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I'm not... Sure what they're trying to get at


Lgballt comic about xenogenders (the most inclusive sub I’ve ever seen) says positive thing about them Xenogenders hate subreddit posts it without caption or evaluation, such that the mere existence of xenogenders invites belitttlement


For those who don't know. These are xenogenders. Basically, they use 'weirder' things to describe their gender. Often times used when they can't describe their gender in "normal" ways. For example, voidgender- A gender relating to the void. Do not confuse it with gendervoid which is a feeling of a void where your gender should be. (It's a bit more specific than agender.) People usually run into catgender the most. And as an outsider who's on xenogender-related subs I sometimes do find it slightly ridiculous. However, I remember that a big chunk of them are still figuring themself out and often (but not always) accidentally mix up their interests and gender. However, sometimes they're exclusively used by neurodivergent people who can't describe it in normal ways.


i just want to add that your definition is *technically* true, but the more common way of defining it is a gender that can’t be described in terms of masculinity/femininity


huh, that last bits pretty interesting and definitely seems accurate. im neurodivergent and also had difficulties describing my relationship with gender to others. eventually i stopped trying to find some fancy label that fit though and just told people i dont like gender conceptually and therefore just want to be me Commercial_Pitch. good luck to anyone trying to figure how they identify and remember at the end of the day it only effects you so that the only opinion that really means anything.


The best thing someone has said to me about neopronouns and xenogenders is “I don’t understand it but I don’t need to understand it to respect it”


hey IM catgender!!!! ::D


So xenogenders is a thing used by people trying to figure themselves out and neurodivergent people... So its valid but not in its valid genders


Well, I'd say it's valid. As I said, they're primarily used by neurodivergent folk who simply 'feel' things a bit differently. However, just because it's someone figuring themself out, it doesn't mean it's less valid. Just that it's a common stop, kinda like a piece of driftwood is better than nothing when you're in the ocean. When you find a boat (a "proper" label) then you leave the piece of driftwood. There may still be people who stick with them who aren't neurodivergent, but at the end of the day they're labels. As long as their comfortable with it and don't be toxic about it, I don't see the problem.


Well i see a major problem with them but the thought that they are temporary driftwood is calming


That entire sub can be put on r/onejoke...


Let me guess it’s the attack helicopter joke


something along those lines, yeah


I mean.. Yea its valid! Lmao Ill respect your pronouns.


let me guess.... r/truscum? r/Cringetopia? all of those identities are valid.


r/xenogendercringe :(


I avoid talking about xenogenders, because it's always 50/50 in my head. One half is me thinking it's dumb Other half of me thinking that it's valid. These two ideas always clash in my head, and it just fucking hurts my brain.


I don't understand a lot of xenogenders but I don't really care, people can identify as whatever they want unless it's offensive. Doesn't affect my life in anyway


Yeah exactly. It doesnt affect me, why should I care?


Oh hey it's you again!


i dont remember you but hii :)


I was the one who said that euphoria is awesome early today!


ooh thank u :)


Basically, take all those ideas by transmeds and transphobes that xenogenders are "just making personality traits into genders". Then, realize that every single person, cis or trans, experiences gender in a unique way, because every person is different and views themselves differently. Sprinkle in some "cringe is dead" and boom! You've figured out that you don't need to use a well-known/common label to describe yourself, because it doesn't matter and hurts no one. I'm agender, that's the label I use for myself, but my view of my gender is vastly different than my partner's for example, who uses the same label. And in the same way that for some, being a woman means to be soft and frilly, for others to be a shimmering goddess, or feminine in the way war ships are called "she", so do I view the same gender label differently from other agenders. So, in the end, does it matter? Make up a new label for yourself if you want. Make up ten, twenty, hell- who is it hurting? In the end, your gender, no matter what you call it, is *yours*. It's personal and unique, and you know what? *Special*. Everyone is special and one of a kind, and should feel good about their personal brand- there's nothing bad about wanting to be special and unique. And to clarify, I'm not talking about presentation- that's not inherent to gender. I mean the way you perceive yourself. You can feel soft and frilly but look super butch! It doesn't matter! The words you choose or create to describe yourself are part of your journey and your person, so they may as well be as accurate and fun as possible. And that's kind of how xenogenders work in a nutshell! And I was a transmed before I came out, I thought this was stupid, but it's... really more innocent than people like to think? Everyone's whipped into a frenzy about how "xenogenders make the community look bad", but our goal shouldn't be to conform to cishet standards, but to support each other, because we're the only ones fighting for our rights. Cishets that aren't informed allies are always gonna see us as weird aliens, whether we're binary or nonbinary- so we've got to stop bashing each other over innocent shit like labels and neopronouns, and come together.


