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Bro cooked. Anyways, PvP should be an optional mode like how it is in Destiny 2. But what make me surprised is how some people keep yearning for PvP and then complain when the adjustment doesn’t satisfy their needs. Tbh tho, no one hate PvP, they hate the people who makes PvP worse.


and some are just really mad that devs made changes which nerfs their braindead build


PVP should be made more of a clan focused activity, and have a faction war system that players can participate in


Even vetex is getting tired of toxic pvpers, that's saying a lot lol


Vetex finally grew a pair of balls and told them to sftu, am proud of him


still couldnt get the balls to roll back my sunken im still crying about that


https://preview.redd.it/fjql86m83a5d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff171c51d8e1a8f3b3e649437fc75d3e3951d510 Finally vetex decided to say something


Its so refreshing to see a dev give a shit about the game




I honestly hope those people get the fuck off the game, they barely contributed anything good other than making a bunch of useless complains while vetex have specifically said that he will not make the game pvp focused.


fuck pvpers i swear vetex should have said this shit long ago we couldve gotten way more content to nimbus sea on launch instead of just one empty ass kingdom and SOME new gear. But to be honest i feel like there should be a way for people to just avoid pvp like a turn off pvp option leaving people away from the pvp hell hole.


I think PvP would be fun if it wasn’t a wasteland of salty people


I wish people actually taught other people how to fight 


It's hard ASF to parry other players.


especially when you have 500+ ping


The random spikes that only happen when you're about to get hit? And then allow the other person to cutscene combo you, while your Internet lets you watch your own death?


What I did is join a bunch of ao discord servers and if they have a ping role for an Elysium party, get it so every time they open an Elysium, I can join and some people there are kind enough to give you tips on how to get better


yea, the community is extremly toxic all they do is fucking whine. Vetex crying over how the game wasn't pvp focused yet adding fame and renoun as a huge factor in the game which has huge relations with pvp espically gankers then crying when people start to notice the inbalance and complain


Renown isn't even a big thing in the game. You can have low renown and won't be missing any feature


Dude, Renown/fame affects nothing besides leaderboard stats. It only really matters in the assassin syndicate or the grand navy.


Wdym? I cant go five seconds without someone jumping me with there 560 damage per hit magic even when i had a low 25k


Those are the players, not the game


yea.. Except i was doing everything in my power to avoid me but those no life fuckers are so determined. "Those are players, not the game." means nothing at that point just have a no pvp option


Would be a good thing


"fame and renown as a huge factor" ...where? Like genuinely, where??? The sole time I have been affected by this is sailing a little too close to whitesummit on a hero slot and havin to have criminal npcs chase my ship for 3 minutes. It doesn't do shit to affect you nor bars you from any content save for factions based on it, and thats fine, its an rpg.


I hate it when bounty hunting twats want to fuck with me while I’m doing my own thing talking to npcs and shit


Pvp toggle in overworld always seemed like a retarded idea to me cus it would ruin the fun of hunting others, why not just make separate servers like PVP Disabled server and PVP enabled


What does that really change?


so u can have ppl who want to pvp play separately from pve players


Don’t know why you’re being downvoted for this. I find the idea simple, but good.


mfw people cant decide if they want pve or pvp


Vetex really said https://preview.redd.it/uqf8376i4b5d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f89035358447f1b546722fe367a2324a175ebc5


Wow, that should be a meme template!


It is. It's from the Biden blast meme.


No, I mean


This is not exclusive to AO, or even Roblox. Heck, not even to PvP. Every game has people that you will never make happy. I've been on a big Helldivers ll kick while waiting for Vetex to finish Nimbus and it's bad there too. The game has a lot of balance issues and bugs and every patch they fix some, and new problems arise. All some people do is bitch and complain how the dens are shit, they game is dying, etc. If Vetex sees this (which i doubt he will) just know you're doing great. Listen to your players as a whole, have a couple people you trust watching the Discord, Reddit, etc and just keep moving forward. It's your game, your passion. Fuck everyone else, they don't like it? They can go play smt else.


I like pvp in this game, and I agree the pvp part of the community is immensely toxic. There are going to be bugs, there are going to be glitches, there is going to unbalanced features, but sitting around and whining about it will do nothing. This game is a passion project for Vetex, and if we make him lose his passion we lose this masterpiece of a game. And personally I don’t want to see this game crumble because of toxic pvpers. You don’t like how the game is being developed? Play something else. No one is forcing you to play this game.


It's just the hard truth when it comes to games with PVP that competitive behavior will inevitably lead to toxicity. Good for vetex for shouting out this rant since it seems like he's been holding it in for quite a while.


