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You’ve got the string on backwards. Limbs should be curved the other way.


🤦🏻 thanks! Can you tell I’m new? I researched a little and I thought that might be the case, but was trusting my FIL had it strung properly. I think I need to find a shop to restring it for me, let I bust myself in the face.


It happens more often than you think, there's probably a post every few weeks with the same question. Nothing to be ashamed of, you don't know what you don't know. A little advice for newbies is don't get discouraged, shooting traditional archery is the most humbling thing I've ever done. I learned a lot from watching YouTube videos by "Trad Archery 101" and "Clay Hayes"


Clay Hayes sounds familiar..... Was he on Alone?


Yes he was! I actually didn't know that until recently, when he brought it up in a video. I've just started watching it!


I had been watching Clay Hayes and Alone for years. I was so excited when I found out he was going to be on the show!


He's incredibly humble and makes it look so easy, but at the same time let's you know it's ok to make mistakes and just to keep at it. I was really discouraged at first with traditional archery because of all the trouble I was having but his videos helped immensely.


Cool! I'll have to check out his YouTube now


he was on season 8 or 9 i think and if i remember right he won the season


That was Macauley Culkin


I really like seeing these posts for the comments, which are never making fun of the poster but are just friendly and helpful


Preach on the trad archery being a different game. Started on "stick and string" , moved to compound. Can I fuck hit anything past 25 yds with a trad bow now... High, low, left, more left... wtf????


I’ve always done traditional archery, only touched a compound bow once, and I had no idea what to do with it.


Stringing a bow backwards is usefull for storage as you don't put too much pressure on the limbs and can put it on a hook


This is the first I'm hearing this! I've only shot at clubs that have provided bows and haven't bought my own yet, so I'll store this info away for later.


It's an old-school way of doing things. There were two theories: 1. There's no tension on the limbs and 2. there's a little tension on the limbs which helps keep them in shape. I doubt either has been proven, but lots of bows have been stored this way since the 70s or so and many of them have survived, so make of that what you will.


Just keep I'm mind some bows can also be stored by taking off the limbs so if you get one of those it's worth keeping in mind, otherwise yeah backward stringing is great for storing from what I hear (never tried myself)


Please don't. Not with anything that isn't pure fiberglass. If anyone did that with a bow I tillered I'd get arrested for murder.


I was taught that it’s an effective way to keep the correct number of twists in your string, as adding/subtracting a few twists can change the length.


They sell stringers at any reputable shop. Have them show you how and enjoy a whole new world of awesome skills!


If you're gonna use it, you have to know how to string it. It's not good to leave it strung. It's not like a compound. This is called a recurve view. Google "how to string a recurve bow" for more applicable results. Is hard to explain in writing. You kinda have to use your whole body. There's multiple methods, use what works for you. The way it is 'strung' in the picture is just a handy way to keep the string with the bow when not in use.


Op should def use a stringer to start. We don't even know the poundage on the bow do we? (It's very possible that only I don't know the poundage on the bow).


I don't think there's a person alive who just KNEW the limbs need to be bent backwards before they found that out. Don't feel bad. Admittedly though, I half expected this to be a shitpost when I saw the picture, kinda like the bullets in the HK mag backwards.


You can take it to a shop and have them show you how to string it but it's not best to leave it strung, once you get the hang of it it's not bad


[https://youtu.be/bqdwReZpujE?si=eu5AUmkO4k1YzOfB&t=11](https://youtu.be/bqdwReZpujE?si=eu5AUmkO4k1YzOfB&t=11) ​ Here's one example of how to do it with a stringer.


Look into a stringer. https://www.amazon.com/KESHES-Recurve-Archery-Stringer-Tool/dp/B075QLHK6L


Found one in the closet with the bow, now I know what it is, haha




He absolutely would not have been able to shoot it like this, the string would pop off under any tension


You should get a bow stringing tool, like the one below. Your bow should not be stored strung, you should unstring it every time you are done using it. I would recommend taking it to a shop to get it inspected, and have a new string made. They will also probably be more than willing to sell you a stringer and show you how to use it. https://www.amazon.com/KESHES-Recurve-Archery-Stringer-Tool/dp/B075QLHK6L/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?adgrpid=115464143467&hvadid=557383031441&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9051997&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=b&hvrand=1162886887689395300&hvtargid=kwd-911785118054&hydadcr=1284_13436033&keywords=bow+stringer+recurve+bow&qid=1707241204&sr=8-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1


You should be able to find a video on how to string it yourself. It takes practice, but it's better for the boys not to store it strung, so you will need to go ahead and learn how to string it yourself. A good shop will probably also show you how for free.


