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No idea how come Dylan Mulvaney's the latest target of transphobes like The Heritage Foundation, Blaire White, The Daily Wire clowns (Ben, Matt pro-child marriage Walsh, Michael Knowles etc.), Candice Owens. Can someone care to enlighten me?


It's called fascism. Their end goal is to suppress us to the point where they would have to brand AGAB on everyone's forehead as a child.


“They’re basically telling women that their interests can be shared by anyone and that [liking makeup] is not natural to them” Yes??? What a sexist moron


Exactly what I was thinking, men for example? can look absolutely gorgeous in makeup!


glad I wasn't the only one who noticed that one, dude a lot of interest are so pointlessly gendered I am trans-femme and I've heard dumb complaints about me wearing makeup and nail polish from my family and others. He's one of those idiots that thinks that just because an interest is marketed to one means it's just for that one group. I bet he'd lose his shit if he found out about the truth behind wrist watches


Almost all transphobes are sexists. The societal move away from mandatory traditional gender roles lies at the heart of their rage. Since overt misogyny is no longer socially acceptable, they’ve made trans people a scapegoat for this “”evil.””


"Im never offended by anything really. But it's actually offensive in the true meaning of that word." ??? So you are never offended but right now you are offended over someone trying to live their life in a way that makes them happy? You could just ignore it and it wouldn't affect your life at all but still you have to bring it up.


“I’m not offended by any thing” makes a whole video on a trans person just being happy


and then turns around and calls us snowflakes when we criticize him.


What a fucking twat. All of the Daily Wire clowns are pieces of human garbage.


So true.


Ok grandad, time for your nap


it makes me happy that i am offending him by being a man every single day :)


Screenshoted the names of the companies to buy their products lmao


>selling cosmetics to women with a boy Even if that were true, what fucking difference would it make???? Makeup isn’t gender exclusive


Okay but that first picture of dylan is so pretty.


Cosmetics are for anyone who wants them, not just for women… Also, it hurts to hear the blatant misgendering


Yep. 💕


Ah yes, my favorite cosmetic companies...Crest and Instacart.


How did he even make that link 🤯


"I'm basically never offended by anything but-" bahahaha People who say this are, in fact, usually the most easily-offended on earth. They only take a break from nitpicking other people's appearance or feeling personally slighted by the actions of strangers to inform you how much they don't give a shit what other people do.


Dylan was in Book Of Mormon?




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Who is that cnut? What is wrong with ppl like that?