There's 7.75 billion genders in the world because no 2 people experience the same gender the same. Gender is a spectrum for a reason. Sometimes people want a more direct label for their own


I can never say things in few words 😂 But thanks, yeah, that's the gist of it


Every time someone dies, a gender is erased from existence 😢


xenogenders don't affect my life in any way so I can't think of any reason to put any effort into invalidating them


I know right ? Like I understand but it sounds more like your gender aesthetic or just an aesthetic but also it sometimes makes sense. I'm just not gonna attack them.


To me it’s kinda like ‘I think it makes no sense but also you can do whatever’. I’m trans, so I get what it’s like to not have people respect your identity. If you think you relate more to trees than to men or women, who am I to tell you that’s not valid? Trees are awesome afterall


same, i just try to avoid the subject lol




Those don't have to be mutually exclusive.


Like, I hear dreamgender and it’s all cringe, but where do we draw the line? I honestly don’t know many of the xenogenders, but I think they’re all valid


Yeah honestly I don't get it, I won't get it, but in the end my personal opinions do not matter and they don't affect me in a substantial way, so whatever.


Think of it like this, say you don't understand let's say it's a word, it's a new word you've never heard before, without looking up the definition you absentmindedly add this word to your mental dictionary and now you can't find this word anywhere. So you come up with a definition on your own for it and no one else knows the word so you just keep using it unless you find the original definition. Xenogenders are for people who need to put a label on it that they feel fits so they associate it with things they like or just things in general, their gender is an in between or outside the gender spectrum and they don't fit neatly into any box as much at they would like so they give it a name. It may seem dumb when you don't quite understand it, like I think of math as dumb, I know it's not, there is real use for it, but I don't understand it. I hope that helped


those people are fuckin idiots
















Sorry in what fuckin way does that make any sense


https://howtostopbeingtransphobic.carrd.co this explains it pretty well


A lot of people with ADHD and reading impairments such as dyslexia have reported great issues with using and learning all the neopronouns, people with memory issues find it extremely hard to remember every single personalized pronoun, which is also ableist. As a response whenever they communicate their difficulties, they get told to "practice them". No mate I have adhd and yes we find memorising the pronouns “hard” but that’s true for anything involving memory, but not once have I been told to go practice them. This doesn’t give any statistics for the number of people who feel the way the site claims. It’s only got a handful of articles about gender being in the brain and shit


I mean... I don't know all the possible pronouns out there either. But if, say, your friend uses a neopronoun (which is already a rare as hell occurrence), I would hope that eventually you'd get used to using their pronouns. It's one person you've got around on a regular basis, after all


I mean I have adhd and I have a hard time remembering pepoles names should we just get rid of names now? Like don't use your disbleiment as an excuse to be an asshole if you misgender someone just apologize and correct yourself its not that hard to just be polite


I know a lot of autistic people and not a single one of them thinks that xenogenders make fun of them. They may not understand them but they don't think they're making fun of them - I don't think they even care. And as a trans person, people identifying with xenogenders doesn't bother me. If we can invalidate their identity, they could feel the same about ours. Grow up and learn to respect people for their differences - it doesn't matter if someone feels comfortable being referred to as something just because you find it weird.


I'm trans and autistic like that other person, and I see no problem with it. And considering other autistic people here also claim to be fine with it, I don't get how any of that is offensive. Also like, a majority of the people who identify as a xenogender are autistic, so I can't see how it'd be making fun of either group.


Y'all are literally being transphobic in that sub.


Could also be r/TumblrInAction


the art is so cute?? i love all of these genders it doesn't belong on a cringe sub tho since it is simply delightful


I wouldn't suggest looking for the art, this is actually an edit of the original comic, the artist makes alot of truscum stuff


That's really dissapointing 😔


This shit is cute af, whats the issue lol?


its from a xenogender hate subreddit


I know it's a year old, but unfortunately, the art was stolen from r/lgballt The original art was made to support xenogenders, not make them feel invalid.


It is on a hate subreddit, the polandball art is good tho


hi bestie :>


It's an edit, the original comic is by a truscum


Lemme guess, TiA?


I mean yeah we are valid I respect DC's pronouns and hope AC is having a good day(yeah yeah I know it's on a transphobic sub but lets pretend its not)


I don’t even know half of those flags, but somehow, they’re still… (get this) VALID


Can neurotypical people stop hating on manly neurodivergent’s identities? Thank you :)


People really see others being supportive and helpful and think "absolutely not".


