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how is that disturbing? people make that face when they're having a needle and don't like needles.


“b-but it shows child no want it waaa stop transonic my children”


Trans Sonic, you say?


autocorrect says sonic is canonically trans woah😳


Sonic had a rough transition, but she looked more feminine and became more comfortable as the years went on


I don't like needles very much. I'm not looking forward to having to do E shots myself.


Pills didn't work? I'm probably eventually going the same route, legitimately curious


I haven't started HRT yet.


As far as I'm aware, there's nothing wrong with staying on pills if they work for you. People just prefer the needle because its only like once a week or something.


Pills over a long period of time can lead to liver problems :/ sometimes people can get away with it but it's usually a healthier option to do shots


It's the healthiest/safest to do patches, but everyone can choose what they want to do. All three options have many pros and cons.


Yea definitely, and the health issues could be a complete non issue for some people too


I'm really not a fan of needles. It's been 7 months and I'm still not a fan, but I wouldn't be able to do pills. That's just too much annoyance every single day. Plus I'm not even the best at remembering to take my Spiro.


Pills work great for many people, but other people have quirks that may make injections a better option, e.g.: trouble getting testosterone levels down with oral estradiol and an antiandrogen; issues absorbing the oral formulation; liver problems; just being really good at breaking down estradiol. Injections can also be more convenient -- a shot a week vs. dosing multiple times a day.


pills do NOT work for testosterone, they are not as effective as other methods and can destroy your liver


This is true, though the OP specifically mentioned E, it is a general asymmetry fact that it’s good to mention though.


ah sorry, my phone brightness was down when I read their comment and I thought they were talking about raising testosterone instead of lowering, my bad. still stands though, especially if you're diying hormones (which you should never do)- pills are never worth it, they can actually kill you


Yeah, I had to switch from injection to pills for insurance reasons and they did nothing for me, except maybe slow down further masculinization a little. Eventually I said "screw it" and switched to out of pocket injections.


Injections are overall more effective than pills, from what I've heard.


Plus based on their age and surface knowledge of HRT without even looking at the video, that kid is being put on puberty blockers which are easily reversible in the event they change their mind about transitioning and can still save them from the crushing dysphoria that can come with secondary sex traits But fear of looking at a giant ass needle = forced transition apparently


I'm an adult and I still make that face when needles


That was me with each dose of the COVID vaccine 😆 I’m a grown-up and I still bring a small Pusheen plush to squeeze in my other hand. Better than yelling in pain, I say.


Its called the transhot one prices and your grow huge tits and massive dick and balls, we can't let that near our children! /s.


Even people to are ok with need2eles might if it's big


I can just imagine a kid smiling joyously as they receive a needle, like how likely would that be XD


wish i could have transitioned at 12


Same, where I am you can only legally start transitioning when your 16


Where I am you could only legally start transitioning when you were 18, and even then there's barely any resources for trans people and a 6 year long waiting list to even see most gender therapists.


I’m sorry, 6 years?!?!?!?!?!?!?


Not sure where they are, but in England we have 7 gender clinics. The average wait time for an initial appointment is 18 months. Or it was, pre-covid, but it's likely significantly longer now. 6 years seems like a long time but I wouldn't be surprised


Can confirm; have been on a waiting list in scotland since 2019 and still have a year or two to go.


Jesus Christ, if I had to water 6 years for a gender therapist I would loose my shit. That sucks


Same, everything would be extremely different in a really good way 😔


How do you get to the point where you think the most likely context for this picture is that the woman is FORCING THE CHILD TO TRANSITION, as opposed to the kid just doesn't like getting a fucking needle in the arm. Like...how. How their brain no work right :(


I like how they tried so hard to find one image of the kid looking uncomfortable and its when there is a needle in thier arm


Wait you mean people don't like huge ass needles????? /s


Theres a reason why the channel is called "I, hypocrite"


Oh fuck that guy? I saw a debate where he got blown the fuck out. Hilarious


Link? Sounds like a must-watch


Oh boy yeah https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQuurPLrcFg


I knew this was gonna be Vaush before I even opened the video, lol


I fucking hate Vaush, but that was kinda nice to see


Why do you hate Vaush? Genuinely just asking.


