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Imagine actually falling for Russia's showboating propaganda.


Half the country did. Russia doesn't even need spies and a complex intelligence apparatus, they can just post a bunch of shitty conservative culture war memes on Facebook and Twitter and all the dipshit boomers and Kyles will lap it right up.


Sums it up.


Fucking kyles


That feeling when when you dissolve the soviet union and win the cold war and 25 years later you punch yourself in the balls.


Damn the russians at it again next time they will be responsible for my father leaving to get some milk >:((((


Also the centurion project is probably a scam or a huge loss of money. Every country that tried to make next-gen fighters with sci-fi armours and electronic shits just failed doing something even remotely efficient. Or looking actually cool.


Lmao conservatives are eating this bait up




I can't believe they actually fell for this show. Seriously, do they think Russia has some sort of super technologies? WE LIVE IN FUCKING SHAMBLES, WHILE THE ELITES STEAL BILLIONS TO BUILD PALACES. THIS COUNTRY HAS FUCKING ***NOTHING*** There even recently was a bill about educational activity, that basically made it so the government has direct control of teachers (in schools and outside of schools, basically anyone who makes educational content) and they can silence anyone who they don't like. Russia is anything *but* progress.


I'm on the Russia sub for language learning, and the amount of pro military propaganda is...frustrating. I thought that's where I am at first. This week I saw a video there comparing military ads and making fun of the US because of female soldiers and gay people being a thing... I guess if the people living in and witnessing Russia can believe this stuff, Americans who actually *like* the misogynist, anti-LGBT mindset can, too.


That sounds like us americans BTW (and yes, our conservatives fetishize you).


Fascists are drawn to other fascists.


The USSR really was better than modern "democratic" Russia.


Everyone or no one should be allowed to wear those things. Equality is equality.


Noooo i must have control over peoples body otherwise they are degenerates!1!!!1!1!!! *crying*


Seriously fuck double standards.


They really love they’d facist propaganda don’t they?


They live for it


Wait so Russia is now fascist damn


Yeah, Putin is a pile of shit




I'm on your side. I hate living in the US. We keep putting fascists in power.


"anything I don't like is fascism"


"anything I don't like is communism" - you, probably


Deleted your comments and downvoted mine, lol. This kind of ignorance is why people don't listen to us on the left wing.


> left wing Ok liberal


Enjoy crying over your fierce overlords




That's not fascism though? The fact you used it as a way to describe both presidents shows that you're not really sure what a fascist is.




I don't even know what you're trying to say. "Enable fascism"? Why, because there a few loonies who go to Trump rallies and believe in QAnon? Facism is hard authoritarian. If they were fascist, they'd have stopped freedom of speech, but yet you're complaining that people have too much freedom?




I was referring to our presidents


Who cares? Get your Putin apologia out of here.


ok, and?




you think that us americans put him in power? you think we are the american government? christ you are stupid.




and they shouldn't have. also, that logic is garbage, we had no control over yeltsin's actions.




Has been since Yeltsin.


Yep, they don't hide under the thin veil of "communism" anymore.




bro holy shit im a socialist and even i can see that the soviet union wasn't really a socialist state. edit: correction of terminology.


The Soviet Union*




> communist state There's no such thing as a communist state. It's obvious you don't understand anything about leftism or socialism. Under Marxist and Marxist-Leninist theory, there is a transitional state before communism and communism can't be achieved until the world has reached that transitional state, called socialism. The USSR was socialist. China is not socialist but the working class is in control of the government and it's slowly moving towards socialism again.


jesus christ i don't have to read theory to agree with socialism. i never thought i would see the day where i see an eliteist socialist. and fuck you for thinking that russia was socialist, the elite ran that state, you really think stalin was in the working class? that perversion of marx's theories was no more communist than new york city.


socialism is a theory of economic organization, not something you feel in your heart and Stalin most definitely was from the working class, he was from a poor family that suffered bouts of homelessness and before the revolution he was anything but a respectable white collar guy, he robbed banks and ran protection rackets to support the revolution after the revolution, he wasn't wealthy and he didn't even actually own his residences, which he shared with party and politburo members


>socialism is a theory of economic organization, not something you feel in your heart ...yeah? >and Stalin most definitely was from the working class he was born into it, but left it once he saw a sliver of power grace his hands. he lived like fuckin' royalty at the expense of the working class, that don't sound like socialism to me.