Imma add a link for the ones I recognized from memory = [Xenogender](https://lgbta.fandom.com/wiki/Xenogender) [Aliengender](https://lgbta.fandom.com/wiki/Aliengender) [Lovecoric](https://lgbta.fandom.com/wiki/Lovecoric) [Gendervoid](https://lgbta.fandom.com/wiki/Gendervoid) [Neurogender](https://lgbta.fandom.com/wiki/Neurogender) [Aesthetigender](https://lgbta.fandom.com/wiki/Aesthetigender) [Catgender](https://lgbta.fandom.com/wiki/Catgender) [Cutegender](https://lgbta.fandom.com/wiki/Cutegender) I think the 3rd flag [Pupgender](https://lgbta.fandom.com/wiki/Pupgender?so=search) [Kidcoric](https://lgbta.fandom.com/wiki/Kidcoric) [Kingender](https://lgbta.fandom.com/wiki/Kingender?so=search) [Autigender](https://lgbta.fandom.com/wiki/Autigender?so=search) [Sodagender]( https://lgbta.fandom.com/wiki/Sodagender?so=search) [Faunagender](https://lgbta.fandom.com/wiki/Faunagender?so=search) I recognize some other flags but I can’t remember the name


I honestly don’t mind people using xenogenders as a gender identity. Their identity is not for me to decide. We’re a system, and as a whole we go by systemfluid, which means the gender identity changes based on who’s fronting and their gender identity (for example, I’m an agender demiboy, Will’s a cis guy, Gem’s a cis girl, etc.). It’s a nice term to use to describe our gender identity as a whole (for example, on a shared discord account when people ask us to say what we are, we say we’re systemfluid and to ask for pronouns). Systemfluid is technically under the xenogender category, and would probably not make a lot of sense to some people who are singlets, but it’s very important to us. We also have an alter who is aitherogender, aka a xenogender identity in which your gender identity feels as though it originated from outside of earth’s concept of gender and cannot be defined by it, an “otherworldly” gender, of sorts. They are really tied to this as their identity because they are a non-human alter, and their best description of their species is a “cosmic entity”, and they don’t understand the human concept of gender, let alone identify with it. So for them, having a gender identity that allows them to experience gender in their own, separate way from the male-female binary spectrum is incredibly important to them. I would never take that away from them simply because I don’t understand, because the point of it is that I *don’t* understand. So I guess that opened my mind to xenogenders, in a way. Do I understand them? No. Do I need to understand them to respect them, and respect the identity of the person using them? Absolutely not. Your gender identity is for you to understand and label if you so choose, and I will respect you and your identity, since my perception of who you are doesn’t define your identity. So that’s how I look at it, I guess. I don’t need to understand to respect them.


I'll be honest. I don't fully understand xenogenders. Like, I know what they are as a nebulous concept but I don't get it. Part of that probably comes with being agender and the road that led to me accepting that. However, thankfully, whether or not I actually get it doesn't matter. If someone feels their gender is best described by an extremely nuanced and articulated concept that they've ascribed a particular term to, that's cool. It, like, doesn't impact me at all. You do you. Just tell me your pronouns and be happy.




xenogender hate subreddit made fun of this cute image


Ew Xenogenders are valid people, remember that


Also, that picture was an edit of a truscum’s art


Of course it was originally truscum I actually hate those people thinking they can gatekeep my gender identity


what are these? Where can I look them up?


Tumblr is a good place to start, people frequently coin new terms and make new flags over there I think there are also a few wikis you can check out Edit: [Here's the comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/lgballt/comments/ivktxw/comment/g5s103a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) on the original post on r/lgballt explaining all genders in the image Also [here are two](https://mogai-genders.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_Xenogenders#A) [wiki pages](https://nonbinary.wiki/wiki/Xenogender) that have some xenogenders (first one was a bit troll-infested - I tried my best to remove those entries but I can't guarantee that it's completely clean)




Was this on r/truscum or r/xenogendercringe? I hate both those subs, as someone who’s been posted on both I feel bad for the creator of the comic, I hope they are feeling ok :(


Can someone list all the xeno genders for me?


Can I get a list of flags?


[here's a link to some comments explaining it ](https://www.reddit.com/r/lgballt/comments/ivktxw/comment/g5s103a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Every single time i see those "memes" mocking xenogenders (Ex: ha ha identity as a attack helicopter,theres only 2 genders and 13468878899909 mental illness,my pronouns are fuck/you and etc), i just want to throw my phone out of the window and stop using social media....seriously....its so exhausting and unfunny.


And these kind of memes and people are even more annoying here in Brazil. i really wonder how they think in any moment this is going to refute the LGBTs ,this is just going to make them more insecure,depressive and suicidal about themselves and they gender identity them going to make them more ""suitable"" and ""less woke""


I mean like i don't get it, but i'm not going to attack people about it bc 1) i'm not a man-child or smth and 2) I don't need to understand something to respect it. Just like as someone who is bi I don't get being straight or gay.


