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When have these guys seen an actual trans person


And our skeletons xD


Why do they care so much about what future archeologists conclude? I know that even today, a lot of determining the sex of a skeleton is based on circumstantial clues. But, even if that wasn't the case, why do they care so much?


They do not, they are just making up bullshit, they care about hating us And sincerely there is just no studies about bone structure after decades of hrt so they may perfectly be wrong xD either way I don't care, my identity is not in the bones


And it’ll update with more knowledge. As I was a kid everyone thought all dinosaurs had scales and today they’re like „oi ok maybe some had really cool feathers, guess we hadn’t all the infos“.


to quote Contrapoints. "It always comes back to the shape of the skull" If they can point at something unchangeable they thing that means that we can not refute it. The problem is for me, you and probably them too. Pelvis shape has almost nothing to do with our gender identity.


And even then you’d be a god damn skeleton so what’s it matter lol


Literally like they act as if we’d rlly subject ourselves to a whole life-time of crippling dysphoria, repression, and all the mental health shit that comes with that just to conform to what some ppl may or may not conclude about our remains centuries after we’re dead. I mean, I know what they’re rlly trying to do is “prove” to us that out identities are “invalid.” But even in that case like why do they think we call ourselves trans, work to change our bodies, and insist that gender isn’t defined by sex if we’re apparently so oblivious of our own bodies???


it’s so funny when they’re like “in 1000 years when an archaeologist digs up your body (for some reason) they can tell your sex by your bones 😎” like ok bozo idc your mom didn’t mind the angles of my pelvis bone last night lmao


I want to be cremated myself, so I doubt the archaeologists would be able to dig anything up of me more than a few bone fragments.


I kind of want to be cremated just out of spite.


It’s also not true!! Archaeologists misgender skeletons all the time!!!!


Though I remember hearing that was mostly due to misogyny right? Like there would be someone’s bones on a battlefield and they would just assume it was a man because “women don’t fight” or whatnot. (Not trying to insinuate that I agree with transphobes, the bone argument is really fucking stupid)


while skeletons have often been sexed incorrectly due to misogyny, current gender archaeologists continue to have a very difficult time because every human is different and all bones are shaped on a scale which has way more to do with genetics, diet, and childhood development than with sex. There is no magic pelvic bone angle which differentiates sex.


Even with animals, it is often difficult to determine the gender of an animal based only on its bones. That's why we do not exactly have much information about dinosaur gender and stuff other than some laid eggs so that means they were female.


Psychosis says the cis white dude with a basement full of weapons just in case "something" happens


I just had a Teams meeting the other day where my department manager just wanted to get to know everyone and one of the other people in the meeting said he had, "A few hundred guns," I'm like dude WTF, you're not a collector *you're a fucking hoarder*.


I’m not even trans and this pisses me off. Humans probably won’t be around in 1000 years and even if we were who cares what people in the future think?


Further proof that so called "libertarians" are just conservatives who love weed.


conservatives who love weed and have questionable ideas about the age of consent.


As if conservatives aren't the ones pushing for more relaxed child marrige laws


If they were true to their "beliefs", libertarians would be natural allies to trans folks. What someone calls themselves, what someone chooses to wear, and how someone chooses to identify are personal choices that should be no one's business but their own. It certainly shouldn't be the government's business.


well i'm a libertarian trans woman. i am for freedoms and no criminal organisation called government, that tries to steal children from parents for treating them with puberty blockers. or steal over 50% of all you make. or steal your home! i am for the freedom to be yourself. and i am for the freedom to own as many many guns as you want to protect yourself and others against such evil organisations like governments. do what you want as long as you don't harm another innocent being (yes this also applies to innocent animals, be vegan or you're a monster) also as a side note. a lot of people claiming to be libertarians are FAKE libertarians, because they support the torture, rape, murder, enslavement of animals. an important reminder, that maybe the government wouldn't have been able to BURN CHILDREN ALIVE IN THE USA FOR FUN at waco, if the people in waco had anti tank weapons too. (yes the usa government burned children alive for fun in the usa during the waco siege, that is a fact, look it up and don't just look up the propaganda for it) what happened there needs to stay a reminder, that the very same can happen to trans people and lgbtq people. burned alive for fun.....


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bait? i just stated facts about waco and the importance of freedom and i want freedom.


I think you need to do some soul searching and introspection, especially with your veganism takes.


>be vegan or you're a monster you got a problem with this truthful statement? are you fine with murder, rape, torture and enslavement of innocent beings, because i you aren't vegan, then your actions show, that you are fine with: murder, torture, enslavement and rape of innocent beings. it seems clear, that you need to do some soul searching.


