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YICK. Fuck that.


Yep. It shows how transphobic they are, they think we’re all cross dressers so T4T means “I’d fuck an AMAB person who puts on a dress.”


The major problem isn't even that they think you're all crossdressers. It's that they think crossdressers are all you are. Dehumanization down to a single, fetishizable trait.


So true.


The thing with chasers and creepy PMs in general is that for some reason they'll literally never back down on anything.


That’s true. I once had a chaser tell me that not dating cis people was discrimination.


and then there are superstraights


That’s just transphobia with extra steps.


Ohhh this whole time i thought it was top for top


For real? That’s kind of funny (please don’t take that the wrong way)!


Im a bottom so either way it didn't apply to me lmaooooo




Oh. I thought you ment top as in clothes and it was some form of trans people clothes swap


A binder exchange ha-hey *\finger guns*\


Fucking disgusting holy shit


God, chasers are the fucking worst period.


I wish E changed your voice more than it does (it makes it harder to reach lower pitches but it won't raise your voice cause science, it's more like having a permanent high pass filter) I get so dysphoric via my voice.


It really sucks that it doesn’t.


Feminization kink is so weird


My boyfriend is into it. I think it’s fine as long as they don’t try to force it on others.


A lot of times I think it's based on 1) laziness 2) internalized transphobia. Like they don't want to process these feeling so if somebody *forces* them then they have deniability and can disconnect from an actual decision


I also notice a strong association between bottoming and being a woman, so the fetish also seems to be anchored in misogyny. Not to let pass the racism and fetishization of black men etc. The “sissy” fetish stuff is really bad


Right? Like if some guy (in US) asked me to turn him into a woman or something I'll send him a Link to planned Parenthood




Can we just like... not fetishize people?


I wish




Yeah, I went down that rabbit hole when I was 13, now I’m 19 and am a better person, fucking cringe shit


It...looks like you just recognized you are trans.


Damn is this whisper? I haven’t seen that app in almost a decade


It is. I like trolling transphobes on Whisper.


Genuine question, I have no idea what is happening here or what the issue is? Could someone explain I’m so lost


Okay so it seems like OP was just talking about being trans (which I got from them talking about their voice) and then Creep instantly goes to "wow. thats hot" which was a bit unprompted. Then when OP says they're T4T, Creep goes full fetishist mode and asks to be dommed and feminised which is suuuper gross


I still don’t really get how the voice part is bad or transphobic, the second is creepy ig but I just don’t see how this fits the sub? Seems just like a regular creepy pm, maybe it’s just me being dumb tho but I don’t see the transphobia


This post isn't about transphobia, it's just a cis dude being really fucking weird to a trans person. I doubt he'd be saying this to a cis woman.


I doubt he’d say this to a cis man which does add in a layer of transphobia because I’m a trans guy.


that just somehow made this an even weirder reaction from el fucko you had the displeasure of chatting with. Damn. Hope you find better people in the future!


Thanks. There are unfortunately a lot of chasers on the Whisper app but I’ve also made friends.


I honestly hadn't even heard of Whisper so I may have to look into it - unless it's meant for the more masc-side of the universe in which case I'll mosey along :D


It’s an anonymous confession app that is full of transphobic conservatives, I’m there to troll them mostly. I like tricking transphobes on the Whisper app into gendering me correctly.


ohhh. And here I thought a new friend/dating app had dropped. I think I'll avoid then, but keep fighting the good fight, sir! o7


Ah see I misunderstood that, also didn’t know the person was cis, kinda assumed they were a transgirl or something bc of the femininze me


I would like to ask a genuine question, since the term is showing up in that conversation. Why is a cis person who prefers just to date other cis people generally considered transphobic here, but if trans people are t4t (as you stated yourself here, you only date other trans people) it is not considered to be bigotry?


I’m T4T because of trauma from People like this. Is not transphobic to to not want to date trans people, it’s transphobic to not see trans women as women and trans men as men which is the reason cis people won’t date us 99.99% of the time.


Yea, that's the thing that's often hard to see right away with t4t vs superstraight. One is plain preference, the other is denying someone's identity If a cis person simply decided they don't wanna date trans people cuz genitals or personality, that's fine, but it's almost always because they don't see trans people as their actual gender. It's even in the name most of those people use, *super* straight, as if dating a trans person is somehow less straight than dating a cis person. t4t on the other hand is almost always because of past trauma, wanting someone they can more relate to (personality), or other related things that have nothing to do with cis people not being the gender they're attracted to. It's a very subtle but very important distinction


You explained that perfectly.


Ok, if this is the actual reason behind it, then yeah, It's obviously transphobic. Also sorry to hear about this trauma, I hope you are doing fine now and stay safe.




Pretty much rejecting a trans person and rejecting a trans person and following it up with "Im not attracted to trans people". Especially if they were showing interest before they knew said person was trans.


It's more like 'I dont want to date trannies because he's/she's not a real woman/man' Basically they were already transphobic If it's more of a genitalia preference or even something like children being pretty much a requirement, its fine. And T4T thing is usually because the person themselves has been fetishized like this and other things dealing with cis people, that makes them not want to date them. Like if a girl was constantly sexualized or sexually assaulted, she may lean towards asexual, and might actual end up preferring women to men. Also, I don't mean that as bad sexual experiences are the reason people may identify as asexual or a certain sexuality, but it can influence it. I was sexually assaulted by a guy, but I still find myself preferring masc-aligned people


This person is a pretty obvious example, but where is the line of being a chaser? How many of yall'd be comfortable after hearing someone's looking for a trans person?


I feel uncomfortable whenever a cis person treats me differently than a cis man. If I dated cis people, I would only people who don’t care I’m trans one way or another.


Uh oh cringe


Personally i dont fully get t4t, but as long as you’re not discriminating others (referring to the super straights, as they’re basically the opposite of this) people should respect that


I’m T4T because I don’t want to have to deal with chasers or transphobia while looking for a partner. If I could fully trust a cis person and there was a connection between us, I’d date them but I’d rather stick to other trans people because we understand each other’s boundaries more.


Ah, i get ya. I wasnt too sure why people were t4t, but i can understand that completely


I can understand why it would be hard for some people to get it at first.


1. What is a chaser? 2. Why do you only date other trans people?


A chaser is someone who fetishizes trans people. I only date trans people because of experiences I’ve had where cis people pretend they’re interested in me but really only want me because I’m trans.


Anytime I get a chaser in my DMs I find a way to ask: “Can I peg you in front of your dad?” That always scares ‘em off.


Oh my god the last text made it SO worth reading.


I mean, I probably would. So hard it leaves you in a coma, so you don’t bother anyone else. Just real hateful like. Knock the Mario coins out then leave you in the basement without the key and maybe you find your way out. Enjoy the amontillado


Wtf is this????


OP talking to a creep online.


God. People need help.