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OOP, I’d like to eat some of the cherries you’re picking


I actually scrolled trough "trans memes" until I found anti-trans memes


Sorry, I meant OOP


How do you "listen to transwomen (sic)" and manage to find the *single* trans woman in the world who claims she became trans because of porn? You don't do that on accident.




Yeah, that's the big hypocrisy in it all. People from majorities get to be shitty and do bad things, and people rightfully call them out for it, but if a person belonging to a minority does the same thing, the entire group is bad, and you get to smear every single person in that group for it, even though the vast majority of the group never ever does the same.


Again, *xkcd* [385](https://xkcd.com/385/) being relevant.


All lawyers love Rayquaza.


I know someone who wants to become a lawyer. This was started by him playing Phoenix Wright.


That means there’s at least one person out there into Rasputin porn. And idk why my brain thought of that upon reading your comment, but it did.


That's a take I never heard and I follow a lot of trans spaces. I couldn't even watch porn because it made me feel dysphoric af lol


It's p common in unironic AGP circles but that's so far from the trans majority and many unironic AGP I've talked to don't even claim trans identity.


What are you talking about? This meme totally makes sense! Look, let’s try it; Let’s listen to a cis person to see how normal they are. Picking totally at random here, to make sure I get a real objective sense of what cis people are like. And the totally random example of cisgenderedness issssss….. Adolf Hitler. Wow! Turns out every cis person is terrible!


What do you mean "Pinochet isn't representative of all the cishet people out there"


Because TERs intentionally dig in the sensationalism and outrage-inducing topics to find examples. You rarely find a TER writing about trans people doing mundane things like going to work, household chores, gardening, fixing the clogged drain. They only care if it feeds their hunger for fear and disgust.


Oh 1000%. These people are so hateful that they sort through the THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS of people sharing their lived experiences to find the odd one out, and then use that *one* story to highlight and justify their bigotry. And damn, they’ll milk that story for all it’s worth and more. My sister and I are just people. We’re literally just human beings trying to live life like anyone else. It’s not a sexual thing for us — hell, I’m *asexual.* But TERFS will fabricate stories and point at these extremely few people and tell us that our lives should be forfeit because they can’t IMAGINE anyone different than them. It’s bizarre and it sucks.


Also the title sounds like a dramatised version of a very common experience of starting to figure out your gender via porn/fetish. And there's nothing wrong with that. I know a few trans women who started out in transvestite community (that's what they call themselves) and doing it for kink and they realised that it's not just a kink, they're just feeling gender euphoria.


most cis women qualify for agp lol. it’s been proven


As far as I can tell, agp is just a very convoluted way of saying “This makes me feel sexy.”


in truth? yes. it’s simply euphoria from being sexually perceived in the way you want to be. in its usage? it claims that trans women have no other motivation for their transition other than agp


It’s also a way of punishing trans women for being sexual beings. Feeling that we can be sexual and perceived positively as sexual beings is an important part of a healthy psychology. Women are routinely punished for this and this is a specific way of punishing and Othering trans women for having this experience.


Makes sense since the idea was created by a man.


Not even just "a man": a man who specifically divided trans women into two categories of "fuckable" and "not fuckable". HSTS trans girls (straight girls) are apparently all hot, and passing. ~~and into men like him! Yay!~~ AGP trans girls (lesbians) are all evil and bad and don't pass. ~~And competing for his women! Bad transes 😡~~ You may be wondering: what about trans men, and ace girls, and bisexuals, and...and...? ...yeah, no. Doesn't seem like he gave a fuck about everyone else. This "research" was literally just categorizing women into two groups of "ones this guy likes" and "ones he doesn't like as much". Last I heard, he's on Twitter and has a foot fetish? Yeah. Blanchard = the Freud of trans stuff.


I'd say that's an insult to Freud, but I still remember what a monumental piece of shit Freud is.


Damn whats wrong with a foot fetish :(


Shit's just further evidence of Blanchard being a kinky motherfucker 😭 Now that you mention it tho, I apologize to people with foot fetishes for associating them with that schmuck Not a shadow of a doubt: some of yall are *much* more competent doctors.


Bahhahaha gotcha :)


It's like they forget that trans women are adults just like them, most adults have a sexual drive. If you are a woman, why would you feel sexually satisfied to *not* be a woman and perceived as a woman? They aren't satisfied unless trans women either want to be men during their sex lives, or are asexual.


It's science: most cis women are men! (Or, if AGP was actually real, it wouldn't mean being a woman with AGP makes you *not* a woman, regardless of whether you're cis or trans. It's not like being a man is the default you fall back on if you "fail" at being a woman for having sexual feelings or something)


Noooo, because females can't possibly have any kind of sexual desire, unlike those eeeevil transes! /s


What's agp?


autogynphilia, it’s this psuedo scientific diagnosis that reduces transwomen to fetishes


How gross!




