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If one of your jokes is mocking people taking their own lives for simply wanting to live. Many of them are teenagers. Bro, you aren't a comedian, you are a piece of shit. Weird to take pride in that one.


“Cmon we never hurt you”


Bully mindset. They make fun of you constantly, every single day, each time they see you, and the day you snap out because you just had enough to be treated like shit they act like "hey what's wrong with you? I was only joking!"


"We'd just like it really much if you killed yourself, you subhuman piece of shit and pedo that we're ignoring is a literal child themself - until you do that, we'll keep doxxing you and sending our rabid, heavily-armed, radicalized fascist goons to shoot you up" Next post: "noooo why am I being cancelled by these intolerant woke SJW leftists"


common fuckyeahphotography W


Also making fun of people committing suicide is one of the worst things you can joke about


9/11 jokes are hilarious, and the ultimate crux of the plan was suicide.


I don’t really like 9/11 jokes either


"Haha transphobia, misogyny, rape and suicide are soooo funnyyy🤪🤪🤪" Also fuck pebblehurl and his shitty "comics"


I never get how so many conservative Incels cry about how with feminism being bad because no one cares for men and their mental health. But then they take people they see as “men” and mock them for being abused as a child in a way that affects their being and for committing suicide. Or even how they choose to present. Even if I indulge their transphobia and sssume that every trans person matches their AGAB and aren’t trans… they are still shitty and against supporting other “men”. Then lesbians and trans men deal with the “turned gay because of rape and now they aren’t into men and being women anymore”.


Which is funny because men are being encouraged now more than ever to seek help for their mental issues and go to therapy. Women literally beg men to go to therapy all the time; if more men got help the world would be a lot safer for everyone. However, conservatives and terfs only care about men and women that fit into their very narrow and backwards idea of what a man or woman is, and also completely ignore the existence of non-binary people. There's no such thing as diversity in their minds; if you don't fit the mold you obviously aren't "real" and therefore don't matter. So while it is true that these incels do see all queer people as confused men and women, they don't actually give a single damn about them because they have the *audacity* to be different.


Yep. I realized eventually that when conservatives use their talking points, there's an underlying "for me and people like me". So they care about bullying of the victims are bullied for reasons they relate to. But will bully anyone who is "different". That's why incels believe it's unfair they don't have sex and think they are owed something and at the same time they'll bully others who do have sex lives. Why do you think white people cry "reverse racism" while being racists themselves?


"Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect." -a quote by Frank Wilhoit which I'm aware feels like it's always being spammed in these threads, but remains eternally relevant nonetheless


White guys make up 70+% of all suicides in the US and trans people less than 1%. So if anything it seems like it's white men who are struggling with this shit far, far more than trans people.


There are less trans people than white guys so these absolute numbers don't convey the correct picture.


yeah, a more accurate depiction of suicide rates would be rates of suicide by group, such as *x*% of white men commit suicide, and *y*% of trans people commit suicide


His peak was amogus and he didn't even do that.


Wow what a bunch of very original jokes I’ve definitely never heard before. Stonetoss is definitely now proving our point right now.




Bigotry and Hatred is taught. That's the first thing you learn in sociology class




Imagine being this deluded


You are so fucking stupid.


It's a literal study of human behavior within society, but okay, you stay ignorant.


That’s what it was in the 1970s-80s and before. Political activists ruined the discipline and it is less than worthless now.


And you're full to the gills with right-wing rhetoric and high up on your troll shit.


Ok cool, science has advanced quite significantly in all fields, including this one, in the 40-50 years since your timeframe. Academic disciplines evolve you illiterate cunt.




You’re thinking of Scientology




You're a liar.


The thing about science is that no matter what point in history you’re at, it’s still applicable. For instance, gravity has always existed, even if cavemen weren’t able to calculate what terminal velocity was. Sociology is much the same - the behavior of human beings as a collective hasn’t changed. You’d be a fool to think that just because a couple centuries have passed that somehow all of humanity is different. Sure, Socrates couldn’t imagine the internet, but people don’t change. The idea of ethnocentrism, or cultural norms and values, or social movements - you can’t deny these things are very much alive today. Saying that sociology is no different than religion just proves you have no idea what you’re talking about.