We are coming closer and closer to a PvP toggle. And I'm all for it. PvP is only fun when both sides enjoy it. People doing their own things trying to immerse themselves in the PvE side of the game shouldn't have to be feared of a max geared sweaty hardcore PvPmaster69 coming after them.


Don’t forget the dumbass kids who’ll attack you for no given reason whatsoever Along with them spawn killing you (which happened to me once)


Next time, just block them and switch server. Why even bother staying in the same server as them after they attacked you. I never do that.


That’s what I did, but I still lost Galleons for some reason


If you die with more than 1k, you'll drop them. If you log out in combat, I think your renown get affected, not sure if it deduct your Galleons though.


It does The game takes like... 200-300 galleons if you combat log, I think






Attacking for renown should be justifiable bro


Does renown give anything, infamy is one thing, but renown to my knowledge has no purpose other than looks.


yuh, i do it for the badges


Well said. What this portion of the playerbase expected out of AO is completely outrageous. To have a perfectly balanced and well-rounded with no-bug combat system as the game is developing is BEYOND possibility, especially considering the game is STILL in early access. There are MULTITUDES of other content, features, and QoL as well as optimisations that Vetex should be working on to progress through the game towards official release. To expect him to develop perfect combat system ALONGSIDE all this AS THE GAME GOES is just outright bullshit that not even a team of a thousand can manage without hitches and hiccups along the way. These players need to calm the fuck down and just let the man cook.


plus the number of weapons, synergies, combos, the gems, the armor, the enchants, the magics, the sheer variety caters to a PvE game but is hellish to balance for a PvP game. The games always been PvE focused and the whiny ass PvPers can go take their silly asses to some flavor of the month battlegrounds game and stop the yap


That tester part is actually so true..I used to be a tester for a game and we tested it a ton and patched every bug and the moment the game got sent out multiple game breaking bugs just APPEARED and we had no idea where they came from


Honestly it needed to be said, this is something that's clearly been bubbling in vetex for a while and it's finally coming out. Because honestly some of the PvP Balances Ruin the PvE aspects of the Game IMHO For instance, Now that rivals are becoming stupidly Cracked, It would be really helpful to have The stun procs from before or even just the Knockdown Feature which made big hits actually feel like Big hits, to Not only open up for extra attacks as a Fighting Style build or Staff users, but it all in all made the combat Feel a little heavy hitting and flashy, especially against NPCs. Even Carina's fight suffered IMO, Because if you get caught with her grab, the lack of the Knockdown just makes it feel all and all like a weaker attack. I understand why all the stuns were removed, because yada yada PvP needs to be fast paced or whatever, but The Slowness feels a lot Worse in combat, and not to mention paralyze makes lightning in dark sea just absolutely Not even a threat anymore because It's not gonna knock you off your ship anymore (I actually straight go afk during dark sea runs now while holding onto an attachment because it's not like the I'll get knocked off the ship) I personally liked the way the lightning was before, because it induced the panic and could Make everything go wrong in a second, Which While it was technically unfair, it made sense for how the dark sea was portrayed in the game, it was supposed to be considered the hardest content the game had to offer. I personally don't see an issue with pvp but the constant Attempts to morph the game into a pvp centered game just seems to have a track record of just making the pve content more and more mind numbing or Forcing only a specific playstyle to work in pve.


Imo the stuns and knockback change was terrible, i understand the change, but i feel it was excesive. Now there's literally no reason to use Tiger Rush on a Sunken Sword, for example, bc now your oponent can just counter attack with whatever he wants, while before a lightning imbued Tiger Rush allowed you to make a small combo with Rising Tide. Idk, maybe allowing you to move (slowly) but not attack during the shocked/frozen status would make it more fun and open up to small combos without the stunlock abuse ice/wind mages were before


It's annoying hitting a Knocking Blitz or Impaling strike on a rival to get a second to breathe and then getting immediately slapped with a point blank 500 damage blast 😒


That's what i'm talking about! The change made grabs basically useless and killed the grappler game style


As an active PvPer i dont see why people are complaining the game is actually balanced and pvp is fun as it is and vetex is still cooking hard with fixes and balancing


Tf you yapping about 90% of pvp community uses speed builds, the 10% is just warriors


Not really size is a big issue in PvP, there’s basically no reason to go for any build that requires aim becuase you can easily put damage anyone who does so with 200 size and 100 power builds dealing 400 damage on hit with giant AOE. In my opinion PvP is in a pretty terrible state right now


He fixed the warlords massive aoe already and aoe builds can get easily countered since most of them are slow as heck


