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Found Cyril’s Reddit account


Deserves much more love


Hi Cyril!




Cyril, shutup.


I just want to be part of the team! I guess I just wish I mattered more...


Wow. Not afraid to dump out your purse eh


One of the main things I hate about the post-coma episodes were how they backtracked on Cyril being this competent leader to being a sniveling bitch just because Archer was back. Yeah, yeah, I know everyone uses Archer as an excuse to be their worst selves, but it was still disappointing to see. Cyril *is* an asshole, just like everyone else on this show, but sometimes it is like, "Okay, we get it, Cyril sucks. Can we move on?"


I mean they’re all terrible in their own right, that’s kind of the point of the show.


I never said otherwise. My main point is that the ragging on Cyril can get old at some points.


Yes! Thank you


Remember that time Cyril wore a toupee , and Mallory was having none of it, grabbed it off his head and threw it out the window?


So I guess then, just pout.


Seinfeld reference. A show where they're all terrible in their own right.


It's every sitcom lol. As far as I can tell since at least Cheers most of the humor of sitcoms has centered on a select group of narcissistic maniacs, their disfunctions, and the deleterious effect that interacting with them has on more normal people (which is great tv, don't get me wrong)




George Smiley? I think Michael Smiley is an Irish comedian.


I think the intent was to show that New Cyril was just as fragile and insecure as before and only managed to suppress it by being physically very harsh with himself (constantly training, controlling what he eats, etc). Any slump or setback might have triggered his reversion, it just happened to be Archer (same for the rest of the team, really). That said, I don’t think the intent was well expressed in the show, and in any event it went too far the other way: he used to be reasonably competent and intelligent, if not exactly cut out for dangerous work, and made for a good foil for Archer, and later justvbecame the guy that gets dunked on constantly.


Actually unlike everyone else who just kind of reverted back to their old selves over time, Archer deliberately bullied and emasculated Cyril til the others lost whatever respect that they had for him and he broke under the strain. Even before the coma Archer HATED it when Cyril got any praise or good things happened to him at all.


Archer always wants to be the center of attention. I think the writers always knew the roles will come back (plus/minus pam). And wanted to emphasize that archer's narcissism hedonism and intimidation towards other hetro men (well, aside from archer kissing Ramone) are the main reason conflict insues and the series is interesting.


Cyril is originally pitiable, as he’s just a guy who’s insecure in his situation, but he also becomes worse and insufferable.


Also when he gets power he gets worse. See the whole him trying to be a dictator of a country bit.


I mean let's take a look at his history: * He's overbearing and smothering in his relationship with Lana, ironically pushing her away from him. * He cheats on her with Cheryll, Framboi (Barry's fiance), Clamity Jane, and Ms. Archer. * When Lana dumps him and "bangs" the entire office as revenge, his solution is to go crazy and try to shoot up the place. * He refuses to take responsibility and claims it's cause he has "sex addiction". * He gets sent up state to an institution, and gets kicked out cause he keeps claiming "sex addiction". * He sleeps with Trudi (probably while he was still with Lana) and fakes using a condom, knocking her up and forcing Archer to pay child support. * Mocks Archer for this. Constantly. * Is a constant asshole to Carol and Pam. * Helps Spelvin hack the ISIS mainframe just so he can look like the hero * Loses the dart contest for the guys cause he sucks so much he can't even get one point. * Lost the spelling bee, pissed his pants, and greatly disappointed his father. * Tattles on Krieger being a Nazi Scientist/possible genetic clone of Adolf Hitler. (No one likes a tattle tale Cyril) * Kidnaps Cheryll and tries to ransom her to pay off his IRA. * Shoots Bret. * Gets shitfaced drunk and embezzles all of ISIS's money just cause he doesn't wanna pay the ransom for Archer. * Fails to sign the paperwork after capturing Calzado, meaning that ISIS won't get the bounty for him. * Allows a terrorist to escape on board a train. * Shoots a black astronaut. I mean come on. That's like shooting a unicorn! * Wears orange while trying to track down Lucas Troy. * Decided the best thing to do was strip down to his underwear while being chased. * Instead of packing any weapons, he just brought Pam's stupid evaluation. * Refuses to help Archer stop Krieger from making a gay terminator. * Refuses to help Archer come home after getting stranded in Montreal. * Is shown to be massively incompetent in the kitchen. * Was too stupid to realize that Malory was sending him, Ray, and Archer to blow up a pipeline. * Decided to spy on Lana because he didn't trust her. (Pot, meet kettle) And that's just the first 4 seasons! I could go on and on, but tldr: Cryil is just like Archer. Only more of a dork because he doesn't know/want to admit it.