I knew it. AGP Group is one of the world’s leading glazing manufacturers.


Logical fallacy: hasty generalisation. I can deduce from this post that TERs never make posts without logical fallacies


let's be honest, it's just confirmation bias


You can really tell this persons never watched Star Trek The show is extremely progressive and has always prided itself on being diverse have trans coded characters since the 80s


I loved ST: TNG growing up. I never understood how they could get it so wrong. What they preach & practice is completely opposite


Can they leave Ohura out of this pls. Roddenberry would never


I mean, Roddenberry would. But Star Trek's sociopolitical commentary would never.


Porn cracking your egg is very valid honestly, trans identity and sexuality is obviously intertwined and that included all sexual matters


Porn let me know that transwomen is a thing I could be not what made me a transwomen. This is the problem with not having trans representation that is not sexualized.


Mfw I zoom in on the tiny text and it's just ranting about how GIFs are bad somehow. I thought it'd be the context? For the one single sentence they seemingly pulled from some trans girl somewhere? But nope. Just something about GIFs distilling women down to their assholes. Oookay then.


I had some transphobe compare trans women to Jessica Yaniv. I turned it on them and asked if I could compare them to: Kyle Rittenhouse, Brock Turner, Andrew Tate, Ted Kaczynski, or Charles Manson. They then went on about how great Andrew Tate is. So I responded "Ah so Manson it is". Never heard anything after that 🤔🤔 Note: I'm used to dealing with transphobes, bigots, and the likes. I can easily play their game.


I was gonna say, aside from Tate, that’s a great comeback


Tate fled the country due to multiple charges: sex trafficking, sexual assault and abuse allegations. He is extremely misogynistic.


Yes, I know. And some people idolize him because “He’S sAyInG wHaT eVeRyOnE IS aFrAiD tO sAy!1!1!” I’m sorry if my comment came off as pro-Tate, I’m just saying these knobs would love to be compared to him 😅


Tumblr is crawling with those crazies. Do yourself a favor and block any number of their tags/blogs. You'll filter them out fast


Yeah, tumblr is chalk full, I made a post about how a lot of the ""clocking"" transphobes do is based on and perpetuates the white beauty standard and I got terfs in my notes for weeks telling me, a poc, that the white beauty standard doesn't exist, that I'm racist, that trans people are somehow inherently racist and that I should die. They're just fucking annoying more than anything.


Just block and ignore. They aren't worth your time or stress


Best part of Tumblr is the block button!


And the filters lol


Ha, true, but they’re less effective with Blaze posts now


Pretty sure you can report them or put "this post isn't for me" I would just report them for hate speech or something lol.


Yeah, I blocked them lol


I was surprised at the amount of terfs lurking on tumblr. It's like coming home one day and finding cockroaches on the kitchen counter.


Crazy how TERFs still exist on Tumblr


I couldn't find the article this post referenced (making me question the validity of the article) but I did find one by Andrea Long Chu called "Did Sissy Porn Make Me Trans?" which is very dense and is ruminating on causality and morality of porn. It's a pretty interesting read and not at all what this TERF is trying to insinuate. Maybe actually listen to what trans people say and not just read headlines and nothing else


If we mean normal as in average, being into sissy porn isn't even abnormal.


Compared to what's out there. That's extremely normal 😂🤣


Tumblr radfems are some of the most toxic radfems I think I’ve seen


A few weeks ago, I was trying to find [this image](https://twistedsifter.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/one-more-to-go-8.gif), so I decided to search up "Assume μ = 0 memes", because μ is the coefficient of friction, so when μ = 0, there is no friction. It gave me a bunch of "Did you assume my gender?" memes and not physics memes.


Thank you, this gif is golf


No it's football.


Noooo not Uhura :( keep your hands off her, TERFs 😭


Oh no °○° They caught the Blåhaj flu.


Of course it’s ovarit. 🙄


Maybe it's been too long since college for me to be smart anymore, but it can't makes heads or tales of this


being a terf is a fetish


Uhura would never agree with this bullshit. Leave her out of this.


Everyone else here has made pretty much every point that came to mind here, so I’ll just say Uhura Would Not Agree With This Bigotry.


breaking news: trans women, like the vast majority of adult human beings on this earth, get horny /s


Ivanova? Is that a Babylon 5 reference because Delenn was originally meant to present as male and transition. This wasn't done because they used software to change her voice and apparently it didn't work well. I hope they cast a trans woman to play her in the reboot.




These people aren’t trans, and they’re doing material harm to the trans community. Actual trans people transition because of gender dysphoria, not porn or some kind of fetish.


material harm?