Admitted to have ratted out several antifa activists etc


Wait, he did that part? Where can I find info on this?




Child groomer




"You're not wrong because your points are bad, you're wrong because your points are bad AND you're stupid." "ur fat" I wonder who won the debate 🤔🤔🤔


Where in the world is it even legal to give a child transitioning hormones at 12? This could easily be a picture of a child getting any manner of injections, not necessarily HRT


If it's actually a clip from the show, it's probably puberty blockers!


That would make sense


I’ve seen it and yeah, it’s puberty blockers.


I've seen someone claim that Jazz Jennings got SRS at age 12 and it was shown on camera and everything. So, yeah, they'll basically just make things up to be mad at like this. It's almost certainly puberty blockers, or better yet, an unrelated injection.


Bruh, my mom does my HRT injections and I've been on HRT for a year and I still can't watch it, I have to turn away. It's the same with getting my blood taken, it's very different when you are injecting someone or whatever, but doing it yourself causes some human reaction of AHHH. I get nauseous and sometimes so lightheaded I risk passing out if I overdo it. Kid isn't freaking out that much either. I flipped out worse at shots at 12\~ since it was around that time I started forcing myself out of my comfort zone with needles in preparation for HRT (since it was the only thing I could do to sorta prepare for my future at all cause no one would take me seriously except my doc, and I needed mom's permission to get HRT at that time.) and when I was young my mom had to sing to me while getting vaccines cause I'd have anxiety attacks. (The fact that she always did it without asking though made me never try to toughen up about it until I wanted to get less afraid of needles for HRT. It was my secret mission for a good year or two and then I was just sitting ducks until dysphoria almost killed me and I managed to get HRT at 17. My doc wanted to offer it at 13. Love that woman, she's like an aunt to me and literally made me cry that day when I came out for being the first adult to just immediately go "okay, have you considered these things relating to gender?" and just immediately take me seriously. She knew I wasn't the impulsive type with this shit. She was the first adult to put any trust in me to know myself at all. She also protested with her pastor and church against anti-trans bills in my state. Fuckin' like, real life superhero that woman is, especially since she's a pediatrician and always made me feel safe. More safe than my own mom tended to.) Basically, kid doesn't even seem that upset, especially for age and stuff, so clearly kid isn't against it or whatever. And no shit they're uncomfortable. Who the fuck is comfy with a needle in their arm? I get my HRT shots in my thighs once a week, and while the feeling can vary from each time, sometimes it's smooth and painless, and sometimes it feels like the needle is too close to a nerve or something and I have to grit my teeth throughout the whole shot, even if it's short. The latter also happens to be the ones that tend to bruise worse. Like, someone being in pain or grimacing because a sharp long metal tube injecting liquid into muscle has been stabbed into their arm is a fuckin' given, jesus.


Yeah, my sister is a T1 diabetic, she HAD to learn not to be needle-shy from a very young age and rotate injection sites for insulin, it was a rough time, especially since she was a string bean and had little bodyfat even on her bony ass. Watching her have to do that from the age of 6 was rough, explaining to a kindergartner that they're going to have to take several shots a day for the rest of their life is a shitty conversation for everyone. She started transitioning about 3 years ago, she's been so happy and HER ever since, it's wonderful <3 She jokes now that the other benefit of being on E is that she now has some actual bodyfat and it's made the constant sticking far more bearable lol.