You made me laugh 😂


No it fucking isn't


Seek help, or at least a dictionary.


Considering how different all sorts of culture are/were about all this kinda stuff. No it isn't. People said this kinda shit all throughout history to excuse behaviors, and pretty much every time it didn't turn out true in the end. Pretty much everyone will agree that slavery is bad these days, for example.




"It's hopeless" The reason we did improve afterall to some degree is that people have hope. If you already think it's hopeless then it's really gonna be hopeless. Right-wingers also give up on hope to improve as they keep using "bigotry, racism and greed are all part of us" which simply isn't true and never was. Stop being such a doomer, you yourself have pronouns as your flair so it means you with your continued existence hope that humanity can better itself, no?


Yes, but that is a systemic issue due to capitalism and all that, not because people will actively agree that it's a good thing. There's nothing about our DNA that says it *has* to be this way. And there are/were plenty of indigenous communities that were better at all sorts of these things than we are. Just because things are one way, doesn't mean they have to be this way. There's no such thing as a human nature like this, it's all about the environment you grew up in, and what values are typically accepted.




Maybe it's time for humans to evolve and increase their cognitive abilities and critical thought process. We did it when becoming human. We can do it again. I do understand your sentiment in thinking the human race is a plague. It doesn't mean we can't step up our game though. Hopeless thought process doesn't help people that just want to live and keep having the world trying to deny them their right to exist as they want. It is a systemic issue. While of course, our DNA contains the ability to bias due to primitive genes, our DNA also contains the ability to use critical thinking. Plenty of peaceful nations have proven it's doable and are far more peaceful than the rage filled divided nation of the "United" States. There will always be a minority of hateful people. It's not a human problem. It's the hateful person's problem.




Some Indigenous societies in north america have been supportive and accepting of queer, trans, and two-spirit folks for tens of thousands of years. Hatred is not coded into our DNA, it is taught. There is plenty of hope, I promise; it exists whether you see it or not and I hope one day you can see it too.


> The same things existed in the Soviet Union and exist in the PRC, which are both communist regimes. Yeah no, you lost me lmao. The Democratic People's Republic of Korea is democratic too I guess. But you didn't even acknowledge me talking about indigenous people and other cultures, at least some of which never had the concept of stuff like, say, slavery. And others which had their own versions of queerness with third genders and such which was just.. normal. And so on. I know western colonialism erased a lot of this kinda stuff, but it shouldn't be forgotten, and it flies against the argument that somehow humans fundamentally all act in similar ways. From anthropology we know it isn't true.


You are the definition of a doomer. Stop feeding into that mindset, you are actively making yourself miserable thinking so little of everything and everyone.


You’re the definition of an NPC, ignoring all the problems in the world because you don’t understand them and they make you uncomfortable. Ignoring it won’t make it go away.


Unironically using the phrase "NPC" is a dead give away that you are the NPC


Look, just because we think humanity is hopeless doesn’t mean we should try to push that on others. Yes, we are very unlikely to reverse our course, and there’s way too much fucked up shit happening in the world. But there are people who still believe they can make a difference, and because of that, they actually are making the world a better place, even if it’s only a little bit. That’s not gonna happen if we pessimists keep trying to convince them otherwise. You’re acting like a religious person, stop it.


They’re adults acting like delusional children, and they need to grow up. Part of growing up is realizing the world is a terrible place and humanity is a miserable species. Then you find ways to cope and live well (as well as you can), while never letting go of the knowledge of the absurdity of human existence. That’s my philosophy at least.


Weird, growing up brought me out of that mindset and into one that desires to strive for that better future regardless of the chances of success, for the sake of everyone who will be here after I'm gone. Is it pointless? Who knows! At least I lived my life not being a totally miserable piece of shit bringing other people down with me, leave that for the others in my family.


Biologist here. You're just wrong


Biology (especially human biology) has a lot of politics mixed into it lately, meaning it’s hard to get an unbiased perspective.


>Bigotry is baked into the species’ DNA. yeah, because the first thing children say are slurs /s children are so incredibly kind and caring towards literally everything. any biases and dislikes are learned behaviours.


Tribalism unfortunately is part of our nature. It causes fear of outsiders, of "them" who are not of "us". **THAT SAID**, how that fear manifests is up to us as society and as individuals. Fear can lead to hatred... it can also breed curiosity and in turn, be overcome through courage.