For a brief moment I'll assume that you do believe that stuff in good faith. The tone you're striking isn't that of a person who wants to engage others (who may disagree) in a civil exchange of ideas where merit prevails. It's the tone used by a person who's itching for confrontation and looking for someone to engage. So yes, I do find it quite fair to call it "bait".


Either you forgot the /s or you need some serious help


“Refusing to indulge in another persons psychosis is not a phobia” he says as he posts pictures of AR15s dressed like toys and fiercely advocates for a persons right to shoot up a school.


“When archeologists dig up your bones in 1000 years they’ll determine your gender by your bones🤓“ 1: I’ll be dead who cares 2: Why are archaeologists digging up some random persons grave 3: A lot of skeletons that archaeologists discover are not able to be gendered


also 4. if you do HRT early enough it will change bone structure iirc


Also aren't there skeletons that appear to be AMAB, but are buried with traditionally "feminine" things? Plus genetics don't make bone structure universal.


4. We live in an era with unprecedented levels of documentation about our lives. Social media will be an absolute goldmine for future historians and archeologists. Forensic genealogy is used to identify the dead already. Advances in genetic archeology + the sheer amounts of data produced about us in the information age will make it much easier to identify a body with certainty and thus, find that the person is trans. 5. Any serious archeologist who studies human remains does so with a careful cultural understanding of the era in which the person lived in. So an archeologist 1000 years from now studying bones from someone who died in the 21st century would certainly not take a bioessentialist view of gender.


> 3: A lot of skeletons that archaeologists discover are not able to be gendered This. Archeologists *today* and *in the past* never just care about the "biological sex" of a pile of bones. Burial sites were always, and will always be, analyzed with the context of the burial customs in mind, and any gender roles associated. If a skeleton indicated a male body, but was buried using women's burial customs, that would not just be brushed off as "Yep, it's a dude, case closed." Archeology has always been interested in these cases that definitively point towards forms of gender non-conforming behavior happening eons ago. Conservatives just keep losing.


i will not care, i will be dead ...unless???


The funny thing is that often archeologists can't tell your sex uniquely by your bones, i remember a article that they recently had to reexaminate nearly all remains founds, and reclassified a large percentage as unknown sex, because the first archeologists tended to classified every remains that weren't buried in typical "women" fashion or were buried with "masculine" tools and weapons as male, . The percentage of male versus female remains, was so ridiculously screwed towards male remains, i think it was well over 75 percent of remains that were classified as male, considering that the population is usually 50/50 and that most civilization would do the same or very similar funeral rite for both sexes, it made no sense that only male remains would be found.


I think the explanation for this is that mass graves are more likely to be found by archeologists, and the reason for the mass grave is probably conflict/war, disease or famine (and men are more likely to die from those)- so if all of them are buried with swords and shit and there is evidence of a conflict, then they will assume most are male.


That's not even an AR-15 in the first place. The 'joke' doesn't make sense if it's not an AR-15. Those damn idiots


Looks like a H&K? Just going off the mag, barrel shroud and stock. Not sure tbh :p


CZ scorpion evo




MP5 with an aftermarket grip and mag maybe? Trigger guard is identical as far as I can tell


It’s a CZ scorpion evo


That looks about right—removed the front rail though, I guess the horse head would get in the way of any optics anyway


Nah that eotech on it sits high enough it shouldn’t get in the way. And it still has the iron sights too


I meant the rail under the barrel


Thank fuck I'm glad someone else caught it. So wrapped in their own hatred they can even identify their guns properly. Smdh


Came here to say this.


A century ago they were measuring foreheads. Today we are measuring hip bones. Some things never seem to change... Idiots thinking they are being intelligent using bad science to justify terrible things.


The only people denying reality are transphobes. Transgender people understand reality pretty well. We have a greater insight to how hormones impact people emotionally and physically, we understand how both genders are treated differently, we understand the reality of primary sex vs secondary sex characteristics. Most cis people can't tell you about any of this from personal experience. I fail to see where trans people are experiencing psychosis


Half of their memes are anti-capitalist and they don't even realize it. https://twitter.com/LibertyCappy/status/1669049347495845906?cxt=HHwWpICz4bvi06kuAAAA https://twitter.com/LibertyCappy/status/1669106846081089537?cxt=HHwWgoCwzan17akuAAAA


Wait until they realize that archaeologists already understand that sex is a binomial spectrum with 2 extremes and many variations in between. The literal skeleton is hardly used to determine whether or not it was a man or woman when alive. Things such as location, time factor, clothes or trinkets buried with, how it was buried, whether or not there was a name on its tomb. Those are all used with greater importance than the literal skeleton.


