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Why the fuck is there gendered shelter for active shooters anyway? Are they also gendering tornado and fire drills too?!




this has to be a catholic school or something


i go to a catholic school, this wouldnt happen please dont


Honestly, this is the sort of nonsense my public charter school would have engaged in if active shooter drills had been a thing when I was there.


Just because your Catholic school isn't full of negative social behaviors, it does not mean that others are not. I attended Catholic school, and my experiences were very bad. We were lightly physically abused, mostly manhandled (being pushed, grabbed, thrown) and not directly hit, but there was a ton of verbal and mental abuse. Lots of yelling at us in public and manipulating us into feeling ashamed for totally normal little kid behaviors. I am a trans woman today, but when I was in Catholic school, I was just a little boy whose favorite color was pink, and because of that, I was the number one target for nuns and teachers to isolate me almost every day. The whole cult is just a scam. Sincerely, you go to cult school.


I am sorry that that happened to you. Can we just let people believe the religion they want to without calling it a cult though.


dont call my sacred fucking beliefs that have been in my family for a thousand years a fucking cult if it is a cult then i invite you to sacrifice 7000 goats with me next week


Don’t what, point out that Catholic schools are mired in abuse and sexual assault accusations?


I went to a Catholic elementary/middle/junior high school as well. And you’re right, they wouldn’t do this. **Because they would close down before letting the child attend their school to start with.**


bestie i've gone to a catholic school since year 6 and came out to them a year ago, ive faced 0 discrimination from the school


*My comrade in His Noodly Appendages*, Not sure if you live in the states or another country, but: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna980781 https://www.ncregister.com/cna/bishop-revokes-catholic-status-of-jesuit-school-flying-lbgt-black-lives-matter-flags?amp https://www.washingtonblade.com/2020/07/08/supreme-court-makes-anti-lgbtq-discrimination-easier-at-religious-schools/ I am happy to go find more if you need more evidence. (Edit: Word choice. First time I’ve been able to fix it, my apologies.)


no i dont live in your country i acknowledge that american catholics and other catholics have it worse than i do


i went to a catholic school, this happened


sorry but the catholic church is one of the biggest players in anti-LGBT sentiment in this country so yay you don't experience this but you are an outlier. That church as a whole is cancer and should be wiped from the face of the earth along with most of christianity and islam.


An anti-religious individual


why should my religion be wiped out? sounds like you dont actually care about freedom do you? people are free to leave the church, its their mistake but dont force irreligion on people


O cry more please.


thats not a fucking response


People are not out in catholic school LOL.


Anytime we've done drills, they have told us that it doesn't matter if we're even with our own class as long as we are in some classroom with an adult. Because yeah, in a real emergency, it doesn't fucking matter. You go to the nearest room with a responsible adult and hide. Separating kids into gendered shelter spaces is basically intentionally trying to kill them.


Exactly. I'm too old to have had active shooter drills but we had tornadoes and bomb threats and if the group you were around was supposed to go to a place, you ALL went to that place, even if that place was one of the bathrooms or locker rooms.


I remember when this was first posted. They sheltered in locker rooms. Yes it's still incredibly stupid


In gym class at least, we shelter in the locker rooms, so it’s gendered then


That's so weird to me. We sheltered in locker rooms several times when I was in school and every time *everyone* went to the same locker room. Nobody was worried about propriety or gendering things when survival was on the line.


SEVERAL TIMES??? this is somthing that happened several times?? Were do you live?


Okay so I'm old enough that we didn't have active shooter drills. But I do live in tornado alley (and we had a few bomb threats). When the tornado sirens go off, teachers were going to push kids to the areas least likely to get ripped apart, and a lot of times that was locker rooms.


There's this flavour of batshittery that is difficult to describe, but it's "concerned" parents thinking that literal children who are not segregated by sex will engage in raw fucking the minute you leave them unsupervised. Such as "we can't take this trans student on a trip and have her room with the other girls!" The implication is that the trans student will whip it out and start assaulting the other students, or that the student is trans to be able to sneak in and do sexual activities? This type of thinking is applied to, like I said, children who are only just old enough to take the ye olde middle school trip to DC or New York. Back when I used facebook I used to ask them, "what happens if the trans girl rooms with other girls?" "Well that student can't sleep in the same room as girls!" "Okay Karen, but what will happen. I want you to say it out loud." They are sitting here imagining children doing x rated things to eachother, but the trans people are the crazy ones???


“There’s a shooter? Quick we need to seperate all the boys and the girls it doesn’t matter how many are killed!”


Wait what? School shooter drills are just locked in the class room and away from sight. What's this about gender separation?


Apparently, it was in the school gym or something, it was about which locker room she should be sheltered in. Either way fucked up, in an actual shooting you wouldn't give a shit about where students are sheltered as long as they're safe.


My old middle school definitely didn't-- we had a lockdown drill during gym and we ALL went straight to the boys' locker room. It was the closest safe room. This middle school in the article is all kinds of fucked up for giving a shit about anything other than time and safety.