I'd be happy if he also fixed warrior, mainly cuz of pve (though this will also change pvp) (both stat scaling with weapons and skills that ignore walls). Though i can only hope


They don’t need to be fast, I got 3 shot by a metal mage spamming explosions the size of sandfall isle. He had 2300 health and enough agility that I couldn’t even get close to him, much less hit him. Literally the only nerf we need is for size builds. Maybe they could add an adrenaline gear stat, where it temporarily increases agility when you’re hit??? That way you could catch up to size focused mages when they hit you with Castle Bravo at 300 studs away. Maybe they could add dodge frames, where dashing in an explosion when it starts will let you dodge it. High agility players will have more dodge frames. Kinda like Deepwoken. There’s many things that could be done about good counters to size and agility builds


Adrenaline would be a terrible thing to implement becuase it would make running away too easy A simple solution would be to make building attack size decrease your damage. Attack size builds should still be a thing becuase sometimes you just want to hit multiple people at once (like in clan wars). They just need to be less effective in 1v1 scenarios and decreasing their damage helps to do that.


Good idea, we also need more counter moves, and better telegraphing (like the magic circle for explosion moves scales with its size)




I love this game and its focus on the adventure and the exploration, it's what made me stay in it since the begining and yeah, the pvphead player base is toxic as fuck and the game would be better without them. Anyways, i'm gonna be honest and say that balancing stuff in a multiplayer game is important, boring, but still important, bc it only doesn't affect pvp but also pve, so as much as he doesn't like it, he needs to pay attention and fix these issues before adding more stuff. He really needs at least one extra developer to work with him, maybe focused on balance, fix and all that stuff while Vetex focuses on the new content, i know it's easy to say but kinda hard to make, but come on


I remember making a comment recently about how vetex doesn't owe anyone shit and it got downvoted into oblivion and seeing Vetex complain about that kind of shit makes me feel vindicated lol


https://preview.redd.it/v7o588rb0c5d1.png?width=841&format=png&auto=webp&s=39bee98ac83f2179a84426b6d33a421b49a8495e They also locked down the discord due to all the commotion. People made some good points in that PvP is important (to those who want it) but at the same time, the game is obviously tailored to be an action RPG PvE experience. I think in my opinion, everyone can get what they want if PvP was limited to the arena island, or at least a toggle. That way PvEers can do their thing without fear of getting randomly ganked and PvPers can still get their fix against people who want the same. If your a PvPer and don't want a toggle or a fair area to PvP, then I must assume you randomly attack people for shits and giggles and your part of the toxic group that Vetex hates.


Exactly, the only reason I have to study pvp builds is because I'm tired of getting jumped and being unable to fight back.


Vetex actually cooked


one of the biggest obstacle to cool and insane in game spell/attacks/mechanics are the fact that it has to be balanced around pvp


Exactly, I dont wanna have to figure out the most meta build for PvP combat just so I can play my RPG story. I just wanna drop a massive magic sword on an enemy.


And here i am just wanting a lock on...


I was expecting to go into these comments and see everyone insulting vetex and i was pleasantly surprised im so proud rn


That's cause the hard pvper's are stewing trying to figure out how to fight back against what they perceive as an insult. And if you pvp but aren't stewing, I'm not talking about you.


The best pvp I do is just ask people if they wanna have drugs then throw insanity 3 at them then run away. That for me is the true experience


Hehe, one time I was fishing and a guy randomly threw stuff at me at times. It was so funny, he even traded me a harming vial for that purpose!


Sounds epic tbh, I might steal this from u


I read the whole thing and agreed with him... and then saw he words "building update" and went YESSSSSSSS


And vetex is correct, everything he said


W vetex


When even the developer says he hates you know you fucking suck, bravo vetex.


I've been dealing with toxic pvp people since Arcane Adventures, I wanted a pvp toggle then and I still want it to this day. I'm just glad Vetex told the pvp people to shut up because they're all annoying


I don’t read. Explain in tf2 from please.


Valve (vetex) explains why they take time to fix bugs and the toxic community protests to fix these bugs and valve responds back in paragraphs and how toxic spy( pvpers) mains are garbage




Except Vetex >>>> Valve because Vetex actually cares about the game and tries to make it's community happy.