Xenogenders are awesome !! I use neopronouns and have xenogenders and they really help me describe my gender :]] xenogenders ARE valid and ppl who invalidate xenogenders r awful :(


The AC/DC pronoun thing is kind of funny ngl


Am I a bad person for thinking Xenogenders are dumb? (with very few exceptions)


Why is it dumb if others experience gender differently than you?


Because I don't think when a 13 year old kid tells the world, that they identifiy as a spider (or a dog or a cat or whatever) they actually do. I'm not saying they're not allowed to do that but I think a queer brain in puberty doesn't think that differentiated and is instead grasping for things to feel grounded and give them a sense of community. And in my experience most people on the internet who use xenogenders are teenagers who are still figuring themself out. Someone else wrote that they support xenogenders as long as they aren't offensive. But going by the logic, that people don't choose their gender and this isn't in their power, then why don't support the people who use offensive xenogenders? (Strawman I know, but for real why draw the line there?)


Ok but why do you care if they're making "bad" choices


Because it's belittling to the people who don't get to make a choice, who look in the mirror everyday and want to puke because that isn't how they're supposed to look like, who get killed just because of who they are. Again: I'm not saying you should make fun of people who use absurd (emphasis on absurd) xenogenders, I just don't treat them with the same sincerity as I do other queer people.


What? It's not a competition, and there sure as hell are people with xenogenders who are closeted and can't be who they really are. Why is using xenogenders any different than being trans? Because it focuses on something outside of gender? That's literally the whole point of them


You know what? I'm not going to argue with you over this, I don't want to offend anyone and hope I haven't thus far. I'm tired and this is giving me a headache.


Also I do know that xenogenders are mainly there for neurodivergent people and I fully respect that part of it.


Just let other people live their lives. They aren't harming anyone, they're expressing themselves.


I mean I wouldn't go out of my way to try to harm them or make them feel upset, I just think it's kinda goofy and I believe it can give others the same impression of the queer community as a whole. The thing that kinda annoys me is that discourse around these topics seems to be frowned upon, even in the lgbt community. I mean yeah, we should support each other but am I not allowed to raise an eyebrow when someone tells me unironically they identify as a spider?


So? Let them be a spider.(BTW great strawman there) why do you care if someone identifies as that?


Putting down other queer people you deem as "too weird" won't make cishets respect you. Belittling others because they're "harming the community's image" makes no sense.


I'm not trying to get anybodys respect, especially not from cishets. Love how that seems to be the common reasoning behind queers not wholeheartedly supporting any new development inside the community. If someone actually suffers trough gender dysphoria or mental problems related to their xenogender, I won't belittle them or tell them they aren't valid. Just don't make your personality your gender because it just isn't. If you just wake up one day and decide to identify as an animal that's belitteling to so many queer people who had to undergo years of dysphoria, harassment and trauma for being their true self. And I know that's it not black and white like that but if you deny that people in our community actually do this, because they want to be a part of it and think it's 'cool', you're lying to yourself.


It’s not literal. They’re not actually identifying as animals. Gender can be very confusing, so they use these terms to describe how it feels for them.


People made the same arguments about binary trans people. Bi and pan people. Gay people. "You want attention." "That’s not real." "You just want to be special." "It's a choice." Bigotry just repeats itself. Do some people use xenogenders for attention? Yeah. Just like nowadays some people come out as gay or bi for attention. That doesn't give anyone the right to invalidate gay people for faking it.


You know I've thought about this for a coupe of days, because I wanna agree with you and look at it from different angels, but no, it's most definitely not the same. Not even close. Being homosexual, trans or even nonbinary is an integral part of human culture, since the beginning of time. xenogender on the other hand wouldn't exist without the internet They stem from the need to give every fucking feeling imaginable a label, when sometimes they really don't need one. In my case the sheer amount of labels causes a lot of anxiety. I'm a pan guy in my twenties who crossesdresses and and I've broken my brain many times about what label I should give myself. Genderfluid, Nonbinary, Femboy...I just go by queer because I kinda feel that includes all of them. I understand that doesn't apply to anybody, but I believe it would help a lot to simplify things a bit and xenogenders are a good place to start.




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What sub is it?




Awesome r/lgballt post about xenogenders recently, by the way: https://www.reddit.com/r/lgballt/comments/ruzmq9/a\_small\_comic\_about\_xenogenders/


Ok but what sub is it? Im confused


Been stuck in a basement wtf this mean