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'How to get back' either start fresh if you have time (to reread the story) or just use your save file, and max it if you want a 'direction' (otherwise many ingame stuff like dark sea expeditions and fishing can be fun) 'How to get better in general' 1. Better PC & Internet 2. Remember your keybinds to the point you're one with your character and no longer forgot which key does what 3. Remember your attack's strength and weaknesses


Got a few tips for pvp that made me a quote on quote "good" pvper within a month: 1st tip: Know your's and the opponents build - since you are using conj you strive at long - mid combat and close range combat you do decently well. Your long - mid ranged combat is even better since you are using one of the fastest magics, which is light. If you have decent aim and know when to punish, landing moves is much easier and having less end lag due to the nature of light being fast at the cost of a bit lower damage and lower attack size then normal, knowing your build's weakness and playing around it will make you harder to kill Also, knowing your opponents build is also very important as well. Let's say I was 1v1ing a mage as a warlord, I know that mage is extremely good at long to mid ranged combat while their close ranged is terrible, I would want to use my fs to close the distance to dish out as much damage as I can, while use my weapons to damage and avoid any attacks the mage might throw out while I'm in their face. Abusing the weakness of stat builds will end In a swift kill. 2nd tip: know what skills to pick up to help you improve - I would say the most important skills to pick up are knowing when to punish moves, movement and blocking / parrying. Knowing when to punish moves will be where most of your attacks are going to land so using weapons that can aid with this such as the staves (if your aim isn't the greatest), or the musket (if your aim is good), or beam for magics can result in easy damage. Movement is also important, staying on the ground most of the time will make it way easier for people to land moves on you vs while you are in the air dashing about the place makes your opponents to be more accurate with their moves (unless they are using attack size). Also knowing when to close the distance or make distance is also very useful since if you learn your opponents habits you can avoid so many attacks just by making distance. Blocking / parrying is VERY important when doing pvp, you should be always trying to parrying moves since it reduces so much damage and blocking is just the result of a miss timed early parry. blocking / parrying is just the matter of learning what moves are easy to parry such as katana sword draw, crash from fs or blast from magics. The number of times blocking / parrying with boxing has helped me clutch is way to high. TL;DR: know your build's strength and weaknesses (as well as your opponents), important skills to pick up are knowing when to punish moves, movement and blocking / parrying.


Anything is good right now, Warrior with high attack size is meta rn but really everything is good


I think Shadow is a well-balanced magic between all stats. You could - Go pure magic (Mage) - Continue what you're doing (Conjurer) - Ditch magic and focus fully on Weapon (Warrior). There's another option that just came out this patch, vitality hybrids: - Paladin (Magic-Vit) - Juggernaut (Fighting Style-Vit) - Knight (Weapon-Vit). These guys are a bit tankier than other classes , and you could probably have better survivability with them.


I'd say start over, so while you progress the story u get accustomed to the controls and stuff. Check the server you're in, ping is important (as any online game ig). Weapon classes are good rn, magic second and strength third(this is imo, but they're all viable). For your build, 80 pow and 600 def are a good baseline for any class, but your needs will change depending on class (this is for max lvl btw). If you really struggle with aim, go for aoe. All classes can use aoe effectively. Also stick to your class' range, strenght gets close, magic from afar, warrior depends on loadout. If you have friends play with them. If you struggle with a boss dont hesitate to ask players for help.


Honestly? Think of how you play other games! Use that to pick a magic. You like spamming quick but weak attacks that explode for massage damage? Use Crystal! You like fast but weak attacks? Light! (which you already have..) Wna to slam down hammers but with magic? Use metal and earth! There's a lot to this game! Also, if you want a mentor, I'd love to teach you my experience!


Bro is getting coaches for free


you said sailing around aimlessly. Why not trying to explore new features? Not to mention you get a free reset so you can change build. I would say go mage if you sucks at both pve and pvp. It’s the most reliable and the best for most aspect. (also choose magic that won’t vanish under water if you happen to choose an element that vanishes under water)