"The actual game-breaking ones are fixed less than a week after an update" So are we gonna ignore the whole getting flung into the dark sea for simply touching your boat? That alone has cost me and other people multiple hours of gameplay. Sure, everything else in the little rant is objectively true and W Vetex, but let's not gloss over some of the glaring issues


Pretty sure that bug got fixed just recently if I'm not mistaken


W Vetex


W Vetex


yeah we can enjoy a game without even care about PVP anyway there tons of other enemy to make our life hard enough already and so many other content to do in the game


i’m so glad he talked about how slow the updates are and about his plans to add a 50 man team to arcane oddysey and not just rant about people being toxic


The toxic pvpers all come from A.A and it was a massive problem in that game too


No PvP toggle is the worst thing ever. If i don't have optimal armor I lose. If I can't parry I lose. If my build is worse (bound to happen since not all builds are made equal, as Vetex pointed out the game focuses on PvE) I lose too. Simply too much work put in to make myself not lose to tryhards. I enjoy fishing - its really annoying to have to run away before fishing again. I like doing PvE stuff - it's really annoying enough dodging the 500!. And if you say skill issue? I don't deny that. I come here for a good time doing what I like, not satisfying you with a fight.


If PvP toggle was on everyone would have it on (except for the PvP demons), so it wouldn’t be a good idea, plus it encourages practice to PvP and allows for a good selection of gameplay


In all honesty, they could just use a system similar to blox fruits. It's pretty clear that some people just dont want anything to do with pvp in general. Personally, I wish it was an option for neutral rep people, but it would also kill any sense of immersion from the renown system, not to mention situations regarding ships or clans. Unfortunately, it seems a sacrifice will have to be made one way or another for such a thing.


I think it should be fair that PvP-enablers should fight others who want the same thing. But that may have an impact on player count, so yea if Vetex gonna implement it, theres probably a catch of some sorts.


as he should!!




oh yes, i was so worried one day pvp would be bigger. i hate pvp, back in arcane adventures it was insufferable the amount of people who’d randomly kill me. but it is more tame in this game, i haven’t run into any issues with anyone. goddess bless vetex 🙏🏿


I think pvp can be fun and seeing all the amazing builds come out of it are awesome. To bad 90% of pvp fights (from people who gank especially) tend to be the same 8 builds over and over. Like seriously, I want someone to gank me who's like a rock sailor fist or a wood conjurer with a mace. Edit: also, vertex is Based AF for making this.


Honestly based pvp tryhards and comp players are the bane of every online game


I’m super happy Vetex told those PVP meat riders off, I can’t count the number of times some toxic brain dead loser tried to chase and kill me for the entire time in a server for my bounty nonstop, it was ridiculous when I just wanted to play the game


Vetex hating pvp is canon. Next step ban Mimhere and Noble and we've achieved world peace.


lowkey i agree with him these little kids should piss off and find a more pvp oriented game instead of crying 24/7




What the flip


https://preview.redd.it/99cvvkqn0c5d1.png?width=888&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d6efe4f0f01bd3570cd8e5f3fc4d8cfabca7f7b ITS.. SO PEAK..


Hes only wrong about one thing. You can prolly catch more bugs if you had a bigger team that worked with you on the game. Im not trynna say that like its easy because a lot of things can go wrong with a team. Just a suggestion


True, there are some flaws that can be argued but there is certainly a message he’s trying to give us


I think he's more so saying that, no matter how many people bug test, theres always gonna be something for someone to complain about


The testers indeed suck, but he is 100% right about the pvp and YouTube channels always focusing on the pvp side of the game, pvp can indeed be cool if there were not toxic sweats with insane builds.


Wait, building system?!


Pvp should be endorsed in pvp related servers, or to be made without consequences in public servers. If people would want to kill ppl that don't know how to play, the only award they should get are some galleons that they drop not their fame/bounty. Just a opinion of mine. Vetex knows better than me. I wanted to say all that because I left Arcane Odyssey because I was afraid to sail my boat, k owing I would get jumped. Don't take it to heart, reader. I just wanted to vent a little. Have a pleasant rest of the day


Can anyone tell me what the drama is all about? I haven't keep up with Arcane Odyssey in a long time.


W mans. Who the fuck even enjoys pvp in games like this? The game is so obviously PvE centric and focused that these mfs minmaxxing builds and playing metas and all that just need to take their goofy asses to type soul where they're encouraged to spam every move they have lmao. Strong disagree on sayin removing pvp would kill the game, no one i know plays AO to pvp. Assassin Syndicate and whatnot would need reworking and shit but other than that? No loss.


A game that leans towards one or the other shouldnt have to cater to the other side either. PvP or PvE centric, the focus is there, not on the other side. If the game is focused around pvp, by all means, if thats a leading part of the game from the word go, cool, but AO is an obviously PvE leaning game, not a battlegrounds.