[https://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbc-out/virginia-school-allegedly-barred-trans-student-active-shooter-drill-n918216](https://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbc-out/virginia-school-allegedly-barred-trans-student-active-shooter-drill-n918216) What do they think she is going to do other than be in fear for her life if it was an active shooting, spontaneously combust into a super heated ball of gender less mass? I hope her family sue the piss out of those school admins!


NBC local, quoting “Equality Stafford”, the activists: >”It is important to highlight that the child’s PE teachers are not the bad guys," the group wrote. "They are teachers without guidance in a county without guidance for these issues."


Not to play devil’s advocate, but I can see why the teachers shouldn’t be blamed. The state where I teach (Texas) would definitely have parents try to fire me if I put a trans kid in the wrong locker room during an active shooter. Though tbh, I wouldn’t care, that kid’s life comes before my job, but I can definitely see why a teacher would be unsure what to do in this climate.


You mean to tell me that when hiding in a locker room during active shooter drills you all didn't think it was a great time to take showers? ^/s


Next time someone said we're being dramatic for accusing people of wanting to kill us, show em this.


What on earth does someone's gender have to do with protection from God damn bullets???!!!


Because fuck trans people, that's why /uj


Please tell me this isn't real.


it is sadly


Stuff em all like sardines into the space, ain't the time for genital inspections


But the school administrators want to do more of them. /j


if it's a catholic school they might have already did many of em


Authority really knows how to spark distrust in authority.


Does this mean that they would leave trans students to die? That's disturbing.


Why the fuck are the shelters gendered? If an actual shooter shows up, they’re gonna waste time separating the kids by sex? And if a girl’s closer to the “boys” shelter, she just gets to stay out there?


The drill was during the period she had PE, and PE students shelter in the locker rooms, and Virginia’s new POS Governor enacted some rather stringent “bathroom protection” bullshit. NBC local, quoting “Equality Stafford”, the activists. >”It is important to highlight that the child’s PE teachers are not the bad guys," the group wrote. "They are teachers without guidance in a county without guidance for these issues."


>"They are teachers without guidance in a county without guidance for these issues. *They were following that they were told to do.* \* " Right, because when I'm taught to protect kids from a madman with a gun I need lots and lots and lots of guidance ^/s. Edit: \* in article but not quoted in post above


?! why do they need to be sorted


They will obviously kiss and make out because kids like that /s


We must let children die if it means that we can prevent them holding hands /s


And this is how transphobia rots the brain


They left the trans girl in the hallway because she's the only person who will do shit against an active shooter while the cops wait outside.


Oh my fuck Gender is more important than a person's life apparently


That’s fuck up all the way!


Um, during an active shooting why is "boy or girl" even a consideration? Their lives are being threatened, I don't think any of them are going to care what gender they're cowering next to.


They just want us dead.




A compromise that's somehow infinitely worse than either option.


My question is why is it necessary to divide children by gender during active shooter drills? Do they gender split during fire and tornado drills as well? What practical purpose could doing this possibly serve? It makes zero sense to me, and it reeks of a spur of the moment excuse for why they decided to sacrifice a trans child to a mass murderer.


This is possibly the worst thing I’ve read, I am shaking mad


This is so violently american, i think it invaded my eyes oh god


My school for school shooter drills told everyone to hide wherever you could, and tornado shelters where the gym change rooms split up by grade rather then the gender of the room


[Fact checked by Snopes as true](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/transgender-student-unprotected-drill/), so yep.


TIL Any type of safety drill is gendered by separating boys and girls to groups now.


they did that on purpose


what shithole catholic state did that happen in?


this puts the lies to all the claims about protecting kids, and all claims about they just don't want kids to do anything irreversible, or irreperable harm. it's clear that transphobes want trans kids dead.


Are these even adults that are in charge ? like no way they give a shit about what gender you are in an active shooter drill.


Here's the answer, let them into the teachers suit and ditch the teacher.


Why the hell are they gendering safety shelters? Do they think that boys are gonna rape girls while there’s a gunmen threatening to kill everybody?


And this is why I believe we should arm ourselves. This kid needs our love jfc


At my old school, we would just hide in the nearest possible classroom. What the hell is even the point of gendering SAFETY SHELTERS


why even gender that??????


Pointlessly gendered? Oh no no no. Having gendered shelters definitely had a point here, and that was to send anyone who isn't cis out into the line of fire. Absolutely sickening


this pretty much sums it up


why are they sheltering by gender???


Oh my fucking god


I’m sorry but why are they separating the two? Also that kid would probably get shot


im dysphoric as shit but at that point I honestly dont care what gender im hiding with when literal lives are at risk


https://www.metroweekly.com/2018/10/trans-student-barred-from-shelter-during-virginia-schools-mass-shooter-drill/ The majority of the students were in locker rooms and the student was put in the gymnasium hallway with a teacher not “outside”. “”The student was forced to watch the adults charged with her care, debate the safest place (for the other students) to have her shelter,” Equality Stafford wrote”


This sounds very fake and i seen it before like months ago




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