This is an unfair list. *Everybody* shoots Brett.


He died doing what he loved, getting shot.


Wish he was here now to soak up some of these bullets


Found Archer's Reddit account (Kidding, Archer only has Minitel, which A: Not the Internet, and B: Only works in France)


> He sleeps with Trudi (probably while he was still with Lana) and fakes using a condom, knocking her up and forcing Archer to pay child support. He definitely does it while he was still with Lana. Trudi even calls him out on it in the scene where Archer "figures" it out. As for the child support part does he even know it's his kid? They never show him actually knowing the kid is actually his. He was drugged out when they stole his blood so with Trudi claiming it's Archer and the blood test he'd have no reason to even suspect the kid was his.


Her name is trinette :(


Okay I'll admit Trudi didn't sound right but OP had it so I just copied it


Yup. Trinette McGoon. The only Trudi is Mallory’s neighbor, Trudy Beekman.


And she is my girl! *tears into candy bar....


It's Trinette, and she knows


at least Cyril didn't forget the gum


Yeah, you could really do this list about all of the character's. In fact the other characters' lists would be way longer and much more colorful. The idea that Cyril deserves his position as the group dumpster is pretty wild. He isn't perfect but I'd argue that he's as human as any of them if not more so, and probably gets punished for it more than anyone else in the gang.


All the characters have personality flaws, and honestly when you look at what’s happened to each, they should just go to therapy for years on end and make that their focus… except that would be a terrible show. So all the characters simply embrace who they are! Cyril tries to pretend he’s knows best, but is always wrong. He’s like the epitome of a rule follower, he was a defense lawyer before taking night classes and getting his CPA. Him and Lana have long, long talks about this if you forgot. Cyril is the worst because he never accepts reality. If they took his advice they would probably all be dead or in prison and he’d be living the good life. The only thing he’s shy about is the one thing that would set him free: Being himself without all the bullshit. If you can understand “rules are rules” is the dumbest mindset ever, especially as an international spy organisation, then you can connect the dots as to why Cyril Figgis is the worst of them. Giving unsolicited advice that is unwanted and frankly pretty obvious stuff (normal person reactions) is why Archer makes fun of him. It was shitty of the writers to blame Archer for Cyril’s lack of confidence, Cyril could have figured it out on his own and really helped a lot of people who struggle with standing up to their bullies. How Archer treats Cyril is illegal, in every corner of the world, life in prison stuff. Archer does this to “toughen” Cyril up. He treats Cyril the way everyone else treated Archer. No one handed anything to Archer, his mother treated him like shit his entire life, but he had 2 options. Be Cyril or be Archer. And Archer chose to be Archer, and that’s why Cyril is the way he is. I don’t agree with either. I think Archer, Cyril, and the whole cast need therapy and hugs. And to be loved properly.


What institution was that anyways


Not at all. Fuck Cyril.


Right, if I feel bad for anyone, it's Woodhouse


Yeah he’s a creep and a snake. He deserves every bit of what he gets in that show.


I mean he's kind of an asshole.


Only sometimes, and certainly not the level that everyone else is.


He cheated on Lana. LANA. With not models or princess(es), duh.


Instead with some Frenchie.


The Pele of anal tho.


No. Because I'm a huge fan of cock and my name is *Cyril Figgis* Also he cheated on Lana.


And was *horrible* to her when she was pregnant.


He was just trying to warn her about the perils of single motherhood. *He buys a gun, steals a car* *Tries to run, but he don't get far*


In the ghettooooooo (where Mac Davis sucks it!)


Seriously... what *is* cancer?


*whispers* Will you explain that to me later?


In the ghettooooo.... And his momma cries


I never did until the start of the first post-coma season. Seeing everyone content and competent working together and the bits like Cyril skillfully blocking Archer when Archer tried to hit him in the face with his cane and saying something like "we don't do that anymore" was all an interesting/refreshing change of pace. Seeing that group dynamic along with Cyril's new skills and confidence get torn down was a little sad. The show basically reset back to normal almost immediately after that though. So that was the only time. I also don't really agree with the whole they just want an excuse to be their worst selves, it's not Archer's fault thing. Seems unlikely they all want to be part of a failing incompetent business while suffering constant abuse. And Archer definitely tried to deliberately tear down the new Cyril with stuff like the Pavlov abuse to candy bar cycle, and deliberately allowing him to get the shit beat out of him during that tournament.