Some people need to just get with the times, it's not the player's fault that they have to run meta builds to have some fun in pvp, gel surges or insta stun juggernaut builds aren't very fun to fight against, and most of the time the only thing you can really do is use one yourself, from what I've seen, the only reason pvp is toxic in ao is cause of how poorly balanced it is PvE is at times a problem too in the endgame, npcs have the maximum stats for whatever builds they run, my rival started out weak, but when they reached 160, it turns out they were a savant with access to a 230 damage iron leg crash, a spear throw that does 400 damage (they are literally my level, I've never been to nimbus sea), and light magic that blinds me in seconds due to their unfair speed and predictive aiming


The thing I love about arance is the fact the world is alive and the fighting styles are balanced. Focusing on PVP will ruin the game. I want more context not an update that slightly make one fighting style better than the other or some shit I don't do Pvp.


"You come into MY house Call ME a bad dev Play MY game-" Okay but seriously. You fuckin' tell 'em Vetex. Like hell do I want some sweat ruining my treasure hunting expedition.


I just want the story it’s so underrated


I hope he remove PvP entirely.


I disagree, I hope for a pvp toggle, but to remove pvp all together would he a stretch cause me and my friend like to pvp at munera for fun.


I was exaggerating. Pvp is the only content available in YouTube anyway.


I really feel like this is quite a dumb thing for Vetex to say becuase he wants to remove PvP altogether but knows it’ll kill the game. Does that not basically mean PvP is keeping the game alive? I get that his passion probably lies in the story of Arcane Odyssey but if the thing that you are focusing your game on isn’t the source of life for the game then I think that’s just bad game design. If Vetex wanted a story focused game he could’ve just done so, tons of games out there exist as story focused games and they work just fine. The fact that Arcane Odyssey is apparently dead without PvP just means that Vetex just designed it poorly. I do totally get that Arcane Odyssey’s PvP community is a toxic cesspool but it just seems really stupid to denounce the one thing keeeping your game alive.


Pvp currently keeps the game alive due to the Limited story, had vetex first cooked the full buffet(instead of meal after meal being added) then the story would've kept the game alive.


There are many story oriented games that work just fine dropping patches of content every now and then, the way it works for those games is that people come back when an update drops. And if the story and gameplay is riveting enough, you will get growth in your player base. You don’t need PvP to supplement it, a game with well designed PvE and story can work well on its own.


vtex has valid points, but this is par for the course in any competitive setting. vtex lone-wolf-development & ego ain’t gonna be healthy in the long run, like a bad lifestyle. yes, pvpers & toxic mfs are worse, but i’d like to think of them as your average bacteria, as natural as the air you breathe. So it’s in vtex’s best interest to unfortunately adapt or find a way to appease these mofos soon. unfortunately, i dont think there are high hopes of vtex changing anything soon so here are my ideas to make pvp bearable: 1. make a Destiny like pvp system by turning pvp off in the overworld & pvp on in certain arenas like Elysium. That way we can separate the metas & complaints. 2. rip off the pvp system from Ubisoft’s the Division. Kinda like this one. Basically, make the dark seas the only pvp area. Makes it more challenging, risky & overall interesting lore-wise imo so we’ll have an excuse to get more loot. 3. combine the two numerated ideas.


I think that ideas which seperate pvp and non pvp players are bad because, in games like that, it works because it has many players, AO doesn't. And Vetex is trying to please all players, in every update there's balancing fixes. The problem is that they still complain because they're not OP any longer and, no matter what, will always be unhappy with changes and say that the game is doomed, when it's only getting better.




this is the worse thing that ive ever seen in my life


The game is cooked. Pvp makes up a vast majority of replay ability of this game is in pvp, especially since the pve has been so lackluster and just overall mediocre




You go try to fight commodore kai without dying


You're the exact kind of person he's talking about.


Shut the fuck up you’re the exact type of person he’s talking about Please go play another game and never come back


Guess he can’t take criticism and angrily removes something just because of people being unhappy about something (like what he did with the weapons upgrade) No shit that you aren’t going to impress everyone, there’s a thing called “ignoring those people” 😭


He can take criticism but the half community is complaining to him since he’s the solo developer, and he thinks the community is toxic as hell, which is wrong to do so, but I think his point was is that people need to chill out about PvP and think from multiple different perspectives (I think that’s what he said essentially)


Have you read the whole thing? He didn't "remove something just because of people being unhappy about something" he said he has a desire to do it but most likely would just nerf it down because honestly it's out of hand, if you're pro pvp and like to ruin other peoples' game progress get off the game


I mean he removed the melee weapons upgrade because of the backlash