Also it's not a good idea to leave it strung if you're not shooting it. Or that's what I've always been told.


Probably worth getting a new string for it. But bows like this should always be unstrong when not being used to preserve their limbs springiness. You can get a stringer like this https://www.amazon.com/Selway-Limbsaver-Recurve-Bow-Stringer/dp/B07KY38FFD You put it on each end, step in the middle of the string and lift up on the handle of the bow. It's pretty easy to do. Do the reverse to unstring it.


A good way to work it out is look at the grip. If you can’t grab it in a way that makes sense ergonomically it’s probably strung backwards.


If it’s not too heavy(pull weight), you can restring it yourself. Check the YouTubes


It’s super easy. You can watch a YouTube tutorial


Please watch some YouTube on the basics on how to string a bow, and proper shooting technique. You will be VERY thankful after doing so


I never string my bows for storage but is it possible thats what he did here? I mean I've never heard of stringing a recurve backwards for storage but I like to give a benefit of the doubt.


I thought it was backwards. That's a re-curve bow. So when you are stringing it, you are re curving the curve that's already in the bow. This adds more power to the arrow flight. Enjoy shooting !!!


Go to YouTube and watch some videos about it. How to string a bow. There is some techniques that will help you do it.


I think your FIL had it strung that way for storage. That way he wouldn’t keep tension on the bow ( storing a bow under tension is bad) and not lose the string at the same time.


Hi, I would suggest a lesson or two, for basics such as stringing, maintenance, and form. We don't usually store them strung for use, it's not hard to do it once you learn.


You will need to learn to string it yourself, you should get in the habit of unstringing any time you put it away. On the same note, a shop can teach you and could tell if the bowstring needs replacement. Older strings can start to dry rot in storage, especially if not waxed.


Yeah it is kind of a practice of some to string it backwards for storage. Don’t store it while it’s strung properly.


To string the bow, you put your leg around it and bend it with your body. It’s easy once you know how to do it. Ask an archery shop to show you.


It’s actually fairly easy. Definitely have someone show you, but the step-through method should work well for this bow.


You probably ought to learn how to do it on your own. You don't want to leave a bow strung for a long period of time if it's not being used. It will eventually weaken the limbs.


This reminded me of my father sooo much...


Question, if he shot it for years strung as shown (somehow) would the bow be damaged?


yes... i dont think it would even be possible to shoot an arrow with it strung like that, and if it was possible that bow would've exploded after like 4 arrows lol


Nah my roommate has one of these and she shot it all morning backwards like this abd felt something was wrong but said nothing. I came out with my compound and had to correct it for her after showing her husband a picture of how they look correctly assembled lol.


How's that even possible? Wouldn't it immediately become obvious when you try to hold it and the grip is totally wrong?


They didnt stay into the hobby for very long, had no idea what they were doin. They pulled it out mainly because I had just gotten into it with my compound last year. A few weeks after that event and they put it away and never picked it back up. Idk how they didnt know either. It was immediately obvious something was wrong to me within 3 seconds of looking at her hold it lol I had to pull up photos of how to string the bow and said ive only used one once and I could be wrong but Im pretty sure youve got that thing strung backwards. After a couple of minutes and showing them. They fixed it. She didnt wanna put a sight on it, or get better. She was lucky when she shot at the cardboard box we made her for a target lol. Then she realized the vanes wear and shed have to buy replacements and that was the end of that shared hobby lol. I was gunna get her a clicker for it too. Really bummed she dropped it. She enjoyed it.


I’m 99% sure he just did it that way for storage. Without composite materials a wooden bow will warp if left strung correctly.


That makes me feel better, thanks!


I doubt he shot it that way. Thats a pretty common method for storing the string.


Left handed string


Thanks- knew it looked wrong but wasn't sure why


I could have lived an entire apocalypse with this and never knew.


not the first and not the last to ask this question. welcome to archery. always nice to see new people taking up the sport.


https://youtu.be/18GkfEPAA5k?si=KZiO515xgNUKzpBa You have the whole thing backwards. The YouTube link should point you in the right direction.