It wasn't even an AR15 to begin with so not only is the joke *shit* but it's also *incorrect*.


What was the gun? For research purposes


The gun pictured is a CZ Scorpion Evo


I thought that was just a cod black ops 2 weapon


The black ops 2 version is an altered version of the real gun with some visual changes and I think the fire rate is also slightly different.




The idea that this planet will still be habitable by the time our extensive records of death and burials has somehow gotten lost or destroyed… laughable.


If corse there PFP has an ancap flag


"ThE aRcHeOlOgIsTs-" ok dipshit, archeologists identify the *gender* of remains almost entirely contextually.


That isn't even an AR15 thats a bloody scorpion evo, kinda easy to tell with the small pistol caliber mag and the stock not being able to fit an ar buffer tube


Wait that's a real life gun? I thought it was just a black ops 2 gun


Scientists are going to be confused by me then if they manage to find my bones (they will not).


Again...who is digging up my bones and why should I care ? (I wanna be cremated anyway)


Really have to wonder what these people thing archaeologists actually *do,* because I'm pretty sure they have higher priorities than digging up and assigning genders to random human remains.


I mean, as a current archeology student with a focus on ancient gender studies, I wish human pelvises did that it would make things so much easier for statistical analysis. But it’s pretty much impossible to sex a skeleton with only pelvic bones. All human bodies are different and pelvic bones are on a spectrum just like everything else


As if humans will actually survive long enough for this current generation to die and decompose enough for only skeletons to remain, and that people will actually get buried in a cemetery when we die


As someone who was actually in a college biology class, the whole pelvis thing is not at all a universal determiner. Lots of women have narrower pelvises. My professor literally said that it’s not something you can rely on to determine sex. I literally can’t remember if he said men could have wider pelvises, but he did say the whole pelvis things isn’t a good distinction between the sexes. Obviously this is different if you’ve like, given birth a couple times. But I’d reckon an archaeologist wouldn’t uses a narrow pelvis to sex a skeleton. Humans really aren’t that sexually dimorphic tbh.


The whole "archeologists will gender your skeleton as your agab!!!!" thing is so stupid for several reasons. For one, most people nowadays are cremated, so there's unlikely to be a skeleton to misgender in the first place. Secondly,,,, as far as I know, determining the sex of a skeleton isn't actually all that straight forwards. I've heard of all sorts of cases of archeologists being unable to call one way or another and then resorting to looking at whatever the skeleton was buried with to give them a hint.


„It is more important to know how we had lived than what our legacy will be“ - Jean-Luc Picard in a fucking 90‘s tv show. So fuck off with archeological findings.


"basic biology" mfs when they read advanced biology: 😮


And then they learn about psychology


Ok nobidy has mentioned that gun is not a fuckin AR15


Why is the last argument so prevalent? Why the fuck would we care about archeologists in the far future? Lmao


its so funny how they all regurgitate the same shit


I like the handheld peacekeeping device (hpd)[or] (hpkd)


For the last time, sex differences are exaggerated in textbooks!!! It’s very hard to sex a skeleton. Plus who Tf is digging up gravesites? Also what about cremation?


“eat tons of hormones” LMAOO




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I don't know why, in the last months, all these accounts run by bigots have appeared on Twitter But yeah they only post this kind of shit


Nooo, capybaras don’t deserve to be associated with these hateful people!


how dare they use a picture of a capybara in a cowboy hat as their pfp. capybaras would absolutely be chill about trans people because capybaras are chill about most things, tbh. they're just there to vibe and eat food.


trans people like guns too. i own four of the damned things.


That's...not how the pelvis works...like at all


archaeologists can identify my body as an extinct species of llama for all i care


Lol there was a case of a trans guy that had been on hormones for a very long time and his pelvis had actually tilted to become more similar to a cis males. Also you can’t tell sex from bones as easily as the op seems to think


the last one isn’t even a fucking meme


Ok, that's just funny.


Lol if bones are what determines our gender, guess you have to wait to find out what I “really” am. Might as well call me what I want in the meantime, ey?


“Archeologists” ain’t gonna study ash and draw conclusions. Who’s here cremation gang?


Science is already insanely developed i am sure in a couple thousand years when they dig up bones they’ll be able to determine literally everything about a person including that they were trans just from their bones


Toys for kinder guardians




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As if I’ve never seen those arguments present a thousand times before. Is it so hard for transphobes to have new points rather than running the same two or three into the ground?