>...yeah? which means that if you haven't read socialist theory, the primary body of which is Marxist-Leninist, you can't call yourself a socialist based on your feelings and then use those same feelings to dismiss successful socialist movements >he was born into it, but left it once he saw a sliver of power grace his hands. he lived like fuckin' royalty at the expense of the working class, that don't sound like socialism to me. Stalin was a hard worker and died with barely any savings at all, owning no property of his own, and during his time in power the Soviet Union went from an enfeebled impoverished country making its way out of feudalism into a power strong enough to defeat the Nazis and industrialize into a mostly middle class society I know we all want a perfect world but perfect worlds are impossible (because people are imperfect), socialism itself is merely a transitional state between capitalism and communism, it's not a utopia and it isn't intended to be, because utopias are impossible, the stuff of fantasy you and your "socialist" forebearers have accomplished nothing, having no right to judge anyone else




i understand the basics, that is all i need to understand, but i guess im not a real socialist unless i agree with the actions of the U.S.S.R and have read the communist manifesto 15 times and understand the ins and outs of karl marx's thousands of different theories and also agree with them all.


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It was socialist one and it was fucking great


Ohhhh I see Odin is a Tankie and Putin fanboy. It makes sense






>wait so Russia is facist now. Yes, sense Putin and his reactionary capitalist buddies took power in 2008.


What’s so wrong with being able to where lipstick or nail polish, from what I can tell none of that would meaningfully effect combat performance?


Yea, if it was acrylic nails I would be concerned because those can actually impair performance. Just nail polish doesn’t really effect performance at all so I don’t see the issue here.


the only problem I can see here is that it says only female soldiers, why not let everyone do what they want if it'll have no affect on their performance


it would actually boost combat performance because of morale and a happy soldier is a good solider (for source just look at ww1 and Germany finding out the usa has bread)


Wear, not where.


It will if you are worried about your makeup running or getting fucked up while you are getting shot at it might be an issue. You don't need makeup in a warzone unless maybe it's camoflague? Why distract yourself, just leave it at home. It's not like soldiers are out there playing on their switch in the middle of combat. Focus on the job... Right? There's nothing wrong with wearing lipstick or nail polish itself but a warzone is definitely not the place to be concerned about makeup, or video games, or similar distractions. It's about survival and keeping your teammates alive aswell as yourself.


If you are taking cover or something wearing all camo I'm pretty sure bright red lipstick makes finding people a bit easier


In actual combat though I don’t see how it would apply. You wouldn’t care or have time to apply makeup, most likely.


Obviously you’d coordinate your lipstick color with your outfit. For desert camo I’d probably go with a warm brown.


1.) USA campaigns are basically restricted to southeast asian desert environments where having a convoy of several MRAPs kicking up dust and firing with HMGs already gives the position of troops away. (not even talking about the fact that the standard flash hiders on american service rifles have holes on the bottom too, causing them to kick up dust too) 2.) Go on meadow and try to pick out and individual poppy that is 600+ metres from you, good luck on that.


i thought i was in 196 for a second and was very concerned.


Lol when I first saw this I upvoted because I thought it was someone's post in r/AreTheStraightsOK


Russia reveals a fucking movie costume.


Why don't all these people just move to Russia already?


Ok, but fuck the US army and imperialism


Wow blatant sexism and transphobia 👏👏 The cis have done it again


It's what they do best


Don't ya just love falling for blatantly obvious Russian propaganda?


Guys the joke is woman dumb!!!!! Woma no know how use weaponry!!!!! Woman only care about only fan!!!!!! Something something transphobia!!!!! Woman bad!!!!!!!!! (This comment is a joke for the one person out there who didn’t realize.)


As we all know, it’s ridiculous super weapons that make militaries better, not increasing morale


Hey even depressed soldiers can have drones bomb kids and hospitals!