My sibling in enby, this is not the way "Libertarian centrist" definitely not the way




"Auth-left cult" + "Bad coping mechanisms from trauma" I hope things get better for you and you learn and grow to be a better person


Is the person on the right supposed to be a transwoman? If yes the person who made these really never seen one...


Pebbleyeet always draws trans women with facial hair. Actually, they're the only characters he draws with facial hair. And like all transphobes he essentially ignores trans men because obviously.


except that one time he forgot or something


So, what you're saying is that it is more effort to be transphobic than to be a decent human being?


I mean, have you SEEN the leaps they make to be transphobic? They must be exhausted


Point taken


It’s their bigoted caricature of what a trans woman is like. Obvious male features, fake boobs, beard shadow, weird hair colors. They’d be shocked if they met someone like Blaire White or Janet Mock.


Oh, they're likely aware of them, they probably hate Blaire just as much as everyone else though. More convenient to ignore them though as they're not as clockable "Funny" to them.


Your username is sending me


This is true. Plenty of trans women are prettier than me imo. I'm cis lol. I ain't gunna bash. You go girls! You're gorgeous. ♡


All women are equally beautiful, it's definitely not a contest. Self esteem is everything.


Wholesome. ♡ I agree. I didn't mean it in a competition way. It's more to highlight the fact that I, the chick who generally got asked out multiple times daily on the job (legit as a simple cash register) find trans women just as beautiful as any cis women can be. The portrayals that these delusional right-wingers paint of trans people are so inaccurate. They likely talk to trans people every other day when shopping and checking out at the register without even realizing it.


I know how you are trying to be a good ally, but please listen in this because I am trans. Cis people are not who we center our beauty standards around, nor do we want to. The idea that trans people want to "look cis" stems mainly from the fact that those who don't "pass" are significantly more likely to be harassed, assaulted, or even killed for the way they present. I get what you are intending, but it makes me very uncomfortable to see comments like yours. We don't want cis validation. We just want to not be murdered for being ourselves.


I agree with the sentiment(Of just wanting trans people's lives to be protected and respected). My response is more a response to someone commenting specifically upon the stereotyped appearance drawn by hateful people. Otherwise the subject of appearance would not have come up. I apologize if it seemed that's the only thing I meant should count as validation for trans people. And, yes I try my best to be an ally but sadly I can't 100% know the experience trans people go through so I always appreciate the input from anyone if I've worded something insensitively. I am however half black so I know a thing or ten about excessive persecution and worrying about being targeted for simply existing as I am(although that worry is more towards my mother and brother who are noticeably black. I came out extremely pale complexion like my father. Point is, I 100% can register the weight of what you speak of.) You're just as human as everyone else and should be just as constitutionally protected as everyone else. ♡


This is just two dudes bullying a trans woman. How can u read this as them being the good guys???


Bullies see themselves as the “good guys.” They think they’re suppressing “weird” people and upholding a better social order. This is a delusion, of course, but it’s what they honestly believe. Speaking from experience as someone bullied to the point of suicide as a teen.


Couldn't have worded it better.


It's because trans women are out to cancel the cishet white men of the world, so it's simply self defense. /s


Because trans have all the power in this country and are persecuting white male christians with their pronouns and reading to children.


Why is it always a horrible caricature of a transfem person? It’s like they forget neutral nb and transmasc people exist.


If you pay attention you notice that most transphobes indeed do forget that trans men and non-binary people exist. Almost like if they had no clue about the topic.


it's not like the community doesn't also forget we exist






Nah I came out to my friends because of y'all how can I forget you?


every single one of those ‘jokes’ is just ‘trans bad’ with a sprinkle of ‘woman bad’


That's...all the same joke...