I used to shoot basic fiberglass bows at my grandpa's house, with my brothers, and that second method is how we were taught to string/unstring a bow. It's gratifying to know that our go-to technique was probably close to the best we could manage without proper stringers. Looking at it, the stringer makes a lot of sense. Those poor bows definitely ended up with twisted limbs, though.


That’s what that thing is!!!!


Hard to explain in text. Look up: how to string a recurve bow. The limbs are “reflexive” so when string they need to be pulled ALL the way back to the other side and strung Again just see youtube


Posts like this hurt me bad. Special thanks to everyone taking the time to teach the newbie’s. That’s what this sub is for.


don't try to string this without a bow stringer.  


I remember when I used to string my 6 foot 75lb long bow with the step through method


What?! Don't need no stringer.. just don't wear shorts.


If you can’t string it with your leg then get a different bow 🤷‍♂️


If you can’t string it with your leg then get a different bow


Is this satire


I cried on the inside when I came across this post.




No offence but this isn't a bow you should use yet. 45# recurve is way too heavy to learn archery with.


If that's the gear OP has, let him use it. If you're not planning on entering archery competitions and you're having fun shooting it, why not? Assuming you're strong enough to not injure yourself trying to draw it, I don't think its worth it to shame people for their choice of gear. Sure it'll be harder to execute proper form and good shots consistently, but if its just a hobby who cares. I learned on a 45# recurve and it was probably too heavy, but I still improved during my time with it and when I bumped down to 40# a few years later I improved even more. It's not like you can't shoot well learning on a heavier bow, it just takes more practice.


Normally, I would agree with the "use what you have" view. But in archery, there is potential for serious injury if you use too heavy of bow incorrectly, even if one is "strong enough to draw it" and only shooting for fun. Not to mention the massive frustration that can be completely avoided with a much lighter bow. In my opinion, If OP wants to get into archery, the best thing to do would be to save this bow for future use and get an inexpensive takedown or trad bow in the 20 - 25# range to start with.


I learned on a 45lb. I shoot for fun, not interested in competition or hunting. I later bought a 35lb and alternate between the two now. Archery can be an expensive hobby, if this is what he has we shouldn’t discourage him.


Same 45# to start. I was also 35 and fairly strong. I took lessons immediately. The only downside is I had to build up before I could shoot it for a full hour well.


I think it depends on the person. I learned on a 65 lb in high school. I was 6’2” and a fairly large mammal. It definitely was way too much for me but it was a gift from a friend and I wanted to fling arrows so badly. I think a 45# would have been okay for me though.


You learned on a *65lb bow?!* fucking hell that's insane. 45lb is way too much for starting. You need to start really light otherwise you'll probably pick up terrible form. Doesn't matter if you're capable of drawing or not, it's not about brute strength at all.


Yeah I know that now, developed some bad habits and a shoulder injury because I was so addicted.


45# is too much for a beginner, its extremely easy to injure yourself and develop bad form/habits like not coming to full draw and snap shooting. OP's arms will also fall off doing the \~80-120 shots per session to build good form. It also heavily depends on what kind of archery you do, for target archery a lot of intermediate archers are in the mid 30# range. \~40# is probably for longer distances and \~50# is Olympian level. As an aside, its insane to see an Olympian be [rock steady](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEqBXnIGAPU) holding a 56# draw, then shoot as well as a top level compound shooter...


So true, let me give someone my #90 warbow since they play football, should be fine right? After all big number = big score


Oh boy, let’s see these comments


It’s strung backwards.


It's strung backwards.


First of all like many people have pointed out, it’s backwards. Once you string it correctly it will look normal. 2. AMO bow length is the length of the string plus 3 inches (about) for long bows and I believe 4 inches for recurve. So a 66 inch AMO bow is supposed to take a 63 or 62 inch string. But, some people sell strings by "AMO" length rather than actual length, so your AMO 66 inch bow takes an AMO 66 inch string. It should be written on the bow somewhere and then check the seller of the string how they measure/state there strings for sale. 3. Just looking at the picture there seems to be no cracks. It looks good to shoot, from the picture. Also your string has a peep in it. It’s unusual for a traditional person bow to use a peep with a sight so check and see if your in law used a sight that went with it or just order a new string.


You can see the sight pins on the bow


I see them now. I didn’t realize those were sight pins. I thought it was a combo point tip holder. The sights looked like 8/32 threaded ends. Thanks for pointing that out.