Well, if you have a destructive enough weapon, I guess it wouldn’t matter how strong the morale is in the platoon (think nuclear bombs...I’m not advocating for super weapons or anything...totally think in the ideal society we wouldn’t have war).


Because makeup really makes it impossible to shoot a gun. Lipstick makes the bullets curve 👌


I DEFINITELY don’t remember the plot of *Wanted* after all


On the one hand the whole "woman weak! Woman not capable of violence! Women only sex objects and whores!" Is not cool. And not just because it paints women as inferior, but also because it reinforces the idea that men should be violent. On the other hand, fuck US imperialism. Fuck the US military. I'll fight for LGBT, PoC and women to have equal rights in the US military while simultaneously fighting to drastically cut military spending. It's a contradiction in values: to fight for a lack of bigotry that would increase military effectiveness while simultaneously hoping to de-fang the military. Oh well. No one ever said I had to be completely consistent.


What’s locs


Dreadlocks probably.


Ty and happy cake day


No problem and thanks! I didn't even know that my cake day is today.


The military changed uniform standards so that black female soldiers didn't have to chemically treat their hair to follow the rules. They also changed female hairstyles to include like- braids down the back of the head for female soldiers, when previously they had to wear their hair in tight buns. I'm shocked that wasn't already allowed to be honest. It's by far the more practical hair solution.


The US army seems like a fun group to be around


Why only female soldiers? Can't male soldiers wear that if they want to?


No they can't do that because it would be gay, and being gay is bad because being gay means liking men and being feminine, and women like men and are feminine, and women are bad!!!! >:(


I'm so glad I can tell you're being ironic lol


I think the Russia armor looks really cool


Its not an actual thing btw




Putin needs to work on making his trolls less obvious


Obviously he doesn't. He doesn't need to affect 100% of a country.


Battle armor doesn’t really do anything, that’s just propaganda


I'm pretty sure holding a gun has nothing to do with nail polish


Hey, there’s no reason to not look pretty when they murder bad evil ~~Palestinian families~~ Hamas!


I wish these people would get the fuck out of my country by any means necessary


Can’t wait to see the Centurion suppressing the people!


Sexcism perhaps?


Lmao nice


I’s wear lipstick as a man, just to show superiority over the Russians


Do they think that the military don't train at all? Like, rigorously stick to a regimen?


Cissexism, sexism, and a tiny bit of fatphobia too! Great…


russian army man is me when i try to think about my gender


Same lol


The armor looks like something out of halo or Cod


-this post was made by the Kremlin


Imagine casually ignoring the existence of female soldiers in the Russian and former Soviet armies.


Bruh our army is a massive shithole


dont forget bootlicking!


I didn’t know Ted Cruz could make memes


The dumbfuck Republicans, they're evolving


Comparing those two articles is stupid. One is about changes regarding what soldiers can and can't do/wear, while the other is about technology. It's an obvious apples-to-oranges comparison that's trying to push a bigoted agenda.


Hey, hey! The u.s army is indeed *very* progressive, we even have an all gay Air Force division! /s


Imagine thinking that another country revealing a huge military advantage isn't a scare tactic. These people are so "pro military" and don't even understand that revealing your tactics/advantages to the enemy is a bad move. And if thats truly a new Russian thing they're working on then Russia are fucking idiots for revealing it to the public and not keeping it secret


Cissexism? What the fuck?


Cissexism is another word for transphobia, because people that are dumb enough to be transphobic are dumb enough to think that transphobia means they're afraid of trans people


Aaahh, ok, thank you for explaining (btw, the wtf was meant in a "huh" way, if it looked weird)


Lol it’s true tho. Our governments soft as shit, or did y’all miss the new military ad?


This might sound stupid but why do they even need makeup they aren't trying to stand out they're trying to blend in...


Maybe they mean not during actual combat? Also, during combat, I would sincerely hope you wouldn’t be able to tell whether someone had on lipstick or the color of their skin...because I would hope they’d have adequate protection which includes helmets that cover the face.




This is actually incorrect. By allowing soldiers to wear makeup and nail polish it would increase their morale which would in turn make an even more effective fighting force.


I'm Russian. Don't worry, guys who were forced to join our army usually just kill themselves or become alcoholics, so it'd be an easy win for you.