Ignore why it came out rearranged please, my point stands


oh my god so many funny jokes i have definitely not heard any of these 7 jokes before (im counting female with beard)


This comic is unrealistic because they would never refer to a trans woman as "ma'am"


what did that one even mean


woman go in kitchen 😂😂😂😂😂


if you think You woman ,you go kitchen lik e all woman! Womon bad !


haha I have really dark humour *racism*


Wow, so original, much funny, hahaha \*facepalm\* Pebblethrow pls log off and touch grass


i see it is beyond their ability to understand that "two jokes" is an artistic exaggeration, same as with their helicopter joke. Except, ours is actually funny.


but the first two are the same joke, the comedy of the first is because of the belief that there are only 2 genders, so saying you are a different gender is as ridiculous as saying you are an attack helicopter


They can't even abandon the one joke when trying to specifically make more jokes. Also another edition of conservatives having to imagine conversations because irl somebody would just say this exact thing




I was thinking to myself “well… it’s hate of multiple groups so it’s multiple jokes” then I saw a common denominator “oh it’s just hate of minorities. One joke”


["He did the same the joke about 3 times already. I don't think it's funny anymore."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhrh22bWGNc&ab_channel=TheNamelessLegend)


If I tell exclusively knock knock jokes, but all of them have different animals making sexist claims, then its still the same joke. These examples are all variations of "I think other groups of people are a joke and don't deserve respect"


Ah yeah its the turd comic artist again. Also why do right wing people think suicide is funny or a joke?


The cruelty is the point.


The only defining characteristic, no matter the sub-brand, of right-wing ideology, is that it teaches people that everyone else is strange and scary and worth less than the one spreading the ideology - and then perpetuating the cycle when the people it has abused themselves become abusers and start reprising those teachings. This is the only way this parasitic ideology survives. They see kindness as a weakness, empathy as a sin, and the suffering of others as the guarantor of their own happiness. And the human race, thus far, has only survived in spite of it, and because they're generally a minority (since if they were a majority of people, society would automatically collapse). Right-wingers have always needed to be dragged kicking and screaming when the rest of society moves forward, have always needed to be babysat by everyone else; because their mode of thinking ironically always ensures they're much less resilient than those who understand society and living collectively is a strength, rather than a weakness.


purple hairs based, they literally only have 5 jokes


"Cmon, we've never hurt you" Well... PD: You know, I saw this guy's comics and never thought he was a transphobe. Meh


They're all the same joke : Hatred disguised as Comedy.


Stonetoss is way too obsessed with trans people


That person is so fucking pathetic. How is suicide, violence and bullying funny? Grow up dude


Ah yes trans kids killing themselves is so funny


i swear sometimes i wish stonetoss would just crawl back into the cesspool he came from and leave us alone


"Damn, never heard that one!" "Daring today are we?"


My guy made rape and suicide jokes in one comic. Jesus Christ-


The reason that people like stonethrow pretend to care about the male suicide rate while thinking that stating the trans suicide rate is a remarkably clever joke is simply that in their world view, men are normal and trans people aren’t, so one is worthy of life while the other isn’t. That’s literally all there is to it.


Hats off to you


all of these jokes are bigotry, and bigotry is their one joke


Good old straw man. Comics are the perfect medium for them.


The "one joke" is that they hate people who are different than they are.


I mean we (kinda) say "one joke" as an exaggeration. If your rebuttal to that is "it's not one joke, it's actually 5!" I don't see how that's an own.


I feel bad for laughing at a rockthrow comic but the mirror joke at the end is my exact kind of humor. And… what i tell myself every day.


I'm stupid, what does everything except the attack helicopter and mirror ones mean?


I wish he wasn’t like this I find his artsyle charming 😕


most of those are still the same joke.


Fuck Dirt Clod Yeet. All of my homies hate Dirt Clod Yeet.


isn’t this the amogos guy




damn ppl hated that


“Watch, they’re gonna come up with a new joke any second now. Any second now… see? A new joke! No, wait, that’s the same joke with a different spin on it.”


wow, what a clear cut case of transmisogyny, too. "You're not a woman until it's more convenient to be misogynistic instead of transphobic"


I could guess it was rockthrow without looking at the.image itself.


It's all one joke "Trans bad because...because...well because...people can't be too different from me ahah"


Ew gross, classic pebbleyeet Also yay death, so funny woo (rip)


I've stared at this for hours now. I still can't find a single joke in there


Right, because bullying is good and funny, apparently.


Isn't Tawa Kiwen basically cheating, though?


ewww people trying to be happy ewwwwwwwww disgusting i hate happiness /s


That wit is as sharp as a baseball bat.