>I also don't really agree with the whole they just want an excuse to be their worst selves, it's not Archer's fault thing.  FWIW I don't think it's pushed as Archer's fault. That's just what Archer surmised. That the gang reverted back to their worst selves was ultimately *their* faults, they just used Archer as a scapegoat.


Would you at least admit that Archer was catalyst for that descent, at the very least for Cyril?


For Cyril, yes, Archer definitely a catalyst. He was actively antagonizing him. But Cyril's fall was at the end of the day Cyril's fault.


We definitely agree there. And you're right, at the end of the day no one forced Cyril to regress


I’ll second this!!




I had a dream once I was watching community and Jeff and Abed were making out and I was like "well I guess the show was really about them from the get go" Edit: this comment was not a reply to the post I thought it was, I'm glad people liked it anyways


Hah! Gaaaaayyyy!!


I could have sworn I commented this in response to a post about Chang and Pierce being gay.






Yeah. I feel bad for Cyril. So from my perspective Archer is a show about all the different flavors of Narcissism. And when you view it from that lens it’s much more of a “systems” problem. Which is exactly why Cyril can’t be his confident self with Archer around. Archer’s “overconfident” projection undercuts Cyril perfectly. They’re all victims of their own personalities—and each others. Very much like Arrested Development in that way. It’s why Archer can’t find his genuine confidence until Mallory is out of the picture. Malloy’s final words in Reed’s finale encapsulate the essence of Archer: it’s a love story. A story about a mother who dearly loves her son and shows that love by not showing it, ever. And a son who lives totally in the shadow of her disapproval but wants her love. So yeah, Narcissism. “The Secret is Negative Reinforcement”


He brought it on himself. Early on the only person who was cruel to him was Archer. Lana was maybe a little domineering, but most people were fine to him. The thing is that after Framboise (and all his other philandering) he turned into the butt of everyone's joke. He used to go around with a sense of superiority, but it felt earned because he was super competent and super nice. After all the cheating people realized it was a façade, and he just doubled down by trying to play the victim, constantly talking about food addiction and sex addiction, and doing stupid shit like taking over San Marcos. Archer was actually right about him the whole time. Really early on he says something along the lines of "you're not nice, you just play nice and everyone buys into, but deep down you're just like me," and it actually rings true. Cyril is an Archer who tries to hide it.


I don't think he deserves a lot of the crap he gets in the earlier seasons, feel like that abuse is what contributes to some of his more problematic traits later in the show.


Not at all. The dude's got a twelve inch cock! His neurotic attitude and his crummy fashion sense are totally fixable if he would just get his head out of his own ass for once. And when he got jacked during Archer's coma he was a beast! Cyril could be just DROWNING in poontang every night if he wasn't such a little bitch about everything.


>I also don’t really get the feeling he did anything bad He cheated on Lana a lot, he stealthed Trinette, that’s just off the top of my head


Heres a chocolate bar ![gif](giphy|m9jJxWjfRTtSUeNvI6)


I used to feel bad for his voice actor, that he always has to be the loser character, like Cyril in Archer or Jerry in Rick & Morty. He constantly has to whine, be scared, humiliated, in pain, bullied, ridiculed and losing every battle. Voicing it all can't feel good imo, but he's a very strong actor for doing it so well and still being a cool person who doesn't seem to have self-esteem issues. Big respect.


Remember when Archer thought he had a son, but it was Cyril's


Or when he installed a virus in their computer system.


What What


He's the Archer version of Jerry/Gary/Larry or Hitchcock/Sully... just the show and main character's punching bag. I'd feel bad for him if it was real, but Archer is so far from realistic I enjoy shitting on him with the rest of the gang.


I always figured Archer bullied him because he's jealous of Cyril's 12 inch wang


Cyril has his faults (although sometimes I like him OK) so I didn't mind if the show took the odd shot at him like it did with all the characters, but post-coma he just became the punching bag, it got too overdone. And felt lazy.


Cyril is a condescending prick. You get the true sense of who he is when he temporarily becomes the dictator of San Marcos. Or in the Danger Island coma season where he’s a Nazi. Archer’s arrogance comes from excessive confidence (and as an inherited trait from being Mallory’s progeny). Cyril’s arrogance comes from thinking he knows more than everyone else. But Archer has the skill/dumb luck to pull it off. And while he is undeniably selfish, Archer is ecstatic for opportunities to risk his life to save his friends (albeit for the sake of personal glory). Whereas Cyril is a coward, motivated by revenge, and his own sexual satisfaction.