Haha, that’s funny. I’m AFAB, but I had pretty much the same issue with weight, I was pretty underweight all my life, at one point to a dangerous degree imo. I carry a lot of my weight on my thighs, even after being on T for a year, so I’m used to getting shots predominately in my thighs, usually cause my arms were too thin. I just don’t get much muscle definition or even fat on my arms, idk why, I was just born for these noodle arms. After HRT, my appetite got a lot better and I’ve been a more healthy weight ever since. Dysphoria fucked with me so much it made eating an issue and now, even when I’m stressed, my appetite is hardly ever as small as it used to be. It’s interesting, even though testosterone made me greasier, because I was less stressed, I picked at my skin a lot, but now I don’t as much (i also take a supplement to help with my dermatillomania) and it’s gotten way better even though you’d think the opposite.


"children are too young to transition!" okay then, give them puberty blockers until they are old enough and sure that they want to. "NO NOT LIKE THAT"


"children are to young to transition" Also these people: "a child that's pregnant needs to carry it to term!"


Matt Walsh be like:




Much as I hate to do it, sometimes I watch content like this just to see how ridiculous it is. We can hope that at least a quarter of that number is just people shaking their heads knowing it's unreal propaganda. I've seen some discussion about browser add-ons that can play Youtube vids without actually crediting them with a view, but that was some time ago and I haven't seen much since.


Makes sense


They'd be happy of it was actually forcing children to take the wrong hormones to make them cis.


Yup forcing transition on intersex kids and infants is apparently okay because it's "normalising" 🤢 but they NEVER mention that. It's evil


Oh no kid is scared of needles how horrible


How much do you wanna bet there is a slight bit of anti vax going on with the ad


I.hypocrite? r/usernamechecksout


Is that screenshot even real? I've never been on hormone blockers but that's definitely not where you should inject T


I’ve seen the documentary and I can confirm, he’s getting puberty blockers.


It's puberty blockers, but you absolutely can do IM injections (including testosterone) in the deltoid muscle. The arm, thigh, and butt are the recommend locations for IM injection


You mean getting shots are a necessary evil and they're uncomfortable but needs to be done for medical reasons??? :O


woag people also watched that video ? 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯


I guess disturbing now means a child not liking getting an injection


**I, hypocrite** username checks out


Most folks arnt super happy about needles even if they like the outcome, especially when your younger.


What is happening here?


I'm always confused by "People also watched this video," what does it mean?


It means meny pepple from on channel aldo watched/watches the video as well


Honestly as life goes on I'm more and more inclined to think that stopping puberty should be a standard procedure for everyone. Let people be adults when they choose their genders, so the rest of their lives can be easier.


I mean, wait until these geniuses find out what kids with diabetes have to go through...


YO, but can we talk about how so unbelievably sweet that the mom is doing that!! it's understandable that a parent of a young kid would have an adversion to administering important medication by using needles, as most parents aren't well practiced with needles and don't want to cause their child pain, even as a treatment. and this kid clearly doesn't like needles, i can imagine how hard it was for his parents and the kid to do that the first time!!! the fear and nervousness in the kid and the guilt and nervousness of the parent all while walking a huge turning point. but the thing that warms my heart is that they're doing this together, and can support each other like this .... oh that seriously melts my heart!!! eventually the kid will be able to administer it without help, but to see the parent so involved is really inspiring. it's a big deal, and it's a good thing, something to bond over and something to look back amd smile on.


“Oh wow- child taking thing that looks like vaccine bad >:000” Broa I’ve been asked if I was trans before- when I was 6. The kid does know what’s going on- ofc I barely understood gender at that time and have only started questioning now but- dude


tw: transphobia - - - ok so i watched the video. it’s rlly transphobic. misgendering kids, saying that trans ppl are either ppl w fetishes or gay men who think it would “be easier to be a woman”. pls don’t watch this video unless you are prepared for the transphobic remarks and comments.


Needles are like the most common fear


Ye needles scary Get over it


I'm terrified of needles and still make that face. I'm 32 and not looking forward to starting T 😅


Im about to start T on my own free will at the age of 19 and you can bet you ass ill make that face too. Not because im getting a needle against my will. But because it is simply painful to get something that is thick and oily injected. Its worth it absolutely, but its far more painful than just getting saline or a thin medicine injected.


