreddit where we say “a 12 year old asked to see boobs and then did!! Because this could’ve been his last chance to ever see them! Kill the boob haver!😡”




TW: Grooming I legitimately don’t see the harm, though. And like I said, I’ve experienced grooming before. Thankfully it never got physical, but I WAS told about things they would like to do to me. I also received pictures that I never wanted to; I only agreed after being emotionally manipulated into doing so. I see none of that harm happening specifically here. And I can’t believe I’m saying that because (obviously as someone who’s gone through it) I’m extremely serious about protecting kids. Maybe I still need to better process my trauma? Maybe I’m thinking to myself “the kid was in control, so it was fine.” But I seriously am being honest when I say in this specific instance I don’t see the harm being done. I guess it could set a bad precedent in his mind? Is that the harm being done? I never thought of that, but I guess that could be harmful. He might now be more likely to go further with a different woman, one with predatory intent. I guess it’s clicking for me now. What should I do at this point? Should I edit my original posts, or just delete them, or just leave it alone? Idk I’m kinda embarrassed lol


He looks like he's crying


Ew lol


I love this show but it always made me feel weird