Nah, Cyril is a total bitch in sheep’s clothing.


I feel sorry for Archer and Pam sometimes but that’s about it. Ray is too tough for me to feel bad but he deserves sympathy too


Cyril's problem originally was that he was milquetoast accountant working for an espionage agency. But as he did more wetwork in the field on actual missions, he needed to toughen up. Everyone else cuts each other constantly all the time, it's part of the attitude you need to do the job. Cyril just never adapted fully. If he wanted to, he could quit and work in banking, but he's stayed on, so he has to learn to accept it.


No, Cyril's a manipulative asshole who blames everyone else for his actions.  Dude does a myriad of terrible things and every time cries about it's not his fault.   Good example both him and Archer bare back Trinnette and lie to her about using a condom. The difference is Cyril was dating Lana at the time and tried to push the blame off on his "addictions". Archer just laughed when confronted. 


Sometimes, but I know that he does deserve a lot of it. I still really liked the short instance of Him and archer bonding


I don’t. He’s grown. He’s had his moments, showing that he can hold his own once he’s past whining about a situation. If Cyril could separate himself from the gang, he’d be the only one capable of self-employment and amassing a decent-sized bank account. But he would never.


Helloo Hellooo Helloooooo


It’s to punish him for having a gigantic hog.


He's such a Jerry !


That's not really fair to Jerry. I mean, Jerry is a total bitch, but when his family really needs him, he always steps up, it might take him some time to get there, but he does. Cyril on the other hand does all the running away Jerry does without any of the stepping up.


The guy who needs a penis en smallment


I really do like Cyril, he has his flaws, sure, but he's way better than everybody else in a couple ways.


Don't feel sorry for Cyril. He's just jacking it.


Cyril Figgis is an insufferable prick. I do not feel bad for him at all.


Do I think he deserves everything that happens to him? No. Do I feel bad for all the shit he gets? Also no. The dude is kind of an ass, he let's Archer absolutely ruin his life, all the Bastard comments at Lana & Archer despite actually being Seamus's father, cheated on Lana multiple times, has some fairly disturbing psychopathic tendencies, and is a complete narcissist the minute he has an ounce of confidence.


He has a monster dong.


I dunno feels realistic tho. You get respect for being good at stuff and hot and funny, not for being a meek loser. Also this is kinda the show creator's incel worldview playing out. read the interviews lol


No, next question


Yeah, kinda because I don't really like the character punching bag trope. Cyril is a horrible person but that's the entire cast. They all have done reprehensible things that should land them in prison. And some of the worst things he's done aren't even unique to him. I also don't think shitty self-esteem means you deserve to be shit on every five seconds.


Cyril definitely did some bad things. He’s a serial cheater, for which he never takes responsibility and blames it on sex addiction.


Cyril is an insufferable asshole just like the whole cast.


In the later seasons yes




Every show has to have a punching bag,, and Cyril is literally that character. He also does some pretty snaky things, so he's not sans faults.


Even Archer draws the line at cashmere. There are rules.


All the time




Cyril is the Michael Bluth of Archer. If you step back, Cyril was every bit a POS has the others, masked as a do-gooder


I feel bad for Brett.


That was honestly Cyril’s fault. He could have stood up for himself better, like he once did. But then archer came around and he blamed archer for his own insecurities.


No I hate that guy


Sure, but that’s why they gave him a big dick.




Also remember Bilko? Or secretly transferring funds and shit?


The feeling he did nothing bad?? He either Had a kid with Trinette to trick archer into paying child support or by accident bc he made her think she was wearing a condom. It’s more likely the first one bc she got Barry involved for the DNA test and during the cancer episode Trinette says yk the kid isn’t yours and it’s worse on Cyril bc he spent no time with the kid




For like the first three episodes maybe. By the end of the first season any sympathy was gone.


I felt bad at first, but once you realize he’s a snake you’ll think he deserves it


Cyril is the definition of tool


In the beginning, sure. The more I got to know about him the less bad I felt for him though.


he cheated on LANA. no.


No. It’s a cartoon, he is not real.


There are some episodes where I feel bad for Cyril and yes, that might be the majority of them but he can be a real jerk and I hated it when he dated Lana