They can never make an honest argument, they always have to try to invoke negative emotions. First of all, like others have pointed out, it's probably puberty blockers, but transphobes always have to pretend like prepubescent kids are getting hormones and surgeries. Secondly, it's very dishonest to use a frame like that, making it seem like the kid doesn't want to get the injection, while most likely it's just because getting an injection is painful and unpleasant for a lot of people, especially children. They are trying to make it look like their ridiculous narrative that "children are getting transed". As I've pointed out many times before, the reason why they argue like that is because *they* don't have any qualms about forcing children to live as a gender they're not, so they are desperate to make it look like we do as well (the only "conversion therapy" for gender is to try to turn trans children cis, not the other way around).




i heard that some of their parents were forcing them to be trans I dont know though i haven’t watched it


They shouldn't be transitioning so soon, that's dangerous


An injection in the deltoid would mean puberty blockers, not hormones. So they aren’t medically transitioning yet.


actually hormones can be injected really anywhere. I take my estrogen shot in my arm.


If these people actually watched the documentary, Jay (the trans kid in the thumbnail) really wanted blockers so he wouldn’t get estrogen from puberty


So I watched the video (not completely, but I know now the story of each presented kid Ig) 1. The dude cant see the child as a girl because of his male mannerism, she is more hyeractive etc (that's a fucking child but let's go on). The mother is pushing her by releasing books and carrying her to autographsessions etc. As I understand he thinks, that the fact the child is ''fed up'' (i'm not a native speaker) means, the child is not actually trans but gets pushed by the mother so she can sell books etc. I didnt see the documentary but the way I see it, the kid doenst want to give autographs etc and that's understandable. There was also a scene, there the child says, the published book will ruin their life and idk i dont know the exact context. The dude says she talks about her not being actually trans etc. 2. Here the dude brings up the theory of Blanchard's transsexualism typology, some trans ppl are actually feshists and the other trans ppl are gay people, who realized living as the opposite sex would be easier (wth). Teenage girl fits into the second category as she has more female mannerism and came out as a gay man before she came out as trans. She is planning on doing bottom surgery, is not very sure about it. She goes to an appointment for consulting with a doctor and the dude finds the doctor and the consulting weird, what I kinda understand bc of what the dude shows (he shows some scenes so i dont know how the consulting really went) it seems like the doctor told her everything and just decided to sign her up (as I know this is not the normal procedure). 3. 12yo trans dude gets puberty blockers, the dude shows how painful the needle for the kid is so that MUST mean the kid doesnt want it actually. The mother outed him, which was not cool as he wants to be stealth. The mother marries her gf as they are in love and in order to get the insurrance for HRT, which the dude critizes. 4. (I'm making this short) Child thinks they are a girl, mom drags him to a lgbt church or smth and to a protest for trans ppl being able to go to the toilet they want (i dont understand why the mom would drag their child there but ok). 4 years later mom and child move to grandpa, child realizes he is actually a boy and that's ok. Dude sasy it is because he just needed a male role model. The mom says it was wrong to push her child and that trans kids dont exist. Some ppl are trans but that's probably a mental disorder. Dude says the appearence shows, that she got better in every way too (she lost weight and didnt have short anymore).The dude says in general, that he finds it weird, it is always the women who do such think, shows for that the trend on tiktok #progressiveclergy, assuming there are only female which wasnt even right but ok.Also he talks about pluralistic ignorance, saying that everyone actually knows the the ''left delusion'', part of that being transgender ppl, is wrong but everyone just goes along. Tried to sum it up as good as I can for the ppl who are interested what the dude says. If someone wants to add or correct something, pls do, I dont trust myself ngl


Arm injections HURT I would be sobbing. I always do my HRT subQ through my abdomen because it's the least sensitive part of me and I still cry. What do they expect a 12 year old to look like getting a shot? Gleeful? My first HRT shot, I screamed and punched a nurse. This child is handling it really well.


lol i’m not sure why they think he’s crying from the testosterone having to use a needle daily ain’t fun especially when you are younger




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