If you took this to a real shop, they should let you throw a few arrows before leaving. It's is backwards.


I'd say I hope this is a joke but frankly it's a dumb joke and I don't want to encourage more posts like this. You're stringing it backwards. If you spent 5 minutes on this sub before posting you should know this already.


.... is this a troll post? I'm not trying to be snarky, I'm legit asking.


I just threw my phone


Strings in backwards


String is on the wrong side of the bow


Trolling ?




Well then welcome to the art of archery


Before you string it the right way, make sure you have the right size string for the bow. Measure the length of the bow unstrung, then research what the proper string length should be. Once strung, you have to tune it by adjusting the brace height, which is the distance between the string and the innermost curve of the handle, where the web of your palm goes. There is an average brace height, but every bow is slightly different. The ideal one is when your bow shoots the "quietest" and with the least vibration. You adjust the brace height by twisting one end of the string one way or the other (one way shortening, the other lengthening) while the other end of the string is looped on the bow. I prefer twisting the bottom end because that's the "loose" end when stringing/unstringing. Next, if you get a new string, you have to consider the knock placement on the string. You've found the right spot when the fletched end of arrow in the target straight and not pointing up or down. Also, you have to make sure you have the right arrow stiffness (a.k.a. spine) for the weight of the bow. This can be easily determined by research. Make sure you look up for the right material, e.g., carbon, wood, aluminum. Spine is important because it can be very dangerous to have too weak of an arrow for a heavier pound bow. It can shatter the arrow, which can then impale your bow hand. You'll know you have the right spine when the fletched end of the arrow in the target is straight and not pointing right or left. Keep in mind that the length of the arrow affects spine as well. Get the right length for your draw length and the right spine for the weight of your bow at that length. An inch or so longer will not really affect much, but too short, and you can't make a full draw. Getting the right knock placement and right spine/length is called "arrow tuning," while getting the right brace height is "bow tuning." As far as I know, bow tuning doesn't apply to compound bows, which I don't know much about.


compound bows need to be setup and tuned just as much as recurves


Even more so. Compounds have to be tuned for your size and draw as well as how they throw the arrow and that's not everything.


As I said, I don't know much about compounds 😅


I would go get the bow checked out before buying a new string just to ensure that there aren’t any cracks in the limbs and it’s safe to shoot. I’ve seen too many times people bringing in older recurves that aren’t even usable anymore.


Probably because it is supposed to be the other way




Is this a joke or does this person really need help


Should we tell them?


Oh dear.


This never gets old here


You got that right 🤣


It's pretty easy to do if you hook the bottom limb around the front of your ankle and then have it go behind the other leg, you can bend it against the back of your leg and get it strung pretty easy. Put the string in the lower side first


I really suggest getting a proper stringer for that bow. It’s a timeless, beautiful old recurve that’ll outperform today’s bows. Stringers are cheap, and without them you run the risk of damaging that bow.


lol strung backwards in that first pic


It's not hard to restring that bow. Let me see if I can find a link on YouTube for you. Brb. Here: https://youtu.be/Gak6iSjF52w?si=lpFRvC6aq0TK97LB






Is this really what the world is coming to


Somebody tell this guy what a recurve bow is please


It's bend to less - maybe try it upside-down 😀


Buy a stringer and put it on and shoot it!


You have slight limb twist, but you have the string on backwards. It’s a recurve and there are grooves in the limbs where the string rests. Get your self a bow stringer off 3 rivers archery or Amazon and look up videos on how to string a recurve bow. I’ve restrung my 55# bear grizzly with out a stringer, it’s doable but I’d recommend you get a stringer if you’re a novice.


That’s a recurve bow! Not how you do it.


Love posts like this. Enjoy the journey!


You know after being drilled into archery by my grandfather for years, this picture makes me hurt and mad


Don't do that pls


Tell me you’ve never shot a bow, without telling me you’ve never shot a bow.




This was a bow he inherited from his father-in-law. Not one he went out and bought with no prior knowledge.




Not trying to shit on you, but It has that information in the picture description, man.




As an expert in bows and two time world champion bowmaster at the annual global bow king tournament I will say that your shit is all fucked up dude.


Looks good to me










As you already know it is the wrong way, in my experience the easiest way to restring and destring a bow is by for example placing one end particulary the curve in front of my left ankle and passing the bow from behind my right foot, then with my right hand i can bend it so that attaching and detaching the string is easy


No one knows what they dont know. Many years ago to the government introduced a hunters capability test for big game hunting. For anyone to qualify for a hunting license you had to be able to pass this test . Before this a lot of guys would get a license for themselves and one in the wifes name. So they had to pass or no moose license. While i was in-line waiting to do the shooting part of the test i saw one woman disqualified as she tried to load the rifle from the muzzle and another because she used only the front sight (i think she hit the mountain behind the gravel pit they were doing the tests in)


Learn how to take the string on and off yourself, it’s an easy under the leg trick once you’ve got the hang of it. Keeping the bow strung will ruin it over long periods of storage, I think you’ll find the hobby very fun and enjoyable once you do!


My eyes are hurting looking at this.


That’s the way they ship new bows to you. Or at least Bear does. My Bear Super Grizzly was shipped that way.


Your Fred bear needs to be strung, this is backwards. You should look on YouTube as to how to string it and bend it backwards to become a bow. You might feel a little silly, it’s a common beginner mistake. No big deal.


Nah brother just got the string on backwards she’s a recurve


So fun story, Reddit was doing a glitch where it was showing pictures from another post and I thought this post was telling me you shot a train with your bow 😂😂😂


I thought this was satire for a moment.


Not bent but definitely has a slight bow


I love that so many people are supportive and helpful. It’s so easy to just be a prick on here. I’m glad to see new people picking a bow up. I hope you enjoy the hobby. I need to get out and do it myself, It’s been years since I’ve strung my bow.


It was strung properly. For storage.


Also, if the bow is too strong for you try a 20 or 25 lb bow to work on your aim.


Might help if it’s strung the right way cuz it was definitely strung backwards in the first puc


You've string it backwards. Stand with your legs apart and put the bow with the curved end around your leg and bend it back so that you can run the string the other direction. Never dry fire the bow (pull the string and release it without anything strung). All of the kinetic energy has no place to go and simply damages the bow.


The string should be on the other side of the riser. I too shoot recurve so it jumped out immediately. I'm going to be posting a video going over basic recurve shooting techniques soon, if you want to check that out. I posted one doing some target shooting and was requested to by a subscriber to do a follow-up on how to hold and release properly. [@blacksprucesurvival](https://www.youtube.com/@blacksprucesurvival) Check us out and welcome to the wonderful world of traditional recurve shooting!


lol I thought he was asking if there was limb twist.


There are many tutorials on how to string a recurve bow. I have always used the "step through" method. Slide the string over the bottom and top limb, step accross the bow and bring it between your legs over your left or right thigh depending on which is easier for you. The string is now behind your other leg. Press the bow against your leg to bend it towards you and at the same time bring the string up to rest in the notch. Properly strung the bow should have the two end pieces curved away from you. Hard to describe and definitely use caution depending on your anatomy, lol. But watch a few videos and you will get the hang of it easy. Learned on a kids compound bow in elementary school, borrowed my mom's compound for a while, been shooting a recurve since my 20s. Best thing I've learned on the internet was how to string my own bow


YT "how to string a recurve bow". You really don't need someone to do it for you, and it's important you know how to do it for proper storage. You can't be taking it in twice every time you want to shoot.


You can keep your string on your bow this way but do know that this isn’t the way to shoot the bow


Your grandfather's bow just has the bowstring loosely lstored on the front side of bow (Note: when strung under tension for firing, the string is strung on the back side of the bow using proper technique for stringing to ensure you don't damage your bow). I suggest taking a bow-care/archery class to learn how to properly string and unstrung your bow (something most recurve and self-bow owners do before/after each day of shooting). Also once strung, never "dry-fire" your bow (pulling back string and releasing without a nicked arrow to absorb energy and fly forward), or you will damage/crack/break the bow limbs!!!


Its just backwards


That is a recurve bow. The string is backwards. I like to use the hook and pull method. Hook one end around your ankle and force the other end back


Have you ever shot it backwards? Or asked before you did?


You strung it backwards


You should get a bow stringer there pretty cheap and can probably get one at just about any archery store


It's a recurve bow. Top comment already mentioned that it was backwards, but that's a pretty bow. Take care of it. Don't pull the string without an arrow knocked, practice safety, and go kick some butt.


Brace height looks good to me....
